To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 Email: Fax 905-632-8165CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS:Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm.Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm.OAKVILLE BeaverclassifiedsAD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADLINES: Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday 5 p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will ForCirculation inquiries, please callaccept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure its accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication.905-845-9742 Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday.Homes for SaleHomes for SaleApartments for Apartments for Apartments for Apartments for FurnishedHouses for RentTownhouses for RentRentRentRentApartmentsRentAccommodationsOAKVILLE LARGE 3-bed-EAST BURLINGTON on BURLINGTON- LARGE 444 Kerr St / 75 Stewaroom, 3 bathroom, bunga-Lakeshore, 2-bedroom Bedroom, shared bath, fur-rtlow Rebecca/ townhouse. Available nished, all-in, core area, Selling yourMUST SEE!!HOME AWAY Willowbrook. Garage, 5 ap-Mar.1. $1105/mo. in-$525/mo. Also, large low-Bright & Spacious ApartmentsNEWpliances. $1500/mo cludes hydro and 1-car er level 2-bedroom apart-11th fl oor, 2 BR with FROM HOME+utilities. March 1st. parking. Call for appoint-ment, big living room, - in The Heart of Oakville -a million dollar view!! RENTALSUITES905-849-4417 after 5pm.ment 905-632-1750.modern kitchen & bath, home privately?BURLINGTONUpdated suite, open $975/mo. core area. 140PlainsRoadW.Bachelor/1/2 bedrooms TOWERSconcept, bright and 289-400-6600 or Townhouses for Townhouses for 905-572-1868spacious unit. West-Advertise a photo & descrQUALITYOVERSIZEDiptionFURNISHED RentRentFrom $850erly view overlooking FURNISHED HOUSE to 1,2,3 BEDROOMSUITES1,2, BDRMSotimbercreekrentals.caf your home in theBronte Marina. New-share, Mt. Forest/ Brant LakeviewsavailableStreet area, Burlington. 905-639-8583er appliances, great $120/wk. 905-637-0328.5appliancesincl. corporatesuites.catennis court, outdoor EnsuiteLaundrypool & playground. CumberlandVillageLost & FoundQEW/ THIRD Line, Oak-IndoorPool,Sauna,Also 1 & 2 bdrms for ville, open concept, fully Whirlpool, GymandFeb/Marchfurnished basement, separ-3-bdrmTownhome Granite & Stainless Sir Richard Towers ate entrance, washer/ dry-FOUND: BROWN tabby from$1100/mo. Appliance, parking, A/C, suits non-and white cat Glenwood Oakville, Call smoking mature person, no Close to Burlington Mall,Schools & TransitSchool Drive. We call Chip. 1-866-499-1607289-812-0103pets preferred, available Please call 905-637-7325.4appls.Eat-inKitchenBasementParkingnow. $890/mo. plus 1/3 drewloholdings.comCANADIANA- QUIET, well-utilities. 905-469-8344.LOST: LADIES gold 3270 Prospect StreetFor details call905-632-4440maintained lakefront build-bracelet on Jan. 10th. Burlingtoning, pool, A/C. Very Great sentamental value. Spacious 1, 2 & 3 NEAR BURLINGTON Mall- Reward. Please call Sue @ Call (905)844-4294905632-2601bedrooms available imme-Roomy 2-bedroom upper 905-632-5266diately. 5220 Lakeshore, level unit of small 2 storey WWW.TRAVELSUITES.CA1297 Marlborough, Oakville - Spacious LOST: BLACK inflatable Burlington, 905-632-5486. complex. Quiet location, Bronte Harbour Club seat for wheelchair, Bronte (No dogs preferred) See close to everything, 5 ap-upgraded suites, 1-bdrm + den $1155,New Lar3BRMTOWNHOMESge Renovated 1-area. Call 905-469-6741us on www.viewit.capliances, A/C. $1350/mo. bedroom, 6 appliances, 2-bdrm + den $1270 Sunken living room, 905-632-3519indoor pool, 24/7 gym, BEAUTIFULLY MAIN-LOST: MALE French Mas-GNSpecial from Iceramics in kitchen & bathroom. Close toTAINED quiet building Ttiff, 2.5 years old, answers RAT$1195.+* Unfurnished.;Downtown Old Oakville, OAKVILLE- 1-BEDROOMS to the name Dexter. M$Oak.Place, Sheridan College, QEW/ GO.OFurnished Corporate Rshops at your doorstep, apartment, basement, all F920Distinct markings, orange /monthResidences! Daily, 905-815-1628Spacious 2-bedroom from inclusive. Immediate. Harley Davidson nylon col-Weekly, Monthly! Busi-$1495/mo. inclusive. Also 905-618-0183lar. Lost Saturday, January Enjoy ness, Family, Travel 297 Queens -3 bdrms $1310 Spacious1-bedroom from $1195. 15 in the Parkside Drive/ 2418Peace of MindVisits! Full Kitchen, Free Upgraded Kitchen w/dish-Highway 6 area. Reward suites, wood fl ooring, next to Oakville Mall,OAKVILLE- 200 Queen Laundry, Pets O.K.; washer, new ceramics in GlenwoodSchoolDriveif found. Please call Mary Drive. 1 bedroom $000From.... $49.95*/night! ,000- 4 slevel spide split in Headonwalking distance to restaurants, schools, bath. Crown Moulding. 905-689-8212.penthouse with a beautiful Page Us @ Non-smoking. No lease/no GuelphLineandQueenswayForest.3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished recEpview, $1300/mo. February arks, Sheridan College Oakville905-681-7355LOST: SNOWBOARD, last month deposit. Short woom with gas fireplaceL.New ceramics in1. Also 1 bedroom red, Gabriel, Sat. Jan 22, term rentals available. P905-842-8338kitchen.Hardwood floors in living room &din-available February 1, CALL905-639-9212TODAY!Bronte Provincial Park, on 905-580-5196.M$1070/mo. 905-844-1934. ing room.Large professionally landscaped,toboggan hill. Reward. | rentals@capreit.netGEORGIAN COURT Es-www.taylorgroupproperties.caS905-331-2422.pool-sizeBRAND NEW basement lot.New roof in 03, windowstates- 611 Surrey lane. ROUNDTREECondos for Rentapartment, huge 1-bed-replaced 04.Hi-efficiency gEas furnace.large bright 2&3 bed town- MANORIts better in BurlingtonZroom +ensuite, big kitchen, OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bed-houses w/full basement Master bedroom witIh full ensuite.Neutral5 windows +laundry. room townhouses available TOWNHOMESSand utilities included. Park Outdecor throughout.Open House this SundayOne bedrooms $1000/mo all inclusive. 1-bdrm condo in mature immediately, appliances, like setting w/seasonal Across from $980/month at 000 Main St.,Burlington.PRIVATE starting from 905-466-4198Hopedale Mall Aradult blding, 5 appliances, ea. pool, splash pad, tennis LIVE-IN CAREGIVER for Burlington Mallpking, avail. imm. Building Lakeshore Management SALE.Call 000-000-0000 for more details.MinutestoGO&QEWand basketball courts. children wanted full-time in BURLINGTON, perfect for active sen-Magnificentviewofthelake&mountain3 Bdrms $995/moOpen House: Monday, my private Oakville home. ROOM, Prospect Park. ior(s), lots of planned ac-Indoorpool&saunaNewlyrenovatedsuitesWednesday, Friday, 4 Bdrms $1035/mo$900 - $1,150. Completed On-siteSecurityRentincludesallutilities&cableRenovated unit, balcony, tivities. Utls, cable, & tel 10am-4pm and weekends, OAKVILLE~ AFFORDABLE Mortgages/ Loanhigh school, plus certifi cate sIndustrial/795 Dynes RoadIndividualClimateControl(Heating&A/C)utilities included, parking, extra. 6th Ln btwn Upper-11am-2pm. 905-632-8547 Rent! Large 1 & 2 bed-in fi rst aid. 2-3 years expe-Commercial for SaleExceptionalValue!!!storage available. Call Dia-middle and Dundas. Con-Tel: 905-639-1748www.realstar.carooms, hardwood, suites rience. Must be able to na 905-631-9748tact 905-464-4141 or Enjoy BEST Rental Valuewith balcony. Appliances, speak English and Ibo lan-Burlington SquareFREE YOURSELF from AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE-rferrari@cogecoNEW 3 bedrooms, 2.5 Peace of Mindlaundry, quiet, clean, near guage. Please email me at: IN BURLINGTON!debt Money for any pur-LY. 3100sq.ft. Commer-BURLINGTON CORE. 2-baths, brick townhouse, 760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave.transit/ schools/ shops. nesemezie@yahoo.compose! Debt consolidation cial space in plaza. bedrooms, gas fi replace, 2 Amelin Propertyhardwood, stainless steel BRONTE HARBOUR Club 905-339-3245.905-639-46771st, 2nd, 3rd mortgages, 650 Plains Road East, parking spots, private en-Managementappliances, granite. Condo- 1200sq.ft. 2 www.mcarthurproperties.comcredit lines & loans up to Burlington. Mr. Singh, trance. $925/mo. plus hy-Child Care Available3rd Line/ Dundas. bedrooms, 2 baths, West 90% LTV. Self employed, 905-793-5599; dro. Water/ heat included. TRAFALGAR/ QEW- 2-$1890/mo. plus utilities. view of River. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE-mortgage or tax arrears.647-280-2704.Immediate. 905-981-3246.1420 Tyandaga Park Dr. Unit 1Cbedroom apartment in 416-300-1468.$1700/mo. plus hydro. LY- Furnished, 2-bedroom Don't pay for 1yr program!quite clean building, EXPERIENCED CAREGIV-Available February 1. Mature residential area within walking townhouse condo in #10171 Ontario-wide Fi-BURLINGTON- SPA-Available immediately, Apartments for Call Jean 905-274-4740.ER available. Hot meals, Rooms for Rent andHeadon Forest area. nancial Corp. CallCIOUS 2 bedrooms. $899/mo. plus hydro and distance to malls 5min. to QEW/403/407.lots of activities. Referenc-Rent$1450/mo. Driveway, Wanted1-888-307-7799Across from Sobey's Pow-parking.416-779-4899es, police check. Receipts. 1 bdrm from $958 - Townhomes from $1165garage, patio, wood burn-SPENCER'S LANDING By wwwer Centre. Easy access to .ontario-widefinan-Grosvenor Street, Oakville. 1, 2 &ing fireplace. Available 3-Bedroom The Lake, Burlington. Ex-KNOTTY PINE room in cial.comhighways/ minutes to GO/ 905-335-3001Call Fifi , 905-849-8119.TYANDAGA APTMNTS Oakville from $875. 190on monthly basis. ecutive highrise condo. ranch style house. bus. From $880/mo. plus Burlington. Spacious and Kerr: 905-845-1777, 392905-599-4479. $2295/mo. Exclusive list-$125/wk. Near Mapleview utilities. 905-336-9842.5200 Lakeshore Blvd TEACHERS SCHEDULES, bright lovely 2 bedroom $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI-Pine: 905-337-0910, 1265 ing. Call Diane McCurdy Mall. Private entrance. Fe-Burlington. 18 years expe-Seniors discount. Hydro 6-Line 905-842-8960.Lakeside Views Completely renovated DATE Debts Mortgages to Sales Rep. Homelife/ Apple male tenant responsible DOWNTOWN WATER-rience. Don't pay for sum-included. Call Dianne www.livehere.caBURLINGTON- BRANT, 95% No income, Bad credit Park Realty Inc. plus one friend. All utilities, DOWN- Large 1-bedroom, building, heated pool, close to QEW & hwy mer/ Christmas/ March 905-332-8979North of QEW. Large 2-OK! Better Option Mort-905-681-3000 for Appt. to parking, laundry, phone, air $975/mo; 2-bedroom Break vacations. First Aid, 1-BEDROOM, WALK-407. 1 bdrm from $1039.905-681-7126bedroom townhouse, gage #10969 view.conditioned, digital box/ $1175/mo. Both Include CPR, Police Check. Re-OUT basement apartment corner unit in excellent 1-800-282-1169 cable. Act Fast-Won't Last! utilities & appliances. Im-TYANDAGA TERRACE, ceipts/ References. Cheryl. | rentals@capreit.netin Oakville. $850/mo. inclu-condition, 4 appliances, www.mortgageontario.com905-690-3975.mediate. 905-630-5840Burlington. Low rise 905-336-3992sive. non-smoking, Houses private backyard, quiet for Rentbuilding situated on Available Immediately. LARGE QUEEN size room, neighbourhood, easy ac-FACING BURLINGTONpark-like grounds. 416-540-1219cess to QEW/ 403/ 407, fully furnished in executive TutoringMall. Lovely 1 bdrm Freshly painted. All Businesshome. Inground pool, many near amenities. suites. Brand new kitchen. rooms w/individual ther-3 BEDROOM Bungalow in Opportunities1-BEDROOM APART-$1300/mo +utilities.extras. Responsible, clean Seniors discount. Hydro mostat controlled heat-Oakville, walking distance MENT in Oakville, on 415 April.1, First/ Last.individual. $490/mo. Tra- CARING TUTORING incl. Call Dan ing. 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms. to YMCA, on the bus route, ESTABLISHED SMALLKerr street, Feb 1st 905-331-7683.falgar/ Upper Middle. for students (Grades 1-12). 905-639-8009 or Don 1440, 1450 & 1460 nearby good schools, short Drapery workroom, rent to$870/mo Call 905-338-6444.Soft-spoken, experi-905-681-8115Tyandaga Park Drive. distance to downtown Oak-own, be your own boss,905-339-2437 9am-9pm enced, certified Teacher. 905-336-0015, ville and Appleby College, Help if needed. OAKVILLE- FURNISHED FREELTON- 1-BED-(B.Sc.N.,B.Ed.,M.Sc.T.) 905-336-0016.convenient location for BURLINGTON EAST 3-1-BEDROOM BASEMENT 905-637-7453room in apartment, near ROOM, ground fl$35-$55. 289-795-3322 oor apart-shopping and highways. bedroom, 2 storey semi, apt, walking distance to Oakville Place. Suit non-ment, brand No pets Spacious rooms, partially laminate floors, finished GO, shared laundry, WAsmoking male, $550/mo. TERDOWN CENTRAL preferred. $750/mo. in-For more info callfi nished basement. $1800 basement, Available Imme-ROOM RENTAL for health first/last, references re-905-639-8583First/ last. 905-338-8455.location, walk everywhere ONTARIO CERTIFIED cluded heat and hydro. /m Ph.: 905-339-3775diate $1277/mo plus care professional in mas-quired $650 Call 11&2 bedrooms $785/mo; & 3 bedroom apartments also availableHigh School Teacher 519-622-9155.utilities. Bill 905-632-6260sage therapy clinic in Bur-905-864-672175 John 905-690-4454; available to tutor Gr. 7-12 Sharedlington. Flexible days, BURLINGTON TOWERS APARTMENTS50 John 905-689-1647;4-BEDROOM HOUSE for Biology & English, GUELPH LINE/ Wood-Accommodations2 AND 3 bedrooms hours and rent negotiable. wwwrent. Bronte and Dundas, ward. 2 bedrooms available from $1152/mo. Good location, ample park-BURLINGTON- 3020 BURLINGTON DOWN-area. Appliances included. BURLINGTON- LARGE 905-469-2506available February, $895/ to $1321/mo. utilities, 1-BEDROOM in house ing. 905-319-3930.Glencrest Road. 1 & 2 bed-TOWN- 1366 Elgin Street. 647-294-16403 bedrooms, immediate. mo. utilities included. parking, cable included. near Oakville Place. park-rooms, available February/ Large 2 bedroom, Appliances, hardwood FurnishedClean, quiet building. Very clean family building ing, ravine, non-smoker March. Starting from $795/mo. plus hydro. CLASSIFIED DEADLINESfloors, quiet park like ApartmentsBurlington. 905-632-4265.BURLINGTON ORCHARD in central Oakville. Call utilities included. $879/mo. Upscale quiet Parking included. Brant/ setting. 905-681-0070. Industrial/CommercialCommunity- 2 storey, ap-905-842-5095.$475/mo. 905-337-7387.MONDAYAT5PMbuilding, close to major Lakeshore. Available imme-www.rentaltownhouses.cafor Rent/ WantedPRIME DOWNTOWN Bur-OAKVILLE- LUXURY fur-prox 1600sq.ft. 3 bed-forWednesdayshopping. 905-632-0129.diately. 905-220-4742.3055 GLENCREST Road, lington. Upgraded suites nished 1 bedroom main rooms, 1.5 baths, A/C, ONE ORTUESDAYAT5PM two rooms forThursday800SQ.FT. 2 storey unit Burlington. Central loca-1&2 bedrooms. New fl oor apartment with patio/ wood deck, garage, 5 ap-available, furnished, shared WEDNESDAYAT5PMwith drive-in garage door tion, quiet, well main-BURLINGTON- WALK out. windows. Modernized ele-garden. Short/ long-term. pliances, close to schools, BURLINGTON- LARGE kitchen/bath cable parking forFriday.for shop, offi ce or storage tained, hydro and Fully equipped. No pets vators. Scenic views. 478 Non-smokers, no pets pre-all amenities and highway executive end unit, quiet washer/dryer Brant/Upper Pleasecall905-632-4440use. Mainway/ Walkers heat included. Spacious preferred (allergies). Suits Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; ferred. Parking, utilities, access. Available February complex, 3-bedroom, 4 Middle Mature female pre-e-mail: classifieds@haltonsearch.comLine area. Please call or 2 bedrooms. Call single person. $850/mo. 905-634-9374, cable/ internet included. 1. $1600/mo. plus utilities. bath, upgraded, fabulous ferred $700/mo Feb/1st fax:905-632-8165fax: 905-633-8205.905-637-3921.416-705-5866, Pete.905-632-1643$1600/mo. 905-845-3924416-990-1827.$1600/mo. OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, January 28, 2011 42