ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m ?OAKVILLE BE A VER W ednesda y, November 17, 2010 ?2 8 $1.4 Billion Annual Sales 220 Locations Worldwide7,211 Employees Operations Manager Metroland West Distribution Centre Metroland West Media Group requires an Operations Manager for its Harvester Road Distribution Centre. Reporting to the Regional Director of Distribution & Warehouse Operations, this position will directly oversee the manual and automated inserting mailroom operation as well as have involvement in the regional distribution and circulation departments. Metroland West Distribution Centre is a 62,000 square foot 24 hour operation that services the flyer production needs for the Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Flamborough, Niagara and Hamilton markets. As a part of the management team you will be required to participate in the strategic planning process for our markets and should be comfortable in being part of the big picture. Position Responsibilities: ?This position will oversee production and provide direction to fl oor supervisors for the day to day management of the mailroom operation ?You will be responsible for the workfl ow process through monitoring production, maintaining production schedules & setting production goals ?You will maintain consistent workfl ow by troubleshooting and ensuring preventative maintenance, repair and upkeep of equipment and the facility. ?Provide clear, concise communication to employees on operational policies and procedures, taking necessary action as required. ? Responsible for staff recruitment, timesheets submission, completing training and orientation, performance reviews & succession planning. ? Complete budgeting & monitor expenses ? Oversee inventory control & supply ordering ? Ensure a safe working environment in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Company Health and Safety policies ? Produce and analyze production reports, taking action where necessary to meet internal compliance requirements & FDSA audit reporting ? Interact with other distribution centres to promote benchmarking and best practices ? Strong team work skills a necessity ? Other duties as assigned by the Regional Director of Distribution. Competencies, Skills and Experience Competencies: Problem Solving, Time Management, Business Acumen, Process Management, Drive for Results, Delegation, Planning, Managing & Measuring Work, Building Effective Teams ? Minimum 5 years warehouse operations or related experience ? Demonstrated leadership and communication skills a must ? Previous experience working in a production environment. ? Previous newspaper distribution experience an asset. ? Ability to work in a deadline driven environment ? Profi ciency in written and spoken English ? Health and Safety knowledge and experience preferred. IAPA certifi cation an asset Interested and qualifi ed candidates should forward their resume and cover letter to laurelle.maharaj@metroland.com no later than December 1, 2010. INSIDE TECHNICAL SALES ABBA Parts manufactures replacement parts to fi t most brand name water & sewage pumps. We require an Inside Technical Sales Rep. to help with growing demand for our products. Degree or diploma in Mechanical Engineering required. Previous pump experience preferred. Email resume to: wendy_j@abbaparts.com or fax: 905-333-0973 For more info visit www.abbaparts.com SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED Call: 1-877-914-KIDS You can pre-apply online at www.firststudentcanada.com We are an equal opportunity employer. Halton Centre for Child Care Requires a dedicated full-time ECE with strong programming and communication skills Please Fax Resume to: 905 825-6105 DENTAL ASSISTANT REQUIRED Please fax or email resume to: 905-878-7746 dentalassistant milton@live.ca The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/ Brantford is offering part-time Supply Staff positions providing licensed care to children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. The successful candidates will be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a fl exible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Email your resume and cover letter to SACCjobs@ymca.ca or mail to: SACC JOBS c/o Ron Edwards Family YMCA 500 Drury Lane Burlington, Ontario L7R 2X2 or c/o Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA 79 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 2Z1 or c/o Brantford Family YMCA 143 Wellington Street, Brantford, Ontario N3S 3Y8 We thank all those who applied; only qualifi ed candidates will be contacted for an interview. E H H D B G @ ? H K : < A : E E > G @ B G @ K > P : K = B G @ > F I E H R F > G M H I I H K M N G B M R 8 ATTENTION AZ DRIVERS DCT, a progressive f la tbed / dry van carrier located in Brantford is now hiring p r o f e s s i o n a l A Z c o m p a n y d r i v e r s . Mult ip le posi t ions avai lable based in Brantford, Burlington and Campbellville, l oca l and ded ica ted Mich igan l anes available immediately. You can expect a b o v e i n d u s t r y a v e r a g e w a g e s , a c o m p r e h e n s i v e b e n e f i t p k g . a n d r e a s o n a b l e h o m e t i m e . P r e v i o u s f l a tbed , and knowledge o f the s tee l industry would be an asset. You must have a posit ive att i tude, c lean CVOR, abs t rac t and have the ab i l i t y to be FAST approved. Join our team today by contacting Kevin Cordingley at 1-519-752-7810, Fax: 519-752-0095 or by email at Kevin@dctcorp.net is hiring for the following position: F/T Driver Must have a F Class L i c e n s e t o d r i ve wheelchair accessible van. Apply in writing t o : C E O , S h a l o m Village, 70 Macklin Street N. Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 3S1. IS CALLING ALL KIDS! We are currently hiring carriers to deliver on Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Earn money and win cool prizes, all while delivering North America's #1 community newspaper! Call us to see if your street is available - it just might be! Circulation 905-845-9742 IS CALLING ALL KIDS! We are currently hiring carriers to deliver on Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Call us to see if your street is available - it just might be! North Shore Blvd West, Unsworth Ave, Danforth Ave, Olga, Thorpe, Oakland, Park Ave East, Downtown, Tanager, Teal, Rambo Cres Circulation 905-632-0588 WANTED Full time DRIVE CLEAN INSPECTOR Busy shop, competitive wages, profi t sharing program, benefi ts. E-mail resume to ctc.122@ hotmail.com or fax 905-639-7421 Careers Careers Careers CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com MANAGER STRATEGIC Communications & Special Events required for Oakville Community Foundation. Ex- perienced, results oriented team player. Resumes to: info@theocf.org. No phone calls please. Only those selected for an interview w i l l be contacted. Fu l l d e t a i l s a v a i l a b l e a t www.theocf.org. SALES TEAM and market- ing managers hiring imme- d ia te ly ! s ta r t work ing tomorrow! resumes to : careers@capg.ca Or Call (289)-3379420 Careers Dental D E N TA L A S S I S TA N T (Certified) required for a state of the ar t denta l pract ice in Bur l ington/ Oakville. P/T Hygienist also requ i red . Fax or ema i l resume to: 905-333-5283, b u r l i n g t o n d e n t i s t @ gmail.com Careers Drivers Careers Drivers Careers Drivers General HelpGeneral HelpGeneral Help CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET!