UPDATE EDITOR: ROD JERRED Please forward announcements of nonprofit and free events for Community Update to Rod Jerred, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; e-mail editor@oakvillebeaver.com, call 905-845-3824 Ext. 5559 or fax 905-337-5567. Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services of Halton (SAVIS) presents Relationship Skills for Violence Prevention (RSVP) group for female adolescents 14 - 19 new session Tuesdays, Nov. 7 19, 4 6 p.m. Bus tickets and dinner provided. Call Nicole at 905-825-3622 or email nicole@savisofhalton.org. Bronte Challenge, Nov. 8, Bronte Legion, 79 Jones, 7 p.m. Champion pool player Cliff Thornburn will demonstrate his skills and welcomes challengers. Tickets, $12 in advance or at the door. Call 905-827-4722. Oakville Parent Education Network presents Understanding and Parenting Pre-teens and Teens. Speaker, Garfield GiniNewman, professor at OISE/University of Toronto, Nov. 15, 7 9 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., Halton Region Cafeteria, 1151 Bronte Rd. Free admission, donations appreciated. To register, call 905-825-6000 ext. 3161 or e-mail JoAnne.Frisby@halton.ca. Support Group for Recent Survivors of Automobile Accidents, every Tuesday night, 6:45 8 p.m., starting Nov. 14 for eight weeks, Woodside Library. Support and advocacy for those suffering from physical and emotional trauma of an automobile accident. Leader is a community member who has experienced the personal trauma. Call Elizabeth, Update Community 905-849-0169. Cost: $5. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 25 Women and Genetics: Know Your Risk, free lecture with Dr. Deborah Terespolsky and motivational speaker Carole Bertuzzi Luciani, LeDome Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Rd E. Presented by the Women's Health Alliance of Halton. Please call 905-338-4379 or e-mail elittle@haltonhealthcare.on.ca to reserve a seat for this free event. Oakville African Violet Society, 7:30 p.m., Horticulture Room, White Oaks Secondary School North Campus, 1055 McCraney, use west side entrance north of greenhouse. Visitors welcome. Barb Post, 905-845-1550. Early Years of Recovery Family Support Group, support group for family members, caregivers and friends whose loved one has experienced their first psychotic episode within the past five years, fourth Wednesday of month at the Halton-Peel office of Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, Milton Mall, 2nd floor boardroom, 55 Ontario St. S., Milton, 7 p.m. Call 905-876-1647. Bingo at Bronte Legion, 79 Jones, in the Club Room, 7 p.m., call 905-827-4722. Oct. 25 is last day to register for new series of Separated Anonymous Seminars for men and women, Thursdays 7 10 p.m. Rebuilding emotional health and dignity, grief and anger, letting go, self-esteem, children, healthy relationships, intimacy and trust. Call 905-338-9879. CARP Canada's Association for the 50 Plus, Halton Chapter, hosts All Candidates Night for Halton Region Chair, 7:30 p.m., at Burlington Seniors Centre, 2285 www.oakvillebeaver.com Phone 905-845-3824 (ext. 5559) Fax 905-337-5567 email editor@oakvillebeaverr.com · WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2006 New St. (Central Park), Burlington. Guests welcome. Refreshments. Call Harry, 905335-5717. BEYOND, peer support group for those grieving the loss of a loved one, Wednesdays 7:30 p.m., Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre, 2530 Sixth Line, River Glen Mews Plaza. Contact Debbie, 905-8275849. Polar Bears Mood Disorder Support Group welcomes sufferers of unipolar (depression) and bipolar (manic depression), supporting family and friends, Wednesdays 7 p.m., at 136 Cross Ave. Anonymous self-help group. Call 905-338-2130. THURSDAY OCTOBER 26 Ghost Walks Oct. 26 and Saturday Oct 28 and at 7 p.m., and 8 p.m., at Oakville Historical Society, 110 King. Cost: $12 adults, $6 children. Reservations recommended, call 905-8442695. Job Shop: intensive, results focused, free service for unemployed adults at 465 Morden Rd, Unit 109, 9:30 11:30 a.m. Call The Centre for Skills Development & Training at 905845-1157 x101 or visit www.thecentre.on.ca. Oakville Walking Club, Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Meet at foot of Allan Street by the eastern end of Dingle Park. Walk for 30 minutes at a leisurely pace, west along the path by the lake, to the park at Navy Street. If one wishes to rest, there are benches, and one can enjoy the lake, gardens and fresh air. FRIDAY OCTOBER 27 Fish Fry, Oakville Legion Br. 114, Upper Middle Road East, 5 7.30 p.m. Cost: $7.50 a person. Oakville Wine Enthusiasts Club meets at St. Volodomyr Cultural Centre, 1280 Dundas, featuring wines from Delicato Family Wines of California. Registration 7 p.m., tasting starts promptly at 7:30 p.m. For information visit www.oakvillewine.ca. Limited number of memberships available. Guest fees: $15 (applied to your membership should you join within one week), www.oakvillewine@gmail.com. Volley Ball every Friday night, Glen Abbey Recreation Centre, 8 10 p.m. Call Ilze, 905-844-8953 or Kristina, 905-8494864. SATURDAY OCTOBER 28 Pig Roast, Bronte Legion, 79 Jones, Victory Room, 6:30 p.m. Tickets $15 each $10 for dance only starting at 8 p.m. Music by Linda Rioux or Quebec. Call 905-827-4722. Halloween Dinner and Dance, Oakville Legion Br. 114, Upper Middle Road. East, 6.30 p.m. Cost: $10 a person. Fair Vote Canada-Halton Chapter meets 10 a.m. noon, United Way of Oakville, 466 Speers between Dorval and Fourth Line, Suite 200, 2nd Floor. For more information, please contact Sandra at sansam25@yahoo.com. St. Michael Annual Fall Bazaar, 9 a.m. 2 p.m. 165 Sewell. Bake table, penny draw, nearly new, children's corner, raffle, tea room. Free parking. 33 Bronte CCC (Community Consultation Committee) 5th community Fall Trail Clean Up along Bronte Creek under Rebecca Street Bridge to Petro Canada Park, 10 a.m - 2 p.m., meeting at field beside the fire station on Rebecca. Bags, gloves and litter pickers provided. Refreshments provided. Annual Fall Bazaar, Bethel United Church, Trafalgar north of Britannia, 2 4 p.m. Homebaking, james, pickles, plants, vegetables, crafts, white elephant and tea room. SUNDAY OCTOBER 29 Halloween Party, in garage at 2096 Lumberman Lane (Third Line and Upper Middle area), 2 9 p.m. Parents and their toddler and young children are invited to come in costume. Face painting, colouring and kids' activities. Donations accepted for Give Kids a Chance Foundation to help children in Guatemala. Refreshments. RSVP Augusta, 905-8473725. For information see http://home.cogeco.ca/~givekidsachance/foundation.htm. Haunted Happenings, 1 4 p.m., Oakville Museum at Erchless, 8 Navy. Dress up in costume, make Halloween crafts, play ghoulish games and visit the crypt of horrors. Cost: $5 per child and $3.75 adult admission. Call 905-3384400. Would You Like to Participate in the Future of Your Local Community Hospital? The Credit Valley Hospital Board of Directors is pleased to accept applications for the position of: BOARD MEMBER THE CREDIT VALLEY HOSPITAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS As a volunteer Board Member you will actively participate in the hospital's governance which involves setting the direction and policy, and approving the programs and services for The Credit Valley Hospital. This challenging mandate requires an individual with the energy, time and commitment to serve on this Board as a representative of the communities of Peel and Halton. In July 2005 The Credit Valley Hospital officially opened The Carlo Fidani Peel Regional Cancer Centre and The Vijay Jeet and Neena Kanwar Ambulatory Care Centre. Also in 2005, The Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal officially announced expansion of the hospital's inpatient services. The hospital's is anxiously awaiting commencement of our next construction project which will add 120+ new inpatient beds. Credit Valley Hospital actively recognizes the need to incorporate diversity so that we can effectively respond to the needs of our growing and diverse population and our Board composition is a reflection of this. Successful candidates will also have skills in at least one of the following areas: strategic planning, business, finance, or leadership and complemented by a particularly a strong and sincere desire to serve the community in a volunteer capacity. Candidates interested in this important mandate are invited to forward a statement of interest and curriculum vitae by November 22, 2006 to: Mr. D. Wayne Fyffe Secretary to the Board of Directors The Credit Valley Hospital 2200 Eglinton Avenue West Mississauga, ON L5M 2N1 Candidates are nominated in accordance with the hospital by-laws and elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting to be held in June 2007. Join us at Murron's Cabinetree Thursday, November 2nd Noon - 9pm for our 4th annual Holiday Open House In the spirit of giving, Murron's is offering good food, good fun, good deals and no tax on November 2nd. An opportunity to purchase some great gifts or furniture and save money! Mark your calendars November 2nd! 215 Lakeshore Road E., Oakville 905.338.5181 www.murrons.com