OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, August 30, 2006 43 QEW/ Winston Churchill. Luxury 4-bedroom home, new upgrades. Close to all amenities. Available immediately. 905-829-3997 BURLOAK SHORES 2-Bdrm~4 Appl. Lake front property at 2-BEDROOM cottage available Labour Day weekend, fully equipped, many extras. On Magnetewan River, north of Huntsville. 705-382-3229; jmachesney@surenet.net PA R T- T I M E N a n n y r e quired for 2.5 y.o., Tues +Thurs days, additional hours available on occasion. Light housework. S.E. Oakville. 905-3373122 PA R T - T I M E n a n n y r e quired for 3 children in Millcroft area Burlington, police check and CPR a must contact Tanya: 905-3326168. WE are looking for an experienced and caring nanny for our 2 boys, 3.5 & 1.5 years old, on a part-time basis, mornings, 20-25 hours/week, starting October. References required. 905-257-2486 after 6pm HEADON Forest~ Wanted in-home daycare for 4 children, ages 8-10. After school/ some evenings. 905-319-6370 WE require a caregiver for our two children in our Oakville home on Mondays, Wednesdays and possibly Fridays, beginn i n g i m m e d i a t e l y. 9 0 5 339-3915 or csteven1@cogeco.ca A1 Beds! New Orthopedic s e t s , 2 0 - y e a r Wa r r a n t y, Double $240.; Queen $260. Pillowtop Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Waterbed parts. Delivery Available. 905-847-2020; 905-563-6903 AIR hockey table- excellent condition. $150. Call 905-639-4694 ANTIQUE Buffet and hutch, Dark cherry. Good condition. Best offer. 905339-0030. ANTIQUE walnut diningroom table w/leaf, 6-chairs, buffet, china cabinet, circa 1928, excellent condition. $1,500 obo. Must sell. 905-331-7372. BACK to school clothes! Timberland boots, Dada shoes, Phat Farm t's, Rocawear T's, basketball jerseys and matching hats. 905-829-8280. BAKERS rack, $50. Call 905-315-2581. BBQ Weber, nearly new, black, Genesis Silver Series, cast iron grates, natural gas hook-up, paid $750 asking $300, obo. 905632-8668. BEAUTIFUL antique sofa and chair, walnut trim, A-1 condition beautifully built, strapped and springs, must see to appreciate, 905-257-7353 BEAUTIFUL Henery boy/ girl under umbrella fountain $500. Canoe with paddles $400. Windsurfer complete $300. 905-6904753 BED Quilt, hand made, Queen $500; Jewellery; Royal Doulton Doll in box $150. 289-280-2000 BED, amazing bargain, queen orthopedic pillow top set, new in plastic warr a n t y. $ 2 5 0 . 9 0 5 - 5 6 7 4042 BEDROOM set, Andrew Malcolm, 6-pces., solid wood, Queen headboard, good condition, $800 obo. Call 905-639-2705. BEDROOM set, cherry wood. Bed, chest, d r e s s e r, m i r r o r, 2 n i g h t stands. Dovetail construction. Never opened. Cost $8000. Sacrifice $1900. 905-567-4042 COUCH and chair- and- ahalf. Must see, sandy/ taupe. Lazy Boy, non-reclining. Couch $300, chair $200, OBO. Call 905-8255823. CREAM Sofa and Loveseat like new. TV Cabinet (27"), Call 905-635-4677 or email: kvjack son1@hotmail.com DININGROOM set, 9-pces. 2-tone solid wood, table w/leafs, hutch w/light, excellent condition, $1200 obo. 905-336-1252. DININGROOM suite, 1920's including table, 6 c h a i r s a n d b u ff e t , g o o d condition, $900 obo. 905469-6069. DININGROOM suite, 4light beige upholstered chairs, table complete w/extension. Lighted hutch, $200 obo. 905-3362857. DININGROOM table w/leafs, 4 chairs, cherrywood, paid $2400, asking $1000; dishwasher $150; computer desk $30. 905592-9394. DININGROOM table w/leafs. 8 chairs, hutch w/light/ glass doors, china cabinet, excellent conditon, $1200. 905-849-6256. DRESSER w / m i r r o r, 9 - d r a w e r, n i g h t t a b l e , $100/all; waterbed frame, Queen-size mattress, $200; 3-wall units $100/all. 905-336-5506. DRYER- Large capacity & F r o n t l o a d w a s h e r. 6 years old. Dryer $300. Washer- best offer. 905465-1633 LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, loveseat and c h a i r. N e w, i n p l a s t i c . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. L O V E S E AT, d a r k g r e e n l e a t h e r, m i n t c o n d i t i o n , $300. Call 905-469-3204. MAN'S mountain bike, Shimano gears, rock shocks, rarely used, $250; Boy's 16" mountain bike ridden one summer $50; Boy's 14" mountain bike, ridden one summer $50. 905815-0002. MAPLE Stools (4) $160.; Solid Oak Armoire $300.; Girls White Bookcase/ desk, single bed, queen bed, night stand $600.OBO. 905-339-2583. ***OAKVILLE Executive Townhouse: 2 large bedrooms Tranquil Glen Abbey Ravine setting, close t o Q E W, s h o p p i n g , g o l f course. Stainless steel appliances, granite, 2nd floor laundry, hardwood floors, parking. Unfurnished $2600/mo or Semi-furniture $2800/mo. 416-4646947 A R a r e 1 F l o o r To w n house, w/Solarium, 1-bedroom w/skylight, parking. New Hardwood, paint, 5 appliances. The Brownstones- Mapleview/ Fairview $950/mo. +utils. 905481-4346 BRAND new. 3-bedroom w/appliances, garage, Dundas/ Bronte, $1300/mo. +utilities. Immed i a t e . N o n - s m o k e r. N o pets preferred. 416-8796910. BRONTE Village, Oakville. $1525/mo. Split level To w n h o m e . Ve r y n e a r Lake and Harbour. 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, raised dining room, den, patio walkout to large deck, 4 appliances, A/C, garage. Possession September 1. Call Carman Munro 905847-5677. BURLINGTON Spacious 1&2 bedrooms. Across from Sobey's Power Centre, easy access to highways. From $625/mo. +utilities. 905-336-9842. BURLINGTON, Walkers/ Mainway. 3-bedroom freehold end unit, 3.5 bathrooms, 6 appliances, hardwood, finished basement, garage, fenced private yard. Available immediatel y. $ 1 2 7 5 / m o . + u t i l i t i e s . 905-467-6427. BURLINGTON. Immaculate executive 3-bedrooms, 5 appliances, fireplace, A/C, garage, ceramics, ensuite, fenced. Near GO/ lake/ shopping/ schools/ Q E W. $1450/mo. +utilities. Oct.1st. 905466-6305. BURLINGTON~ Large 3 bedroom, September 1st. www.rentaltownhouses.ca 905-681-0070 EAST Burlington, 3-bedroom condo, 1.5 bath, recroom, garage $1095/mo.; Appleby Mall~ 2-bedroom condo, rec-room, cable included. $1020/mo.; Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor,905-632-5690 GLEN Abbey area. Luxury 3-bdrm. 2.5 bath, single garage, approx. 1800 sq.ft. end-unit. 905-827-7126. or 905-827-3496. INCREDIBLY new luxury 3-bedroom townhouse, gourmet kitchen, living room, dining room, walkout basement, 5-appliances included, A/C, non-smokers/ no pets preferred. $1500/mo, Sept. 5th. Oakville. 905-464-6227. LARGE 2 bdrm, very large 3 bdrms- Immediate/ August/ September 1st. Appl., hardwood, fireplaces. Peachtree Residential Properties. Burlington 905-681-0070 www.rentaltownhouses.ca NORTH Burlington- 1 bedroom townhouse maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. from $750/mo. +utilities. November 1st. 905-3199104. OAKVILLE Bronte Townhouse for rent. 3-bedroom, 4 appliances, 2mins to lake. Available Oct.1. $1300/mo +utilities. 905827-8983. OAKVILLE North. 3-bedroom semi 2.5 baths. Ravine lot. Finished basement w/bedroom/ bath. $1550/mo. 416-995-5874 www.home. mycybernet.net/~nmemon OAKVILLE northwest. 3bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms, fully fenced lot, quiet street, $1600/mo. Available Sept.1st. 905334-3357. Reasonable Rent 5370 Lakeshore Rd., SINGLE horse wagon$600, Mason & Risch console upright piano- $1100, model 1902 oval cookstove $1800, 1909 Queen Cook $500. 1940 bedroom set 6 pcs. 3 Euro Va p o u r s t e a m c l e a n i n g system $600 each. 905464-8235 S O FA , A r m c h a i r, L o v e seat, Hunter Green. Faux Suede. MagiSeal protection. $700/set, O.B.O. 905633-8629 SOFA, loveseat & couch, d/r and breakfast table w/ chairs. Offers. 905-6308592. SOFA, loveseat, matching tables, $400; French doors, $25/ea; solid oak kitchen table, 6-chairs, $500/set. 905-849-8555. STACKABLE and portable washer/ dryer w/stand. Perfect for apartment living or cottage $750.obo. Call 905-257-1564 STOVE- G.E., self cleaning, white, like new, $350. 905-469-8567 SWIMMING pool, above ground 12'x24' oval, pump, sand filter, gas heater, accessories, currently in operation. 905-847-2488. TORONTO Raptor License. Excellent platinum seats, plus season tickets. Will buy back some tickets if required. Regular license price is $20,000, plus ticke t s , o p e n t o b e s t o f f e r. 905-847-3168 UNIFORMS: Holy Trinity boys pants (size 34), large long sleeve shirt, V-neck pullover, 2 small girl's short sleeve blouses. 905-2571581. UPRIGHT Baldwin piano, only 34', high, a choir masters delight! $500. 9054654405. USED Queenston stone. 110 square feet. 905-6327702 Burlington 905-681-0259 GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane, Burl PORTS Cruising Guides is expanding the dealer network for Trent-Severn Waterway & Lake Simcoe cruising guide (new edition May 2006); Lake Ontario & Thousand Islands; Georgian Bay, the North Channel & Lake Huron. Interested dealers/ retailers call 416-691-0488; email orders@portsbooks.com. Immaculate 2 & 3 bedrooms with full basements! Utilities included BABYSITTER required Tues. & Thurs. evenings, 5:30-9pm, 3 & 8-yr. olds Palmer, Burlington. Prefer w/car. 905-332-9545 Tel: 905-592-9168 www.realstar.ca A Park Like Setting 2 Bdrm Townhouses Avail October. Great Staff! Close to shopping & QEW 1420 Tyandaga Pk Drive. G N T To u r s P r e s e n t s A Night Hawk to NYC- Shopping/ Sightseeing September 15,16,17, Departs Burlington 8:30pm Friday, returning Sunday am. Ride on a luxury motor coach to and from NYC Book Now! Deposit Required Price per Person $100.00 call: 905388-8075 MOTHER'S helper required. Downtown Oakville. 2 girls, 6&3 years old, 1 day/wk. (Mon. or Wed.) References required. 905849-5778 MOTHERS helper needed for 6 weeks starting Sept. 18. Part-Time/ Full-time, flexible hours. 905-4694892 or 905-849-2421 PRIVATE ESL instruction, qualified experienced deg r e e t e a c h e r, 3 0 y e a r s ESL and Toefo. 905-6318762 for interview and appointment. MATTRESSES++++ New Orthopedic Double $235, Orthopedic Queen $255., King $455. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Free local delivery. 905-616-1700 905-632-BEDS(2337) themattressdiscounter.com M AY TA G h e a v y d u t y washer & gas dryer, excellent condition, $300/pair. 905-637-5045. MOVING Diningroom 10 pcs. Walnut'$850.00; Coffee & End Tables, nearly new, $250.ea.; Chesterfield, $150.; Stove, 2.5 yrs. white, $300.00; small. kitchen table w/2 chairs, $100.; Ikea island, $50.00 905-562-1203, 905-9782230. MOVING: kitchen table, 4 chairs solid wood $600; 2 loveseats $250/each, Corner TV cabinet $250; IKEA desk and chair $75. 905634-1052. MOVING: living room set (1 sofa, 2 chairs with Italian fabric, 1 oak round table), $499. 1 living room set (1 sofa, 2 chairs, 1 table) $299. 905-825-3130. MOVING: organ, Technics EN4 $1300 obo; small black pedestal table w/2 ivory leather cushioned chairs $60/set; wall plaques $25/pair. 905-3328820. MOVING: Table, 6 chairs, buffet, hutch $700.; Table, 4 chairs $300.; Chest, Computer Desk & Chair. All obo. 905-691-1697, 905-829-7306 MOVING~ white fridge/ stove $1000, Heinzman organ $500, snowblower $800 Call 905-842-1720 or 416-432-6091 NEW! Maple dinette table with glass top and six matching chairs. $300 Please call 905-639-9156 PATIO set, $100, Apt. size dryer, $50, cubic freezer $100, regular sized dryer $50, solid wood & glass coffee table, $50. 905-8244133. PIANO for sale. Kimball, apartment sized with bench, $500. 905-8426759 PIANO, Mason & Risch, upright, good condition, $900; pool table 100"x55" mint condition, $800. 905257-0863. PIANO, upright 20th cent u r y, W i l l a r d $ 7 0 0 o b o . Hot Tub, 2005 model paid $12,000, Asking $6,500. 905-827-8456 P I A N O ~ 6 f t . , e b o n y, G r a n d , l i k e n e w, p a i d $12,000, sacrifice $3900. 905-371-2446 POOL table Used/ New, New Hardwood pool table, $1800! Buy/ Sell/ Service. Fabi Foosball. 905-6165159 www.billiardservice.com POOL Table, Professional Series, Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. N e w, S t i l l B o x e d , C o s t $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905304-9994 QUEEN & King Memory Foam Sets. 13.5" Thick! N e w i n p l a s t i c $ 11 9 5 / $1395. Includes frame, pillows, & delivery. 905-6161700 www.memoryopedic.com QUEEN bedroom set; livingroom couch, 2 chairs, entertainment unit; recliner couch, chair. All excellent condition. 905-690-9893. SECRETARY desk w/att a c h e d b u ff e t , s o l i d o a k $1000. Call 905-829-5853. PAID lift needed Oakville to Guelph, 10pm return to Oakville 7am. Call 905842-0044 Derrick 905-335-3001 OAKVILLE~ 3 bedroom townhouses available Immediately through October 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905-8763336 SOUTH West Burlington~ Spacious 3-bedroom townhome w/garage, appliances, w/o to deck. Walking distance to all amenities. Including GO. Just seconds from QEW. Available Sept.1. 905638-1789 STONEY Creek- New waterfront 2300sqft executive townhouse. View of lake Ontario from every room. 3-bedrooms 2+ 2 half baths. Fully upgraded. Gourmet kitchen. 6 appliances. 2 gas fireplaces, finished basement. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. $1990/mo+ utilities. 905319-0597 T YA N D A G A A r e a - 3 bdrm, full basement, attached garage, small well kept complex, close to shopping/ schools/ golf course. Available Mar.15. Call 905-336-0016; 905336-0015. FOUND: Black cat, August 15, in 3rd Line/ Upper Middle area. 905-825-3528. FOUND: Brown tabby male we call Pirate. Maple & Lakeshore area. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: brown/ white Australian Shepherd Cross, New/ Guelph Line, Burlington. We call "Canada". Call 905-637-7325. FOUND: Grey tabby, New/ Longmoor area, Burlington. We call "Cleo". Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: sunglasses, Headon Forest, Burlington, Sat. Aug.26th. Call 905319-9404. FOUND: White cat at Hwy.5 & Hwy.6. We call "Angel". Phone 905-637-7325. FOUND~ Small exotic bird on August 10th on Sheraton Rd., Burlington. Call to identify 905-632-5896 L O S T: D i g i t a l c a m e r a , Bronte Park, Downtown Bronte, by lake. Contains baby pictures, Reward. $100. 905-827-6281 LOST: Men's Gold Signet ring. Tansley Wood soccer field/ housing. Very sentimental Please Call 905336-7886 LOST: White/ grey male tabby cat "Stretch", green c o l l a r. O a k h a v e n / We s t Oak Trails. Call 905 4699532 BEFORE/ After school program available. Lakeshore Woods for students attending St. Dominic's. CPR/Police check. Daniela 905-827-9653 BURLINGTON, Lakeshore/ Walkers area. Loving, fun, safe. First Aid. 16-yrs. experience. References. Receipts. Call 905639-6055. DAYCARE available starting September Appleby/ Upper Middle (right in the Orchard) Experienced quality care.Excellent References. Please call 905635-4919 ECE "Honours" Mom, Burlington. Trained in Montessori and High/ Scope philosophies. Providing nurturing educational environment for your child to grow and learn. Curriculum planning, indoor/ outdoor activities, nutritious meals. JK/SK from Brant Hills School welcome. Destiny, 905-336-4259 ECE mom provides child care for 18 months & up. Geulph line/ prospect. Lunch, receipts, and reference. 905-633-8232 ECE Teacher, 15yrs experience offers quality home childcare, 18mos+. Weekly programs/ menu planning. Circles, indoor/ outdoor activities, TLC. CPR/ First-Aid. CCR. References. 6th Line/ UpperMiddle. Valentina: 905842-6091. EXPERIENCED daycare available. Walkers/ UpperMiddle. F-T, P-T. All ages welcome. Fresh air, fun, l e a r n i n g a n d l a u g h t e r. 905-319-9846. EXPERIENCED daycare provider available parttime River Oaks, Oakville. Baby/ older. Pre-planned 5-week menu/ program. 905-849-1345. EXPERIENCED Grandma with ECE training would enjoy the company of a kindergarten or junior kindergarten child. Close proximity to Tecumseh and St. Paul's Schools. Please call Dayle to inquire 905631-5747 HOME daycare~ West Oak Trails/ 4th Line, nutritious meals, crafts, storytime, CPR/First Aid. 905827-1792 PRE-SCHOOLERS/ JK/ SK/ tutoring and babysitting, in my home, West Oak trails/ 4th line. 905469-1474. QUALITY childcare available in my home (Upper Middle/ Trafalgar) for children 2+, full/ parttime, before and after schoolcare. Smoke-free, indoor/ outdoor activities. Nutritious meals/ snacks. CPR/ First-Aid. Security Clearance. Receipts. References. 905-338-6226. MUSIC Lessons. B.Mus.A from U. of Western Ontario, Piano, voice, saxop h o n e , g u i t a r, d r u m s , RCM, Pop, Jazz, competitions, demo. Call Alexandra at 905-257-7078. Book your directory ad Today! Sept. issue - 250,000 copies Deadline: Aug. 31, 2006 Max 25 words. Only $79. Email: advertising@live-it.ca E N T E R TA I N M E N T, o a k armoire, 37"Wx24"Dx73"H, must sell $400; Sony Wega TV 32" picture-inpicture, $200. Both excellent condition. 905-3325022. FITNESS equipment new Nordictrak ski-pro, paid $1200, asking $600 obo.; new Nordictrak walk fit, paid $600, selling $300 obo. 905-336-6048 FRENCH horn, Cerveny, single, $900; Firefly snowboard w/size 5-6 boots, $125.; Sunfish sailboat $300. 905-257-2368 HAMMOND Romance 126 organ $500. Wheel chair and walker like new $500. Wo r k i n g C u l l i g a n w a t e r softener $100, 7 cube Ft upright freezer $100. 905332-1012 HOCKEY Equipment, youth large, gloves, pants, shin/ elbow/ shoulder pads, bag, $125. 905-8479264. H O T Tu b ( S p a ) C o v e r s best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT tub for sale. Outdoor/indoor, 6 person, new cover (2yrs.), chemicals, $750/obo. Buyer takes care of pickup/ delivery. 905-920-4454, Jeff. HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new w/all options, including cover, 2006 model. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 1 0 9 0 0 . , Sacrifice $5,500. Call 905971-1777 KENMORE washing machine 5-yrs. old; Hunter Douglas vertical patio blinds; Huffy's Professional Series basketball hoop w/ stand; 3-wheel adult trike; oak pedestal round table. More items. 905-631-1491. KITCHEN corner nook (pine), seats 5-6, $250. Stove, cream, electric w/hood, $100. Desk, white washed-oak, $35. 905336-3622 KITCHENAID Fridge$275. Beaumark stove $25. Oak kitchen table & 6-chairs $290. Brass dining chandelier, $190. 905849-1567 LANDSCAPE Trees. Blue, White, Norway Spruce, Fall planting. Discounted prices. Digging, planting, delivery available. 905-957-7344 LEATHER set from Ennisclare. Mint cond., was $5800 asking $2400. Set includes Chesterfield, loveseat, chair and ottoman. 905-338-8864 A fur coat, silver dollars .50 cent pieces, gold/silver coins and collections. Unwanted gold/ silver jewelry. 905-633-7531 CRIB, white, with mattress. Perfect condition. Li'l Angels model. New 2002. Original owner $95 905847-2207 DINETTE set, 5pc, Black metal/ glass, matching coffee/ end tables and shelving unit $100 905331-0523 FREE black and white cat, 1 year old, no front claws, v e r y f r i e n d l y. 6 4 7 - 2 8 0 5476. GE Stereo walnut cabinet solid wood with speakers 5'7"x 20 1/2" $50 905-3360712 H I D E - AWAY b e d , $ 1 0 0 ; double stroller $50; Scandinavian double carriage, $50. All in good condition. 905-631-5747. SUMP pump, built-in Maytag dishwasher, stove-top, wall oven- all for $100! 905-335-9768. BEDROOM set, double bed, 1 end, 2 large dressers, mirror, Dining set, circa 1960, table (leaf), chairs, hutch, large buffet. Coffee table, 2 end tables, h i g h g l o s s . Ve r y g o o d condition, solid wood. Call 905-466-8285. BEDROOM set, king-size, pine 4-poster bed, dresser, m i r r o r e d s h e l f , m i r r o r, c o m f o r t e r, bedskirt $325/all. 905-634-3045. BEDROOM sets for sale. Good condition. Solid maple. Includes bookcase and desk. $400 each. 905-631-6262 BLINDS- white fauxwood 36"x36", $18; 48"x36", $24; 60"x36", $30; 72"x36", $36; 48"x60", $40; 48"x72", $48; 60"x72", $60; 72"x72", $72. Many other sizes. 905-855-9364 B R I C K S , n e w. C o p p e r colour, approx. 1000. Plus some blocks, $500, obo. 905-319-2076. BUNK Bed, Jr. $250, Little basketball net, $20, Wave slide $20, Bike $30, Coffee table $35, Vacuum $25, Saw $15, 2 bedroom dressers/ 2 night tables $500, Desk $30, Stationary bike trainer $20. 905637-1295 BUNKBEDS, single, stackable, pine w/dark stain, w/mattresses, great condition, $400/all. Call 905-842-4535. CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-6338192 CHINA Cabinet, diningroom table w/4 chairs $500; 2 wing chairs $300/both, AB deluxe chair $100. 905-332-9702 COMPUTER, IBM Pentium IV, 512mb ram, 40gbhd, dvd, 17" flat monitor, webcam, new $299. 416-8459860 BEST Ca$h$ Paid- Art, Antiques, Collectibles, Chin a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Pottery, Etc, Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 FIREWOOD mixed hardwood, 5 cords minimum $80/ cord delivered. 519582-4628 BURLINGTON Downtown. Seeking young roommate, 3-bedroom apartment, c/air, internet, cable, large patio, $350/mo. inclusive. 905-635-4775. BURLINGTON for rent in 2 bathroom home. Furnished bedroom, share kitchen, laundry, phone, A/C, garage, suit non-smoking mature professional $135/ week. 905-634-0622 DORVAL/ Speers (Room) working person/ student. $500/mo. Cable, parking, laundry. Non-smoking (in home). Female preferred. 905-901-7727. OAKVILLE~ close to GO/ Downtown, available immediately. Share kitchen, l a u n d r y, p a r k i n g . N o n smoker, no pets preferred. Female preferred. $388/mo. 905-842-4036 C H O C O L AT E L a b , 6 months . All shots, dewormded, house and crate trained. Moving $600. 905-332-3161 FREE black and white cat, 1yr old, no front claws, v e r y f r i e n d l y. 6 4 7 - 2 8 0 5476 H AVA N E S E p u p s , C K C reg'd, microchipped, shots, health guarantee. Ready mid Aug. $1600. 905701-4600 PUPPIES for sale. Sheltie, Goldie-Poo, WheatenPoo, Boxer, Westie, Shih Tzu X, Shepherd X Rotty. First needles, vet-checked, dewormed, deflead. Ruffins Pet Centre, 525 Main Street East, Milton 905875-0475. RIDE Wanted to/from Trafalgar/ Glen Ashton to Trafalgarwood Public School, for student. Call 905-8150827 46" Sony projection TV & stand, 3 y.o., HDTV ready, $1100. 905-637-9653 66 items for sale! Kids toys, furniture, clothing & boys skates. Visit website: www.tinyurl.com/zkdt3 A diningroom, cherrywood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dovetail construction. New still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-5679459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. Sacrifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliver A Student Bonanza. Great prices. The Reuse Centre, 3335 North Service, Burlington. Wed., Thurs, Fri., 12-8pm, Sat. 9-5pm, Sun. 12-4pm. 905-319-0477 AMAZING bargain! Bed, queen, luxury, pillow top set. 30 year orthopedic, n e w, i n p l a s t i c , w o r t h $1050, sell $350. 905923-1434. EXPERIENCED, energetic caregiver required for 2 children (3/6). Upper Middle/ Ford, Oakville. Car required. 905-337-3646 LIVE-IN caregiver needed for 6 year old boy, Oakville area. Please call Rholdan Agency, 905-901-0622. LIVE-IN loving Nanny required 3 school ages children. Light housework and flexible hours. Burlington 905-639-3216 LOVING nanny needed. Full-time, live-out, for two children in Oakville. ECE & drivers license an asset. Call 416-842-4556 or 905339-1101 (evenings). LOVING, experienced Phillipino live-out Nanny a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. Full-time or part-time, Oakville area. Call 905-8498187. OAKVILLE, furnished room for rent in apt, near Trafalgar. Suit mature nonsmoking male $420/mo inclusive. 905-338-8455 SHERIDAN/ Oakville Place area. 4-bedroom condo. $400/mo. inclusive. Prefer female. Immediate. Tom 416-953-9772; 905-847-4488. 10 cars! 2003 Jetta, 2002 S u n f i r e , 2 0 0 0 C a v a l i e r, 1977 MGB and more. www.tinyurl.com/sxudc 1969 Mustang 351, 4-barrel with GT Option Group. Immaculate condition. Certified. $19,500. Please call for details 416-996-6173 1986 Jaguar Vanden Plas X J 1 2 , s i l v e r, s u n r o o f , p/windows, CD, leather interior, great condition, must see! As is, $7000 obo. 905-635-2375.