Oakville Beaver, 12 Aug 2009, p. 29

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29 · OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3 BDRM for rent in Bronte S e p t 1 s t . $1650/mth+utils. 2-1/2 baths, Hdwd flrs, 5 appl. Call: 416-558-1828 5-BEDROOM OLD house, nice location, close to everything in Bronte. Extra big garage, 905-827-3340. A M A Z I N G D E TA C H E D Rent-to-own. 3bedrooms, 2-baths, finished basement, walkout to deck and fenced yard, 5 appliances. In Headon Forest. All credits welcome. 24hr message. Open House Saturday. Please call 905-630-6445. Immediate possession. BRONTE- BEAUTIFUL home, large treed lot, 3bedroom, 2.5 baths. Finished basement, renovated kitchen/bathroom, Hardwood, Ceramics, California Shutters, appliances. Near lake/ Bronte Village, Oct.1. $1950/mo. plus utilities. 905-465-3202 B U R L I N G T O N CENTRAL~ 3-bedrooms, detached bungalow, near schools/ shops/ Burlington Mall. Available immediately. $1250/mo. plus utilities. 905-270-0658. BURLINGTON/ OAKVILLE- Executive homes, 2 storeys, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 b a t h ro o m s . M a i n f l o o r family/ laundry, double garage. Available immediately. 905-637-0880. 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M RO F $895/month IT'S SUMMER Who are you enjoying all of your favourite summer activities with? Call Ontario's largest, most successful matchmaking agency. Misty River Introductions. 416-7776302, 705-734-1292 www.mistyriverintros.com 5 PIECE solid wood birch with hunter green accent table with 4 chairs $550. 905-635-4715, hwiles@cogeco.ca. 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager's Special CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! CRIMINAL RECORD? Seal it with a pardon! Need to enter the U.S.? Get a 5 year waiver! Call for a free brochure. Toll free 1-888-9PARDON or 905-459-9669 DISABILITY CLAIM denied? Toronto's leading disability lawyers will fight for your rights. We offer a free consultation for group & private disability claims. No fees until we settle. www.ShareDisabilityLaw. com 1-888-777-1109 CumberlandVillage 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 FAMILY FRIENDLY COMMUNITY IN BURLINGTON Mature residential area within walking distance to malls, 5min. to QEW/403/ 407. 2&3 bdrm townhomes from $1135 1420 Tyandaga Pk Dr. Unit 1C 905-335-3001 www.caprent.com ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $950/mo 4 Bdrms $990/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management BURLINGTON - 1/2 spaces available in experienced home daycare. Large variety of daily activities to keep little ones happy. CPR, First Aid, police clearance. Deer Run/Upper M i d d l e a r e a . (905) 335-5980 *DAYCARE AVAILABLE (3rd Line, Upper Middle). Stimulating, child friendly environment. Experienced registered provider,first aid, police check, references. Veronika 905-4690612 FULL TIME and before/after school care available. Walkers/Upper Middle within walking distance to Norton Public School. CPR/First aid and E.C.E t r a i n e d . N i n a 905-639-4449 email blab_blah@hotmail.com Website ninasdaycare.ca LITTLE FEET Big Dreams Child Care inc. Open House Sat Aug 15th from 2pm-5pm www.littlefeetbigdreams.com 2300 Sheridan Garden Dr. L6J 7R2 DOWNTOWN BURLINGTON, 3-bedroom 2 storey home with appliances. $1200/mo plus utilities. Immediate. 905-333-6363 BURLINGTON- 2-bdrm. Fresh paint and tiles. Nottingham Avenue. Full basement, parking. Near schools/ Parks/ shopping. DOWNTOWN BURLING- A u g u s t / S e p t e m b e r . T O N L a k e v i e w - 2 B R 905-574-9180. Charming Victorian Century Home across from Brock BURLINGTON- BRANT/ Park! Gas fireplace, AC, Bluefield, 3-bedrooms, sundeck, interlock, gar- f e n c e d y a r d , f r i d g e , stove, laundry, parking. dens, 5 a p p l i a n c e s . 1 , 8 7 5 / m o . $ 9 5 0 / m o . p l u s h y d ro . 4 5 5 N e l s o n A v e . , Immediate 905-340-0224. BKLODT@COGECO.CA www.viewit.ca ViT 85449 BURLINGTON- BRANT, for info. 905-407-7573 North of QEW. Large 3-bedroom maisonette. Very well DOWNTOWN BURLING- kept property. Hardwood T O N L A K E V I E W - 2 B R floors, private backyard, Charming Victorian Century f r i d g e , s t o v e , o n - s i t e Home across from Brock l a u n d r y. E a s y a c c e s s Park! Gas fireplace, AC, Q E W / 4 0 3 / 4 0 7 . N e a r sundeck, interlock, gar- amenities. $1080/mo. ind e n s , 5 a p p l i a n c e s . cluding hydro and 1-park1,875/mo. 455 Nelson ing. Available immediately. A v e . , B K L O D T @ C O G E - First/ Last. 905-630-6330. CO.CA www.viewit.ca V i T 8 5 4 4 9 f o r i n f o . BURLINGTON, BRANT/ 905 407-7573 Q E W. B e a u t i f u l l y l a n d scaped townhouses. E X E C U T I V E 4 - B E D - Large, bright and clean ROOM, Winston Church- units, families welcome. ill/QEW, fireplace, 2.5 Enjoy your own fenced in bath, hardwood flooring, b a c k y a r d . P l e a s e c a l l double garage, plus 1 905-319-9104. b e d ro o m a p a r t m e n t . Near GO, S e p t . 1 . BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 905-829-3997 bedrooms, available immediate through September OAKVILLE HUGE 3 bed- 1. Also large 2 bedroom, room main floor apartment. immediate/ September 1. Newly renovated kitchen A p p l i a n c e s , h a r d w o o d and bathroom. Big back- f l o o r s , q u i e t p a r k l i k e yard. Near Oakville GO. setting. 905-681-0070. Refinished wood floors, www.rentaltownhouses.ca central A/C. Ensuite laundry/ parking on site. NonLAKEVIEWS AT Burloak. Smoking. $1300/mo. ImExecutive 3-bedroom, 4 mediate. 647-273-1615. bath, familyroom, master ensuite, heated parking at WEST OAKVILLE Main d o o r , $ 1 4 7 5 / m o Floor of bungalow, 3 bed- 905-510-9547 rooms, stylish, beautiful and clean. Great deck, y a rd a n d l o c a t i o n ! N o n smoker. $1150 plus 75% utilities, September 1st. RENT-TO-OWN 4 bdrm Email skeetl@shaw.ca or single-detached, 2 Phone 403-255-8043. bath, fully finished bsmt, garage, walk-out patio Close to schools and shopping! All credits scores are welcome 24 1-BEDROOM, 1-LEVEL, 416-981-7154 hr message Maple/ Fairview, Burlington. Sunroom, 5-appl., $875/mo. plus utilities. W AT E R D O W N T O W N Non-smokers. 1-parking. H O U S E f o r r e n t A v a i l a b l e S e p t . 1 . $1300/mo plus utilities. 3bedrooms, great location, 905-639-6287. freshly painted. Vall 3 - B E D R O O M S , 1 . 5 - 905-630-6057 BATHS, 4 appliances, carpet (upstairs), hardwood (ground-level). Full CLASSIFIED E-MAIL basement and attached classified@haltonsearch.com garage/ driveway. Small well maintained comINTERNET: plex, Tyandaga area. www.burlingtonpost.com Call 905-336-0015 or www.oakvillebeaver.com 905-336-0016. FAST CA$H for your scrap WE BUY appliances if you gold. Top Prices Paid. BBB are moving, upgrading or accredited member. Satis- renovating. We pick-up. faction guaranteed. Call C a l l Antony at 1-877-446-5357 or visit: 905-339-8017 HARDLY USED wooden cashforgoldcanada.com to diningroom table with mar- order your free kit. A Free telephone service. ble edge and 6 upholstered Get first month free. Bad chairs, in great condition. credit. Don't sweat it. No $ 1 9 0 0 . C a l l 2 8 9 - 3 3 7 deposit. No credit checks. 6420. Call Freedom phone lines, HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand toll free 1-866-884-7464 new 2009 model w/all **A1 MATTRESS Facto- options, and cover. Still ry direct, delivery i n w r a p p e r. C o s t available. All sizes in- $ 8 9 9 5 . , S a c r i f i c e C a l l cluding custom Split $ 4 7 5 0 . boxsprings, Orthopedic 905-971-1777 20yr sets starting $ 2 4 0 . 3 0 y r t i g h t - t o p HOT TUB (Spa) Covers sets starting $340. De- best price, Best quality. All luxe no-flip Pillowtop shapes & colours. Call &'Crown' series, Euro- 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 t o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . www.thecoverguy.ca New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-847-2020; 905-681-9496 *KING-SIZE SERTA Mattress Sale!!! From $499* Chandeliers * Rugs * Lamps * ALL NEW Beds! Plus/ $899/set. Mattress sets pillowtops, 10-15" thick, starting at $225. Twin, * Home Décor * Limited Edition Art * new in plastic, Double Double & Queen available. $ 2 5 0 . , Q u e e n $ 2 7 5 . , Frames & Headboards 40% * Mirrors * Sports Memorabilia * King $500. Visco Memo- off! Full Delivery Service * High End Designer Select Furniture * ry-foam mattress with Available. The Mattress c o v e r, Q u e e n $ 7 5 0 . , Discounter, 355 Plains Rd. King $950. Can Deliver, E., Burlington. Call for SAVE HUNDREDS! SAVE THOUSANDS! 905-730-5849 Hours 905-632B E D S ( 2 3 3 7 ) , AREA RUGS: Beautiful one of a kind hand APPLIANCES- SCRATCH 905-616-1700 N Dent and quality used themattressdiscounter.com knotted 100% wool Persian Rugs · Tabriz, Fridges, Stoves, Washers, Nain, Shiraz... Valued up to $8000.00 · Dryers. Full/ apar tment K I T C H E N C A B I N E T s i z e , 1 y e a r w a r r a n t y doors. Complete face-lift Contemporary and Traditional Designs parts & labour. Delivery for the older kitchen or from Belgium Bids starting at $100.00 bathroom. JF Restorations. available. 905-458-8808. Call 905-631-9151 per piece! A-Z TECHNICAL Bldg. S y s t e m s I n c . P re - e n g i - L G F R I D G E , l i k e n e w, DESIGNER CHANDELIERS: Dining and n e e re d s t e e l b u i l d i n g s . large size, $350; Portable Hallway Lighting, Crystal & Iron, Ceiling Since 1978! Stamp draw- dishwasher, $150.; Treatings & leasing avail. Ask for m e n t / M a s s a g e B e d , Mounts, Pendants & Vanity Fixtures. Save Wally. Toll Free 1-877- 743- $200. 905-338-6648 up to 90% in this category! 5888; Fax416-626-5512 MOVING: APPLIANCES www.a-ztech.on.ca apt size dryer, stove, gas PRINTS & MIRRORS: Assortment of dryer, and also electric dryWildlife, Contemporary and Traditional er. Excellent condition, Will separate. 289-337-1328 Art. Palace mirrors, Dressing mirrors,Vanity GOLF MEMBERSHIP, Rattlesnake G&CC., Clublink, $12K plus transfer costs. Call 905-467-0490. 2005 TOYOTA Corolla, Excellent condition, Silver, A/C, AM/FM/CD, power windows, power locks, power mirrors, 134,000km, Certified, Etested, $11,000. 905-825-9289 2005 TOYOTA Echo, 5 door hatchback, A/C, mint condition, 32,000km, certified, etested, $12,000. 905-332-7352 2 0 0 7 T O Y O TA Corolla CE- 5 speed manual transmission, air, power windows, locks, mirrors, certified, e-tested, 58,000km, $10,900. 905845-3364. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in ON must be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen/ damaged vehicles. 2003 CHRYSLER Intrepid150,000km, cold A/C, power windows, locks, trunk, certified and e-tested. $5775 obo. Call 905-633-9408 after 5:30pm 2004 PONTIAC Sunfire, 22,000km, Green, A/C, 4 door, well maintained, certified, e-tested, great shape, $7000.obo. 905-681-9614 CASH PAID- $100+ for any complete car or truck driven in/picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW) MOT legal transfers. 905-827-8015, 1-877-655-0755 C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 AUCTION MODEL HOME BUILDER'S CLEARANCE SALE! Friday, August 14 St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre 1280 Dundas Street West Oakville, On (3rd Line & Dundas) Preview 6 pm · Auction at 7pm FOR SALE BY OWNER 2000 GMC Sierra Black, 128,000kms, 2WD, Short Box, Step Side, AC, Tilt, Cruise, Posi-Track, 4.8L, Winter Tires On Rims, New Summer Tires, E-Tested / Certified. Call Dave @ 905-844-0367, or e-mail: dwrutherford@cogeco.ca 1998 TOYOTA Sienna, 2nd Owner, Certified, Excellent condition, AC, loaded. Drives like new. Must be seen! $4850 obo 905-815-0039 OAKVILLE CENTRALGentleman preferred. Furnished accommodations. Cable, highspeed internet, pool, s h a re k i t c h e n , b a t h ro o m , l a u n d r y. N o n smoker. $500/mo. inclusive. 416-262-7394. CANOE MANUFACTURER Fiberglass and Kevlar 46lbs Up to 50% off! Just past Burlington Lift Bridge. 905-545-4745 MOVING- FRIDGE & Stove, Kenmore, excellent condition $550; Computer Desk $200; Leather Recliner $150. 905-577-1636 PIANO- BEAUTIFUL Kawai ebony 44" console with bench, $1200 obo. Also antique wicker chase lounge, 3 door Ampex Signature stereo cabinet (only), and 3 shelf plant light table. 905-845-8502. REEBOX'S STEP-UP/ Stackable exercise stepper, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 aski n g $ 8 5 . We i g h t l i f t i n g multi-position work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135, obo for all. 905-842-4302. SAWMILLS FROM only $3,495. Convert your logs to valuable lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwoodsawmills.ca/ 4 0 0 t F re e i n f o 1 - 8 0 0 566-6899 STEEL BUILDING Sale. Ontario manufacturer since 1980. Easy do-it-yourself construction. Permanent, temporary or por table, 25x40 $5,990. 30x50 $9,480. 35x60 $9,990. 40x80 $15,600. 50x120 $29,900. Ends optional! 1-800-668-5422. Pioneer Steel Manufacturers TREADMILL. ELECTRIC, tells time, speed, distance, calories, heartrate, incline. $295. Also, elliptical trainer, recumbent & exercise bike, trampoline with enclosure. 905-814-1415 CARPET 100's of styles LULLABY DAYCARE has ready for same week instal1-spot available starting lation. Let me give you free Sept. Excellent refer- measurement/ estimate. ences. Please call San- L a m i n a t e / H a r d w o o d dra 905-616-2294 or available. 905-510-0589 OAKVILLE, 3RD Line/ Eric. 905-257-1568. Upper Middle, one room available, in 2-bedroom condo apartment. cable, internet, laundry, Gym, one parking. $650/mo Female Landlady Looking For Female Roommate. 905 ATTENTION: STAY-AT-HOME MOMS! 6170106 mirrors & Venetian mirrors. Assorted Sizes and finishes! Bids starting at $10.00. FURNITURE: Leather Sofa Sets, 3pc Recliners, Sectionals, Contemporary Designs. Traditional Sofa Sets. Bids starting at $100.00 per piece. 1996 GRAND Plymouth Voyager, silver, 220,000kms, e-tested May 09. Runs well, needs work to cer tify, $500. SELF STORAGE 6- In905-333-4209. door/ Outdoor units/ RV's/ boats. Call 905-689-1665. 1998 FORD Contour for sale as is. AM/FM/CD, 4 drs, 4cyl, 189,000km, et e s t e d , c r u i s e c o n t ro l , P/W. $2,000.00 "Firm". 905-632-7445. CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grey Power could save you 1 9 9 8 M E R C U RY M y s - up to $400 on your car inC a l l tique Grand Sport- 4 door, s u r a n c e . A/C, 119,000km, $3500. 1-866-473-9817 for no-obligation quote. Open weekCall 905-332-3990. ends FIREWOOD. MIXED hardwood, 5 cords minimum $90/cord delivered. Call 519-582-4628. AFFORDABLE Accommodations across Ontario residence & conference centre. 2 bedroom private suites from $79.95, incl kitchenette, 3-pc bathroom, internet & breakfast. Visit www.stayrcc.com or call 1-877-225-8664 for reservations. DISCOUNT Timeshares Save 60-80% off Retail! Worldwide locations. Call for free info. pack 1-800-496-5964. www.holidaygroup.com/ ocn CALL NOW for a FREE provider start up kit! ·Work from home · A regular pay cheque ·Paid Statutory Holidays and child sick days ·Some equipment supplied ·Support/Training/Workshops ·Exclusive "WEE LEARN" Programming supplied Burlington 905-632-0551 Oakville/Mississauga 905-823-2625 2001 TOYOTA CorollaBlack, 300,000kms. Runs T O R O N T O M a p l e Leaf well, needs work to certify, tickets. Exclusive 12 game as is. $1500. 416-723packs avail. now. visa, 8945. MasterCard, Amex accepted. Order securely online, 2 0 0 2 T O Y O TA Corolla www.ticketpartners.com or 5 s p d , 4 d r, 1 4 8 0 0 0 k m , toll free 1-800-251-0807 safety, e-tested, 4 extra or 416-364-1552. Special rims. Excellent condition. $5,600. 905-844-4136 discount: ocna09 To book your classified ad call 905.632.4440 Place your FREE ADS one of these three easy ways Visit BurlingtonPost.com OR Visit OakvilleBeaver.com FOUND CAR key with clicker, Lakeshore, Burlingt o n , c a l l t o i d e n t i f y. 905-637-7571. I N T E R R A C I A L FA M I LY (Jamaican and Chilean) Monday- Friday, 9am- 6pm ($12- $14/hr). Seeking child care in our home, 3 & 5 year old girls that will both be attending Sheridan College Montessori afternoon classes. Flexibility in hours appreciated. Email: ddrichards18@hotmail.com CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 COUCH, CHAIR, coffee table, end tables, lamps, diningroom table, 4 chairs, $350 for all. Call 905-634-1486. DEMOLITION (BY Aug.22): High End Kitchen appliances, pool pump & equipment, Underground Sprinkler system. 905-339-2272 or just fill out this coupon 1. Mail to: Free Ads, 1-5040 Mainway, Burlington , ON L7L 7G5, or 2. Drop this coupon off at: The Burlington Post, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon. to Fri. 3. Fax this coupon to: (905) 632-8165 NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE *15 WORDS, 1 DAY( THURSDAY) ITEMS $100 & UNDER Private party only. Ads published at first available opportunity, publication dates not guaranteed. You can only run 1 item per ad and a max. of 3 ads per client, per week. You must be over 18 to place an ad. AD COPY FOUND: IN The Orchard area, young, long haired female black cat wearing collar. We call Lilac. Please call 905-637-7325. SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced CareLOST CAT "Sammy" Fe- givers will provide up to male, Small, black/ white, 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . lost Augustine Dr, Burling- 905-634-2400. ton, Aug. 1-3. Reward!! 905-332-4177 LOST: KEYS at Ted's Convenience Store on August 9. Call 289-257-1637. WANT TO lose weight and keep it off? Herbal Magic can help. Results guaranteed. Call to get our limited t i m e o f f e r. 2 5 % o f f . DINING ROOM suite, dou- 1-800-926-4363 ble pedestal table, 6 chairs, Antique mahogany finish, excellent condition $800. 905-592-9262. DON'T LOSE out 40% or $650 Craftsman 9.5 HP Snow Blower Senior contracting out Call 905-825-6797 ***A BEST Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, Silv e r, D i a m o n d s , C h i n a , Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All antique furnishings, Art, GIRL'S BEDROOM furni- Collectibles, etc. Estate ture with 4 poster bed Specialists, Top Cash. Call frame and pink & white Tif- John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com fany lamp 905-842-4075 $ PRICE NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY HOME # this number must appear in ad. PHONE NO. PLEASE PRINT. ADS WILL BE SORTED BY ITEM. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com #1 HIGH Speed Internet $18.95/mo. Absolutely no ports are blocked. Unlimited downloading. Up to 5 Mps download and 800 Kbps upload. Order today at www.acanac.ca or call Toll Free 1-866-281-3538

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