Oakville Beaver, 27 Aug 2010, p. 43

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43 ?Frida y , August 27, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ?ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m $ Best Cash Paid $ We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com Doctors Office Receptionist Hospital Clerk Medical Office Assistant OHIP Billing Agent Get ready to work as: MEDICAL OFFICE CERTIFICATE TECHNOLOGY LAW HEALTH BUSINESS 905.637.3415 www.hbicollege.com Burlington Campus, 460 Brant Street, Suite 26 Full & Part-time Classes. Enrol Now! Child Care Wanted WANTED: PART-T IME Ch i ldcare in our Nor th Central Oakville home, be- fore and after school for our 2 boys aged 5 and 8. Reply to 905-330-8977. Articles Wanted WANTED~ FRIDGE and stove plus other appliances must be reasonable call anytime 905-525-9904 Articles for Sale 2 0 F T R E T R A C TA B L E trailer awning, $600. An- tique kitchen Hoosier with bake table, flour storage sifter, $600. Antique china cabinet, $500. Ladies golf c l ubs , $75 . Bag $35 . 905-825-3812. **A1 MATTRESS Facto- r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y available. All sizes in- c lud ing custom Spl i t boxsprings, Orthopedic 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g $240. 30yr t ight - top sets starting $340. De- luxe no-f l ip Pi l lowtop &'Crown' series, Euro- top sets f rom $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontin- ued i tems ava i lab le . 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 BEDROOM FURNITURE, Sold wood, 1-dresser, 2- night table, bed with head- board, $400, Cal l Ben 905-339-2860 CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes car- pet, pad & installation (25 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 D I N I N G R O O M - E L E - GANT, modern 'Br iana' (Italy) table, 72" x 41", plus 20" leaf, honey colour. 6 stylish upholstered chairs. $ 6 5 0 . M u s t b e s e e n . 905-631-9855. DUFFERIN POOL Table for sale, $900.00 obo. Must be picked up. Call 905.466.6722 FREE FIREWOOD for pick- u p , P l e a s e c a l 905-529-5612. HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Ca l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 www.thecoverguy.ca KITCHEN CAB INETS- 50% discount, designers s h o w c a s e , c u s t o m woodworking, all fi nish- es , decorat i ve wood hoods, islands, counters included. More savings, granite, tiling, wall units, b a r s , v a n i t i e s . 905-930-9618. MOVING- 6PC beige sofa $250; din ing table w/4 chairs $250.; 2 recliners, be ige $200/both ; I kea bookshelf, white $25; Ikea desk table $75; Single bed w/night table $75; Oval coffee table $75; all obo. 905-469-8229 MOVING SALE, Mattress and box (king size), 2-glass desks, boy and girl Ikea bed, reclining suede couch (6-piece), household items, and much more. Everything 6 months used only, must go. 905-580-2268 Articles for Sale PIANO, STEINWAY grand, high gloss ebony, 6'1", like n e w . $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 . 905-353-1114 can deliver. T R E A D M I L L - I M A G E 15.5S, 10 inc l ines, 10 speeds, reads heart rate, calories burned etc. Pro- g r ammab l e p rog rams . $300. 905-690-6890, little1@bell.net WEIGHT LIFTING multi-po- sit ion work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ Stackable exercise step- per, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exer- cise bike, paid $325 ask- i ng $85 . So l i d row ing exerc ise machine, pa id $385, asking $90. OBO for all. 905-842-7404. Medical/Health Needs BRAND NEW Scooters at used prices! Low monthly payments. Call for a free i n fo package . To l l f ree 1-888-400-1994 SCOOTER, 4 wheel, brand new witrh warranty basket. Call 905-689-9373 WALKER, BRAND new with large whels, basket, seat and brakes, $135. 905-689-9373 Health & Home Care SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Care- givers will provide up to 24 hour In -home care . 905-634-2400. Dogs A D O R A B L E R A R E Chocolate, Black, Brindle Goldendoodles, Needled, $650. Ready. Females, M a l e . 9 0 5 - 5 6 1 - 9 4 8 8 ; 9 0 5 - 5 4 5 - 0 2 6 1 ; catt115@hotmail.com Pets-Other FREE LOVE Bird To Loving Home 905-699-3443 Cars 1 9 8 9 C A D I L L A C Brougham Delegance, all the Cadi options- leather in- terior,gray on gray, great condition, original paint, d r i v e n d a i l y , o n l y 205,000km. Selling as-is. $ 1 , 5 0 0 . o b o . C a l l 905-407-4102 1996 FORD Escort $500 as is. 905-319-3004. 1997 CAVALIER b lack convertible, $850 as is. 905-319-3004. 2000 AUDI S4, blue, fully loaded, excellent condition, 154,000kms, must see, $9,000. 905-808-3670 2 0 0 5 J E E P L i b e r t y - 67,000km, lady dr iven, sunroof, automatic trans- mission, silver grey colour, $12,500. 905-847-2594. 2006 CHEVROLET Impala LS, Safetied and E-tested, 66 , 500km, e xce l l e n t shape, $10 000 of best r e a s o n a b l e o f f e r 289-259-6693 2006 PONTIAC Grand Prix, excellent condition, new t i res, 87,000kms, warranty unt i l October. 905-842-2289. 2008 CHEVY cobalt LS coup 61 000 Km, certifi ed, new t ires, $8600 OBO, c o n t a c t T y l e r 807-472-9707 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE 1969 convertible, semi au- tomatic, Or parts for sale. call 905-699-7598 Trucks & SUVs SC S- 09 03 2 Want to learn more? The Youth Employment Preparation Program is open to youth ages 15-30 who are unemployed and out of school Contact Maribel Sanchez, ext. 2741 Dial 311 or 905-825-6000 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) TTY 905-827-9833 Email Maribel.Sanchez@halton.ca www.halton.caThis program is funded in part by the Government of Canada Get Paid to Find a Job www.halton.ca/YEPP Information Sessions Call for details and to register Burlington: Thursday, September 9, 2010 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED Steady Part-Time and Spare needed. We provide free training. Great for stay-at-home parents, retirees or home-based professionals. No evenings and weekends. School holidays off. Openings are limited. Must have at least 1 year of driving experience in North America. Call: 1-877-914-5437 E-mail: canadajobs@firstgroup.com We are an equal opportunity employer. WANTED- SCRAP cars and trucks, free pick-up, dead or alive licensed deal- er, ownerships processed properly, $100 - $10000, old equipment, scrap steel, same day serv ice cash paid on the spot, Please ca l l 905 -827 -4610 o r 905-330-2518. Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking ***ALWAYS CASH*** $200. (Average) Paid for usable and scrap ve- hicles. Free pickup. 905-320-3287 pedder@ rogers.blackberry.net CASH PAID- $200.00+ for any Complete vehi- cles driven in/ $150+ for vehicles picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal trans- fers. 905-827-8015. CASH PAID fo r Scrap Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 Career Development Careers Automotive DETAILER/ LOT Attendant Fairview Chrysler, Burling- ton dealership requires indi- vidual with previous detail and lot attendant experi- ence . App l y to : l ou t@ fairviewchrysler.com Fax 905-632-1345 CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.comCareer Development E H H D B G @ ? H K : < A : E E > G @ B G @ K > P : K = B G @ > F I E H R F > G M H I I H K M N G B M R 8 The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford is offering part-time positions providing licensed care to children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. The successful candidates will be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a flexible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Please complete the job application found on our website ymcahbb.ca and email with your resume and cover letter to SACCjobs@ymca.ca or mail to: SACC JOBS c/o Ron Edwards Family YMCA 500 Drury Lane Burlington, Ontario L7R 2X2 or or c/o Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA 79 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2Z1 c/o Brantford Family YMCA 143 Wellington Street, Brantford, Ontario N3S 3Y8 We thank all those who applied; only qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. R00218291 4 Careers Career Development WHERE TO go to be more employable? Humber Col- lege offers over 150 busi- ness courses/dip lomas /certifi cates available part- t ime through Continuing Educat ion on evenings/ weekends/online. Visit busi- n e s s . h u m - ber.ca/10000ways for the chance to win 1-course free tuition. General info at Business.humber.ca/ce, 416.675.6622 ext. 4174 Careers GENERAL LABOURERS Required for light packing at plastics company (Milton/Campbellville area) Night Shift. $11.75/hr + benefi ts FAX: 905-854-0813 Email: ewagg@biederman.ca Careers Drivers General Help Careers Drivers General Help General Help Drivers General Help General Help Dental DENTAL ASSISTANT re- quired for expanding Oak- vi l le Family practice, no evenings or weekends, re- ply team10@cogeco.ca. General Help BUSY COFFEE warehouse requires par t - t ime help, evenings and weekends. Retail & warehouse experi- e nce , g rea t cus tomer serv ice sk i l ls requ i red. Email resume to reception@ecscoffee.com BUSY OFFICE looking for mature, reliable individual who thrives on diversity. Work 916 hours a week, flexible hours, days even- ings & weekends. Send cover letter & resume to: info@reame.com. EXPERIENCED DOG Peo- ple needed for Dog Day- care Centre in Burlington. I n d i v i d u a l m u s t h a v e worked with all types of dogs, has good phone skills and good with peo- ple. Please send resume to: home.alone@cogeco.ca HOUSECLEANERS RE- QUIRED- P/T possibly t u r n i n g t o F / T . $12/hour. Must have vehicle&good English. W i l l t r a i n . 905-630-8875. Acting/Modeling Opportunities Registration fee $39 +HST. Refunded if not selected. For info visit www.StarCastScouting.com Attend anytime between 5pm-8pm ng.co Have you always wondered how people get into Sears catalogues, Zellers fl yers, McDonalds TV commercials, movies, magazine ads, music videos and more? Its no secret many of those people got their start by attending a StarCast Search. The fi lm and advertising industry is booming. Scouting all looks, shapes, sizes and ethnicities. Newborn to senior. Experience not required. Dont miss your opportunity! Oakville Tuesday, August 31 Holiday Inn 2525 Wyecroft Road PARTS DRIVER/ Shipper Receiver required by Oak- land Ford. Duties incl deliv- e r y/ p i ck - up o f pa r t s , shipping/ receiving. Must have professional appear- ance, good communication skills, drivers license with clean abstract, knowledge of Halton roads. Email re- sume to JBoyd@ oaklandfordlincoln.ca SHERIDAN COLLEGE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & ADVANCED LEARNING is looking for a BUILDING MAINTENANCE WORKER The successful candidate will have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma and will have completed courses in the Building Science fi eld. The candidate will also have a minimum of 2 years of experience working in the maintenance/repair of buildings and wil l possess a "G" class driver's license. The candidate will be a self starter and have the initiative to identify and solve or recommend solutions to his/her supervisor. The incumbent must be available to work overtime as requ red to keep the College functioning and must have the physical ability to perform labour intensive duties such as moving furniture/equipment and setting up for special events. We invite you to apply online by visiting our website at: http://humanresources.sheridaninstitute.ca REQUIRED IMMEDIATE- LY- Growing Bur l ington landscape company re - quires F/T employees for y ea r ro und pos i t i o n s . Experience mandatory. Top dol lar pa id and benef i t package offered. Please f o r w a r d r e s u m e t o : acutabove@sympatico.ca RETAIL STAFF Mountain Equipment Co-op is open- ing up a new retail store in Barrie. We are currently hir- ing for full-time frontline re- tail positions. Please visit mec.ca/jobs for more de- tai ls. Send resumes to: jobs@mec.ca 637.3415 905 460 Brant Street, Burlington Police Officer Corrections Loss Prevention By-Law Enforcement FALL CLASSES H 116572 6 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES www.hbicollege.com CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET!

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