OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, October 26, 2007 49 BRAND NEW RENTAL SUITES 945 Daryl Drive HOME SWEET HOME BURLINGTON TOWERS APARTMENTS burlingtontowers.com BURLINGTON. 384 St. Paul Street. 2-bedroom for Dec.1st $905/mo. Utilities/ parking included. Quiet, well maintained, on cul-de-sac. Call 5pm-9pm, 905-639-7072. S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington Towers. 905639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca OAKVILLE North. 2-bedrooms, ground floor, 5 appliances, carpeting throughout, fireplace, patio, $1200/mo. Nov.1st. 416-936-4435. OAKVILLE/ Glen Abbey. 2-bedroom ground floor condo, 5 appliances, underground parking, firep l a c e , a v a i l a b l e N o v. 1 . $1175/mo. +utilities. First/ Last. 905-829-3292. RARE Exec. Bldg. near all amenities (Walkers/ Upp. Mid.) Furnished/ unfurnished. 2 bed. 2 bath 2 parking +locker, 5 new app l i a n c e s C / A i r, $ 1 5 0 0 +heat/ hydro (you control), cable incl. no smoking, no pets preferred. Immediate. Call 905-332-3273 or 905630-2746 GLEN Abbey- 3-bedrooms + loft. Quiet street, No pet preferred/ smoking. Available O c t o b e r. $1650/mo. 905-844-9022 OAKVILLE Riverside Drive. Bungalow 3-4 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, A/C, large main floor family room, 2 fireplaces, inground pool. $1750/mo. +utilities. References. 905-849-4941. OAKVILLE, College Park, walk Oakville Place, s c h o o l s , l i b r a r y, n e a r QEW/ GO, quiet street, 3bedrooms, garage, huge basement, 1.5 bathrooms, c / a i r, f i r e p l a c e , l o v e l y fenced yard w/deck, MLS 1087491, $1700/month +utilities, Edghill Realty Inc., 905-338-7511 O A K V I L L E , Tr a f a l g a r / Dundas. 5-bedroom home, familyroom, livingroom, 2 master bedrooms. 4-appliances. Basement not included. 905-299-0502. OAKVILLE. New 4-bedrooms, walk-out basement, large kitchen & deck. $2100/mo. Nov.1st. 905464-5506. W AT E R D O W N m o d e r n exec. 1600 sq.ft. 3-Bedr o o m s , 2 - s t o r e y, 2 . 5 baths, familyroom, 1-car garage, $1513/mo. +utilities. Immediate. Bill, 905-632-6260. Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking QUALITY OVERSIZED 1, 2 & 3 BEDROOM SUITES · Lake views available · 5 appliances including Ensuite Laundry · Indoor Pool, Sauna, Whirlpool & Exercise Room · Individual A/C & Heating controls · 2 baths in 2 Bedroom Models · Controlled entry/Cameras · On Bus Routes, Close to shopping, GO Train, Bus Station & QEW access 1,2,3 BDRMS 905-639-8583 905-637-3223 www.drewloholdings.com It's better in Burlington Rent from $ BURLINGTON. 1-bedroom apartment, professionally renovated, new bathroom w/ceramic, laminate floors, appliances, parking, $800/mo. includes hydro/ water. Dec.1st. 905570-2337 BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom apartment, excellent condition, Available immed i a t e l y. $775/mo. +utilities. Parking included. Close to all amenities. 905-631-7114 BURLINGTON. 1-bedroom apartment, $695/mo. i n c l u s i v e . Av a i l a b l e N o vember. Quiet building, near lake. Call 905-6348089 (3pm-6pm) BURLINGTON. 2 bedroom, $880/mo. inclusive. Well located, quiet building near downtown, buses, highway, lake. 905333-0869. www.smar.ca BURLINGTON. Guelph L i n e / N e w. 2 - b e d r o o m , Dec.1st, quiet, clean, low rise, parking. $850/mo. +hydro. 416-453-5954. BURLINGTON. Renovated bachelor basement apartment. On bus route, $800/mo. inclusive. Immediate. Suit single professional. 905-330-2568. CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront buildi n g . Ve r y s p a c i o u s 2 & 3 bedrooms available Octob e r / N o v e m b e r. 5 2 2 0 Lakeshore, Burlington. $1200/mo. 905-632-5486 (No dogs preferred) See us on www.viewit.ca DOWNTOWN Burlington living. Find your ideal living or working rental accommodations at www.burling ton-apartments.com DOWNTOWN Oakville~ 2-bdrm $1295/mo. Close to all amenities, park setting. No lease or last month deposit required. Non-smokers. 905-3302770/ 905-330-1566. FACING Burlington Mall. Brand new kitchens. Large suites in quiet, mature buildings. Hydro included Princess 905-639-8009 or Regency 905-681-8115 GORGEOUS, brand new 1+den with 2 parking spots, balcony, view, hardwood, top appliances and granite. An Oakville beauty. $1300/month Call Andrew Sales Representative for Century 21 Miller. 905845-9180. GUELPH Line/ Prospect, across from Burlington Mall. 1-bedroom, $848/mo. Very quiet and clean building. 905-333-1525 L A K E F R O N T- B r o n t e , Oakville. 1-bedroom, bright spotless, open concept, large pine kitchen, $1050/mo. inclusive. Suit single. 905-827-2266 evenings. LAKESHORE & Bronte. 1 bedroom from $945/mo. utilities included, +parking. N o v. 1 . C l o s e t o B r o n t e Harbour and all amenities. 905-825-0816 LAKEVIEW high rise, ideal location, balcony, security, 1-bdrm starting $850/mo.; 2-bdrm starting $1050/mo. 905-632-1427 LARGE, clean, 1 bedroom basement apartment in Bronte. $895/mo inclusive. 905-465-3428. MUST See! Exclusively located in the "Orchard" community (Appleby/ Upper Middle). 1-Bedroom, fully furnished/ own washroom/ 5 appliances. Includes pool, full gym, satellite, parking, heat, hydro. Close to GO/ Hwys/ Shopping. Female/ non smoker/ no pets preferred. Immediate. $650/mo. 905592-1393. OAKVILLE 174 Felan Ave. 2-bedrooms. $800/mo. Available immediately. Parking. Call to view 416-407-3556. OAKVILLE, 200 Queen Mary Drive. 1-bedroom, $995/mo Dec.1.; 2-bedroom $1295/mo Nov.15.; 3-bedroom $1400/mo Nov.15. Utilities/ parking included. Clean, quiet building. 905-844-1934 OAKVILLE, Bronte. Large, bright, secure, 2bedroom $1000/mo. Inclus i v e . D e c e m b e r. Q u i e t , well-maintained building. 905-337-2722. OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Elmwood. Spacious 2-bedroom apartments. 1 parking. Available immediately. $999/mo. includes utilities. 905-338-0491; 905-8250987. OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Speers Rd. Newly renovated Bachelor, 1&2 bedrooms From $650/mo. 905-3391154 OAKVILLE, near Downtown. 2 bedroom apartments, newly renovated, balcony. Clean quiet building. Laundry facilities. $950/mo. Available immediately. 905-339-3997. OAKVILLE- 3&2 bedroom apartment for rent, $990 & $ 8 6 0 , I m m e d i a t e l y, 8 0 South Forester Park Dr. 647-892-2456 Ray. OAKVILLE. Spacious 3bedroom main floor of house, laundry, parking, near schools/ YMCA/ GO. $1300/mo. utilities included. Dec.1st. 647-8952115. OAKVILLE/ Bronte- Hixon/ Nelson. 3-bedroom basement unit in house, parking, $900/mo. +shared utilities, Immediate. 905847-1138. OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!.... Fully furnished Corporate Residences! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Unbelievable From.... $49.95*/night! M/Card- Visa- Diner's Page Us at 905-681-7355 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES TING $ STAR 895.00/month · Minutes to GO & QEW · Magnificent view of the lake & mountain · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Rent includes all utilities & cable · Individual Climate Control (Heating & A/C) Exceptional Value!!! SHORT/ Long-Term- Only toothbrush needed! Florida-like condo with spectacular lake view. Insuite laundry, cable, high speed internet, sauna, small gym, parking. Non-smokers. Pet free building. $1800/mo. inclusive. 905-334-3369. 890/ month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway $1350/MO. to own your own home with nothing down even if you are self employed. Call Napoleon Wilson for details Sutton Group Results Realty Inc., Brokerage 905-332-4111 ALDERSHOT 2-bedroom house near GO. Suits busy professional. Lawn maintenance included. Nonsmoking. $1290/mo. +utilities. 905-632-0697 AMAZING Renovation. Quiet crescent south of Lakeshore Rd., Charm & character home on large mature lot. Hardwood floors, large principal rooms, den, family room open to kitchen. 2 Fireplaces. Available immediately. $2850/mo Michael O'Sullivan, Sales Rep. Royal LePage Burloak, 905-634-7755 BRONTE Village, Oakville. $1430/mo. Near Lake and Harbour. Modern 2 storey semi. 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, eat-in kitchen, patio walkout to yard, 4 appliances, A/C, garage. Dec.1 possession. Call Carman Munro 905-847-5677 BURLINGTON Southwest. 2-bedroom+ renovated period home, established neighbourhood (no basement). $1200/mo. heat included. Can be fully or partially furnished. 905-634-4871. www.viewit.ca/19115 BURLINGTON $1350/mo 3bdrm. Bungalow on quiet Mountainside street. Central Air, Big yard, walk to schools & rec. Nov/Dec possession. 905-632-0028 Leave message BURLINGTON Southeast. Newly renovated main level spacious 3-bedroom b u n g a l o w. L a u n d r y f a cilities. Parking. Quiet street. Minutes walk to lake/ shopping/ bus. Available Nov.15th. Prefer no pets/ non-smokers. $1350/mo. includes utilities. Suits home office. 905-844-3124 ext.1 BURLINGTON~ Large ranch, double garage, 1.5 baths, recroom, c/a, fireplace, $1450/mo; Downtown, Bungalow 2-bedroom, hardwood, recroom, 2 baths $1050/mo; Bungalow, 3-bedroom +den, by park, $1,120/mo.; Appleby Mall, 2-storey semi, 3-bedroom, $1050/mo. 905-6325690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage. BUY With Zero DownFree list of properties available. Marzena Szczeszek 416-624-1663 o r w w w. d o m u s 9 0 5 . c o m SS/GMAC Real Estate CARLISLE. Large 3-bedroom home, familyroom w/fireplace, den, double garage. Excellent location for highway commuters. Move in for Christmas. $1650/mo. +utilities. Prefer non-smokers/ no pets. 905-659-3076. DORVAL/ Speers~ 3 bedroom, finished basement, garage, big garden, $1300/mo. +utilities. Immediate. 416-720-9235. DOWNTOWN Lakeshore Core. Beautifully appointed character home. Designers own home with park like grounds available as short term executive suite with gardener and maid service. Avail. immediately. $2800/mo. Michael O'Sullivan, Sales Rep. Royal LePage Burloak 905-6347755 Call Today For Manager Special CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave. · 905-639-4677 w w w. m c a r t h u r p r o p e r t i e s . c o m Burlington Square HOMESTEAD 2 bdrm penthouse suite available December 1 Gorgeous Lake View Great Oakville Location at Bronte Harbour SPOIL YOURSELF WITH A... SURREY LANE APARTMENTS 685,695 & 705 Spacious 1,2 and 3 bd suites fr $760. All incl. On site laundry, indoor parking. Conveniently located to Hwys, & shopping. Friendly on site staff 905-639-0456 2 Bedroom town home located on the boarder of Oakville and Burlington. Close to the lake with easy access to major highways. $1375.00/per month, visit our website for a further l o o k , w w w. d a v i e s c o n dos.ca 3 Bedroom town home nestled on the 15th hole of a golf course. Beautiful finishing's and upgrades. $2750.00/per month, visit our website for a further l o o k , w w w. d a v i e s c o n dos.ca BEAUTIFUL roll top oak desk for sale. Perfect for home office/office supply use. $450.00, please call 905-333-4347 for further details. BRONTE/ Lakeshore Panoramic~ Exquisite Large 1-bedroom, 6-applia n c e s , l a k e v i e w, r e c centre w/indoor pool/jacuzzi, A/C. From $1295/mo.* 905-681-7355 BURLINGTON Newly Renovated Luxurious 2bedroom, 2-bath, +solarium, hardwood throughout, great location/ amenities. 24hr security. Immediate. Philoria Lau, Salesperson, Sutton Group Results Realty Inc. Brokerage 905-332-4111 philorialau@cogeco.ca BURLINGTON West, Warwick Court, large bright 1bedroom, $950/mo. includes utilities, cable, underground parking. No pets preferred. 905-6317669 BURLINGTON, "Grande Regency" 1100sq.ft. Luxury 2-bedroom, 2 bath, solarium, 5 appliances, c/air, parking, pool, exercise, security. $1250/mo. utilities included. Dec.1st or earlier 905-331-3249; 905-5126366 BURLINGTON, Balmoral, Large 1-bedroom, 2 baths, c / a , i n - s u i t e l a u n d r y, 6-appliances. No-smoking, $1200/mo +utilities. Dec.1. 905-335-1696 BURLINGTON, Lakeshore/ Maple area, 18th floor 2-bedroom, 2 baths, locker, etc. $1350/mo. inclusive. Dec.1st. 905-2201111 B U R L I N G TO N , Wa l k e r s Line/ Upper Middle. 1-bedroom, open concept w/cathedral ceilings, 5 applia n c e s , b a l c o n y, c / a i r , underground parking. Near all amenities, 1st month free. $1200/mo. +heat/ hydro, cable included. Nov.1st. 905-975-9583. G O R G E O U S 2 bedroom condominium, Bronte Rd area, lake view, parking. Call 1-800-263-1313. KERR/ Rebecca. 2-bedroom apartment, balcony, near Lake/ shops. Underground parking. $1100/mo. includes utilities. Immediate. 647-892-6057; 647219-0058. NEW Tribute building condo's. 1-bedroom $1200/mo, 2-bedroom $1500/mo. Available A S A P, n e w a p p l i a n c e s . Call Anna 905-257-6375. RENT to own- Gorgeous 2 bedroom condominium. Oakville, indoor parking, Bronte Rd area. 1-800263-1313. 3 Bdrms $900/mo 4 Bdrms $975/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management APPLEBY/ Mainway, Burlington. Furnished bedroom w/ensuite, parking, phone, internet. Share familyroom, $500/mo. utilities included. 905-3366176. A P P L E Y B Y / N e w. M a i n floor Furnished room. Internet, parking, laundry, phone. Shared kitchen/ bath. $500. 1-888-5463622 AVA I L A B L E N o v. 1 s t . Spacious furnished room with view! Southeast Burlington on bus line. Prefer working woman. First/ last. $500/mo. Call 905399-2410. BURLINGTON Mall/ GO, furnished room, quite home, private entrance/ bath, fridge, microwave ect., internet available. $ 4 5 0 / m o . Va c a n t . 9 0 5 632-1333. B U R L I N G TO N , F r a n c i s / King. Bedroom in home. Non-smoking. Usage of kitchen/ laundry/ cable/ internet. $475/mo. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 905-639-9210. KNOTTY pine room in ranch style house. $95/wk. Near Mapleview Mall. Private entrance. Female tenant responsible plus one friend. All utilities, parking, laundry, phone, air conditioned, digital box/ cable. Act Fast- Won't Last. 905632-5735 OAKVILLE and Mississauga. Rooms available immediately in homes. Furnished or unfurnished. From $525/mo. inclusive. 905-618-0202. OAKVILLE- Furnished room. Well-maintained, exceptionally clean, large Oakville home. Responsible individual need only a p p l y. Tr a f a l g a r / U p p e r Middle. $500/mo. inclusive. 905-338-6444. OAKVILLE- Third Line/ Upper Middle. Separate entrance. 2 private rooms, Bath, livingroom, laundry, cable. $695/mo. First/ last No pets preferred. 905825-2941. OAKVILLE. (QEW/ 3rd Line) Room for rent, suit working person/ student, $500/mo. Parking. Share kitchen, laundry, sauna, gym, tanning. Immediate. 905-465-1594, 416-7711731 ROOM(S) for rent, spacious, $450/mo. Near Oakville Place/ Sheridan College. 905-510-3903. 1-866-499-1607 www.ontim.com www. homestead.on.ca BURLINGTON Core executive townhome- open modern concept, 2-bdrm, 1.5 baths, 5 appliances, c/a, hardwood, Fireplace, garage, private grounds, fully maintained, immaculate. 1375/ 45 Stephens o n D r. , $ 1 5 0 0 / m o . Av a i l a b l e D e c . 1 . C a l l Marcella 905-544-9949 Executive living by the lake (2900sqft)- Featuring magnificent kitchen granite, hardwood, 5 stainless appliances, washer/ dryer, whirlpool, fireplace, 3-bedrm, 2.5 spa baths, magnificent terrace (28ftx18ft), Sec u r i t y. C o r n e r M a r t h a / Pine, $2600/mth. Decemb e r. M a r c e l l a 9 0 5 - 5 4 4 9949 APPLEBY Mall, 3-bedroom condo, garage, 1.5 bath, recroom. $1130/mo.; Home Depot, Burlington, 4-bedroom, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1115/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage, 905632-5690 APPLEBY/ Upper Middle. 3bedroom new executive town in Burlington. Backing onto ravine, open concept. Short or long term lease. Near Go, Easy highway access. $1550/mo 905-5104973 ATTRACTIVE 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, Dundas/ Third Line. Near schools/ shopping/ transit. Hardwood floors, private patio, c/air, 5 a p p l i a n c e s , N o v e m b e r. $1450/mo. +utilities. Room: $550/mo. Credit check. Prefer no pets. 416616-8309. BRONTE/ Dundas. 3-bedroom end unit townhouse. 2.5 bath, single garage. Available Dec. 1st. 905-8277126 or 905-808-2729 BURLINGTON New, Immaculate Executive 3-bedrooms, large eat-in kitchen, 5 appliances, ceramics, A/C, 3-way fireplace., garage. Near GO/ shopp i n g / s c h o o l s / N o v. 1 . $1395mo.+utilities 905466-6305. BURLINGTON luxury townhouse, 5 appliances, hardwood, 2.5 baths, large ensuite (jacuzzi) in master bedroom, deck, garage. $1400/mo. 905-777-9993. BURLINGTON QEW/ Guelph Ln, 3-bedroom renovated end-unit, quite well-maintained complex, heat & appliances, schools /daycare/ church walking distance, $995/mo +hydro, available Oct 15. Call Mike 905-317-0689 BURLINGTON- Brant/ Bluefield, 3 bedroom, fenced yard, fridge, stove, l a u n d r y, parking. $925/mo. +hydro. Av a i l a b l e D e c / 1 s t 9 0 5 319-2010. ON THE LAKE 2-Bdrm units w/4 appliances 5370 Lakeshore Rd., $810 Burlington Park Towers 1 Bedroom $810 2 Bedroom $860 3 Bedroom $1100 Utilities Included 2386 New Street at Guelph Line, Burl. CONTROL YOUR OWN HEAT & AC Spacious 1&2 bdrm with family room, sunken living room. from $1075/mo Close to Oak. Place, QEW & GO. 1297 Marlborough and Trafalgar Rd. rentmarlboro @capreit.net 905-901-0134 www.caprent.com Burlington 905-681-0259 Conveniently located across from Lakeside Plaza A PARK LIKE SETTING! 3 bdrm townhomes Avail. November. Excellent Staff! Close to shopping & QEW. 1420 Tyandaga Park. Dr., Burl. 905-335-3001 www.caprent.com BURLINGTON. Spacious 2-bedrooms. Across from Sobey's Power Centre, easy access to highways/ minutes to GO/ bus. $880/mo. +utilities. 905336-9842. GEORGIAN Court Estates, King /Plains Rd., Burlington. Immaculate large 2&3 bedroom townhouses, full basements. Utilities included. Call 905-592-9168 www.realstar.ca OAKVILLE, 3-bedrooms. new carpets/ flooring, 5 appliances, close to all amenities including GO, 2 car parking. Prefer no smoking/ pets. Available Dec.1st $1400/mo. +util. 416-875-9107; 905-4580409 OAKVILLE, Dundas/ Third Line. Gorgeous 3+1 bedroom, 3.5 baths, garage, s/s appliances, hardwood, c/air, finished basement, gas fireplace. Walk to schools, shopping, park. Prefer no smoking/ pets. $1400/mo. +utilities. Dec.1st. 905-815-3750. OAKVILLE~ 3 bedroom townhouse available immediately through December 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905876-3336 VERY large 3 bedroom, Immediate/ Nov./ Dec.1. Very large 4-bdrm, Dec.1. Hardwood floors, 5 appliances, Park-like setting www.rentaltownhouses.ca Burlington 905-681-0070 Tel: 905-639-5761 Rental Office Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. QUIET BUILDING Prestigious, elegant & quiet building in beautiful downtown Oakville. 2bdrm from $1305. Available November. Close to shopping with friendly staff. 6 John St & Forsythe. FALL SPECIAL!!! 1, 2 bdrms, 1&2bdrm +den Penthouse, Easy access to GO & shops. Pool, weight room, saunas, a/c, 24 7 surveillance. 3 months free A.G. parking. Oakville 905-845-4751 905-338-3342 DON'T Miss... Bronte & Lakeshore Newly Renovated 3 bdrm apartment with lake view Great Location In Oakville Close To Downtown. 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms Avail. 199 Queen Mary Drive 905-842-5300 LIVE RIGHT DOWNTOWN! A/C, 1&2 bdrm in downtown Burlington. New light fix & ceramics. Well maintained quality building. Walk to Spencer Smith Pk. 505 Locust St. Avail. Nov. 905-333-9008 www.caprent.com BURLINGTON on the bay. 1 bedroom, $970/mo. 1.5 bedroom $995/mo. Near Marina, indoor pool, doorman, A/C, hydro, parking included. Near GO. 905632-1109. BURLINGTON- 1,2&3 bedroom apartment in excellently maintained building, fully renovated, new appliances, utilities & cable included. From $750/mo. 905-639-1660 $1600/mo, Dec /7th 1 bdrm $1010/mo Dec/ 15th Utilities & parking incl. 128 Bronte Rd, Oak. OAKVILLE~ Affordable Rent! Large 1&2 bedroom hardwood, suites w/balcony. Appliances, laundry, quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. Penthouse, 2-baths, 5 appliances, surround balcony, 3 patio door exits 1 off masterbed, BBQ pit, excellent views, FP, ceramic/ hardwood, Must see! 905-3393245 PRIME Downtown Burlington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom. New windows. Modernized elevators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905-634-9374, 905-6321643 STUDIO apartment, in Aldershot, Burlington, full kitchen, private entrance, parking, available immediately. $625 +hydro, first/ last. No pets preferred. September 15th 905-6347484 WATERDOWN~ Specials 2 bedrooms from $885/mo walk everywhere; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com 905-582-9071 WATERDOWN Come live with us in 1 bedroom Great Deal 905-690-1896 BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & Maple. Lakefront views! Exceptional value, spacious 1&2 bedrooms. Utilities included. Pool sauna. Near all amenities. Dec./Oct.1. 905-632-5258 BURLINGTON- Large, 2bedroom (825sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near downtown. $825/mo. includes parking Call Gabe, 905634-5885 B U R L I N G T O N Wa l k e r s Line/ Dundas. 2 rooms available in spacious townhouse $500. & 550. all inclusive Available Nov1st. 905-315-7816 FURNISHED bedroom available in 2 bedroom, 2 storey townhouse with yard, Burlington. Share with quiet, friendly, mature, male student. $550/mo. includes parking, internet, cable and utilities. Call Colin at 905-334-0235. OAKVILLE. Trafal/ McCraney. Furnished room, laundry, cable, non-smoking. $600. inc. 905-220-4922 LOCATION.... Location.. Location.. 2-brdm penthouse, gorgeous view of a Great Lake. Available December 1st. Utilities included. Oakville 1-866499-1607 www.ontim.com BURLINGTON furnished 1-bedroom basement apartment. Separate entrance. Newly renovated, separate entrance. No parking. $700/mo. 905319-1579. ROOM available. Country living, parking space, bathroom & kitchen, $110/wk., Hwy#5/ Bronte Rd. Rick 905-510-5982 after 6pm.