OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 22, 2009 · 34 Hornets house league results Following are results and team champion rosters from the Oakville Hornets Girls Hockey Association's recent house league championship day: · Tyke (no scores kept, all teams declared winners): Blue Lightning (Brooke Forest, Olivia Hledin, Ella Mae Walker, Lauren Vermes, Annabel Child, Jordan Dias, Leah MacSween, Michaela Purcell, Nicole Harvey, Tara Blackburn, Quinn Kolwich, Kylie Landau, Paige Petcoff; staff Scott Hledin, Meri-Li Forrest, Trent Blackburn, Alison Child), Green Gators (Jennifer Randell, Mia Newby, Ilana Philips, Jessica Haylock, Kaitlyn McMahon, Katie Stone, Brooke Belzar, Alyssa Barbuto, Amanda Guedikian, Paige Lester, Morgan Damery, Sierra Vaillancourt, Quinn Dawson, Erin McPherson; staff Rod Damery, Marilyn Damery, Blanie Belzer, Michael Stone, Debbie McPherson), Pink Poodles (Payton Merkley, Mackenzie Seaver, Breanna Lomboardo, Claire Drybrough, Katie Lengyel, Danielle MacNeil, Selena Monardo, Brooke Eyram, Rowan McGauley, Hannah Boat, Sophie Lombardo, Francesca Monte, Gisele Hachey; staff Brenda Drybrough, Steve Monte, Shawn Boast, Sandy Lombardo), Orange Tigers (Fiona Gervin, Charlotte Guay, Katherine Muschette, Ainsley Delacourt, Caroline Law, Hailey Jeffries, Nicole O'Leary, Paige Murray, Julia Longhurst, Sarah Campbell, Jacklyn Murray, Avery Proszek, Rachel D'Armiento; staff Brent Murray, Neal Muschett, Richard Campbell, Don O'Leary, Jeff Longhurst, Philippe Guay, Annette D'Armiento) · Novice: Yellow Stingers 5 (goals by Gillian Miller 2, Sabina Sitas, Jacey Vi, Taylor Mahoney), Purple Penguins 2 (goals by Katie Reilly, Christina McCulloch); other members of Yellow Stingers are Julia Rego, Arai Emiko, Bayley McLaughlin, Prachi Kapur, Kyra Maher, Sloane Macaskill, Kaitlyn Shikaze, Georgina Haynes, Heather Fletcher, Sarah Dasilva, Alicia Trupiano; staff is Tim Maher, Dom Sitas, Norene Maher, Tim Maher · Atom: Orange Tigers 3 (goals by Amanda Molyneaux 2, Alexa Prits), Yellow Stars 0; other members of Orange Tigers are Julia Maddix, Brittany Taylor, Sydney Pastorek, Afsana Lallani, Allison Morgan, Haley Crawford, Jessie Nairn, Emma Coulter, Samantha Urwin, Briar Wilson, Hannah Foster, Nicole Pickford, Rachel Hisey; staff is Brian Taylor, Allan Prits, Don Foster, Nancy Urwin · Peewee: Orange Crush 2 (goals by Madeline Dwyer, Rachel Copeland), Yellow Stingers 1 (goal by Amber Conway); other members of Orange Crush are Shannon McGuire, Heidi Dumesich, Chloe Hamilton, Tristen McKeon, Sydney Whitney, Isabella Munden, Kaitlyn Russell, Michaela Deschamps, Jennifer Somers, Madelyn Overall, Shannon Hicks, Madeleine Thackray, Michaela Doyle, Abbey Henley; staff is Bill McKeon, Scott Russell, Jim Somers, Paul Whitney, Joe Copeland, Trisha Whitney · Bantam: Pink Panthers 3 (goals by Nicole Amaral, Kylie Pascos, Brittany Kok), Purple Penguins 2 (goals by Michelle Johannesson, Laura Heyland); other members of Pink Panthers are Madison Merrit, Melanie Whalen, Amanda Hudson, Kendall Merrit, Tamara Harnden, Jennifer Knight, Melanie Birtles, Courtney Kotulak, Tara Sebastiani, Catherine Birtles, Olivia O'Brien; staff is Mark Merrit, Eric Birtles, Steve Kotulak, Bonnie-Sue O'Brien, Sherry Kok · Midget/intermediate: Pink Elephant 2 (goals by Emma Darimont, Deanna Fabiano), Red Hot Chili Peppers 0; other members of Pink Elephant are Jessica Colmenares, Jennifer Strank, Jiwon Lee, Brittany Aldworth, Sarah Procunier, Megan Cummings, Erin Belleghem, Rebecca Stewart, Samantha Shaw, Danielle Pasta, Erica Jutras, Laiken Cormier, Hannah Palozzi, Alexandra Peroni; staff is Mike Shaw, Andrew Cormier, Joe Fabiano, Kelly Wilson, Kay Shaw, John Cummings · Ladies: Blue Thunder 4 (goals by Lauren Coules 2, Gail Paul, Maureen Falkenstein), Pink Slips 3 (goals by Jeanette Pringle, Michele Pomerleau, Shelly Lefebvre); other members of Blue Thunder are Lynn Rollo, Darlene Zolis, Sandy Ferguson, Melanie Anderson, Megan Oliver, Deanna Kean, Kim Fabio, Karen Richardson, Anne Flavine, Janice Rodriguez, Frances McCormack, Tammy Matson THE Up to A E BIGGEST SEVLR! 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T 11-12 pm Hawks Haw Haw (Mike Street from Hawk Watch) from Ha o om Ha 12:30 -1:1:30 pm The R.O.M. presentation on H he e at on ation on Hawk and Owl Skins, by Mark Peck. ti 1:30 pm :30 :30 pm 30 Mayor Cam Jackson, cutting of the 15th May ackson, cuttin ackson, cutti ackson, cutti ackson, ut ackso ckson, ckson, ks Anniversary cake. ry cake y cak a 2-3 pm p Trumpeter Swan nesting in Ontario, umpeter Ont by Kynni Intina. nni Intina ni I tina. i i 3-4 pm 3-4 p 4 CHECK POSTING IN STOR CK OSTING IN STORE K ING N ORE O 4 5 pm 4-5 p Flap (Window Strike Prevention, by Michael Mesier). p (W ndow Strike Pre ention Wi do S i P ention, o nti i ) 5-5:30pm 5-5 55 5-5: Birding in the Golden H rding in he Gol ding ing g Go Gold Horseshoe, by Cheryl Edgecombe. 6:30 6:3 -7:30 pm : Airport Bird Con irport Bird C rpor i Control (K por port (Kennedy Airport). Also, li Harris Hawk, live by Mik Gi y Mi G Mik Givilin. Mike realissuesforrealriders See Today's Classified Section for Career Opportunities Go online! Visit www.burlingtonpost.com & www.oakvillebeaver.com to see Top Jobs & employment! Saturday April 25, 2009 Greater Toronto | Hamilton | Niagara | London | Barrie | Kitchener/Waterloo | Ottawa McTavish Travel 10-11 am 11-12 pm 12:30 - 1:30 pm 1:30-2:30 pm 1:30-2 :30 ComingthisMay. 905.632.4440 #C*V$C*V#C*V$C#C*V$C*V#C*V$# Foradvertisinginfocall905-842-6591 subscribefreetoday- www.themotorcyclenews.com To place your business logo or name here, call your Classified Sales Representative today! $C * V#C * V$C * V 2:30-3:30 pm 3:30 3:30-5 3:30-5 3:30-5 pm 3:30-5 pm :30 0 to all of our dedicated volunteers who share their time and talents to enrich all of our school communities! Alice Anne LeMay Chair of the Board Michael W. Pautler Director of Education Bruce Jones Chair of the Board Wayne Joudrie Director of Education Thank You $C * V#C * V$C * V Bird feeder building workshop for children. Harry Lumsden (father of Trumpeter Swan resto rumpeter restoration Program). CHECK POSTING IN STORE. Powerpoint presentation on "Hanna" a Rufus Hummingbird in Niagara Falls, by Janis Haynes. Also upcoming book Niagara Birds in September, by Author John Black an Kayo Roy. Black and K ack a ck Wha Wha yo should know about optics when buying by Vortex What you s hat Canada, by Paul Grant. by "Bird of P "Bi of Prey Mountsberg". "Bi Bird Bir B Sunday April 26, 2009 11-12 pm 12-12:30 pm 1-2pm 2-3:40 pm. 2-3:40 pm 2-3:40 pm. -3 0 3:40 3:30-4:30pm Ha Haw and Owls, by Mike Street. awks 15th Falcon Watch in Hamilton at Sheraton Hotel, by Audrey Gamble. Gam am The R.O.M. presentation on Skins of he e Ha Haw and Owls, by Mark Peck. awks "B "Birds of Prey Mountberg" B Trumpeter Swans from the beginning to Tr their th present status, by Julie Kee and h Bev Kingdon. 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