Oakville Beaver, 19 Nov 2010, p. 36

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To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Fax 905-632-8165 OAKVILLE Beaverclassifieds AD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5.DEADLINES: Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday 5 p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure its accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication. Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday. CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm. For Circulation inquiries, please call 905-845-9742 ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m ?OAKVILLE BE A VER Frida y, November 19, 2010 ?3 6 www.caprent.com | rentals@capreit.net Welcome Home 5200 Lakeshore Blvd - Lakeside Views Completely renovated building, heated pool, close to QEW & hwy 407. 2 bedrooms from $1320. 905-681-7126 640 Guelph Line - Perfect for Commuters Close to Mapleview Mall and Burlington Mall, and other big box retailers. 2 bdrms (Util incl.) from $1025. 905-637-6125 505 Locust Street - Heart of Downtown Luxury apartments in downtown area. Connected to mall, movie theatre and medical services. Walking distance to shores, accessible to highways and GO station. 1 & 2 bed (Util incl.) starting from $1015. 905-333-9008 Its better in Burlington Burlington Square 760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave. 905-639-4677 www.mcar thurproper t ies .com Minutes to GO & QEW Magnificent view of the lake & mountain Indoor pool & sauna Newly renovated suites On-site Security Rent includes all utilities & cable Individual Climate Control (Heating & A/C) Exceptional Value!!! One bedrooms starting from $980/month Enjoy Peace of Mind MUST SEE!!! 6th fl oor, 1 BR with a million dollar view!! Newly reno'd open concept, bright and spacious unit. West- erly view overlooking Bronte Marina. Brand new appls, great ten- nis cour t, outdoor pool and playground A l s o 1 & 2 b d r m s Avail. for Jan 1st. Sir Richard Towers Oakville, Call 1-866-499-1607 CANADIANA- QUIET, well- maintained lakefront build- i n g , p o o l , A / C . Ve r y S p a c i o u s 1 , 2 & 3 bedrooms available imme- diately. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington, 905-632-5486. (No dogs preferred) See us on www.viewit.ca Apartments for Rent 3055 GLENCREST Road, Burlington. Central loca- tion, quiet, well main- tained, hydro and heat included. Spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms. Call 905-637-3921. APPLEBY LINE/ New St area, Burl ington. 1-bed- room apartment in town- house . Ma in l eve l and finished basement. Non- smoker, quiet mature sin- gle or couple. 1.5-baths, gas f i rep lace. Inc ludes uti l i t ies, cable, parking, l a u n d r y. C l o s e t o a l l amenities. $975/mo. for s ing le , $1100/mo. for couple. 905-617-2751. O A K V I L L E B R O N T E / L a k e s h o re 1 - b e d ro o m Ava i l a b l e immed i a t e l y $850/mo 416-540-1219. Apartments for Rent BRONTE 2-BEDROOM $1069/mo. includes heat, hydro, parking, fireplace, hardwood floors, private, quiet. No pets preferred. January 1. 905-842-7315 BURLINGTON- BRANT/ Prospect . Large 2 -bed- room, 1-parking. Clean, quiet five-plex. $985/mo. No pets preferred. Dec 1 9 0 5 - 6 3 3 - 8 1 5 7 ; 416-826-3915. BURLINGTON CENTRAL, 2-bedrooms, clean, quiet. N o d o g s p r e f e r r e d . December 1. $760/mo. inc ludes heat , park ing. 905-388-5236. BURL INGTON CORE . Safe clean, well-maintained building, 2-bedroom apart- men t , qu i e t c rescen t . $930/mo. plus uti l i t ies. Ca l l to v iew. Ava i l ab le immediately. Call after 6pm to view 905-681-0531. BURL INGTON, LAKE- SHORE, 2-bedroom, com- p l e t e l y r e f u r b i s h e d , $975/mo. plus. Suitable for single, quiet profession- al. Upper unit, front and rear entrance, plus rear deck. Includes: heat, park- ing, C/A, no pets pre - f e r r e d , n o n - s m o k i n g . 905-634-0518 BURLINGTON- LARGE, 2-bedroom (825sq.ft.) C lean qu ie t bu i ld ing near downtown. Starting f rom $895/mo. Ca l l Gabe, 905-634-5885. UPGRADED 2-bed- room available immedi- ately/Dec. Free IPOD. Cal l now. Bur l ington Towers 905-639-8583 Apartments for Rent PRIME DOWNTOWN Bur- lington. Upgraded suites 1 bedrooms. New windows. Modernized elevators. Sce- nic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905-634-9374, 905-632-1643 LARGE 3 bedroom apart- ment for rent at Guelph/ New, $1175/mo. including parking. Available Decem- ber 1. 647-333-2665. OAKVILLE- 1-BEDROOM basement apartment. Sep- arate entrance, patio, laun- dry, parking, storage. Suit professional person(s), no- smok ing , no pe ts p re - ferred. 905-467-2720. OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bed- room townhouses available immediately, appliances, H o p e d a l e M a l l A r e a . Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336. OAKVILLE~ AFFORDABLE Rent ! Large 1 & 2 bed- rooms, hardwood, suites with balcony. Appliances, laundry, quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245. O A K V I L L E , B R O N T E 2-bedroom walk to lake. P r i v a t e en t r ance , gas f i r e p l a c e , j a c u z z i , 5 appliances, A/C, parking. Non - smok ing . No pe ts p re fe r red . $1075/mo. + u t i l i t i e s . D e c 1 . 416-993-1622. OAKVILLE PLACE 2-bed- room apartment in quite clean building, Available im- mediately, $925 +Hydro + P a r k i n g . C a l l (416)-779-4899 ON RIVER in Carlisle! 1300sq.ft. 2-bedroom with private sunroom, g a s f i r e p l a c e . $1100/month. Polite pe ts we lcome Open House: Sat. Nov 20, 2:00 - 4:00. Call for di- r e c t i o n s : 905-690-9007. TYANDAGA APTMNTS Burlington. Spacious and bright lovely 2 bedroom Seniors discount. Hydro i n c l u d e d . C a l l D i a n n e 905-332-8979 TYANDAGA TERRACE, Burl ington. Low rise bu i ld ing s i tua ted on p a r k - l i k e g r o u n d s . F resh l y pa in ted . A l l rooms w/individual ther- mostat controlled heat- ing. 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms. 1440, 1450 & 1460 Tyandaga Park Drive. 9 0 5 - 3 3 6 - 0 0 1 5 , 905-336-0016. WATERDOWN CENTRAL location, walk everywhere 1&2 bedrooms $785/mo; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; www.livehere.ca Furnished Apartments CENTRAL WATERDOWN Large, bright, 1-bedroom apartment with new appli- ances. Parking, laundry, u t i l i t ies , phone, d ig i ta l cable and internet included. $985/mon. Available im- mediately 905-320-5667 WWW.TRAVELSUITES.CA L a r g e 1 - b e d r o o m , Bronte Harbour Club, S p e c i a l f r o m $1195.+* Unfurnished.; Furn ished Corporate R e s i d e n c e s ! D a i l y, Weekly, Monthly! Busi- ness, Family, Travel Visits! Full Kitchen, Free Laundry, Pe t s O .K . ; From.... $49.95*/night! We will Beat anyone's Best Price. Page Us @ 905-681-7355 Short Term Rentals 1 BEDROOM, $500/mo. Southwest Oakville, share washroom/ kitchen/ laun- dry. New linen/ furniture. C lose to a l l t ranspor t . 1 car parking. No smoking. Available immediately. Call 416-801-1029. Houses for Rent BURLINGTON 3-BED- ROOM Raised Ranch, Spa- cious, separate livingroom, d i n i n g r o o m , f i n i s h e d recroom, private fenced yard, A/C, garage, double driveway, Near QEW & GO, n o p e t s p r e f e r r e d . $1550/mo. +utilities. 905-639-4917. CENTRAL BURLINGTON, 3-bedroom, 2-baths, f in- ished basement, fenced backyard. Available Jan 1. $1395/mo. plus utilities, 905-637-5548 GORGEOUS 4 bedroom, Headon Forest. Grani te kitchen, hardwood through- out, f in ished basement, n ew f u r n ace , ga r age . O p t i o n t o b u y . Call 905-529-2424. CumberlandVillage 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. 4 appls. Eat-in KitchenBasementParking Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905632-2601 3 BRMTOWNHOMES $920 /month 2418 iGlenwood School Dr ve Guelph Line sand Queen way CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! STARTIN G FROM Enjoy Peace of Mind OAKVILLE- BEAUTIFUL 4 bedroom. Living, dining, familyroom, fireplace, dou- ble garage. Sewell Drive, $1790/mo. References. 905-338-0622 OAKVILLE, NOW available shor t - t e rm, downtown, spac ious bunga low by Lake. Newly renovated, sky-lights, hardwoods, fire- places, fi nished lower level walk-out to heated pool w / s a f e t y c o v e r . $3000/mo includes some m a i n t e n a n c e , 416-827-8767, aluke@cogeco.ca ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $995/mo 4 Bdrms $1035/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management Townhouses for Rent 3-BEDROOMS CENTEN- NIAL Drive, family com- p l e x , 1 p a r k i n g , $1100/mo. + hydro/ heat. December. 905-319-1869 BRAND- NEW Daniels 3 bedroom 3.5 bath town- home in Oakvi l le (Lake- shore Blvd and Rebecca St) for rent. $1900 plus utilities. Cable, Internet, 5 appliances & CVAC includ- ed. Granite counters and SS appliances. Avail Dec 2010. Call 647 836 1560 MONDAY AT 5PM for Wednesday TUESDAY AT 5PM for Thursday WEDNESDAY AT 5PM for Friday. Please call 905-632-4440 fax: 905-632-8165 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES e-mail: classifieds@haltonsearch.com BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 bedrooms, immediate. App l i a nces , h a rdwood f loors, qu iet park l ike sett ing. 905-681-0070. www.rentaltownhouses.ca BURLINGTON- UPSCALE 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, S.S. appliances, granite counters, washer/ dryer, E-fi replace, roof top & back yard patio, garage. Prime location- Guelph/ Mainway, $1650/mo. plus utilities. 905-335-5041. GEORGIAN COURT Es- tates- 611 Surrey lane. large bright 2&3 bed town- houses w/ful l basement and utilities included. Park l ike sett ing w/seasonal pool, splash pad, tennis and basketba l l cour ts . Open House : Monday, W e d n e s d a y , F r i d a y , 10am-4pm and weekends, 11am-2pm. 905-632-8547 www.realstar.ca Townhouses for Rent Rooms for Rent and Wanted NEW ROOM at Derry & Thompson, Milton. Clean quiet home includes: Cable & u t i l i t i e s . I n t e r n e t avai lable. Very close to HWY, GO station, and many shopping centers. Females preferred, light cooking on- ly. Great Area! $400/mo. #647-239-9345 Shared Accommodations COZY BEDROOM, i n East Oakville, gentleman preferred. All utilities in- cluded. hi-speed inter- net, laundry available. $550/mo. First/ Last 905-844-2111 days , 416-262-7394 evenings FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, Near Oakville Place $575. Upper Middle and 6 t h l i n e $ 5 2 5 . (416)-779-4899 OAKVILLE- GLEN Abbey. Bright spacious furnished b e d r o o m , P a r k i n g . $570/mo. includes utilities. Share kitchen, bath, laun- dry. 905-901-0019. Travel & Vacations FORT MYERS Beach , Florida, ocean front, 1-bed- room Condo fully furnished. Ava i lab le December to May. Call 905-257-5876. Trailers/R.V.s TRAILER FOR sale, 6'x4', s tee l , ca r t i res . Good cond i t i o n . $550 . Ca l l 905-336-3821. Lost & Found F O U N D : B L A C K c a t Upper Middle and Sutton. We call Gordon. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: GREY and white cat Brant and Caroline. We cal l Shelby. Please cal l 905-637-7325. FOUND: GREY cat in Al- dershot by the golf course. We call Boggie. Please call 905-637-7325. $ Best Cash Paid $ We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com Lost & Found FOUND: GREY tabby with white cat # 4 Side Road and Walker's Line. We call B r i dge t t e . P l ease ca l l 905-637-7325. FOUND: ORANGE tabby cat Walkers Line and Dun- das. We call Seth. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND- YOUNG black cat female Mer icour t/ New Street/ Hampton Heath vi- c i n i t y . P l e a s e c a l l 905-220-2905. Outs ide since early October. LOST: BOX-LINK go ld chain, vicinity Canada Trust Parking Lot, Appleby Line/ New St. Nov.13. Reward. Call 905-639-2456 Child Care Available DAYCARE AVAILABLE i n We s t B u r l i n g t o n , 6:30am- 5:30pm. Hot meals, lovely and edu- cational environment. Police Check, CPR. Pat- ty 905-632-4638. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in m y h o m e , 1 0 y e a r s exper ience. Fun lov ing safe environment. Third L ine/ Br idge, Oakv i l l e . R e f e re n c e s , re c e i p t s . 905-469-0499. HOME AWAY from home childcare. Flexible hours. Nutritious meals/ snacks provided. Main floor play- room. Enclosed back yard playground. Great learning environment for your child. Experienced. References available. Receipts. Police check, first aid. Appleby/ Upper Middle. Please call 905-319-0355 RELIABLE, LOVING moth- er, available to care for your chi ld in my home, lots of activities geared to learn ing. Postmaster & Wes t Oak Tra i l s a rea . 905-827-1226 Child Care Wanted PART-TIME BABYSITTER requ i red fo r i n f an t , i n Bur l i ng ton . Occas iona l hours Monday - Fr iday, possib le evenings. Cal l 905-332-5004. Help wanted!pS Help wanted! P d CARING TUTORING for students (Grades 1-12). Soft-spoken, experienced, c e r t i f i e d T e a c h e r . (B.Sc.N. ,B.Ed. ,M.Sc.T. ) $35-$45. ( 289)-795-3322 bevgrah@gmail.com HALTONTUTORING.COM Experienced and certified teacher will tutor your child (Grades K-12) at your home. info@haltontutoring.com PATIENT TUTOR for ele- mentary aged students (Grades 1-6). Experienced and certifi ed teacher (B.A., B . E d . ) $ 3 5 / h o u r . 905-635-0074. Tutoring SUMMIT TUTORING -In- dividualized programs support the Ontario cur- r i c u l u m . - Q u a l i f i e d teachers target your child's unique learning style. -Flexible schedul- ing and payment options w i th no contracts to sign. -Free academic assessment. Location: Summit Learning Cen- tre, 760 Brant St, Suite 4 2 4 , B u r l i n g t o n 905-631-7506 Articles Wanted G O L F W A N T E D : F o r C a s h , p re 1 9 7 0 g o l f magazines, books, silver t roph i e s , meda l s , o l d e q u i p m e n t . I a n 905-336-0436 TOP PRICES paid for used laptops, any condition and Mac Computers . F ree pick-up. All Recycled prop- erly. Call Joe, B&D Auto re- cycling. 905-208-3652, 905-827-8015 Articles for Sale **A1 MATTRESS Facto- r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y available. All sizes in- c lud ing custom Spl i t boxsprings, Orthopedic 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g $240. 30yr t ight - top sets starting $340. De- luxe no-f l ip Pi l lowtop &'Crown' series, Euro- top sets f rom $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontin- ued i tems ava i lab le . 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 APPLIANCES FOR Sale, washer, dryer, fr idge, stove, also gas dryer and gas stove. Will separate, also blackberry cell phone, with 2 batteries, charger & c a s e , a l l m i n t . 289-337-1328 BABY GRAND Piano- Gran- dette and bench. Kranich and Bach. Built in 1925, New York. Cherrywood. Tuned every 6 months. Completely refurbished in- side including restrung. Must see. $8450. Call Inge or Denise 905-632-4576. E m a i l f o r p i c t u r e s on request: inge_gaspari@hotmail.com BROWN/ RED l ea ther sofa studded arms/ back, matching sofa, loveseat & ottoman, washed maple w a l l u n i t . C a l l 905-319-3984. HARDWOOD FLOORING Liquidators Ltd. Canada's leader since 1977. 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 3 - 6 3 6 3 www.hfsdeals.com BURLINGTON TOWERS ? INDOOR HEATED POOL?INDOOR HEATED POOL ? TENNIS COURTS, BBQ AREA?TENNIS COURTS, BBQ AREA ? FITNESS ROOM?FITNESS ROO ? RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES?RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES ? INCL. HEAT, HYDRO, A/C, ONE?INCL. HEAT, HYDRO, A/C, ONE PRKG SPACE, WINDOW CVRGS PRKG S ACE, WINDOW CVRG ? ON-SITE MAINTENANCE &?ON-SITE MAINTENANCE & SECURITY SECURIT ? LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION?LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION 905-639-8583 burlingtontowers.com 1, 2, 3 bedrooms 2 3 bedroom HOME AWAY FROM HOME BURLINGTON TOWERS FURNISHED 1,2, BDRMS 905-639-8583 corporatesuites.ca Tutoring Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the For details call 905-632-4440 and ALL TYPES OF MORTGAGES ?st, 2nd & 3rd ?ood Credit & Bad ?ower of Sales ?pecializing in Bankruptcy & Proposals For Free Consultations Call JimFitzGerald, Mortgage Agent (905) 699-3358 jimfi tzgerald@ invis.ca FSCO: M09002783 Homes for Sale BURLINGTON, NEW semi or Detached, Appleby Line/ Dundas, rent to own op- tion, assisted down pay- ment. Also will buy homes quick closing, Michael Wan Real ty Inc. , Brokerage, 905-574-8882. Mortgages/ Loans FREE YOURSELF f rom debt Money for any pur- pose! Debt consolidation 1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgages, credit lines & loans up to 90% LTV. Self employed, mortgage or tax arrears. Don't pay for 1yr program! #10171 Ontario-wide Fi- n a n c i a l C o r p . C a l l 1-888-307-7799 www.on ta r io -w ide f i nan - cial.com Homes for Sale $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI- DATE Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! Better Option Mort- g a g e # 1 0 9 6 9 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 8 2 - 1 1 6 9 www.mortgageontario.com Townhouse/Condos for Sale T O W N H O U S E 3 b e d - rooms 3 baths. Updated bathrooms and kitchen, fi n- ished basement & more! Master bedroom with 4 piece ensuite with ceramic s h o w e r. C l o s e t o G O Tra i n , Schoo l s , Ma l l s . Many e x t r a s . www.63 stewartmaclaren.ca Call 647-229-8018. Open house: Sunday 1-4pm. MONDAY AT 5PM for Wednesday TUESDAY AT 5PM for Thursday WEDNESDAY AT 5PM for Friday. Please call 905-632-4440 fax: 905-632-8165 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES e-mail: classifieds@haltonsearch.com Apartments for Rent 1 B E D R O O M a p t . available Dec 1, in Burling- ton. Walking distance to t h e l a k e . C a l l 905-634-0888/ Burlington 1 BEDROOM, Dec/1st $974/mo. parking, cable included. Very clean family building in central Oakville. Call 905-842-5095. 1 / 2 / 3 B E D R O O M O a k v i l l e f r o m $ 8 7 5 www.livehere.ca 190 Kerr: 905-845-1777 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 1265 6-Line 905-842-8960 A LARGE 2 - bed room. Comp le te l y renova ted . Central Burlington, 2 park- i ng , l aundry f ac i l i t i es , available now. $935/mo. 905-336-2169. BURLINGTON TOWERS Upgraded 2-bedroom available immediately, Dec/Jan. Features in- clude: newer ceramics, parquet floors, newer appliances, 2 full balco- nies, underground parking, in-suite stor- age, A/C. Walking dis- tance to Lakefront, Mapleview Mall, close to 403, QEW, GO. Call 905-639-8583, FREE IPOD with rental. How To Make Your Washer Disappear... Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results quickly! 632-4440905 l WATERDOWN $800/mo Spotless 1-bedroom in newer home includes utilities, Sep. entrance. Call Syd Speijer Sales Rep. Coldwell Banker Burnhill 905-639-3355

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