29 ? W ednesda y , September 22, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ? ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m E H H D B G @ ? H K : < A : E E > G @ B G @ K > P : K = B G @ > F I E H R F > G M H I I H K M N G B M R 8 The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford is offering part-time positions providing licensed care to children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. The successful candidates will be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a flexible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Please complete the job application found on our website ymcahbb.ca and email with your resume and cover letter to SACCjobs@ymca.ca or mail to: SACC JOBS c/o Ron Edwards Family YMCA 500 Drury Lane Burlington, Ontario L7R 2X2 or or c/o Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA 79 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2Z1 c/o Brantford Family YMCA 143 Wellington Street, Brantford, Ontario N3S 3Y8 We thank all those who applied; only qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. R00218291 4 On behalf of Menlo Worldwide Logistics, Randstad is hiring 20 full time positions for their distribution site in Milton. Available positions include: Inventory Control $13.00/hour Off Loading $12.00/hour Order Picking $13.00/hour Forklift Operator $13.00/hour Qualified candidates must have: s ? ? Y E A R S ? R E L A T E D ? E X P E R I E N C E ? I N ? A ? W A R E H O U S E s ? % X P E R I E N C E ? I N ? A ? T H I R D ? P A R T Y ? L O G I S T I C S ? E N V I R O N M E N T ? I S ? P R E F E R R E D s ? 2 A Y M O N D ? 2 E A C H ? L I C E N S E ? A N D O R ? W A L K I E ? E X P E R I E N C E ? 2 & ? S C A N N E R ? ? ? ? E X P E R I E N C E s ? 2 E L I A B L E ? T R A N S P O R T A T I O N Day, Afternoon and Night shifts are available. Interested? Call Veronica or Pam TODAY at 905.637.3473 or drop by our Burlington branch with your resume and 2 professional references. Note: All final hiring will be managed by Randstad. Please do not contact Menlo Worldwide Logistics directly. Randstad Burlington 895 Brant Street, Suite 6 | Burlington burlington.industrial@randstad.ca 905.637.3473 www.randstad.ca 20 Full Time Permanent Opportunities in Milton! Staffing Professionals HR Solutions Inhouse Services Assistant Service Technician Year round F/T permanent employment. We are a fast growing Mississauga based commercial swimming pool company. No layoffs. We offer benefits and bonus programs, stat. & O/T pay, great team. Require 100% clean drivers abstract & must be bondable. 2-4 years cooper/ PVC plumbing and/or mechanical experience. $36,400.00- $41,600.00 Per Annum based on experience. Please send resume to: hr@serviceplusaquatics.com SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED Steady Part-Time and Spare needed. We provide free training. Great for stay-at-home parents, retirees or home-based professionals. No evenings and weekends. School holidays off. Openings are limited. Must have at least 1 year of driving experience in North America. Call: 1-877-914-KIDS or pre-apply online at www.fi rststudentcanada.com We are an equal opportunity employer. LOOKING FOR EXTRA INCOME $$$.. Look no further...... ALDERSHOT CARRIERS NEEDED TO DELIVER THE All Ages Welcome! Receive 2 Movie Passes for every route you take!! Call Sandi in Circulation @ 905-632-0588 ext. 264 * Must stay on route for 1 month minimum For complete details, please call 905-526-3377 or simply fill out the online application form at www.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. Work for the best boss in the world. Yourself. *Profit potential varies on size and number of routes, 7 days a week. ADDITIONAL MONTHLY GAS BONUS! As an independent distributor, you will deliver The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star in Burlington door-to-door. Must have a reliable vehicle. MAKE BETWEEN $800 AND $1,200 EACH MONTH.* 141 6 IS CALLING ALL KIDS! We are currently hiring carriers to deliver on Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays The following routes are available immediately: Weeping Willow, Saddlecreek, Treetop Terr, Montgomery, Oakhaven, Kenilworth, Nadia Pl, Inverhuron, Saugeen, Glenvista, Maurice, Mary, Ulric, Bonny Meadow, Avon, Sovereign, Marine, Waverley, Valley, Vance Call us to fi nd out if your street is available. Circulation 905-845-9742 PROJECT COORDINATOR For Oakville kitchen & bath retailer. Full Time Contract until December 2011. Required: strong customer service, organizational & computer skills. Kitchen design experience & 2020 training an asset Email resume to granitetransforma- tions@bellnet.ca TELEPHONE SALES If you enjoy telephone sales, then this position should interest you. Safetycare produces and distributes a wide range of Safety Training video programs, Training Course Books and other electronic media in the area of Workplace Health & Safety. We deal with a wide range of clients across Canada. Anyone applying for this position must be a self starter who is interested in earning an above average income working under the umbrella of a successful international company. We offer a full time telephone sales position, an opportu- nity to work with a well established client base and most importantly, the infrastructure to guarantee success. For more information on this position, call Ed Aasman at Safetycare at 905-631-6070 Articles for Sale HOCKEY/ SNOWBOARD: H o c k e y G o a l i e p a n t s , Brown $25; Blocker, Louis- ville 300, right, $35; Glove, Bauer Reactor, left, $20; Snowboard boots, DC, Lu- pine, size 9, $60; Forum Fit -Dynamics, JP Walker P r o , s i z e 1 0 , $ 1 2 5 . 905-844-5811 HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Ca l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 www.thecoverguy.ca KAWAI ELECTRIC Piano, Newer TV cabinet 50" by 29" by 21". Assorted wine Demi - Johns . MTD lawn tracker newer. Best offer. 905-847-2955 MAYTAG DISHWASHER, white Quite Series 200, $150. OTR Microwave, wh i te , GE sa fe maker - Xl1400, $75. Dufferin Pool Table, all accessories in- cluded, $600 OBO. All arti- cles in excellent condition 289-208-2722 MICROFIBRE NAVY blue la rge sofa & loveseat , good condition, 3 years old, $350. Please cal l 905-335-3378 SOFA LOVESEAT- leather, light brown, excellent con- dition, asking $500 obo. 905-978-2301. SOLID WOOD dining table, includes 4-chairs, glass top, 2-extensions, $600. Barrymore sofa, cotton/ floral print, $600. 2-Louis X IV cha i rs (Barrymore ) $400 each. Several pieces o f ch i l d ren ' s f u rn i t u re (Sears). All in excellent con- dition. 905-333-0145. STOVE HOOD Fan, $150. 100% woo l c ream and b l u e P e r s i a n c a r p e t , 9'x12', $750. 35-40 con- crete blocks, free to pick up. Call 416-706-0079. WEIGHT LIFTING multi-po- sit ion work-out exercise bench with accessories, $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ Stackable exercise step- per, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exer- cise bike, paid $325 ask- i ng $85 . So l i d row ing exerc ise machine, pa id $385, asking $90. OBO for all. 905-842-7404. WINE MAKERS- Buon Vino Superjet wine filter. Made in Cambridge. Like new. $150. 905-336-7930 Health & Home Care SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Care- givers will provide up to 24 hour In -home care . 905-634-2400. Firewood FIREWOOD. MIXED hard- wood, 5 cords minimum $90/cord delivered. Call 519-582-4628. Cats KITTENS- 5 kittens look- ing for good home. Mother m a i n e c o o n , f a t h e r u n k n o w n . E m a i l : kaym613@gmail.com Dogs 2 FEMALE, 2 male black lab pups. Reg'd, 2 year guarantee. For further info Google Oakbow Labradors 905-849-0976 B R I T TA N Y S PA N I E L PUPS - Ready fo r new homes, CKC reg'd, 1st shots, 2 year health guar- antee. Champion bloodline. Gentile temperament. Price is $750. Call Richard at 905-295-6840 G E R M A N S H E P H E R D Pups- Champion parents, excel lent pets or show. H e a l t h g u a r a n t e e s . www.lynlanekennels.com 519-756-4259. Cars 2003 SUNFIRE- Grey, 5 speed, 4 door 160Km $3200 obo . Ca l l 905 - 331-0504. Cars 1998 BMW 540i- Grey in- terior and exterior, 4 door, everything automatic. Only 133,900km, 4 new tires, new battery, sunroof, very good condition. E-tested in Februa ry. $9500. Ca l l 905-847-2596. 2003 CHRYSLER Intrepid SXT- Inferno red, loaded, cer t i f ied, e - tested, one owner, comes with snow tires, excellent condition. $4300 . Ca l l 905 -845 - 1607. 2006 PONTIAC $8700 Grand Prix, excellent condi- t i o n , n e w t i r e s , 87,000kms, warranty until S e p t e m b e r 2 7 t h . 905-842-2289. DODGE GRAND Caravan 2005, clean, 1-owner, au- tomat ic, A/C, CD, DVD player, Alloy Rims, 4-new snow tires. 114, 000 Km. $7500. 905-825-1425 Trucks & SUVs 1 9 9 8 F O R D F 1 5 0 , 200,000kms, good condi- t ion, as is , best of fer. 905-847-1201 Vans 2006 GRAND Caravan SXT- Red, excellent condi- tion, 67,000km, leather in- terior, sunroof, DVD player, stow-and-go seating, CD, hitch, power seats/ win- dows/ doors, duel climate cont ro l . $15,200. Ca l l Peter 905-634-0864. 2007 DODGE Grand Cara- van, stow-and-go, 1 owner, 65,000km, manufacturer's warranty, immaculate, luxu- ry. Cer t i f i ed . $11,990 416-858-7673 Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking CASH PAID- $200.00+ for any Complete vehi- cles driven in/ $150+ for vehicles picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal trans- fers. 905-827-8015. CASH PAID fo r Scrap Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 General Help General Help General Help ALERT BEST Nursing and Home Care is seeking a Certified Personal Support Worker for home care. Abil ity to transfer, good sense of humour, patience with client that has diffi culty communicating. Monday- Friday evenings 5.5 hours, Saturday 4pm-12am. Call 905-524-5990. FULL-TIME retail sales, Must live in Burlington. Ex- perience with hair /beauty products, Contact akyabaggu@gmail.com L ICENSED SECURITY Guards needed, weekends, in highrise condo buildings in Burl ington. Wil l train. F a x r e s u m e t o : 905-563-9910 or email: guardian@on.aibn.com HOME HELPERS Burlington Work part-time pro- viding cleaning for sen io rs . C lean ing exper ience an as- s e t . O w n t ranspor ta t ion re - q u i r e d . S e n d r e s u m e t o : H o m e Help Suppor t, Bur- lington. Fax: 905-844-5656 Email: slo@links2care.ca General Help OFFICE CLEANER Burling- ton, Mon-Fri, 5pm-2am, must have own transporta- tion, valid drivers license, 905-331-2270 ext.203 SCHOOL HANDYMAN/ Maintenance required. Ex- cellent command of English preferred. Car essential. QEW/ 403. Fax resume: 905-823-0901. General Help SMALL RES IDENT IAL House Cleaning Company requires P/T Staf f , 2 -3 days/ week. $11-13/ hour. l ook i ng f o r a re l i a b l e ma tu re pe rson who i s bondable, a non-smoker, with own vehicle. Hours a r e p e r f e c t f o r s t a y a t home mom. Ema i l : spotless11@hotmail.com Retail Opportunities FACTORY SHOE Outlet, Burlington, now hiring Full- Time & Part-Time, Retail long-term Sales Help. Must be willing to work Satur- days, Sundays, & Even- i n g s . G o o d w o r k i n g environment. Drop off re- s u m e : 2 3 9 4 F a i r v i e w Street, Burlington. Technical/Skilled Trades BRAKE PRESS Program- mer/ Operator. Fax Re- sume to 905-336-0272 CONSTRUCTION WORKER needed for residential and commercial renovations. 3 years minimum experience. Send resume to Brandon: bxconstruction@hotmail.com SHEET METAL Company is looking for: Brake Press Programmers/ Operators, Turret and Brake Press Programmers/ Operators needed for a very busy Fabrication Shop. Day and Night Shift. Competit ive wages and benefits. Fax resume to: 905-336-0272 TOOL & Die makers To bu i ld Progress ive D ies with in-die tapping on his o w n . F a x re s u m e t o 905-336-0272 General Help Technical/Skilled Trades Drivers Office/ Administration NATIONAL WIRELESS is an authorized Bell dealer who is looking for a highly motivated individual to cov- er a maternity leave in Oak- ville. Inventory Coordinator: Excellent computer skills, an inventory and purchas- ing background would be an asset. Email resume to: gdouglas@natcel.com OFFICE ADMIN/BOOK- KEEPER F/T position for energetic, organized indi- vidual with previous con- struction office experience and JONAS / Microsoft Of- f i ce So f tware . Du t i es : AP/AR, Project Co-ordina- tion, Admin Support, HR. $45-55k p lus benef i ts . Ema i l re sumes t o : i n - fo@skeates.ca REAL ESTATE Freelance Conveyancer required part- time for Oakville lawyer. Must be thoroughly familiar w i th Terav iew and The Conveyancer. Reply to: conveyancer.wanted@ hotmail.com Technical/Skilled Trades Drivers Office/ Administration PART-TIME REAL ESTATE receptionist required for busy real estate of f ice- Some evenings/ weekends and availabil ity to cover some daytime hours is nec- essary. Must be thoroughly computer literate, able to mul t i task, f lex ib le. R/E experience preferred. Fax resume 905-335-4661, e-mail Brenda@royallepage.ca. Sales Opportunities For FAST service, FAX your classified ads. If you cant afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post, Oakville Beaver and Milton Champion News fax line. Indicate ad size, classification and the days and newspapers you would like it to run in. We will take it from there! If you have any questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632- 4440 today! FAX: 632-8165 Drivers CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET! Sales Opportunities