OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, September 9, 2009 · 28 Update Community Forward announcements of non-profit local events for Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; e-mail ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-337-5560. Free. BULLETIN High Holy Day Services, Rosh Hashana (Sept. 18) and Yom Kippur (Sept. 27 and Sept. 28) services at B'Nai Shalom Congregation of Halton-Peel, contact www.bnaishalom.ca, info@bnaishalom.ca or 905-901-9889. Alicia Snell, local author of From 328 Pounds to the Boston Marathon: Me Minus 173, Oprah Winfrey show guest, Boston Marathon runner, speaks Sept. 12, 1-3 p.m., Oakville Chapter, Town Centre, Dorval Crossing, North Service Road at Dorval Drive, first come, first served, contact 905-616-1995. Shrimpfest 2009, annual all youcan-eat dinner/dance Sept. 25, contact www.oakvilleoptimistclub.com or 905849-9824. Distress Line volunteers needed, contact 905-849-4559, info@distresscentreoakville.com or www.distresscentreoakville.com. Acclaim Health Hospice Orientation Wednesdays, Sept. 23Nov. 11, 1-4 p.m., Acclaim Health office, Oakville, register at 905-8278800, ext. 2313 or ext. 2318. American Sign Language classes in Milton and Mississauga from The Canadian Hearing Society, register until Sept. 11, contact www.chs.ca, 905- 6080271 voice or 905-608-1691 TTY. Ian Anderson Resource Centre fundraiser Friday, Sept. 25, Charity Casino and Silent Auction, 6 p.m., Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre, $100/per- e-mail ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-337-5560 905-257-2127 or 905-842-9160. Bronte Horticultural Society meets 7:30 p.m., Sir John Colborne Recreational Centre for Seniors, Lakeshore Road at Third Line. New members welcome, $15/year, guests $3. Taoist Tai Chi Society, Oakville, new beginner classes 10 a.m.-noon and 7:30-9:30 p.m., contact 905-8250514 or oakville@taoist.org. HAPPEN Linking People and Opportunities Networking support for business professionals in career transition meets 8 a.m., Burlington Art Centre, 1333 Lakeshore Rd., referral techniques, members $10/nonmembers $30, contact 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 Dyslexia expert and author Ronald D. Davis, 7 p.m., Le Dome Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Rd. (east of Trafalgar Road) admission $8 in advance, $10/door, doors open at 6 p.m., proceeds support Learning Disabilities Association of Halton and Peel, pre-register at www.rondavislectures.com or call 905-464-4798. A Better Lunch Box at Whole Foods Market, 301 Cornwall Rd., noon-6 p.m., free, contact 905-8498400, ext. 107. Developmental Early Identification Prevention Program (DEIPP CLINIC), for parents concerned about a child under 5's hearing, speech, behaviour or development, Oakville Parent-Child Centre, 1500 Sixth Line, 9-11 a.m., bring child, arrive early, contact 905-849-6366. The Inkwell, poetry group, all welcome, Upstairs lounge at Timothy's World Coffee on Lakeshore Road at Reynolds Street, 7-9 p.m., contact John Hastings at ventureprise@cogeco.ca. SAVIS Volunteer Orientation, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Rd., training set for Saturday, Oct 17, contact 905-825-3622. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11 Fish Fry at Oakville Legion, Branch 114, 36 Upper Middle Rd. E., 4:30-8 p.m., $8.50, licenced patio still open, all welcome, contact 905-845-6271. Breastfeeding Café, 10 a.m., free, Oakville Parent Child Centre, 461 North Service Rd., Unit 17, contact 416-407-8552. Backpack fitting, 6 p.m., Meyer Chiropractic and Wellness Centre, 275 Trafalgar Rd., contact 905-845-2335. New Start Program for women start their own business, begins Sept. 30, self-employment training , free information session, contact Elizabeth at 905-468-9054 or e-mail newstart@haltonwomenscentre.org. More cost-effective kitchen remodeling options than any other company! a. Renew your cabinets with our unique "Tune-up". w Our exclusive process restores and repairs the original finish on wood cabinet doors to 90-95%. Tuning Up your cabinets and updating the counter top and handles is the easiest and most cost effective way to get a fresh new look for your kitchen. Time: 1-2 days Mess: almost none Cost: about 10% of a replacement kitchen b. Reface You may already own half of your new kitchen! If your cabinet boxes are in good shape, why pay to replace them? Choose from the largest selection of door styles and finishes available anywhere. See our website for ideas. s Time: typically 2-4 days Mess: we clean every day and you never lose the use of your kitchen Cost: 40-60% less than the cost of a new kitchen n c. Reface & Re-Style Turn the kitchen you have into the one you want. If you choose to Reface, we can change many other things you don't like about your kitchen. Add an island, pantry, molding or even new cabinets to match the refaced cabinets. Time: usually 3-5 days Mess: low disruption, thoroughly cleaned daily, often with no loss of use Cost: considerably less than replacement d. Replace Sometimes it's the only way to get what you need. Our Designers will help you create a new custom kitchen that perfectly reflects your personal taste, goals and budget. son, contact Lisa MacDonald-Steward at 905-337-8004, ext. 222, lisa@ianandersonhouse.com or www.iarc.ca. Butt Out! program for smokers who want to quit,seven weekly sessions starts Sept. 15, 6-7 p.m., Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, 327 Reynolds St., Learning Resource Centre (basement level), free, register at 905-338-4692. Register for Fore Rafiki Charity Golf Tournament, Sept. 17,. Piper's Heath Golf Club, 5501 Trafalgar Rd., 11:30 a.m., contact Sandra Melo or Terry Wallace at 905-465-0971 or sandra@PenaltaGroup.com or terry@PenaltaGroup.com. Breast Cancer Support Services Halton's Tournament of Hope, Sept. 17 at Oakville Executive golf course and the Burlington Convention Centre, shotgun tee off at 12:30 p.m., contact Laura Stevenson at 905-6342333, visit www.breastcancersupport.org or drop by 695 Brant St., Burlington. Walk to Remember fundraiser for Bereaved Families of Ontario -- Halton/Peel, Saturday, Sept. 12, registration at 10 a.m., walk begins at 10:30 a.m., E.C. Drury High School, for information, pledge forms and registration, contact www.bereavedfamilies.ca or 905-848-4337. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 9 Summer Salsas, 7 p.m., free, Chef Emerie Brine on preserving tomatoes, sign up at customer service, Whole Foods Market, 301 Cornwall Rd., contact 905-849-8400, ext. 107. Polar Bears Mood Disorder Support Group, 7 p.m., St. Aidan's Church, Anthony Room, for those who are depressed, bipolar, schizoaffective and their family and friends. Contact Free Design Consultation & Estimate Showroom 3480 Fairview St., Burlington (Hours: 10-5 pm M-F Saturday 11-3) , Over 60,000 Satisfied Customers THE BIGGEST SALE EVER Financing & Deferred Payments Available Eight "Trustpoints" set Kitchen Tune-Up apart. We guarantee our estimates - guarantee our work - arrive on time - clean work areas daily - return messages within 24 hours - strive for harmony with your daily routine - tell you what we're going to do before we do it - listen carefully, tell it straight and keep our promises. Check Out The FREE DESIGN IDEA TOOL on our website Every Kitchen Tune-Up franchise is locally owned and operated. $500 OFF 905-849-4998 www.aireone.com 1-888-827-2665 # Best Price # Best Service # Same Day Installation Available # Eligible for O.P.A. & Governement Rebate Buy From Largest Lennox Dealer in Ontario & Save $$$. A+ Rating 9 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER *See dealer for details kitchentuneup.com