www.oakvillebeaver.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 30, 2010 · 8 HAAC Honour Roll recognizes promotion of skilled trades Companies that encourage youths to consider a career in the skilled trades are being recognized for their efforts. The Halton Apprenticeship Advisory Council (HAAC) Honour Roll 2009 honours companies for their leadership in advancing excellence in the skilled trades. This year's breakfast event will take place on Thursday, May 27 from 7:30-10 a.m. at the Burlington Convention Centre, 1120 Burloak Dr. A variety of businesses will be given awards. Over the last decade, more than 60 companies have been recognized at the Honour Roll for promoting skilled trades excellence in Halton. Students, parents, educators and industry representatives are being urged to attend the Honour Roll event and hear more about local success stories and the avenues available to students interested in learning a skilled trade. The HAAC Honour Roll is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2010. To commemorate the occasion, the mayors of Halton have been invited to host this year's awards to profile skilled trades excellence in the area. Student participants from the Ontario Skills Competition in Waterloo, being held May 17-19 in Waterloo, are expected to be at the Honour Roll. Business nominations for HAAC Honour Roll 2009 are coming to a close with an April deadline. Established in 1998, HACC is a grassroots effort to co-ordinate business, education, labour, community and government to create an environment in which skilled trades can excel. HAAC is a committee of the Halton Industry Education Council (HIEC). Visit www.hiec.on.ca and click on Events to register to attend the Honour Roll or to fill out a business nomination form. The cost to attend is $35 per person or $240 for a table of eight. A full breakfast will be provided. Notice of study completion class environmental assessment study Third Line extension from Dundas Street to the new North Oakville Transportation Corridor The Town of Oakville has completed a class environmental assessment for the extension of Third Line from Dundas Street to the new North Oakville Transportation Corridor (see map). This extension of Third Line was part of the North Oakville West Secondary Plan, and includes construction of an urban roadway with two lanes in each direction, turning lanes at intersections, on-road bicycle lanes, sidewalks and landscape planting. The study also includes a signalized intersection on Third Line at the entrance to the future site of the new Oakville hospital, and provisions for a future pedestrian overpass. The study was conducted in compliance with Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. A project file has been prepared and is available for public review at the following locations: Town Hall Clerk's department 1225 Trafalgar Road Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oakville Public Library Glen Abbey Branch 1415 Third Line Sun: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. MonThurs: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. FriSat: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. DIABETIC PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY (DPN) PAIN A Clinical Research Study of an Investigational Oral Medication for people with Hand, Foot, or Leg Pain caused by Diabetes - Related Nerve damage You may be eligible if you are at least 18 years of age and have: Been diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Controlled blood sugar levels for at least 3 months Experienced signs or symptoms of painful DPN Moderate to severe pain in the hands, feet or legs that has not been relieved with over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers for at least 3 months Study medication, medical evaluations and ce visits will be provided to to qualified study participants at no cost. Study medication, medical evaluations and offioffice visits will be provided qualified study participants at no cost. It is is 5 month study with 14 14 office visits andfollow up phone call. It a a 5 month study with offi ce visits and 1 1 follow up hone call. NOW OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT 1-877-927-5469 Reading Writing Math High School Study Skills Homework French For more information, please contact: Please provide written comments to the Town of Oakville or the consulting engineer, AMEC Earth & Environmental, by Monday, May 31, 2010 (within 30 calendar days of the date of this notice). If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved through discussions with town staff, a person or party may request that the Minister of Environment order the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act (referred to as a Part II Order). Requests for a Part II Order must be received by the Minister in writing at the address provided below. A copy of the request must also be sent to the manager of design and construction. If no request is received by Monday May 31, 2010, the town intends to proceed with detailed design and construction. Minister of Environment, 135 St. Clair Avenue West, 12th Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 If you have any comments or questions regarding the project, please contact: Paul Allen Manager of Design and Construction Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road P.O. Box 310 Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Tel: 905-845-6601, ext.4424 Fax: 905-338-4159 pallen@oakville.ca David Sinke Project Manager AMEC Earth and Environmental 3215 North Service Road P.O. Box 220 Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Y2 Tel: 905-335-2353 Fax: 905-335-1414 david.sinke@amec.com For more information visit www.oakville.ca or call 905-845-6601 /HDUQLQJGRHVQ·WVWRS MXVWEHFDXVHVFKRROLVRXW %UDLQVQHHGVWLPXODWLRQDOO\HDUORQJ 7KDW·VZK\ZKHQVFKRROVKXWVGRZQ IRUWKHVXPPHUNLGVDFWXDOO\ORVH DFDGHPLFJURXQG$VXPPHUSURJUDP DW2[IRUG/HDUQLQJVWRSVWKLV&KLOGUHQ NHHSOHDUQLQJ$QGWKDWPDNHVWKHLU EUDLQVKDSS\+DSS\EUDLQVPHDQ EHWWHUJUDGHV $VXPPHUDW2[IRUG/HDUQLQJLVDOO LWWDNHV /HDUQPRUH/RJRQDW R[IRUGOHDUQLQJFRP OAKVILLE NORTH OAKVILLE SOUTH OAKVILLE NORTH EAST 1131 Nottinghill Gate, 905-469-1929 2[IRUG/HDUQLQJ&HQWUHV Maple Grove Village 511 Maple Grove Dr., 380 Dundas St. E. 905-849-4027 905-257-1207