Oakville Beaver, 20 Feb 2009, p. 37

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, February 20, 2009 37 905-333- 4347 DaviesCondos.ca Downtown Burlington Condos Baxter 1 bdrm furnished $1900/mth $ 1800/mth Baxter 2 bdrm Bunton's Wharf 2 bdrm $2250/mth + 360 On Pearl 1 bdrm $1495 - $1600/mth + 1 + den $1975/mth + 2 bdrm $1995 - $2750 + Townhouses from $1375/mth + L U X U RY 1 - B E D R O O M , m a r b l e / g r a n i t e d e c o r. Luxurious indoor pool and hottub overlooking Lake Ontario. 24 hour security. 6 appliances, underground parking, exercise room. Available A p r. 1 s t . 905-336-6086 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ FRO 1050/month FOUND: 2 adult grey cats. Found in the Guelph Line and New Street area. We call Tip and Top. Please call 905-637-7325. FRENCH, MATH Tutoring available, 1-1 in my Oakville home, 20yrs experience. Reasonable rates. 905-825-9453. SOFA, CHAIR and drapes, abstract floral, blue, rose, taupe,$400/all. Excellent condition. 905-633-7984. TREADMILL IS motorized/ electric, it tells your time, speed, distance, calories, heartrate, incline. In new condition. Asking $295. Call 905-814-1415 Are you unemployed? job training? EARN A DIPLOMA · Office Administration · Accounting/Payroll Practitioner · Medical Office Assistant · Dental Reception · Supply Chain & Inventory Mgt. · POLICE FOUNDATIONS · Second Career Strategy · Placement Assistance · Financial Aid may be available CAREER OPPORTUNITY, Financial Services, Training Provided. Contact Brian Perry 905-510-4261 brp.pfs@cogeco.ca. FA R M H E L P WantedHorse farm located in north Burlington seeking experienced farm worker to mana g e d a i l y b a r n ro u t i n e . 905-315-9130 or 905330-1190 . HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!!! To Assemble Products, Stuffing Envelopes, Mailing/ Processing Circulars, On-Line Computer W o r k A v a i l a b l e . U p To $1500/week. No Experience Needed! Free information at www. Jobs-WorkConnection.com Reference 3-103 SUPERINTENDENT, REQUIRED immediately, Midsized Oakville building. Must perform general maintenance/cleaning. Experience an asset. Must speak fluent English. Great couple position. Fax 905-843-0632 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway CALL TODAY! 905-639-9212 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $1050/mo 4 Bdrms $1165/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUSE- Burlington 2bedrooms, 2.5 bath, hardwood, professionally finished basement, fireplace. Fenced yard w/large deck, French doors. A p r. 1 . $ 1 5 5 0 / m o . 905-331-0720 FA N TA S T I C RIVER Oaks. 2 plus 1-bedroom, 2full baths, finished basement, garage, 6-appliances. Prefer no pets/ nonsmoking, references. $1400/mo. plus utilities. 416-518-1590. FOR LEASE, High-end 2b e d r o o m To w n h o u s e $1000's in upgrades $1500/mo all included, except internet/ cable/ telephone. Near Appleby GO. M a r. 1 5 . / A p r. 1 . 905-617-3244 GEORGIAN Court Estates, King/ Plains Road, Burlington. Immaculate l a rg e 2 & 3 b e d ro o m townhouses, full basements. Utilities included. Call 1-888-372-1984. www.realstar.ca L O V E LY 3 - B E D R O O M townhouse, N.E. Burlington, backs to greenspace/ pond, 5 appliances, A/C, garage. $1350/mo +utilities. April.1. 905-632-1706 LUXURY EXECUTIVE To w n h o m e , b y l a k e , 3100sq.ft., loaded with luxury granite, marble, hardwood, whirlpool, fireplace, 4 baths, 3-bedrooms+, diningroom, massive kitchen, 6 stainless appliances, double garage, security, heated floors, Calf. Shutters, & more! Apr.1. $3000/mo. 1335-8 Ontario St. Marcella 905-544-9949 www.mkconsultants.ca OAKVILLE, BRONTE Creek - 3 bedroom townhouse with 1.5 Baths, 5 appliances, garage. Near schools, shopping, QEW/Go Station - $1200/mo plus utilities. Available April. Call 905 827 1528. BRANT/ QEW large furnished room available in house. Share kitchen, bathroom with one. Utilities, cable, internet included. $490 416-897-3846 F O U N D : B R O W N tabby cat Centennial and Guelph Line. We call Gracie. Please call 905-637-7325. SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced CareFOUND: CAMERA, Fair- givers will provide up to view/ Guelph line on Sun- 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a r e . d a y F e b . 1 5 . C a l l t o 905-634-2400. identify. 289-337-3725 FOUND: DILUTE calico cat Lakeshore and Towns e n d . We c a l l E m i l y. A F F O R D A B L E S O L U Please call 905-637-7325. TIONS to Senior Care Assistance. W ill provide FOUND: LADIES ring on companionship, meal prep, Feb.16th, Shopper's Drug med reminder, light houseMart parking lot, Appleby/ keeping, and help with erN e w, B u r l i n g t o n . C a l l & r a n d s . V a l i d D r i v e r s identify, 905-634-6647 license, flexible hours, a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. FOUND: MEN'S gold wed- 905-875-1162 ding ring at Home Depot, Burloak/ Wyecroft. Call to describe and claim: 905-977-9453 Do you need RENT-TO-OWN. BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom, hardwood floors, ravine lot, move-in condition, $1500/mo. 24hr message, 416-981-3336 Bad credit okay. ALL BEST Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, Silv e r, D i a m o n d s , C h i n a , Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 CALEDON HILLS LOCATION Old Stone Country Home With modern conveniences, located in the beautiful rolling hills of Caledon. Spec. views, 10 minutes from Caledon, Ski Club, Devil's Pulpit Golf Course, great fishing and cozy gourmet restaurants. Three bedrooms w/great family room. Located on pr ivate estate. Mature couple preferred. Referenced required. $2500/mo. + utilities. Call between 9am-5pm. 905-838-3135 3-BEDROOM +DEN bungalow, 1.5 bath, recroom, $1195/mo; large ranch double garage, fireplace c/a $1450/mo; E.Burlington 3+2 bedroom, recroom, 2-bath, $1240/mo.; Downtown Burlington, Bungalow, 2bed, 2-bath, recroom $1065/mo; Waterdown area, 2-storey 3-bedroom, double garage, $1220/mo; 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. RealEstate Brokerage. RIVEROAKS 4-BEDROOM 2.5 baths fenced yard a/c hardwood floors, upper level of house shared utilites $1400/mo 416-833-2394 BURLINGTON. FURNISHED room in Appleby Mall area. Share bathroom/ kitchen/ laundry. Parking. $400/mo. ImmeFOUND: ORANGE tabby diate. 905-631-7970. cat Centennial and Guelph Line. We call Gabe. B U R L I N G T O N L A K E - Please call 905-637-7325. VIEW- Spotless furnished ro o m , s u i t p ro f e s s i o n a l nannies/ female. Cable/ parking/ live in/out pool/ bus. $540/mo. 905-399-2410. LIVE-IN NANNY for 2 F U R N I S H E D R O O M o n year old girl. $9.25/ hour, K e r r S t re e t , O a k v i l l e . 40 hours/ week. Room Share kitchen/ bath. Refer- a n d b o a r d d i s c o u n t e d . ences $460/mo. Prefer C o n t a c t P a o l a o r M i k e single f e m a l e . 905-82-90596. Close to Winston Churchill and QEW. 905-399-1961. High school, college,first aid certificates and referLARGE ROOM, Aldershot, ences required. 1 year exshare kitchen, private bath, perience. parking, non-smoking female, no-pets, $475/mth. WANTED: An experienced 905-681-2337. nanny for 3 children aged LABRADOODLES F1 pups. First vaccine/ microchipped. Family 9 P I E C E antique dining r a i s e d . R e a d y t o g o . room. Great shape. Circa 905-692-5925. 1 9 2 0 . $ 4 0 0 0 o b o . C a l l www.macleoddoodles.com 905-469-7569. **A1 MATTRESS Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop &'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 460 Brant Street, Burlington www.hbicollege.com S TA R T Y O U R m e d i c a l transcription training today. Work from home. Employers throughout North America hire our graduates. Contact CanScribe today for Free information. 1-800-466-1535 www.canscribe.com info@canscribe.com 270 905-637-3415 1 9 9 9 T O Y O TA C a m r y 4-door, automatic, black, 204,Km, sunroof, snow & summer tires. Excellent condition. Certified. 1-owner $6000 905-337-7857 2001 CAVALIER auto., 4 - d o o r, 2 0 0 K . , $ 2 5 0 0 ; 1998 Volvo S70 FE loaded, 210K., certified, e-tested, $3500. View in Oakville. 905-271-6846. 2002 CHRYSLER Intrepid silver, auto., p/windows, p/locks, CD, great condition, 137K., $4995 obo. 9 0 5 - 6 3 5 - 9 9 4 2 ; 647-333-4194 2005 FORD Escape XLSCertified, e-tested, 4CYL, 4X4, 89KMS. Extended warranty until February 2011 or 120KMS. Air bags, ABS, A/C. One owner, non-smoker. Call Marvin 647-892-8983. 2008 FORD Escape- Exc Cond. Rare 4cyl auto with Pwr Sunroof, Cnd Winter Pkg,leather, loaded. Tire pressure m o n i t o r. 66,000km. Bal of factory warranty. One owner, non smoker/no accidents. $16,900 905-521-0835 to place an ad call 3-BEDROOM, BRANT/ QEW, Burlington, near GO, school. Quiet, mature complex. c/air, c/vac, new fixtures, all hardwood, finished basement w/BerB R A N D N E W 4 BR, Ap- b e r c a r p e t . I m m e d i a t e . plebyLine Dundas,Reverse $1350/mo. plus hydro/ Rent to own,$1,800.00. gas. 905-599-0163 MICHAELWAN Realty ,Brokerage, 905-574-8882 4-BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, recroom, garage, BRAND NEW- 4-bedroom $1120/mo; Palmer Dr, 3detached home, double b e d r o o m 1 . 5 b a t h , r e car garage. $1600/mo. c r o o m , g a r a g e , p o o l Also 3-bedroom detached $1120/mo; Near Burloak, home, $1400/mo. Both 2-storey, 3-bedroom, 1.5 available immediately. Call b a t h , re c ro o m g a r a g e , 905-331-7653. Bill Thandi, $ 1 1 4 0 / m o ; B u r l i n g t o n Broker,Minrate Realty Inc. Home Depot, 2-storey 3Brokerage. bedroom, 1.5 bath, garage, $1050/mo. BRONTE COTTAGE bun- 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - 5 6 9 0 A l b e r t galow recently renovated; McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate huge, lovely lot, 2-bedroom Brokerage. w/sunroom, 1 bath; 2 appliances; walk to lake/ all amenities, available April ALDERSHOT, BURLING1 s t , p e t s w e l c o m e ; TON near Lake. Immacu$1,175/mo. plus utilities. l a t e 3 - b e d r o o m s , 1 . 5 baths, 4-appliances, fin905-847-2955 ished basement, fenced yard. Highway access. BURLINGTON EXECU- $1100/mo. plus utilities. TIVE 3-bedroom/ garage, Apr.1st. 905-639-0354. fenced yard, 5 appliances, gas fireplace, c/air, C/V. $1500/mo. plus utilities. B R O N T E C R E E K e x e c . Mar.1.; 3-bedroom house, $1850/mo over 2200sq.ft. C / A i r, G a r a g e , F e n c e d includes hardwood floors, y a r d , 5 a p p l i a n c e s 5 appl's., C/air, master $1400/mo. plus utilities. with ensuite. 2 walk-in closImmediate. 905-631-8821, e t s , 2 n d f l o o r l a u n d r y. Available Mar1st/09 Call 289-259-0829. Syd Speijer, Sales Rep. B U R L I N G T O N 3 b e d 905-639-3355 house. Lakeshore close to d o w n t o w n . G re a t h o u s e BRONTE VILLAGE Oakw i t h g r e a t f e a t u r e s . ville $1395/mo. Garden Fenced-in yard. Available townhome very near Lake A p r i l 1 s t . $ 1 5 5 0 p l u s and Harbour. 3-bedrooms, utilities. 905-639-5461 or 1.5 baths, den, raised dine-mail: nancyboonstra@ ing room, patio walk-out to hotmail.com large deck, 4 appliances, a/c, garage. Possession B U R L I N G T O N . 3 - B E D - March/1st. Please call Gail ROOM bungalow, 2-bath, Munro 905-825-5895 separate diningroom, hardwood, c/air, finished rec r o o m , g a r a g e , f e n c e d BURLINGTON, BRANT St. North. Renovated 2-bedyard. 905-637-0880. ro o m , h a rd w o o d , l a rg e y a rd , l a u n d r y, s t o r a g e , HEADON FOREST, Bur- parking. $900/mo. Immedilington. 3-bedroom, main- ate. 905-336-7207 floor family room, $1400/mo. plus utilities. Mar.1st. Prefer no dogs. BURLINGTON. LARGE 3bedrooms, Feb./ Mar.1st. 905-639-4503. 4 appliances, hardwood OAKVILLE, BRONTE spa- floors, very quiet park-like cious 3BR townhouse with setting. 905-681-0070. 4-baths, 5appl, garage, www.rentaltownhouses.ca. CA/CVAC, finished basement. Near schools, shop- BURLINGTON- NICE 1 & p i n g , Q E W / G o S t a t i o n . 3 b e d ro o m t o w n h o u s e s $ 1 5 6 5 / m t h p l u s u t i l . with own garden. Starting Available March 15th or at $765/mo. plus utilities. April 1st. Call Shannon 905-319-9769. 905-582-4726. OAKVILLECENTRAL/SOUTH n'hood, Immac. 3 bdrm bung, 2 baths, fin bsmt, 5 appli., many renos, Immediate, $1700/mo. + util. Trafalgar Real Estate Services Inc., Brokerage. 905.338.1130 ext.28 OAKVILLE- QEW/ Ford Drive/ Upper Middle. Semi for lease, 3 bedrooms, finished basement. $1350/mo. plus utilities. 416-531-2511. BURLINGTON/ OAKVILLE border. 3-bedroom executive townhome, 2.5 baths w/ensuite, 5 appliances. near amenities Available April/1st. $1375/mo +utilities. 647-202-2494 BURLINGTON, TYANDAGA. Newly renovated 3bedrooms, finished basement w/fireplace, 5 appliances. M a r. 1 s t . , $1320/mo. plus utilities. 905-335-6971. MISSISSAUGA- SECURED room in house for seniors. Live independently while having the care of trained staff. Home away from home. Reasonable rates. Call 416-779-4899. O A K V I L L E - ( Q E W / 3rd Line). Rooms available, suit working person/ student, $500/mo., $650/mo. Parking. Share kitchen, laundry, sauna, gym, tanning. Immediate. 9 0 5 - 4 6 5 - 1 5 9 4 ; 905-580-4784. OAKVILLE, QEW/ 403. Large Furnished room in executive home. Easy access to GO/ Airport. 905-829-5090. QUEEN SIZE furnished r o o m , l a rg e b a t h r o o m . Clean professional individual. Trafalgar/ Upper Middle area. $500/mo. inclusive. 905-338-6444. UPPER MIDDLE/ Walker's Line. Shared accommodation, includes parking and all utilities. $500/mo. 905-510-7897. BRANT/ UPPER Middle, B u r l i n g t o n . 3 - b e d ro o m townhouse. Cable, phone, internet, laundry, utilities included. $450/mo. No parking. Mar.1. First/Last. 905-331-7855. BURLINGTON. PROFESSIONAL working female O A K V I L L E - W E S T O A K seeks same/ student. On Trails. 3 bdrm, 2.5 baths, b u s r o u t e , n e a r G O . 5 appli., End unit, 3 years $499/mo. includes utilo l d , 1 5 0 0 + s . f . , M a rc h tities. 905-315-0016 1-15, $1500/mo. + util. Trafalgar Real Estate Ser- L U X U R Y F U R N I S H E D v i c e s I n c . , B r o k e r a g e . condo w/plasma TV. Two 905.338.1130 ext.28 Sheridan girls looking for 3rd, female preferred. RENT-TO-OWN. STUN- $ 7 5 0 / m o + u t i l i t i e s . NING 3-bedrooms, at Bur- 416-419-7450 loak, finished basement, surround sound, ensuite ROOMMATE REQUIRED bathroom, walk-in closet, for 2-bedroom basement backyard access from gar- apt, w/walk-out, Oakville. age! All credit okay. 24hr F e m a l e preferred. message. 416-628-1677 $500/mo inclusive. Immedate. 647-831-7950, STUNNING 3-BEDROOM 905-848-8810 2 . 5 b a t h . R e n t To O w n freehold townhome. FinUPPER MIDDLE/ Branti s h e d b a s e m e n t , l a rg e Nice room in basement in fenced backyard. Burloak/ 3 bedroom townhouse. InNew area. 24hr message cludes phone, internet, 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 1 5 - 9 9 2 7 c re d i t cable, parking. Share rest problems okay of house. Suit single WHITE OAKS Blvd. Off person, clean, non-smoker. Tr a f a l g a r a n d Q E W. R e f e r e n c e s . M a r c h 1 . 3 bedroom townhouse. 905-635-4672. Private drive and garage. 5 appliances. Available immediately. Near Oakville Place, GO and Sheridan College. 905-842-0254. DAYTONA BEACH Florida, Ocean front, 1-bedroom condo for rent, a v a i l a b l e M a r. 2 1 - 2 8 . 905-690-4121 FORT MYERS Beach, Florida, ocean front, 1-bedroom condo for rent. Available last week in March, second and third week in April. Call 905-257-5876. BLOW OUT Sale- Queen 1, 4, 6. Live out, 12- 8pm sets, $229. Memory foam, M o n d a y - F r i d a y. D r i v e r e u r o t o p , p i l l o w t o p . preferred. Laundry, light W i l l d e l i v e r. C a l l C l a y housekeeping, and meal 2 8 9 - 2 3 7 - 8 2 6 0 o r M a r y preparation. Positive atti- 905-393-7066. tude a must. Reply to CARPET 100's of styles Rosanne 905-825-8347. ready for same week installation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. Laminate/ Hardwood available. 905-510-0589 BEST DAYCARE, full-time, Eric. experienced, great play area, activities, healthy C A R P E T I have several m e a l s , d a i l y o u t d o o r s , 1,000 yards of new Stain Walkers/ New, Burlington. Master & 100% nylon car905-616-3537 pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carEXPERIENCED CAREGIV- pet, pad & installation (30 ER available. Bronte. Full- y a r d s ) Steve, time. CPR/ First Aid. Nutri- 905-633-8192 tious meals/ snacks. Luxuries of large daycare at D I S H W A S H E R , S TA I N home.l Ana 416-566-3968 LESS Steel Frigidaire Built e-mail: anashomedaycare@ in, like new! Never fully incogeco.ca photos/ refer- s t a l l e d . $300. e n c e s : a n a s h o m e d a y 905-319-2269 care.myphotoalbum.com FRIDGE, SIDE-BY-SIDE, EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- white, door ice maker/ waER. Infant/ preschooler, ter dispenser, $285; dog fulltime. Hot breakfast/ crate, steel w/tray, $45. lunches. Lots of backyard 905-825-3676. fun. References. Receipts. 905-825-9689. FRIDGES, STOVES, Washers, Dryers, full/apt. size, FUN, SAFE home daycare 1 year warranty parts & available. Appleby/ New labour, delivery available. area, Burlington. 10yrs ex- 905-458-8808. perience. CPR, First Aid. Lunches, snacks & crafts. F R O N T C H R O M E G r i l l . Babies w e l c o m e . Also low rider tonneau 905-681-3541. cover, 6.5' length, dark blue. Both off a 2005 IMMEDIATE OPENING. Silverado. Call 905-338Full-time daycare. Great 1104. play area. Activities, nutritious lunches. Many years HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand experience. River Oaks. new 2008 model w/all 905-849-6258. options, and cover. Still i n w r a p p e r. C o s t LOVING RELIABLE home $ 8 9 9 5 . , S a c r i f i c e Daycare. 16mos. and up, $ 4 7 5 0 . Call 16 years experience, nutri- 905-971-1777 tious meals/ snacks, structured e n v i r o n m e n t , HOT TUB (Spa) Covers re c e i p t s , p o l i c e c h e c k , best price, Best quality. All Third Line/ Liverpool area. s h a p e s & c o l o u r s . C a l l 905-465-1169. 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca SPRINGBANK DAYCARE Centre has openings for K I T C H E N C A B I N E T the before and after School doors. Complete face-lift Program. Transit to and for the older kitchen or from local schools. Serving bathroom. JF Restorations. Oakville and East Burling- Call 905-631-9151 ton. Ages 4 to 12. 7:00am to 6:00pm. March Break K I T C H E N C A B I N E T S a n d S u m m e r C a m p s . 50% discount, designer 905-825-3433. showcase, customized, upgrades, all finishes, decoraWATERDOWN HOME Day- tive wood hoods, islands, care. Activities, Healthy counters included. More Meals, Outdoors Daily, Lots s a v i n g s / g r a n i t e . of TLC. PT, FT, before/ af- 905-930-9618. ter school. 905-516-6413. MOVING: WASHER, drye r, 3 0 " s t o v e , a l s o 2 4 " stove and apartment size dryer. All Mint Condition. W A N T E D F U L L - T I M E 289-337-1328 (Monday- Friday) live-in caregiver/ housekeeper for NEW YEARS Sale! Savings Toddler in West Oak Trails/ from 40% to 80% on many Bronte area (Oakville). Mini- fabulous fabrics. Custom m u m w a g e p l u s r o o m / upholstering sofas from board a v a i l a b l e $788 chairs from $249 $369.42/mo. Call Marie, D/R seats from $19/each. Seniors discount. Fields 905-901-1286. Call 9am-8pm 905-632-9090 P O O L TA B L E , B r a n d New, still in box. Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. 905-304-9994 905.632.4440 SWIMMING POOL Service Company Requires energetic service personnel for upcoming season. Must like the outdoors, have excellent customer service skills. No experience necessary but would be an asA R E Y O U i n t e re s t e d i n set $$$. April start. Fax making $50, $75 or even re s u m e : 9 0 5 - 3 1 9 - 7 3 0 0 $100 a day? Do you enjoy Email: miragepoolservices the outdoors? I am current- @bellnet.ca ly looking for reliable carriers to deliver 3 days a week. If you are interested, to place an ad call please call Rich today at 905.632.4440 416-568-9056. C A S H PA I D - $ 5 0 - 5 0 0 (mention this ad for additional $10) for any complete car or truck driven in (comparable prices for cars picked up) Scrap Cars & Tr u c k s w a n t e d . F r e e pick-up. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW) 905-827-8015, 1-877-655-0755 C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p C a r s a n d Tr u c k s . S a m e Day Pick Up. 905-693-5355 WANTED: SCRAP a n d U s a b l e Ve h i c l e s , Cash Paid. Free pick up. 905-690-6494, 905-320- 3287 2001 PONTIAC Montana Ext. comes with tinted windows, cruise control, 2 row captain chairs, new battery, winter and all season tires, 169K, etested, certified, private sale $4400. Days 905-823-9060 ext 34635, evenings 905-637-6114 Classifieds get results! to place an ad call 2-BEDROOMS AVAILABLE. Trafalgar/ Dundas. Near Shopping Mall and Sheridan College. Immediate. Lucia 416-578-1713. Email hongsenniu@hotmail.com EXPERIENCED TUTOR. Math, Physics, Chemistry. All levels. Drew Peterson Ph.D (Physics) 905-6347029. 905 632.4440

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