16 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 15, 2006 www.oakvillebeaver.com Update Community e-mail editor@oakvillebeaver.com Forward announcements of non-profit and free events for Community Update the Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; e-mail editor@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-3375559. Free listing. FRIDAY DECEMBER 15 White Oaks Secondary School Drama department presents Our Town at 7:30 p.m. at the high school located at 1330 Montclair Dr. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students and seniors. Tickets are available at the door or in advance by calling Chris Rosser at 905-842-5200 ext. 521. SATURDAY DECEMBER 16 Bake Sale at the Bronte Legion, 79 Jones St. in the Club Room from 2-4 p.m. Bake Sale at St. Cuthbert's Church, Oakhill Drive at Maplegrove Rd. at 9 a.m. Outreach event sponsored by St. Simon's and St. Cuthbert's Anglican Churches with proceeds going to the Stephen Lewis Foundation in support of the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. Christmas trees are also available for purchase. B'Nai Shalom Congregation of Halton-Peel monthly Shabbat service, 10 a.m. at a local hotel. Following kidush, Chanukah party will take place. For information email info@bnaishalom.ca or call Judi at 905-469-4344. St. Jude's Church, 160 William St., will be open from noon-3 p.m. for people to reflect and meditate during the busy holiday season. The garden will also be available. SUNDAY DECEMBER 17 Pot Luck at the Bronte Legion, 79 Jones St. in the Club Room at 4 p.m. Walton United Church Senior Choir presents The Sounds of Christmas and Congregational Singing, 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. at 7 p.m. Also featuring Walton's Youth Choir. Oakville Suzuki Christmas Concert & Silent Auction, OE Banquet and Conference Centre, 2245 Speers Rd., 1-4 p.m. Tickets are $10 at the door. For more information visit www.oakvillesuzuki.org. Free holiday open house at the Paletta Mansion, 4250 Lakeshore Rd. in Burlington from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Donations of unwrapped toys or canned food will be collected for The Salvation Army. For more information call 905-632-7809 ext. 3. Olde Thyme Christmas Caroling, St. Aidan's Anglican Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr., 7:30 p.m. Accepting donations of slightly used mittens hats and scarves to benefit Oakwood Public School. MONDAY DECEMBER 18 Meet your new Mayor for Breakfast event held at the Holiday Inn Oakville-Centre in the Trafalgar Ballroom, 590 Argus Rd., from 7:30-9 a.m. Tickets are $35 per person and all proceeds Easter Seals. To purchase tickets call Jennie Wilson at 1-888-278-7797 ext. 225. THURSDAY DECEMBER 21 Service of the Longest Night, Charwell Baptist Church, 228 Chartwell Rd., 7:30 p.m. '06 MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE V8, leather, alloy wheels, loaded. Stk #MU4191 MSRP $41 884 YEAR END EVENT! ON REMAINING 2006s Appearance group, power group, fuel savings. Stk #EC3874 MSRP $35 824 '06 ESCAPE HYBRID Sell Off $34,821 ONLY 6 LEFT GET '06 FORD FIVE HUNDRED LIMITED All wheel drive, moonroof. Stk #FH4750 MSRP $40 315 Sell Off $29,328 0 % Sell Off 31,377 $ PLUS Get An Extra $500 e-Bonus & 4000 Celebrating Over 40 Years In Oakville! lebrating QEW DORVAL DR. VAL $ Tow pkg., XTR pkg., deluxe mirrors, rear defrost. Stk #F4571 MSRP $44 109 '06 F150 4X4 CREWCAB on the purchase or lease of your next Ford. Sell Off $36,276 EARN A CHANCE TO WIN A 42" PLASMA TV! V8, automatic, moonroof, reverse sensing, ABS. Stk #FH3723 MSRP $34 585 '06 FORD FIVE HUNDRED 905.845.1646 y R S. SERV 4.6L V6, decor group, automatic, limited slip. Stk #F3755 MSRP $31 925 '06 F150 SUPERCAB Sell Off $26,516 WYECROFT E IC 0 SOUTH SERVICE RD. W. OAKVILLE Sell Off $19,995 ALL DEALS WRITTEN IN DECEMBER WILL QUALIFY FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A 42" PLASMA TV. DRAW TO BE HELD DECEMBER 23, 2006. 2006 MUSTANG, HYBRID, 500 SEL AND F150 ARE DEMONSTRATORS, ALL REBATES HAVE BEEN APLLIED, PLUS TAXES, PPSA AND ADMIN. 2006 F150 SUPERCREW/2006 500 LIMITED ALL REBATES HAVE BEEN APPLIED, PLUS FREIGHT, TAXES, PPSA FEE, ADMIN., FREIGHT (F150 $1200, 500 $1150). VEHICLES MAY NOT BE EXACTLY AS SHOWN.