W W W P A L M A P A S T A C O M 4 H E ) T A L I A N & O O D 3 H O P 2501 Prince Michael Dr (at Dundas St.) (905) 257-9200 www.palmapasta.com Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am - 7 pm, Saturday 9 am - 6 pm , Sunday 10 am - 4 pm Loacker Biscuits variety of flavours available$250Until Oct 24th, 2010Bag Can Italian Peeled Tomatoes 99Until Oct 24th, 2010 Olive Oil $399Until Oct 24th, 2010Bottle $11503-4 servings Valid until October 24th, 2010 Not to be combined with any other offers. Family Size Lasagna $21956-8 servings Large Lasagna Valid until October 24th, 2010 Not to be combined with any other offers. NOW OPEN IN OAKVILLE! Congratulations! You Stopped the Power Plant! Thank you to the real heroes in the fight against the power plant - Doug McKenzie, Frank Clegg, C4CA and the community groups who took on the province and won. 7 W ednesday , O ctober 13, 2010 O A KVILLE BEA V ER w w w .o akvillebeaver .co m Letters to the editor It was hard not to notice the full page, colour ad of Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn in The Oakville Beaver, Friday, Oct. 9. The Beaver is a privately-owned newspa- per and, of course, is entitled to receive paid advertising. No dispute there. My concern is who is doing the paying. The ad shows a photo of Flynn with gov- ernment symbols and a government address and e-mail. This ad was undoubtedly paid for from the constituency office budget; this means the taxpayers are paying. The page was not a public service announcement and was not needed to inform the public of anything; it was a blatant, parti- san promotional ad. What is stunning is that the ad claims credit for resolving a situation that was creat- ed by the governments own incompetence and poor planning. I am a senior and struggling to pay hydro and other utilities. The taxpayers are already being taxed into poverty and yet the MPP for Oakville is spending taxpayers money to promote him- self and his government. MRS. J. YRJOLA, OAKVILLE Flynns ad misuse of tax dollars There is joy and euphoria in Oakville. Thepower plant has been cancelled. This is a great relief for the people who fought the monstrous 900-megawatt power plant and the govern- ment that was going to impose it. Many Thanksgiving celebrations will have included toasts of thanks to the efforts and determina- tion of C4CA. Once the elation abates, we will have time to look back as well as look to the future. In retrospect, the root cause of the fight was the Liberal government's green energy act. Authority was stripped from municipalities so that the provincial government had complete control. The purpose of government is to serve the people not control them. Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn was a significant contributor to the content of the Green Energy Act and must be held accountable for the sub- sequent events that occurred in Oakville. In the future, one has to ask, if the current MPP did not have the wisdom and foresight needed to see the ramifications of his own legislation, what future laws will be passed? If McGuinty is given another mandate, will the power plant come back? Simply put, can we trust this gov- ernment again when they want so much con- trol? Should we forgive and forget? Should we be grateful to an MPP who started the prob- lem? We must all ask ourselves these questions. DAN MCCASH, OAKVILLE Blame Ontario Green Energy Act