4- The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday December 2, 2006 www.oakvillebeaver.com Arbourist suggests setting up preservation zone around tree Continued from page 3 that led to the removal of much of the woodlot in late November. "It is truly a tragedy that Oakville is becoming oak-less. It is horrifying to witness clear-cutters plow through our forest to make way for Grand Oaks Trail (Road)," wrote Fox-DellaVedova in a letter to the editor. The Spring Meadow Way resident said many small animals, birds and insects suddenly found themselves homeless. She, her husband, Robert, and other immediate residents were concerned. They contacted local wildlife/conservation organizations and her family built and hung squirrel boxes and relocated hollow trunks to the piece of the woodlot that remains standing. According to Fox-DellaVedova, decisions made on paper and through reports don't carry the same emotion as is born from being a first-hand witness. Earlier this week, arbourist Jack Radecki was brought in by Elgar to assess the oak tree to be saved. "The area on the east and west sides of the tree had already been disturbed by large equipment. I measured the tree to be 75 centimeters in diameter and noted that it remained in fair to good condition. In particular the structure was good, but the health fair. I expect this is a result of dwellings being constructed along Spring Meadow Way affecting the east side of the tree. The tree was stressed as a result," LOOKING FOR A BIRD FEEDING SPECIALTY STORE FOR CHRISTMAS? WE SPECIALIZE IN FEEDERS AND SEED FOR YOUR FEEDERS. WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT VARIETY OF NATURE ITEMS FOR THE BACKYARD AND HOUSE. "WE BRING PEOPLE AND NATURE TOGETHER". 3350 FAIRVIEW ST., BURLINGTON, ONTARIO 905-634-7700 E-MAIL:wbu@cogeco.ca Location: Exit Walkers Line go south to Fairview St. turn right count two stop lights; we are on your left, turn left in the median. wrote Radecki in a report to Elgar. The arbourist said the tree has a good chance of surviving and recommended a tree preservation zone be set up around it, equipment ruts be smoothed by hand and native wood chips spread over its root zone. According to Radecki's report, the bur oak is an edge tree from the original forest. Most of the growth was to its east -- an area previously disturbed. The north and south sides remain undisturbed. The west side has been most greatly disturbed recently. A new dwelling is proposed three meters to the west of the tree where there used to be a mature Sugar Maple and a grouping of American Beech, now gone. According to Courtemanche, any application for a new urban development sees the Town require a subwatershed study. That study was filed on behalf of developer Bronte Community Homes/Crystal Homes. The resulting FourteenMile Creek Main and West Branches subwatershed study was reviewed by the Town, Halton Conservation Authority and Region of Halton in LIESA KORTMANN / OAKVILLE BEAVER CLEARING THE WAY: Heavy equipment removes the trees from the Grand Oak Woodlot. April 2003. It identified the boundaries of the important valleys and water systems as well as forest blocks and other ecological features of the subwatershed. "In terms of forest block, there were a number that were identified as high, medium and low constraint areas. In addition, terrestrial linkage/enhancement opportunities were identified," said Courtemanche. On the west side of Bronte Road, both the main branch of 14-Mile Creek and a series of woodlots were identified. Several of the woodlots provided a natural heritage linkage between the 14-Mile Creek and Bronte Creek. In particular there were three woodlots totalling nine hectares, identified as significant because of their size and quality, and because they provided a valuable connection between Bronte Creek and 14-Mile Creek. "The value of this connection was also recognized by the Conservation Authority, which supported the conclusions of the subwatershed study," said Courtemanche. The Grand Oak woodlot was identified as a Category 4 Features, which was considered an Ecological Restoration Opportunity (Integrate and Acquire where feasible). The Category 4 designation would permit development to occur within the woodlot subject to retaining the highest quality portion of the woodlot. "In this particular case, approximately 0.4 ha of the woodlot was retained. In comparison the three woodlots on the west side were identified as Category 2 Significant Natural Features (Acquire & Protect) and Category 3 - Supporting Natural Features (Priority for Acquisition and/or Integration). These woodlots were retained through the planning process," said Courtemanche. A series of Secondary Plans were undertaken by the Town within the Palermo area. The first was the Palermo West Secondary Plan, west of Bronte Road, outside what is now referred to as the Palermo Village Secondary Plan. Recognizing the value of the woodlots totalling nine hectares, they were designated "Parkland" in the Palermo West Secondary Plan and were identified as woodland parks providing passive uses. The Town bought the woodlots at 70 per cent of their market value. Every residential subdivision requires the developer to dedicate parkland or provide cash in lieu. In this case, the requirement was fulfilled by the dedication of the woodlots, which was an overdedication of the requirement and the developer agreed that any cash in lieu from subsequent developments on the west side of Bronte Road would com GERRIE LIGHTING STUDIO Join us Every Tuesday for SAVE $ on all FIXTURES, LAMPS, PRINTS, ACCESSORIES, LIGHT BULBS & more! ALL DISCOUNTS OFF REG. PRICE See Ward page 10 LIGHTING STUDIO Inglehart nglehar ngl h t WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE Due to production delays, Universal Studios has delayed the release of CSI Las Vegas Season 6 (#537607) advertised in our current flyer (expiring Dec. 8th). It will not be available until December 19th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. GERRIE ELECTRIC SHOWROOM POLICY If you are not 100% satisfied with your y y purchase,, simply return it within 30 days py of purchase for a full refund. TRAFALGAR Q.E.W. SOUTH SERVICE RD. 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