www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 14, 2007 - 37 Community Update Forward announcements of nonprofit local events for Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; email angela@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-845-3824, ext. 248. Free. BULLETIN Nov. 12-24 Halton Rotary Auction at www.haltonrotaryauction.ca, more than $50,000 worth of items for auction. Proceeds to support Rotary Youth Programs. Bid often and bid high. May Court 20th annual Festival of Trees Sunday, Nov. 18-Saturday, Dec. 8, Oakville Place, Centre Court. BEYOND coping with grief and loss, weekly support group meetings, Wednesdays, 7:30-9 p.m., Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre, contact Debbie Long at 289-242-4471. Rainbows 2008, St. Jude's Church, 160 William St., a support group for children five to 14 experiencing grieving or loss, registration for 14-week program beginning January 2008, call 905-844-3972. VPI free information sessions and services for youth and unemployed adults, 476 Morden Rd., Ste. 102, 9-10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, call 905-338-2190. Friends of Oakville Public Library November Book Sale, Central Branch, 120 Navy St. -- Wednesday, Nov. 14 (Members Night) 6-9 p.m.; Thursday, Nov. 15 11 a.m.9 p.m., Friday, Nov. 16 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 17 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 18 (Half price) 1-4:30 p.m. Buy tickets for Arthur l'aventurier in concert on Saturday, Nov. 17, presented by Les Coccinelles d'Oakville Inc., Ecole SteMarie, 336 Maurice Dr., doors open at 3:30 p.m., concert 4-5 p.m., pizza dinner follows, $15, $5 for children under 2. Contact lescoccinelles@cogeco.net or 905-285-2029. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 14 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halton Information Session, 7:30 p.m. at 464 Morden Rd. Sheridan Park Toastmasters meets 7:15 p.m., John Knox School Library, Ford Drive north of Royal Windsor Drive, contact rdacorte@cogeco.ca, rdacorte@cogeco.ca or www.sheridanparktm.org. Bronte Horticultural Society meets at Colborne Recreation Centre, Lakeshore Road, 7:30 p.m., all welcome, visitors $3. Needs, Leads and Good Deeds, holiday business networking and gift-buying show hosted by Donna Messer and Jennifer Beale, 5:30-9:30 p.m., Otello's Banquet Centre, 2273 Royal Windsor Dr., $50 at the door, everyone attending must also bring an unwrapped toy, call 905-842-4336. Halton School of the Bible Current New Testament Studies , Wednesdays, 7-8 p.m., call 905-847-3530 . Free seminar on Stress, LeDome Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Rd. E. Contact 905-338-4379 or elittle@haltonhealthcare.on.ca. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 Spanish Women's Social group, 12:30- 2:30 p.m., free, The Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 229, call 905-847-5520 or visit www.haltonwomenscentre.org. Family Law Workshop, 6:30-9 p.m., $5, The Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 229, call 905-847-5520 or visit www.haltonwomenscentre.org. Bronte CCC (Community Consultation Committee) Public meeting 7 p.m., Eastview Public School Library, Hixon Street. Men's Probus Club of Oakville meets at Maple Grove United Church, 10 a.m., Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn, guests welcome, contact 905-338-3817. Oakville Master Gardeners: 120 Navy Street, Oakville Central Library, 7-9 p.m., speaker on urban water resources, call 905-257-2442. Halton Healthcare Living Healthy series, free seminar on Diabetes, Southside Community Church, 2850 Derry Rd. E., Milton. Contact 905-338-4379 or elittle@haltonhealthcare.on.ca. Ken Ogilvie, Executive Director of Pollution Probe, at Canadian Club of Halton Peel dinner, Oakville Conference Centre Wyecroft Road/Bronte Road, registration and a cash bar start at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m., members $30, non-members $40, students $15. Reserve at 905827-6302 or bwylie@globalserve.net or 905-849-0139, tcshaw@cogeco.ca or www.cfuwoakville.ca. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16 Downtown Oakville annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Carols at 7 p.m. in Towne Square, Lakeshore and George Street., Mayor Burton will light the tree at 7:30 p.m. Visit www.oakvilledowntown.com. Chicken dinner at Bronte Legion, 6:30 p.m., The Club Room, $8/adults, $4/children. All welcome. Tickets available Monday to Friday at the bar. Call the Legion for information at 905-827-4722. Rotary Club Travelogue Canal Adventures in England, Scotland & Wales, Holy Trinity School, 2420 Sixth Line (north of Upper Middle) Doors open 7 p.m., film starts 7:30 p.m., $12, call 905-338-0768, or www.rotary7080.org/oakvillecent. Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at Heritage Square, Kerr Street, 5-9 p.m., school choirs and musicians, food, visit www.kerrvillagebia.ca. Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Mississauga Centre meets 8 p.m. at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, Rm. SE2082, South Building. contact www.rasc.ca/mississauga or 905-465-1390. HDTV without ExpressVu is like a toy without batteries. Enjoy the Full HD experience this holiday season, only with ExpressVuTM HDTV from Bell. Free HD or PVR receiver for 1 year1 Save $ 120 · Superior picture quality up to 10 times better than regular cable · Most HD channels over 60 and counting · Best HD Personal Video Recorder (PVR) with largest recording capacity Bonus: $10 Pay-Per-View credit 2 Visit a Bell store Available at the following ExpressVu retailers: 1 866 372-5204 bell.ca/hdtv1 Keith's Stereo Offer ends December 31, 2007. Available to residential customers, where access and line of sight permit. 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