OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, September 20, 2008 47 OA K V I L L E - f u r n i s h e d room in apartment, near Oakville Place. Suit nonsmoking male, $460/mo. inclusive. 905-338-8455. OV E R L O O K I N G l a k e ~ Burlington, bedroom w/private 5pc bath, pantry w/fridge, microwave, C / a i r, c a b l e , p a r k i n g , pool. 905-637-1083 EXPERIENCED, mature caregiver for 5 year old boy. 5:30am - 12Noon, 4-5 days/week, must have references & drivers license. $15/hr. less taxes. 416-450-0316. C O U C H , 3 s e a t e r, o f f white, 5 big pillows. Coffe e t a b l e , d a r k b r o w n , g l a s s t o p. S m a l l d e s k , brown. Solid wood desk, b r ow n , 6 d rawe r s. C a l l 905-637-3989. ENGLISH Bulldog~ Four males, various colours, first shots, vet checked ready to go. Guaranteed 905-467-7439 FREE: Jug (JACKxPUG) Female, Spayed, 12mos, social, lots of energy & p e r s o n a l i t y. J a c k - l i k e looks. Needs good home that can give her lots of exercise & attention. 289313-0670 Burlington HONDA Odyssey 1997. Clean 178,000km. Rust proofed, cer tified, etested, $4500. Please call 905-842-5851 $CALL Centre$ Exciting well established grocery company hiring 8 people P/T 4:30-8:30 M-F, 10-2 Sat. $15-20/hr. No exp. needed. Call now! 905331-0112 A N I M A L C a r e Wo r ke r Par t-Time at Burlington Humane. Fax resume to: 950-637-7391 or email: burlingtonhumane@ bellnet.ca APPLEBY/ New St. Burlington. Quiet, non-smoking male house with dog to share. $450/mo. 905637-0414. BU R L I N G TO N - R o o m available. Walkers Line/ New Street, on bus route. Share use of house, parking, internet, utilities included w/cable. $475/mo Immediate. 905-4831600. EXECUTIVE Oakvilletownhome to share/large yard. On 8th Line. 2 spacious rooms including all immensities, parking, l a u n d r y, s a t e l l i t e a n d internet. Bus to door and walking distance to Oakv i l l e P l a c e / G r o c e r y, Sheridan and GO. $600$750 per month. Please call 905-842-5190 SPRING Creek, Waterdown. New townhouse to share with other female $ 4 5 0 / m o. Ava i l a bl e i m mediately. Call 289-8959797 FINANCIAL Institution and dealer auction, Sat. Sept. 27, 10am, preview 8 a m . We s t e r n Fa i r grounds, Dundas St.W. of Highbur y Ave. N., London. Lots of repos! 200+ boats, RV's, PWC. 150+ snowmobiles, ATVs. Consignments welcome. Aero M a r i n e Au c t i o n S a l e s , 705436-4477, 866-3756109 www.aeromarineauction. com PIANO (Wur litzer) for sale. Apar tment size. $1000. Please call:905689-7129 PINE bedroom suite, queen headboard, 2 night tables, chest of drawers, 6 ' d r e s s e r w / m i r r o r, framed standing mirror $800. 905-319-3665 POOL Table, Brand New, still in box. Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. 905-304-9994 R E T R A C TA B L E p a t i o aw n i n g fo r s a l e . W h i t e with navy and gray stripes. Size 22 ft wide x 11 ft 6inches deep. Asking $1,099. Call 905.336.9810 SOLID pine bunkbed with matching dresser. Rarely used, paid $1500 asking $1000.obo. 289-895-9014 TIRES, 4-BF Goodr ich, light truck, 265-70-R17, All Season Radials, 8 months, $350. 416-7170826 FRIDGES, Stoves, Washers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 1 year warranty par ts & labour, delivery available. 905-458-8808. ELECTRIC fireplace complete with mantel. Purchased at Sears. Moving not needed. 905528-9710. **A1 Mattress Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes incl u d i n g c u s t o m S p l i t boxsprings, Or thopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop and 'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $ 3 9 0 . Wa t e r b e d s , F u tons, End of line/ discontinued items available . 905-8472020; 905-681-9496 1955 Wurlitzer Jute Box Model 1800. Complete with 50's- 60's records, excellent condition, asking $2800. Trimline electric walking machine, excellent condition, asking $400. Call 416-768-3530. A Huge Renovation SaleFur niture, appliances, snooker table, aquarium, foosball, etc. For appointment call: 416-453-6393. B U F F E T, h u t c h , t a b l e and 4 chairs, $150 obo. Chesterfield and chair, $100 obo. Loveseat, $50 obo. 905-336-7194. CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & h a l l fo r $ 3 8 9 . I n c l u d e s carpet, pad & installation ( 3 0 ya r d s ) S t eve, 9 0 5 633-8192 CHANDELIER, 3 tier, 16 light, gold, 28"w x32"h, chain wire fasteners included, $240. Interior coach light, 2 tier, 6 light, gold, 12"w x28"h, chain wire fasteners included, $125. 5 ball white ceiling light fixture, 20"w x12"h, $30. Call 905-577-2141. H OT Tu b / S p a - B r a n d new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 8 6 9 5 . , Sacrifice $4250. Call 905971-1777 FOUND: Grey and white cat, Centennial and Guelph Line. We call Fr i t z . P l e a s e c a l l 9 0 5 637-7325. FOUND: Digital Camera in case on Fairview Street between Walkers and Appleby on Wednesday September 17 at 7:30am. 905-483-5341. FOUND: iPod last week near Downtown Oakville on Lakeshore. 905-8477461. FOUND: Siamese cat near Walkers and Upper Middle Road. We call Sushi. Please call: 905-6377325. F O U N D : Yo u n g fe m a l e dilute calico cat. Found at Walkers and Lakeshore. We call Anastasia. Please call: 905-6377325. F O U N D : Yo u n g , b l a c k male cat. Found at Mainway and Walkers. We call Junior. Please call 905637-7391. WEDDING ring lost. S e p t . 1 4 t h . Pa r k n e a r Heritage Glen School. Sentimental value. Reward offered. (905)3998488. ALL Best Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Chin a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All antique furnishings, A r t , C o l l e c t i bl e s , e t c . Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 WE buy appliances if you are moving, upgrading or renovating. We pick-up. Call Antony 905-3398017 live in/out 270 nannies/ NANNY Share Available in Oakville! Great F/T or P/T alter native to Daycare. All the love, comfor ts and care of home. Lots of fresh air, play, arts and crafts. Equipment necessary is already here. If interested please contact after 7:30pm 905815-0301 SELLING: Highly collectible Trisha Romance prints. "Candlelight Stroll" ($1100) & "NurseryRhymes.($600) Both matted, framed by Galler y, limited editions. Call 289244-7120. J A C K R u s s e l l Te r r i e r puppies. JRTCC Regist e r e d ke n n e l . Fr i e n d l y, fun loving, Champion parents. Health guarantee. 905-689-6917. Your Community Newspaper in print call ANGEL Homecare, Assistance for seniors, all PLANNING a trip to Flori- types of care offered, da ? Instead of staying at bathing, dressing, beda hotel...Stay at your own m a k i n g , m e a l p r e p , Private Home, Villa, Con- d i s h e s , l a u n d r y a n d do, or Pool Home! Deal grocery shopping. Serdirectly with the owners at v i c e t h a t i s ov e r t h e rates comparable to Halo. Call Kim, PSW 905-510-4216 hotels! Visit us at: MyHolidayHome SENIOR Homecare By Rental.com Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hour In-home care. 905-634-2400. MOVING SALE! Bedroom set, sofas, chairs, tables, p o o l t a bl e, l a m p s, p i c tures, etc..... Please call (905) 849-9287. MOVING, must sell. Sofa, framed art & high end furniture, Bombe chest. Like new. 905-842-8886. MOVING- Washer/ Drye r, Fr i d g e / S t ove ; a l s o gas dryer. Excellent condition. Will separate. 905335-2059 + = Your Total Recruitment Solution! 905-632-4440 DINING table, 4' x 4', 8 dark brown leather parsons chairs, buffet hutch glass doors, BRONTE- Experienced w i t h Home Daycare Provid- $1950, original receipts available, $3285. Fr igie r. M e m b e r o f H a l t o n Region. Receipts, daire gallery electric Meals, References. 905- stove, black ceramic top, 6 elements, self cleaning 847-8041. convection oven, warmE.C.E, 14 years, First Aid. ing drawer, hardly used, Theme Based Curriculum $650. 905-577-2141. activities, nutritious lunch/ snacks. Brant Hills. Fiona H OT Tu b ( S p a ) C ove r s best price, Best quality. 905-319-8746. All shapes & colours. Call FUN, loving home day- 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 care has spots available. www.thecoverguy.ca Full/ part-time, weekends possible. Walkers Line/ KITCHEN cabinet doors. Complete face-lift for the Jordan. 905-334-4310. older kitchen or bathGLEN Abbey Grandma & room. JF Restorations. M u m t e a m . N u t r i t i o u s Call 905-631-9151 meals, snacks, ABC's a n d 1 2 3 ' s . S t o r y t i m e . KITCHEN Cabinets, 50% C ra f t s a n d o u t d o o r a c - d i s c o u n t , c u s t o m i z e d , tivities. Receipts given. maple, cherry, rosewood, e b o ny, o t h e r f i n i s h e s, Please call 905-825-1811 counters, decorative H O M E D a y c a r e w i t h wo o d h o o d , i s l a n d a n d C h r i s t i a n e d u c a t i o n a l upgrades included. 905p r o g r a m f o r k i d s 3 - 5 930-9618. years old. LIFT chair/ recliner, like www.alissaandfriends.com new, $490. Excellent for 289-242-7584. person with poor mobility. Q UA L I T Y l ov i n g c h i l d - Call John, 905-681-1927. c a r e. F - T / P - T. D o r va l / Upper Middle, nutritious M AY TA G s t a c k a b l e , meals, all ages. First Aid, h e a v y d u t y 2 2 0 w a s h er/dryer (large capacity). CPR. 905-847-8407. $ 4 0 0 O. B. O P l e a s e phone 905-659-5432 S M A L L m a n u fa c t u r i n g shop requires reliable worker for assembly, experience with hand tools and ability to lift 50lbs. Forklift certification an asset. $13/hr start. Fax resume 905-331-6639. SOHO dry cleaners in Wa t e r d o w n n o w h i r i n g shirt press operator and dr y cleaners for new plant. Will training. Please call 905-699-7062 or email: robertmiller @cogeco.ca SUPERINTENDENT Couple for small, quiet building in Bronte. Ideal for 1 wor king in, one working out. Experience, minor maintenance and fluent English required. Please fax both resumes to: 416-240-1064. T H E A d d e d To u c h h a s immediate seasonal & per manent PT/FT positions. Phone Operatorscomputer order entry; Wa r e h o u s e - l i g h t p i ck / pack. Retail- friendly sales staff. Flex. shifts a v a i l . - d ay s , ev e n i n g s +weekends. Email work history w/wage expectations: hr6oakville@gmail.com. Warehouse- 403/Dundas; Retail- Downtown Oakville W I N D OW a n d D o o r c o m p a ny l o o k i n g fo r part-time appointment setters $10.00 hourly +bonus, flexible hours, Burlington area. Email resume: karen@ qsiwindows.com COOKSVILLE Auto Wreckers, scrap cars, truck removal, cash, flat bed service, 1-800-4337359. Ownerships processed properly OFFICE Administrator required for Canada's largest web-based retailer of promotional products. The successful candidate w i l l b e we l l o r g a n i ze d , computer proficient (MS Office), with exceptional communication skills (verbal & written), and the ability to multi-task priorities. For more information visit www.promopeople.com PA R T- T I M E , C l e r i c a l / Scanning/ Filing. 4:00pm to 8:00pm, Monday thru Fr iday. Well-organized, self-starter with pleasant, courteous manner. Attention to detail is essential. Computer skills and excellent spelling skills required. Resumes may be faxed to: 905-3389904 or email to: argus@bellnet.ca RECEPTIONIST required fo r Au t o m o t i ve D e a l e r ship, experience required. Reply to: connie@multiline.ca PARADISO Oakville has excellent oppor tunities ava i l a bl e fo r F u l l - T i m e a n d Pa r t - T i m e L i n e Cooks, Prep Cooks and Dishwashers with releva n t ex p e r i e n c e a n d a great attitude. Apply in person at 125 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville or email: anita@ paradisorestaurant.com QUIZNO'S hiring FullTime and Part-Time Positions for Days and Weekends at our location in Burlington at 675 Appleby Line. Please drop off resume in store or email to: chandni.khera@ myquiznos.com R OYA L W i n d s o r P u b , Oakville, hiring Servers. Fa x r e s u m e 9 0 5 - 3 3 7 7497, or drop off at 610 Ford Dr. THE Green Bean downtown Oakville's original coffee house. Now hiring. Please contact us at 905-844-1286 WATERDOWN Legion is looking for a part-time Bar Steward to work 2 days/week. Email resume to: filmans@burlington.ca or call 905-689-6112 1# EliteMoving, 10-28ft truck available. Short notice. Reliable. Experienced. Punctual. Disassembling/ Reassembling. 416-560-2723; 1888-593-7078 www.elitemoving.net M A X X M ove r s. P r o fe s sional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-8239705. 1997 Honda Accord EX, loaded in great condition, auto, 4-cylinder, 4-door, new brakes, timing belt, wa t e r p u m p, s e r v i c e d regularly (receipts), A/C, pwr windows, non-smoking, AM/FM/Cass/MP3 C o n n e c t o r, w h i t e / b l u e interior, cer t., e-tested. 210,000/kms. $6800. 905-689-0660. '03 Mitsubishi OutlanderAWD, 55,000km, 1 owner, full ser vice records, certified, excellent condition. Asking $12,300. Call 905-336-0714. 1992 Acura Integra, 5 speed, 4 door, power windows, power locks, power sunroof, Runs well, new muffler, new gas tank, as is. $800.obo. 905-6357042 1992 Jeep Cherokee Ltd 4x4 - 17" chrome mags/tires, snow tires, leather, black, Great Condition! Good for snow plow vehicle. $3,300 OBO (905) 331-1344 OA K V I L L E - N u r s e r y School E.C.E. Assistant INSIDE Sales Profession- needed immediately Partal required full-time by Time and Full-Time for Oakville Planning fir m. R e g g i o b a s e d S c h o o l . Excellent salary plus bo- Send resume by email: nus. Must have outbound karen.chaplin@ 1993 Olds Cutlass Sucalling experience. Must forestgrove.ca preme. Original owner be dedicated, profession135,000km. Service al and detail minded. records provided.3.1L V6, 4 door, air, power locks, CITY Looks Salon & Spa Preference to those with windows, Michelin tires, opportunities for Hair Sty- financial services experijust passed Safety & E list w/clientele. Top com- ence. Email resume H O U S E K E E P E R test. $2,000 OBO 905mission and benefits. As- info@wiseriddell.ca needed, Betty & John U, 336-1567 sistant and part-time Replease call- the job is ceptionist also available. PART-TIME Sales. Satur- yours. 1 9 9 6 F o r d Ta u r u s , Please call Barb 905-315- day and Sunday plus. In 2 7 0 K m . R u n s gr e a t . E 7664 or Brenda 905-802- lighting showroom. Adt e s t e d Au g / 0 8 B r o w n v a n c m e n t a v a i l a b l e . WANTED Housekeeper4787 $850 obo 905-582-4906 S e n d r e s u m e b y f a x : Part-time, must have experience. (Campbellville, FORTELLI'S in Oakville 905-639-0141 or e-mail: Guelph Line/ 401) 9051997 Acura Integra RS. looking for professional, yboutin@sescolite.com 854-6317. Black. Stock winter enthusiastic staff to join tires and summer rims our team! We are accept- PERMANENT, Part-Time i n cl u d e d . $ 1 5 0 0 f i r m . ing resumes for RMT and H e l p W a n t e d . A p p r o x Call 905-339-6916. Esthetician, e m a i l : 20-25 hrs/week. Previous H O U S E c l e a n i n g bu s i - Oakville@fortelli.com or customer ser vice/ sales 1999 Ford Escort 4-door, exper ience required. E X P E R I E N C E D , ness requires full/ par t- 905-847-0706 auto., air, keyless entry, Must be organized, detail- thorough, reliable Cleantime mature, responsible 53K., $5,000. Call Days, oriented, a quick learner, i n g L a d y a v a i l a b l e f o r DO You Have a Disability person. Contact Ms. Rus416-815-2031; evgs 905and able to multi-task in Oakville/ Burlington resiand would love to work? so 905-580-0784 257-8292 fast-paced enviroment dential cleaning. ReferWe will train and place FLAGSTONE Masons re- I n t e r m e d i a t e c o m p u t e r e n c e s K a r e n 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 1 9 9 9 V W J e t t a Wo l f s - you in: Office / Medical / quired. National award skills required. Graphic 0064; 905-580-0108. bu rg , b l a ck o n b l a ck , IT / Hospitality / Retail / winning c o m p a n y. Design skills also an as1 9 6 , 0 0 0 k m , A S I S , Financial environments. s e t . Fa x r e s u m e : 9 0 5 $ 3 5 0 0 . C a l l 4 1 6 - 7 2 8 - Call Business Education HOUSEKEEPER/ Clean- barry@poolscape.com POLISH Lady will clean 469-1850 College today - 905-631- er required in Burling7217. your house, apar tment/ 1206 ton P/T 10-15hrs/ week. E X P E R I E N C E D A u t o office, Oakville/ East Required first and last body Repair Technician 2000 Honda Civic EXG Burlington. Experienced. day of month. Fax re- required for busy Burlingg o l d , 1 5 0 K . , a u t o. , a i r, References. Anna 905sume 905-639-0996 or ton Shop. Call 905-634p/brakes, p/windows, 320-9843. MEDICAL Receptionist 2320. call 905-639-8583 heated mirrors, new Sony P/T for busy Oakville AM/FM/ CD, super clean, E X P E R I E N C E D C A o r no rust, will certify/ e-test, equivalent for small ac- MAID It Clean is seeking H I G H - E N D p a i n t i n g family practice. Multitaska l m o s t n e w To y o t i r e s counting office. Require reliable, mature full-time company offering top pay ing, professional and per160 rating, $6,400. Call Office Management, cor- e m p l o y e e s . F u l l - t i m e to well groomed, meticu- s o n a b l e t e a m p l ay e r s . 905-633-9793; 905-466- porate and personal in- star t Immediately. Must lously detailed individu- Fa x r e s u m e a n d c o ve r KD'S Cleaning Services, Home & Office. Bonded, have transpor tation Others need not letter to 905-845-8379. 8140. c o m e t a x a l o n g w i t h to/from work. Wages start als. Insured, Reliable. ReaCaseware, Simply soft- at $9.50/hr. If you would a p p l y. Ve h i c l e a m u s t . D E N TA L A s s i s t a n t s o n a bl e R a t e s. Fr e e 2000 Jeep TJ Spor t w/ ware. Able to start imme- like to join our team con- Call for details 905-631- needed Par t-Time Tues- Quotes. 647-880-6582 hard and soft top, A/C, diately. Please forward tact us Phone-905-631- 6424 days and Thursdays. Ex6-speed, upgraded staresume with salar y ex- 6243 Fax 905-631-3324 r e o, t w o s e t s r i m s a n d LABOURERS required p e r i e n c e a n a s s e t b u t pectations to E-mail tires and chrome accesfor Oakville based flat preferred. Email resume davidwhill@sympatico.ca info@maiditclean.ca sories. 2" lift, 4L engine. roofing company. Experi- to: drtannis@rogers.com by September 25th. $9500.obo Call Chris at ence an asset. Phone BATHROOM renovation, M O L LY M a i d r e q u i r e s 905-847-5923. DENTAL Assistant, F/T finishing carpentry, lami905-929-9515 e n e r g e t i c, d e p e n d a bl e for established Oakville nate floors, tiles, insulapeople. Full-time Mon2001 Honda Civic 2-door, practice. Excellent com- tion, kitchen backsplash, Fr i d a y, N o e v e n i n g o r 5-speed, air, p/windows, munication and computer painting, etc. Call Jason p / l o c k s , 4 3 K . , $ 9 , 0 0 0 . OAKVILLE based com- weekends! Paid training, skills. Resumes to: lee@ 416-986-4135. D a y s 4 1 6 - 8 1 5 - 2 0 3 1 ; pany requires DZ driver, benefits, car provided. BOOKKEEPER- We are oldeoakvilledental.com evgs. 905-257-8292 willing to pour/mix/finish 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 7 4 8 4 ( B u r l . / looking for an energetic, c o n c r e t e - l i k e m a t e r i a l Oak) motivated hands on full DO you desire a special B R O A D W AY R e n o v a 2002 Kia Spectra stan- throughout the GTA. Fax job that makes a differ- t i o n s . R e a s o n a bl e , r e OAKVILLE Nissan/ Infini- cycle bookkeeper. The dard 5-speed, 1.8L., sil- resume and drivers abliable home repairs & ti Car Jockey/ Cleanup ideal candidate will have e n c e ? J o i n t h e N u r s e renovations. Guaranteed v e r, 2 3 5 K . , a i r, p / w i n - stract to 905-827-9342. Person Wanted immedi- hands on experience us- Next Door team and care w o r k . S a m e d a y e s t i dows, cruise, CD/ AM/FM for seniors in their homes a t e l y t o p w a g e s a n d i n g Q u i ck b o o k s i n A / P, $3,000. Call 905-331throughout Oakville/Bur- mates. Oakville. 905-484PAC E X Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n benefits Fax/ email Rick A/R, payroll, government lington. Caring compan- 9099. 3048; 416-558-8874. Black Fax: 905-827-3070 requires Cargo Van Op- r b l a c k @ o a k v i l l e n i s - remittances, benefit ad- i o n s P S W / R P N / R N s ministration and vendor 2 0 0 2 M a z d a P r o t e g e - erator for Local/ US Deliv- san.com e n q u i r i e s. P l e a s e fo r - needed. Send resume to: MS Renovations Economy, 4cyl, 5 speed, eries. Also Drivers with careers@nursenextdoor We build Fences, Decks 4 door, very clean, runs own cars for local same PART-TIME Cleaner re- ward resume to: burloak.com Basement Renovations excellent, approx 229,000 d a y d e l i v e r i e s . A p p l y quired 2 hours per eve- gail.davis@ etc. Call 905-289-2997 pathwaysacademy.ca highway kilometers, sil- online at www.pacex.com n i n g M o n d a y - F r i d a y. E X P E R I E N C E D F u l l - Cell 905-324-0437 ve r, c e r t i f i e d a n d e O a k v i l l e a r e a . $ 1 1 / h r. EXPERIENCED Book- Time Dental Assistant tested. Reduced to sell, 905-561-9990 keeper, Full or Part-Time needed in Oakville Endo$ 3 5 0 0 o b o. P h o n e M r. dontic Office. Must be enPET Groomers, exper i- f o r e x i s t i n g S h o p p i n g ergetic, motivated, perWatt 905-829-8020 ext. enced finishers, wanted C e n t r e , M a n a g e m e n t sonable and experienced 110 LIVE in Superintendent for Pet Grooming Salon. Field. Submit resume by with outstanding patient 1 - 8 7 7 - J U N K - T WO - G O. 2 0 0 2 S a t u r n L 1 0 0 - for high-rise apt. building Start Immediately. Fax re- fax: 416-515-0454 or call service skills. Please fax 1 - 8 7 7 - 5 8 6 - 5 8 9 6 S a m e E c o n o m y, 4 c y l , a u t o , in Oakville. Contact Den- sume to: 905-331-2582 or 416-515-0575. day junk removal serresume to: Office Man- v i c e S e n i o r d i s c o u n t . loaded, 4 door, original nis @905-453-3841. call: 905-973-8011. OA K V I L L E Au t o m o t i ve agement, 905-849-8428 Call & get it done! 124,400km, clean, silver, or email: c e r t i f i e d a n d e - t e s t e d . NOW Hiring in Oakville. ROUTE Driver (FT)for lo- Service Equipment Busiarielle@endoweb.com R e a d y t o g o . $ 4 9 9 5 . Project Coordinator and cal office coffee & vend- ness, requires Accounting JUNK & rubbish removal. C l e r k . A / P, A / R , b a n k Phone Mr. Watt 905-829- K i t c h e n D e s i g n e r f o r ing company. Must have Great rates. We do all clean dr iver's abstract. r e c s . S t r o n g w o r k i n g MEDICAL Administration t h e h e av y l i f t i n g . 4 1 6 8020 ext. 110 small busy shop Call 905$ 1 4 / h r s t a r t . E m a i l r e - knowledge Quickbooks, f u l l - t i m e i n B u r l i n g t o n . 6 5 5 - 8 2 6 0 1 - 8 8 8 - 8 j u n k 815-7667 good command of Eng- Please send resume to 2 0 0 3 J a g u a r S - Ty p e sume: boys w w w. t h e j u n k l i s h l a n g u a g e, F l ex i bl e ham33@ymail.com 48K., silver exterior, black neil@ecscoffee.com boys.com par t-time hours. Submit PACKERS Light plastics leather interior, excellent condition, $15,995 obo. plant, West Oakville, Full- S H I P P E R / R E C E I V E R resume and cover letter time n i g h t s h i f t . f o r B u r l i n g t o n b a s e d sales@liftsuperstore.com 647-408-3348 A p p l i c a n t s m u s t h a v e manufacturer. Full-time 2004 Lexus RX-330 pearl good eye/ hand coordina- position, start immedi- PRINTING Company in KITCHEN and Wait Staff w h i t e e x t e r i o r , b e i g e tion and be fluent in Eng- ately. Fax resume to: Oakville requires Par t- f u l l & p a r t - t i m e . B u s y ENGLISH Painter/ Paperl e a t h e r i n t e r i o r , f u l l y l i s h . S a f e t y s h o e s r e - 905-637-4419 or e-mail: Time Typesetting on Mac. British Pub. Apply with h a n g e r a v a i l a b l e f o r Fa x Resume t o : r e s u m e S l y e Fox P u b, quality interior work. Call l o a d e d , 8 0 K . , $ 2 4 , 0 0 0 quired. Fax resume 905- sallen@graphicwhi 847-3126 905-844-5517. zard.com 905-815-2121. obo. 647-408-3348. Walkers & New St. AU TO M OT I V E D e t a i l e r Wa n t e d . W i l l i n g t o p ay t o p d o l l a r fo r t o p w o r k perfor med. Also able to train a willing but inexperienced worker. Located 1997 Plymouth Voyager i n B u r l i n g t o n / O a k v i l l e p/windows, p/door locks, area at one of Ontario's p/seats, p/steering, cruise largest dealerships. Call control, air, AM/FM cas- Phil at 905-616-3450 or sette, bucket seats, hitch, 905-756-2623. roof rack, new tires/ battery, 230K., $1,400 obo. WANTED Window InstallW a t e r d o w n . 9 0 5 - 6 9 0 - er/ helper. Salary depen3832; 905-719-3832 d a n t u p o n ex p e r i e n c e. West Windows & Doors 1999 Dodge Caravan- L t d . 3 3 2 5 - B M a i n w ay P l a t i n u m g r a y, 2 3 4 , B u r l i n g t o n , O n t a r i o . 000km, rebuilt transmis- P h o n e : 9 0 5 - 3 3 5 - 3 7 5 1 . sion, new batter y and Fa x o r e m a i l r e s u m e : t i r e s, r u n s w e l l , n e e d s 905-335-6411, new brakes. $1500 obo info@westwindows.on.ca AS IS. Call 905-842C A R E E R O p p o r t u n i t y, 3622. Financial Services, Training Provided. Contact 2 0 0 0 C h e v y Ve n t u r e , Brian Perry 905-510-4261 194,000km, beige, A/C, brp.pfs@cogeco.ca. Powe r w i n d ow s, p owe r locks, CD, E-tested, cer- EXPERIENCED delivery tified, well maintained, no driver required for early r u s t , $ 2 8 0 0 . 9 0 5 - 9 0 1 - morning delivery of newspapers in Burlington. 9470, cell 647-828-9469 Must have own van. Cont a c t Kev i n a t 9 0 5 - 5 2 2 2001 Chevy Venture LS. 4202 between 10am-6pm Only 116,000km. Good condition, fully loaded, al- HEALTHY CHOCOLATE l o y w h e e l s . $ 4 2 0 0 . Entrepreneur Magazine P l e a s e c a l l 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 - picks Healthy Chocolate 9346. Leave a message. #1. Ultimate antioxidant treat. Timing/Science/ 2 0 0 2 D o d g e C a r a v a n Products/Company. The Sport auto, air, power op- Perfect Combination. Distions, 137,000 kms., well tr ibutors needed. Tracy maintained, ver y clean @ 905-630-3938. $ 5 4 9 9 o b o. 9 0 5 - 2 9 9 HOMEWORKERS 0502. Needed!!! To Assemble Products, Stuffing Envelopes, Mailing/ Processing Circulars, On-Line Computer Wor k Up To 1 9 6 8 C a m a r o C o n - Ava i l a bl e. ver tible, $19,500. 1964 $1500/week. No ExperiFord T h u n d e r b i r d , ence Needed! Free infor$9,500. Call Steve 905- mation at www. Jobs-WorkConnec464-8001 tion.com Reference 3-103 PROFESSIONAL Alterationist available . Reasonable rate. Excellent work. 30yrs. experience . Pant hems $6. Call Baljit, 905-8475425. LEADING Kitchen & Bath Retailer in Oakville seeks experienced, friendly, outgoing and enthusiastic sales consultant for our bath renovation business. Leads supplied. Respond in confidence to: Shauna Dunn e. oakville@bathsolutions.ca f. 905.465.0878