Everyone is affectedTHE NISSANContinued from page 10Kids and Families with Cancer held atEMPLOYEE PRICINGtheir school inMay. UP TOThe funds raised by the 2010 ballCASH$EVENT.JANUARY 28, 29 & 31covered the teams minimum entrancePURCHASE4,900DISCOUNTcommitment to the fundraising InsideRide and was so substantial, it pro-vided similar cover for the entire school2011population so all students at AquinasVERSA HATCH 1.8 Swho wished were able to take part. WELL The $25,000 raised by the ball, in$EQUIPPED 18,449FROMturn helped raise an overall contribu-tion of nearly $40,000 for the agency.CASH PURCHASE - 2,950While Maddie lost her brotherDISCOUNT, can-cer has touched each of the ballsCASH organizers.$PURCHASE ^15,499PRICEFor Hawthorne, 16, cancer claimedFREIGHT AND FEES INCLUDED 1.8 SL model shownher cousin while her mom is a survivor.www.nissan.ca/versahatchWalden, 16, whose grandmother CITY: 7.3L/100KM (39 MPG) HWY: 5.8L/100KM (49 MPG)also died with cancer, noted last yearthat all of Maddies friends, of course,knew Alex.2011SENTRA 2.0Furlan, 17, said two of her grand-parents died with cancer. KasslacksWELL $EQUIPPED 20,149FROMgrandmother also died with cancer.Last year, the ball was an optionalCASH PURCHASE masquerade. This year, its strictly dress - 3,250DISCOUNTup.CASH While formal attire is not required,$PURCHASE ^16,899PRICEmany make the most of the fun.FREIGHT AND FEES INCLUDED 2.0 SL model shownDefinitely last year, the adults gotwww.nissan.ca/sentrareally into it. Many of the women wore CITY: 7.6L/100KM (37 MPG) HWY: 5.7L/100KM (50 MPG)gorgeous dresses, said Hawthorn.Bal de Neige will be Saturday, Feb. 26at Le Dome Banquet Hall located at20111173 North Service Rd. E. Tickets costALTIMA 2.5 S$60. The ball includes cocktails, dinner,WELL $EQUIPPED dancing, raffles and more. 26,899FROMTickets are available throughCASH PURCHASE fpace4@cogeco.ca. For information - 4,900DISCOUNTabout the foundation, visit www.coastto-coastagainstcancer.org.CASH $PURCHASE ^21,999PRICEMaddie lost her brother, Alex, an FREIGHT AND FEES INCLUDED3.5 SR model shownavid hockey player and a St. Dominicswww.nissan.ca/altimaSchool student, to bone cancer in CITY: 8.7L/100KM (32 MPG) HWY: 6.0L/100KM (47 MPG)February 2009, just before his 12thbirthday.TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPECIAL FINANCE RATESTeam Alex is well known locally,VISIT YOUR LOCAL ONTARIO NISSAN RETAILER TODAY OR NISSAN.CA FOR DETAILShaving initially formed as it took part in %1PREFERRED CUSTOMER RATE REDUCTION.AVAILABLE TOELIGIBLE RETURNING CUSTOMERSthe annual Relay for Life in Oakville,and included Alex at the time. HELPSUPPORTYOURCOMMUNITYIt also was known as Team Axle inPurchaseorleaseanyvehiclefromOakvilleNissanbetweenthe Coast to Coast Foundations TourNowandMarch31standwewilldonate$50tothelocalfoodbank.for Kids.Every member of our team has aclose connection to cancer whether itbe through a grandparent, parent, sib-OAKVILLE NISSANling, friend or fellow community mem-2316 South Service Road Westber. We were all affected, which fueledour desire to make a difference in theFollow usonFacebook andlives of others who are making the905.827.1177Twitterjourney through cancer, saidThe Nissan Employee Pricing Event is only in effect between January 28th, 29th and 31st and refers to A-Plan pricing ordinarily available to Nissan employees and excludes any negotiated bonuses or other special Incentives that employees may receive from time to time. Employee Pricing is available on the purchaseKasslack.of new 2011 Versa Hatchback, Sentra and Altima Sedan models. The vehicle must be sold during the event period. Employee discounts are calculated on based on MSRP before freight and fees. ?Prices are based on 2011 Versa Hatchback 1.8 S (B5LG71 BN00)/Sentra 2.0 (C4LG11 BN00)/Altima 2.5 S (T4RG11AE00) before Cash Purchase Discount. Freight and PDE charges, air-conditioning tax ($100), certain fees where applicable (ON: $5 OMVIC fee and $29 tire stewardship fee) are included.Cash purchase discount is available on cash purchases and is deducted from the starting price shown before taxes and is basedLast year, Maddies fundraising pageon non-stackable trading dollars and varies by model. Price reductions are reflected in the cash purchase price shown. See dealer for details. ^$15,499 Cash Purchase Price for a new 2011 Versa Hatchback 1.8 S (B5LG71 BN00), manual transmission/$16,899 Cash Purchase Price for a new 2011 Sentra 2.0 (C4LG11BN00), manual transmission/$21,999 Cash Purchase Price for a new 2011 Altima Sedan 2.5 S (T4RG11 AE00), CVT transmission. Cash Purchase Discount ($2,950/$3,250/$4,900), freight and PDE charges ($1,397/$1,397/$1,530), air-conditioning tax ($100), certain fees where applicable (ON: $5 OMVIC fee andread, My toughest challenge with$29 tire stewardship fee) are included in Cash Purchase Prices. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes (including excise tax and fuel conservation tax, if applicable) are extra. Finance offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice andcannot be combined with any other offers. Retailers are free to set individual prices. Models shown $17,415 Selling Price for a new 2011 Versa Hatch 1.8 SL (B5RG11 AE00), automatic transmission/$21,465 Selling Price for a new 2011 Sentra 2.0 SL (C4TG11 AA00), CVT transmission/$28,845 Selling Price forchildhood cancer was the fact that Ia new 2011 Altima Sedan 3.5 SR (T4SG11 AA00), CVT transmission. Cash Purchase Discount ($2,950/$3,250/$4,900), freight and PDE charges ($1,397/$1,397/$1,530), air-conditioning tax ($100) and certain fees where applicable (ON: $5 OMVIC fee and $29 tire stewardship fee) are included. License, insurance,registration, and other applicable taxes (including excise taxes and fuel conservation tax, where applicable) are extra. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Offer is for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers. All prices are subject to change without notice. Retailercouldn't do anything to help Alex getmay sell for less. Actual mileage may vary with driving conditions - use for comparison only. Preferred Customer Program: If you currently lease or fi nance your Nissan vehicle through us, you may already be pre-approved to lease or fi nance your next new Nissan model. 1% Preferred Customer Reductioncurrently available on the 2011 Sentra, Rogue, Maxima, Altima (except Hybrid) and Murano models. Please contact your Nissan Dealership for Nissan Canada Finance pre-approval terms and eligibility. Incentive program rate adjustments cannot reduce the lease or fi nance rate below 0.0%.better, I could only try to make him feelvisit us @ www.oakvillenissan.combetter.3 DAYS ONLY 3 DAYS ONLY 3 DAYS ONLY 3 DAYS ONLY 3 DAYS ONLY 3 DAYS ONLY11 Friday, January 28, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.oakvillebeaver.com