14 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday September 12, 2007 www.oakvillebeaver.com EXTENDED HOURS for better job searching! The Oakville Employment Resource Centre is now open longer to help you get to the technology, resources, and job search assistance you need to succeed! IT'S FALL REGISTRATION TIME! Getting ready for preschool is child's play Registration for fall Kindermusik classes at Bea Sharp Music has begun. In a Kindermusik class, miming and singing "Wheels on the Bus" may seem like child's play, but it's actually helping a child develop better coordination and language skills. Fall registration has begun for Kindermusik classes at Bea Sharp Music, where parents and their children--ages newborn to seven years old--sing, dance and make music together to develop better learning skills for the child. Parents also learn more about the developmental process and benefits of the activities done in class. Studies continue to show that music has a positive impact on a child's ability to learn. Not only in terms of preschool readiness, but making and responding to music can help a child use scissors, kick a ball, as well as have a positive impact on a child's sense of selfesteem and self-expression. "For a child, being ready for preschool is about feeling comfortable and confident with him or herself," says Beatrice Gratton, who operates the Kindermusik program at Bea Sharp Music. "Then they have the confidence to leave mom and dad at home and get involved with what's going on in preschool." Kindermusik classes are designed by music and early childhood educators. Activities are based on proven research that making music can stimulate every area in the child's development: · Stimulate a love of diverse styles of music--varied musical exposure leads to language proficiency and spatial-temporal reasoning, which is the foundation for subjects such as engineering and science. · Foster creativity using music, dance, drama--children use creative thinking skills in pretend play, enhancing their ability to think in different ways. · Teaches parents about child development--parents are the child's first teacher. Kindermusik classes help parents understand the child development process by explaining developmental benefits of each class activity and offering activities they can do together at home. Kindermusik classes also serve as an excellent and invaluable bridge toward more advanced musical study later on. Whether a child continues with music classes in school or through private instruction, Kindermusik is an excellent way to prepare a child, regardless of what instrument one eventually chooses to study. For more information on getting children ready for preschool, or to learn more about Kindermusik classes starting in the fall, contact Bea Gratton at (416) 357-9094 or beasharp@cogeco.ca. Class descriptions and registration information can also be found at Bea Sharp Music's web site at www.beasharpmusic.com. All classes are held at St. Aidan's Anglican Church, 318 Queen Mary Drive, in Oakville. A variety of high-energy, educationally stimulating classes are available for all children, newborn to 7 years of age. No previous experience necessary! Come find out why 99 per cent of parents recommend Kindermusik to others! Call us now for more information!! For more than 25 years, Kindermusik International has touched the lives of over a million children and their families, introducing them to the joy of learning through music. With a revolutionary combination of music and early childhood development research, more than 4,500 Kindermusik educators teach children ages newborn to 7 in over 35 countries around the world. p p p TECHNOLOGY Free faxing, photocopying, Internet, printing RESOURCES Books, videos, magazines, tip sheets PROFESSIONAL STAFF Career Information Specialists to assist with your resumes, cover letters, and job search New hours starting September 5: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:30-4:30 (coaching sessions available 9-4) 8:30-4:30 (coaching sessions available 9-4) 8:30-7:30 (coaching sessions available 4-7) 8:30-4:30 (coaching sessions available 9-4) 8:30-4:30 (no coaching sessions) Drop in at 465 Morden Road, Unit 109, off Speers Road. Services are FREE and open to everyone. For more info, call 905-845-1157, ext. 121 or visit www.thecentre.on.ca Skills Development & Training The Centre This Employment Ontario program is funded by the Government of Canada ~Dare to Dream~ Irish Dance Lessons with the GOGGIN-CARROLL SCHOOL OF IRISH DANCE Recreational or Competitive Programs For Children ages 5 and up Accepting Dancers for our Beginner Fall Programs Classes Starting Now Classical Ballet All classes taught by professionally certified teachers and accompanied by Classical Ballet pianists. Preschool (Baby Ballet) Curriculum to Professional Levels Register now for September Classes: at our Downtown location (Robinson Street) and our Glen Abbey location (R.A.D. & Cecchetti) Recreational Division Professional Division Pointe Pas de Deux Character - Folk Dance Modern/Jazz Adult Classes: (Daytime & Evening) Students perform with the Oakville Ballet Company in Oakville's own "The Nutcracker" Offering classes at our Glen Abbey Campus An Oakville institution providing excellence in ballet training for over 45 years. Register now over the phone for Glen Abbey and Downtown Classes! Founder & Artistic Advisor: Elizabeth Paterson Former Major and Children's examiner for the Royal Academy of Dance (30 yrs.) For More Information, call (905) 844-0333 or email or visit us on the web at Oakville School of Dance Amanda Anderson, Artistic Director 260 Robinson St., Oakville ON L6J 1G6 Established 1960 barb@goggin-carroll.com www.goggin-carroll.com 905-844-7035 www.oakvilleballet.com / email: oakvilleballetinfo@cogeco.ca THE LEVEL OF EXCELLENCE IS DEMONSTRATED IN THE SUCCESS OF OUR GRADUATES.