29 · Friday, January 8, 2010 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.oakvillebeaver.com Rental Housing Home Wanted Renovations Houses for Rent BURLINGTON- LAKESHORE/ Guelph Line. 2bedrooms, 2-bathrooms, new furnace, large backyard. Prefer no pets. 416-226-0278. DERRY/ BRONTE new 4bdrm, 1600sq. ft., 2.5baths, upperlevel laundry, a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. $1500/mo. plus. 905467-8302. Townhouses for Rent Townhouses for Rent Shared Accommodations APPLEBY/ NEW Burlington. Quiet, non-smoking male house w/dog to share. Parking, $450/or $520/mo. inclusive. 905-637-0414. BURLINGTON- 1 large unfurnished bedroom with cable. Share kitchen/ bathroom/ laundry room. Free parking. Close to GO/ Shopping/ QEW. $500/mo. Suits young professional non-smoking female that is pet friendly. Immediate. 905-639-5409. Child Care Available DAYCARE AVAILABLE, 10yrs experience, Full or Part-time, Indoor, outdoor activities. Large play area, nutritious snacks, lunch. References, receipts, 4th Line/West Oak Trails. Anita 905-825-4239. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home in North Burlington. Excellent curriculum. Call Gail 905-336-9321. Articles for Sale **A1 MATTRESS Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop &'Crown' series, Eurot o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-847-2020; 905-681-9496 Articles for Sale MOVING: APPLIANCES Washer, dryer, stove, white dishwasher, front load dryer, and apt size dryer. All Excellent condition, Will separate. Burlington 289-337-1328 NEW YEAR Sale! Savings f ro m 4 0 - 8 0 % o n m a n y fabulous fabrics. Custom upholstering. Chairs from $ 1 9 5 . L o v e s e a t ' s f ro m $595. Senior discount. Field's 905-632-9090, 9am-8pm. TIRES, LARGE selection of used tires available, pairs, sets, singles. Also most rims available. B&D Auto Recyling. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). 905-827-8015. WEIGHT LIFTING multi-position work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ Stackable exercise stepper, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 aski n g $ 8 5 . S o l i d ro w i n g exercise machine, paid $385, asking $90. OBO for all. 905-842-4302. Domestic Help Available EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN house cleaner seeking work in Mississauga, Oakville, Milton. Organic p ro d u c t s u s e d . M a g g i e 905-785-0926 F R I D AY S A V A I L A B L E , Reliable, experienced, energetic cleaning lady, Call 905-335-3803 HOME CLEANING Service Let us save you time and energy on home maintenance. General residential cleaning, home organization, etc. We are affordable, professional and experienced. Give us a call, you won't be disappointed! 647-998 6147 PRESTIGIOUS CLEANING services, reliable and experienced lady teams, offers you amazing cleaning services, excellent references, good rates, available weekly/bi-weekly 9 0 5 - 5 8 0 - 0 1 8 7 , 905-847-2906 PROFESSIONAL, INDEPENDENT, hardworking, reasonable and very honest housecleaner available. Please ask for Anna 905-842-2698. SPOTLESS CLEANING. I don't cut corners, I clean them. Residential & Commercial. Call Karlene 289-208-2251 Waste Removal THE JUNK Truck. Cleans up your garage, basement, yard. Whatever you don't want anymore. Pricing includes all labour and disposal costs. Call Denise 905-702-3795. HOME AWAY FROM HOME CumberlandVillage 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking BURLINGTON TOWERS FURNISHED 1,2, BDRMS 905-639-8583 corporatesuites.ca Handy Person COMPLETE HOME Renovations. 30 years experience. Painting, full basements, kitchens, baths, drywall, ceramics, vinyl tiling, plumbing, a n d m o re . R e f e re n c e s . Free Estimates. 905484-7215 D AV E ' S A H a n d y m a n . Tiling, Plumbing, Painting, Framing, Crown Moulding, Doors, Baseboards, Flooring etc. Specializing in Bathrooms.905-335-8835. 3270 Prospect Street Burlington WWW.Travelsuites.net Furnished Corporate R e s i d e n c e s ! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! B u s i n e s s , F a m i l y, Tr a v e l V i s i t s ! F u l l Kitchen, Free Laundry, Pets O.K.; From.... $59.95*/night! Page Us @ 905-681-7355 Perfect for Holiday Visits, Better than any hotel!!!! DOWNTOWN BURLINGTON, 3-bedroom 2 storey home with appliances. $1190/mo plus utilities. Immediate. 905-333-6363 HEADON FOREST- 3 bedrooms, detached, recently renovated, 4 baths, finished basement, garage, A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. $1450/mo. plus utilities. 905-257-7403. OAKVILLE. DORVAL and Lakeshore. 3 bedrooms, upper of house, laundry, parking, yard. Non-smoker. Close to schools, QEW, transit, Downtown. $1300/ mo. (includes utilities) Available February 1. Call Marina 905-827-6888. 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ FRO 1050/month TOWNHOUSE OAKVILLE, 2150 sq.ft. 3/bdrm, 2/1/2 bath, family room cathedral ceiling, freshly painted, new rugs second floor/stairs, main floor laundry, double garage, window coverings, dining room, living room, kitchen, 1/2 bath main floor. Enc l o s e d d e c k b a c k y a rd . March/1st. 416-357-1161, jeske13@sympatico.ca 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! BURLINGTON TOWNHOUSES Beautifully landscaped property. Large, bright and clean 1 and 3 bedroom units from $830/mo. - $1100/mo. + utilities. Enjoy your own fenced in backyard maintained by management. Families welcome. Condos for Rent R E N T- T O - O W N B U R LINGTON home on ravine move right in 3 bedroom, master with semi-ensuite, h a rd w o o d / c e r a m i c s o n main floor, fenced-in backyard with flagstone, friendly BRAND NEW 2-bedroom, n e i g h b o u r h o o d . 2bath luxury condo. Com- 416-352-1811 for 24hr pletely upgraded. Available free message. All credits immediately. $1595/mo. welcome. Call Dave 905-338-1130 Ext 31. Trafalgar Real Es- SHORT TERM FURNISHED tate Services Brokerage Burl. 4BR no pets/smkrs Jan.-April $1100/mth BURLINGTON Executive 905-599-1254/ 634-2805 1-bedroom +solarium, w/view, 24hr security, SOUTH WEST Oakville, 3great amenities/ loca- bedroom basement aparttion, $1200/mo. Phil- m e n t . D o u b l e g a r a g e oria Lau, Salesperson, $1400/mo plus utilities Sutton Group Results, First/Last 9058471770 B r o k e r a g e . 905-332-4111 APPLEBY & Upper Middle Road. 1200sq.ft.,2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 6 appliances, fireplace, ensuite laundry. 905-827-2110. L O V E LY 3 - B E D R O O M , 2bath condo. Lots of upgrades and amenities available. Feb/1st $1600/mo. Call Dave 905-338-1130 ext 31 Trafalgar Real Estate Services Brokerage NEW LUXURY condo with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms in trendy Oak Park (2379 Central Park Drive, Oakville). Available for rent. $1690/mo. Corner unit with balcony. Hardwood floors, SS appliances, washer/ dryer, gym, pool plus many more. 416-809-4105. SPACIOUS 1200SQ.FT. condo for rent. 2 large bedrooms, 2 balconies, 2 full baths, your own laundry room, walking distance to all amenities. Includes use of weight room and sauna. Third Line/ Upper Middle Road. Available March 1. Call 905-469-1619. Call for an appointment to view 905-319-9769 and 905-319-9104 Townhouses for Rent ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $950/mo 4 Bdrms $990/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management 3-BDRMS -IMMEDIATE/ Feb. 1 Centennial Drivefamily complex- 1 parking $1100./mo + hydro/heat. Please call 905-319-1869 Houses for Rent $1950/MO. ALDERSHOT executive home, mature ravine setting, 3 plus 1 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, no pets pref e r re d . C a l l S a l e s R e p Cheryl Millar-Sway at Sutton Group Results Realty Brokerage, 905-332-4111 or cell: 905-466-5214. 3-BEDROOM bungalow, Den, 2-bath, recroom, by park, $1175/mo; Headon Rd area, splitlevel, garage, 1.5 bath, recroom, fireplace, $1395/mo; Large ranch, double garage, recroom, fireplace, deck $1450/mo; Burlington Mall, 2-storey 3bedroom, semi, recroom, 2-bath, fenced $ 1 1 4 5 / m o . 905-632-5690 AlbertMcDonagh Ltd. RealEstate Brokerage. BURLINGTON- DETA C H E D , Guelph Line/ Upper Middle, 4-bedrooms, 2-baths, finished basement, garage, 1533 Rusholme Cres, $1595/mo. +utilities. Available Feb.1 Long-term lease available. 905-336-7187. ALDERSHOT 3-BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, Walk to RBG, 6 appliances, C/A, Garage, $1350/mo +utilties. Immediate. 905-484-1382 MCRANEY ST Oakville~ newly renovated 3-bedA p p l e b y M a l l , 2 - b e d - room townhouse, 2-bathroom condo, recroom, room, A/C, fireplace, $1075/mo; E.Burling- 4 appliances, $1350/mo. t o n , 4 - b e d ro o m , 1 . 5 plus utilities, available now, bath, garage, newly car- Non-smokers. No pets prepeted, $1140/mo; Near ferred. 905-842-5079. home depot, 3-bedr o o m , 2 - s t o r e y, 1 . 5 b a t h , g a r a g e NORTH BURLINGTON 3$ 1 0 8 5 / m o . ; D e l u x e bedroom, 1.5 bath, 2 parkcondo, 2-storey, 3-bed- ing, water, cable included. room, 3-bath, semien- $1281/mo. plus utilities suite, 2-parking, indoor Dave 905-912.3094 pool $1185/mo; 905-632-5690 Alber t OAKVILLE 3RD Line/ DunMcDonagh Ltd. Real Es- das. Brand new 4-bedroom tate Brokerage. townhouse, 2-car garage. Available Jan/30th BRANT STREET Nor th. $1700/mo plus utilities. Renovated, 2 or 3 bed- short-term rental welcome. rooms, hardwood, fenced Non-smokers. No pets preyard, laundry, storage, ferred 905-901-9897 $895/mo. 905-336-7207. BURLINGTON- LARGE 2 bedroom, immediate. Very large 3-bedrooms, Feb. 1. Appliances, hardwood floors, quiet park like setting. 905-681-0070. www.rentaltownhouses.ca OAKVILLE- DASHWOOD P l a c e , P ro u d f o o t Tr a i l / Dundas. New end unit townhome (condos). 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, garage, 5 appliances. Available February 1, 2010. $1475/mo. plus pou. BURLINGTON NORTH. 905-827-4275 or 905Executive 2-bedroom town- 467-3541. house condo. Gorgeous d e c o r. O p e n c o n c e p t . Ensuite. Attached garage OAKVILLE TOWNHOMEw i t h i n t e r i o r a c c e s s . 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, $1300/mo. plus utilities. 6 a p p l i a n c e s , A / C , A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. $1275/mo. plus utilities. 4 1 6 - 8 0 1 - 5 6 5 8 , 905-332-7093. 905-257-5658. BURLINGTON WALKERS and Mainway 2-bedroom, SOUTH WEST Burlington~ 2bath 1000sq.ft. 5 appli- Spacious 3-bedroom townances, A/C, vaulted ceiling, homes w/garage, appliancstorage, 2 parking spots, es. Walking distance to all $1300/mo plus utilities. amenities, including GO. Non-smokers. First/last. $1350/mo. plus utilities Available March/1st A v a i l a b l e F e b / 1 . 9 0 5 - 5 9 9 - 6 7 4 1 , 905-693-8525 ext.224. 289-242-6419. F O R R E N T 3 - b e d ro o m townhome- Family complex, appliances, garage. $1250/mo + utilities. Available January/1st. Plains Rd /Francis, Burlington. Call 905-977-9725. TOWNHOUSE, immediate, upper end-unit, Large 1bedroom, balcony, private entrance, 1-parking, washer/dryer Headon,Burlington, $1100./mo +utilities, 905-315-0539 ***A BEST Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, China, C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All Antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. 8TH LINE/ Dundas- 1 FOUND- BEAMSVILLE C a l l J o h n / P a t t i Articles Wanted area, Male, approx 2y.o. 905-331-2477 bedroom walk-out basement furnished apartment. blood hound cross, not www.tjtraders.com fixed. Call 905-681-9496, $775/mo. inclusive. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 905-563-6903 416-779-4899. FOUND: CAT, DLH, Black, male/ neutered found on WE pay TOP $ for old GOLD and silver BEDROOM WITH private Francis Road. We call livingroom, bathroom, dinJEWELLERY, rings, chains, dental; S m o k e y. P l e a s e c a l l : ing area with fridge, microGOLD & Silver coins, watches, 905-637-7325. wave, internet, cable, bus WE BUY GOLD & SILVER IN ANY FORM!! route $600/mo inclusive. FOUND: GREY and white Suitable for non-smoking cat Dundas, Walkers Line, Buying Medals, badges, swords, any p r o f e s s i o n a l / s t u d e n t A p p l e b y L i n e a re a . We MILITARY items ANY Nation!! Sell to 647-899-5402 call Trinity. Please call established local dealer, TOP $$ paid! 905-637-7325. BURLINGTON EAST EMEDALS 760 Brant St. #7, Burlington Large furnished bedroom, FOUND SET of keys with 905-634-3848 Lakeside. Private wash- Key Fab on boxing day. room, kitchen privilege, Walkers Line/ Ketelbey Crt. u n d e rg r o u n d p a r k i n g . Call 905-332-7260 Auto Leasing & Auto Leasing & Immediate $600/mo. Rentals Rentals FOUND: YOUNG female 905-639-1236. cat. DLH Brown tabby We B U R L I N G T O N . L A R G E call Cynthia. Please call: room w/sitting area, pri- 905-637-7325. v a t e b a t h ro o m , ( f a m i l y home), microwave, fridge, LOST: CAT, Maple Crossparking. Cable, internet. i n g a re a , g re y / b ro w n $ 6 5 0 / m o . I m m e d i a t e . stripes, missing since New Suitable for professional, Year's Eve. Please call r e f e r e n c e s r e q u i r e d . 905-336-1779. 905-802-8454 or LOST: SET of keys 905-802-8688 in Southeast Burlington. Please call 905-681-2580. BURLINGTON- QUIET friendly home near GO/ LOST: SILVER Hoop style Mall. Private entrance/ earring with 5 stones in bathroom, fridge, micro- Roseland Plaza parking lot. wave, TV, parking included. R e w a rd . C a l l 9 0 5 - 5 3 6 Internet available. Vacant. 6996. $450/mo. 905-639-4489. 905-481-1171 LOST~ WIRE frame prescription glasses. TyandaB R O N T / L A K E S H O R E ga Park. Dr. area. If found Room for rent $500/mo please call 905-331-1799 call 416-540-1219 TYANDAGA- FABULOUS inside, large 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 fireplaces, master suite, hardwood throughout, Canada familyroom, recroom, double garage, swimming pool, much more! $ 1 8 0 0 / m o . 9 0 5 - FLORIDA 5 Star ocean510-9547. front RV resort. Brand new 2 bedroom 40 ft. RV with sliding door walkout to Rooms for Rent and huge patio. BBQ and bikes. Wanted 2 pools, hot tubs, tennis, fishing, social director. 1 - L A R G E B E D R O O M , $1500/month or $800 lot Washroom, Closet. Nice, o n l y. 9 0 5 - 6 3 4 - 5 4 7 1 o r Clean, Close to Bus, GO, info@playlongpoint.com QEW/ Burloak. Full use of house, laundry, internet, Lost & Found cable, parking. Dave 905-802-9222. DAYCARE IN centre transit to all Oakville schools. Great rates. Nannies available too. 905-849- APPLIANCES- SCRATCH ROOM WITH Private bath, 3811 or email: N Dent and quality used or share house- upscale rizzutomarlene@yahoo.ca Fridges, Stoves, Washers, single Oakville family home, Dryers. Full/ apar tment bus route, cable, internet EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- s i z e , 1 y e a r w a r r a n t y laundry avail, $550/mo; or ER. Infant/ preschooler, parts & labour. Delivery share house w/single pro- fulltime. Hot breakfast/ available. 905-458-8808. fessional who works from lunches. Lots of backyard home. Price TBD. Must like fun. References. Receipts. B E D R O O M S E T, 6 p c , cats. 905-582-1263 905-825-9689. white, mirrored Caribbean S H A R E L A R G E c o m - NEW HOME Daycare, $600, table and 2 chairs fortable 2-bedroom, fire- h o t m e a l s , i n W e s t $ 5 0 , a n t i q u e d r e s s e r place, jacuzzi tub, laundry, Burlington. Please call $400, TV's 905-466-4895 cable, parking, all inclusive. Patty at 905-632-4638. $550/mo. Call 416-550CARPET I have several 4125. 1,000 yards of new Stain WEST OAKVILLE- ReMaster & 100% nylon carliable, 30 years experipet. Will do livingroom & Travel & Vacations ence. For more details call hall for $389. Includes car905-827-1055. pet, pad & installation (30 y a r d s ) S t e v e , FORT MYERS Beach, Child Care Wanted 905-633-8192 Florida, ocean front, 1-bedroom condo fully furnished FLOWERED CHESTERl a s t w e e k i n F e b r u a r y, FIELD and matching $650/wk US, first week of DAYCARE REQUIRED for 2 boys in my home week- winged chair. Great condiMarch, $650/wk US, last 3 tion. $600 for both. Call weeks in April and first days. (Age 6 & 7). Immedi905-637-7647. w e e k i n M a y . C a l l ate start. 905.582.4476. Oakville. 905-257-5876. HOME OFFICE unit, $125. Includes desk, bulletin LUXURIOUS CONDO on Private Tuitions/ board, corner unit for monithe Ocean! Golf, maid serSchools tor and keyboard, printer vice in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. stand and 2 drawer Call 905-877-4769. SPANISH CLASSES for f i l i n g c a b i n e t . C a l l Travelers at the Central 905-582-3622 or email: Rentals Outside L i b r a r y. S m a l l P r i v a t e fdg2406@hotmail.com Groups. All Levels Offered. Start Evening Jan 19. Limited Space. Call Now Home Renovations SPECIALIZING IN framing, drywall and taping. No job too small! 17 years experience, basements, additions, hardwood floor refinishing, finish carpentry, ceramics etc. Call Gary 416-566-0492 Vendors Wanted Tel: 905-577-1585 spanish@bellnet.ca Articles Wanted HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca KITCHEN CABINETS50% discount, designer showcase, custom woodworking, all finishes, decorative wood hoods, islands, counters included. More savings, granite, tiling, wall units, bars, vanities. 905-930-9618. VENDORS WANTED for 2009 Spring Bridal Show, March 6 & 7 at Club Italia. All of Niagara's best wedding professionals under one roof! Call Kelly for more info at 877-688-2444 ext 252. Health/Beauty/ Fitness EARN $$$ for Losing Pounds! Weight loss challenge and free nutrition classes for 12 weeks starting January. To register call 905-961-4269 or well-nourished@live.com SPECIALIZING IN framing, drywall and taping. No job too small! 17 years experience, basements, additions, hardwood floor refinishing, finish carpentry, ceramics etc. Call Gary EUROPEAN HOUSE clean- 416-566-0492. ers. Professional, reliable. Services available weekly, Music Lessons bi-weekly, monthly. Oakv i l l e / B u r l i n g t o n a re a . Sylvia, 647-889-2593. MUSIC LESSONS in your home. Cello, all levels and E U R O P E A N P R O F E S - beginner piano including SIONAL cleaning lady adults. Saturday and available Monday - Friday. Sunday. 905-468-7329. New vacuum. Reasonable helenkopec@sympatico.ca rates. Call 905-601-5656. **BEST IN town Polish cleaning Ladies. "Spick & Span". Immaculate work. Reasonable rates. References. 289-895-9278, 905-741-7881. CLEANING LADY available for Burlington, Waterdown and West Oakville. Good references. 24 years experience. Call Paula 905-634-8750. paulineinontario@hotmail.com Computer & Internet Services Health & Home Care 1 1 0 - 8 0 8 B R I TA N N I A Road. West of Mavis. Grand Opening. Asian Massage $39.95. Reflexology $35.95 905-817-1500. SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . 905-634-2400. C O M P U T E R R E PA I R & tune-up, virus removal, software/ hardware/ network installation, Expert service, reasonable rates. Keith 905-338-6516 Insurance CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grey Power could save you up to $400 on car insur a n c e . C a l l 1-866-473-9817 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. $$$ AAA WANTED $$$ EUROPEAN LADY excellent quality cleaning service available. Good rates. Please call Maria 905-849-9549. Carpet & Upholstery R AY ' S U P H O L S T E R YReupholster, all kinds, sofa sets, dining chairs, antique furniture, restaurant and bar, wood refinishing. Free estimates 1-866-942-RAYS (7297), 416-318-3152. Pet Supplies/ Boarding/Service NEW IN Oakvilleallaboutthedog.ca, certified master grooming and doggy daycare. Call 905-469-8900 Plumbing Cars 1994 MAZDA MX6 Mystere 5 speed, new tires, clutch, exhaust, well cared for, original owner. Great winter car or for parts. $500 firm. As is Call 905-630-3821 Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies ALL PLUMBING work. B a s e m e n t ro u g h - i n ' s , installation and repairs, new construction. Master plumber. Prompt. M a t t h e w , 647-272-0455. SNOW REMOVAL. Immediate response. Season or pertime rates. Seniors Discount. Group Rate. All G O I N G T O M o v e ? C a l l Season Landscaping. Call Move Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call 905-630-3091. Thomas, 905-847-0178. Moving & Storage Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking ***ALWAYS CASH*** Paid for usable and scrap vehicles. Free pick up. 905-320-3287 289-895-8614 pedder@rogers. blackberry.net CASH PAID- $145.00+ for any complete vehicles driven in/ $100+ for vehicles picked up. S c r a p C a r s & Tr u c k s wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal transfers. 905-827-8015. Handy Person A HANDYMAN for all those jobs you've resolved to finish in the New Year! Quality workmanship in Carpentry, Repairs and Installat i o n s . F re e e s t i m a t e s , reasonable rates. Please call anytime and leave message 905-335-5341 ask for John MAXX MOVERS. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-823-9705 MIGHTY MOVERS. No hourly gimmicks! Flat rates. Experienced. Insured. Winter specials! 905-296-1621 www.mymightymover.com MOVING? CALL now for free estimate Uncle Steve Moves so you don't have too! 905-876-6837 Nannies/ Live In/ Out FURNISHED QUEEN-SIZE room in large executive home, clean quiet with inground pool, many extras. Responsible individual. Trafalgar/Upper Middle. $500/mo. 905-338-6444. RIVIERA MOTEL located in downtown Burlington. Monthly rentals starting from $550. and up No lease, no LMR required. Call 905-517-6627 LIVE-OUT NANNY needed for 3 children (7, 3, 1) in Burlington. Must have valid driver's licence. Please contact 905-336-9990. NANNY WITH caregiver experience, Burlington, 2 school aged children, fulltime position available, drivers license a must. Duties incl. childcare, housekeeping, and cooking. Fluent in English. Email Rekha@smartmeds.ca To book your classified ad call 905.632.4440 C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 TWO ABLE seniors can do minor plumbing, electrical, Plumbing drywall, painting, gardening, flooring, bathroom renovation, door hanging, trim work, weatherproofing ***WB DRAINS Ltd.*** and more. Seniors dis- Plumbing, Repairs, Electric Snakes, Residential and count. 905-220-8700 Commercial, Licensed and Insured. Excellent service, 24yrs experience. 24hr Emergency Service. References Avail. 905-849-9528