Oakville Beaver, 10 Dec 2010, p. 39

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www.WeePiggies.com Tel: 905-825-8731 Email: oakville@weepiggies.com and you will receive a voucher for Call 905-632-4440 to place your announcement of your babys precious hand or footprint ($25.00 value) compliments of: Connie and Frank Mesce and Deborah Arsenault and Randall Moore are pleased to announce the marriage of their children Grace and Brandon on October 9, 2010 at The Oasis Convention Center Mississauga Best Wishes from all of us Jeffrey Stewart JARVIS January 11th, 1925 - December 1st, 2010. Jef f passed away peacefu l ly a t the Nor thr idge Long Term Care Fac i l i t y in Oakville. Jeff led a full and vibrant life; always with a kind word, a caring heart and a helping hand - a friend to all. Jeff was born a triplet, with brothers Gregor and Blair. His parents were Stewart Russell Jarvis, and Evelyn Gladys Jarvis, nee Guthrie, of Toronto. Jeff was predeceased by brothers David, John, Peter, Gregor, Blair and sister Ann Welsman. Jeff is survived by Shirley, nee Young, his wife of 60 years; daughter Catherine (Peter) Bath; sons David (Trish Bourne), and Bi l l (Joy Greene); and grandchi ldren Sarah (Jason) Rhodes, Martha and Gillian Bath, and Peter and Jocelyn Jarvis. Jeff was raised in York Mills, joined the RCAF and trained as a navigator. After WWII, he graduated from Trinity College at the University of Toronto in 1947. Jeff was an active member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. After graduation he worked at Bell Canada where he met his wife, Shirley, and they were married in 1950. Jeff worked for the Hamilton Cotton Company in both Montreal and Burlington until 1971 when he joined the faculty of the brand new Sheridan College, Oakville Campus. Public speaking was his passion at Sheridan, where he taught for 25 years until his retirement; without missing a day. Jeff spent his summers playing tennis at the Oakvi l le Club, gardening at home, at the Historical Society and at St. Jude's Church. After retirement, Jeff volunteered his time by serving as Church Warden with the Youth Services at his church, as well as, being a member of the Oakville Public Library Board, and the Oakville Historical Society Board. He volunteered frequently at t he Canad i an Open a t G l en Abbey, as we l l a s , k eep ing membersh ips a t Toastmasters, Probus and the Oakville Legion. Jeff was a true gentleman and had a kind and gentle spirit. Husband, friend, father and grandfather; he will be missed. Special thanks to the staff and caregivers of Northridge for exceptional, skilled and tender care. Visitations will be held at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street , Oakvi l le on Wednesday, December 22 from 2-4 & 7-9 pm. Family and friends are invited to celebrate Jeff's life at a Memorial Service to be held on Thursday, December 23rd at 1 pm, in St. Jude's Church, 160 Will iam Street , Oakv i l le . I f des i red, donat ions to the A lzhe imer Soc ie ty would be a p p r e c i a t e d b y t h e f a m i l y . P l e a s e v i s i t t h e B o o k o f M e m o r i e s a t www.wardfuneralhome.com Van der MAREL, Johannes " J o h n n y O m a r " o f H o r n b y p a s s e d a w a y p e a c e f u l l y a t M i l t o n D i s t r i c t Hospi ta l wi th fami ly by h is s ide on Monday, December 6, 2010 in his 87th year. Be loved husband of E l izabeth (Betty). Loving Father of Ron and his wife Maureen, John and his wife Ingrid and Joanne and he r husband John Buckle. Proud "Opa" to grandchildren Curt is , Derek, Ryan, Joel , Er in, Kyle and Bryce . Surv ived by h is s is ters ; Cor, Bep , Sar y and Wi l o f Ho l land . P redeceased by h is b ro ther Joe o f Car l is le . John operated Omar Farm P r o d u c e a s p r o d u c e s h i p p e r a n d greenhouse grower. "Opa 's gardens were his pr ide and joy" . Family and f r i e n d s a r e i n v i t e d t o v i s i t a t t h e McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main St. Milton (905) 878-4452 from 2 - 4 p m a n d 7 - 9 p m o n S u n d a y, D e c e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 1 0 . T h e f u n e r a l se r v i ce w i l l be he ld i n the fune ra l home chape l on Monday, December 13, 2010 at 2 :00 pm. Recept ion to follow. A private family interment will t a ke p l ace a t Eve rg reen Ceme te r y. Memorial donations to Milton District H o s p i t a l F o u n d a t i o n w o u l d b e apprec ia ted. Let ters of condolence m a y b e l e f t f o r t h e f a m i l y a t www.mckersie-kocher.ca RANDALL, Anne (Marjorie) Af t e r a b r i e f i l l n ess , unexpec t ed l y p a s s e d a w a y o n t h e e v e n i n g o f M o n d a y D e c e m b e r 6 , 2 0 1 0 a t t h e Oakvi l le Trafalgar Memorial Hospital . Mar jo r i e Anne (McAr thur ) , be loved w i f e o f B r yan D ix . Lov ing mother o f J e n n i f e r R a n d a l l a n d K i r s t i n Randall-Gan (Dave). Loved grannie of Skye and Autumn. Remember your loved ones this Holiday Season. We will be publishing a special holiday IN MEMORIAM FEATURE on Thurs. December 23rd, 2010. Size- (2" x 2-1/2"), cost- $29.99 + tax. Tributes for this feature must be received by December 20th. For verse suggestions, more information or to place your special memoriam please call 905-632-4440 . SAEVIL, BRENDA December 13, 1934 Ten years have passed, how can that be? Yet we feel your presence constantly. Your glowing smile, your thoughtful ways, Your ever-loving words of praise These we remember and cherish so much, But we deeply miss you and your gentle touch. You graced us with memories to treasure, its true. And these give us comfort while we long for you. Forever in our hearts, Finn, Glen & Sherry, Karen & Jean, and grandchildren l Marriages l In Memoriams l Obituariesl In Memoriams 39 ?Frida y , December 10, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ?ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m Were you blessed with the arrival of a child in 2010? If you were, have your little Bundle of Joy listed in Oakvilles 2010 Newest Arrivals These special Momento Pages will appear in The Oakville Beaver in January, 2011. If you would like your child(or grandchild) to be included, just fill out the ad form below and submit, along with a photo, no later than Fri. Jan. 14/11 Babys Name (please print clearly): _______________ _____________ _____________ First Middle Surname Parents Names (please print clearly): _______________ _____________ _____________ Mom (first name) Dad (first name) Surname Date of Birth ___________ _________ Month Day Please mail or drop off your picture along with this form and payment to: The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville ON, L6K 3S4 Deadline for receipt of order is January 14, 2011 Ordered By:___________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ ______________________________Phone:_________________ Payment: Visa/ MC/ Amex #:______________________________ Expiry Date:____________ Cheque Enclosed Payable to The Burlington Post Note: No Charge if.... your babys birth announcement already appeared in The Oakville Beaver in 2010! Please drop-off or email pictures to Mrs. Smith by January 14, 2011 thill@burlingtonpost.com Call 905-632-4440 for more details Cost: $ Moeshia Brown born to Jamal & Keshia Brown March 16, 2010 59. + H.S.T. = $66.67 l Lifetimes / Milestonesl Lifetimes / MilestonesObituari

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