4- The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday November 11, 2006 www.oakvillebeaver.com SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN NOVEMBER 18 - 9:00 a.m. Soldiers endured constant bombardment Continued from page 3 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES During the Santa Claus parade, the following roads, and adjacent streets will be closed from 7 - 11 a.m.: ·Lakeshore Road from Allan Street to Kerr Street ·Kerr Street from Lakeshore Road to Stewart Street ·Stewart Street from Kerr Street to Maurice Drive ·Felan Avenue from Stewart Street to Rebecca Street ·Rebecca Street from Dorval Drive to Forsythe Street ·Robinson Street from Navy Street to Allan Street The co-operation of all motorists is requested. For additional information on road closures, contact Bob deHoog, Road Corridor/Permit Co-ordinator, 905.845.6601 ext. 3337. Don't worry about parking, take Santa's Shuttle Bus:The free Santa Shuttle runs every 15 minutes from the Oakville GO Station stopping at all regular stops along Reynolds to the Church/Dunn bus terminal. The Santa Shuttle will run from 8 to 11:15 a.m. Please note that for safety reasons children must be removed from strollers and/or wagons while on the bus. Strollers must be folded and wagons put in an upright position. To ensure emergency vehicle and public access, visibility and traffic flow, residents and visitors are asked to adhere to parking regulations during the parade. For more information on the Oakville Santa Claus Parade visit: www.oakvillesantaclausparade.ca or leave a message at: 905 815-5981 CABINET REFACING after The alarm soon subsided and after a time we took off our respirators. That morning I saw several horses which were absolutely smashed up by shell fire. Poor, faithful creatures! That evening, Irving the B of I Engineer, who I have mentioned before, received a registered letter, so we had a feed. We heard a band concert a band concert, mark you, a few kilos in front of Fritz, which wasn't bad. An Irish jig made me feel like getting up (we were stretched the full length) and having a step. At 11:20 the same evening we again had the gas alarm, but as I was awake I was more collected. The chaps who were asleep received a severe fright again. Saturday evening I saw two horses which had been killed by shell fire and which were in an awful state. They must have lain there days because their carcasses were swollen, the stink, the thousands of flies enough. Same night I was paid, wrote you a letter enclosing something which I hope you've received by now, and felt very ill. I spent a bad night. Sunday nothing happened. There was beaucoup rain that day and the Boche was strangely quiet. This afternoon though! I couldn't make out F's silence. At 2:30 p.m. I was slogging away at something with a sledgehammer which I had PHOTO COURTESY OF THE PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA VICTORY AT VIMY: The celebratory mood of these soldiers was echoed back home in Canada, and throughout the Alliance. dragged out of the hands of one of the If blokes who was playing with it when some shrap burst overhead to the left and about fifty yards away. The I chaps bolted before I had a chance to corner them, leaving myself and another S to carry on. I picked a spanner (a wrench) up and knelt down. At that I heard a sharp short shriek. I thought: `We're in for it,' as I knew the shell was directly overhead so I slid out full length minus my lin hat which I had taken off. A loud crrrrockk! As the shell burst and simultaneously with this, a soughing shriek and something seemed to seer my left ear as something passed between my temple and shoulders. The other S's head was quite close to my neck and for the fear of God I dare not look up for fear poor Bill's head had been crushed to a pulp. See Letter page 5 Special Events for November Delmanor Glen Abbey Bazaar November 18 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Delmanor Glen Abbey is Oakville's premier retirement residence for active adults. We emphasize independence and individuality in a community environment that promotes an active mind and a sound body. In short, we believe in LivingWell and we'd like you to l join us. If you would like to join us at one of these events or to book a tour, just call Margaret Milley 905-469-3232. TM before 1459 Nottinghill Gate just south of Upper Middle, west of Dorval 905.469.3232 www.delmanor.com