The Oakville novice red Hound Dogs (left) and Knights (above) both won tournaments recently.Novice red house league Dogs,Knights win tournament titlesTwo Minor Oaks Hockey AssociationAndrew Young each recorded a hat trick inScott Oliver, James Stuart, DoughDylan Ferron, Evan Ferron, Matthewhouse league novice red teams won tour-a 12-0 victory in the gold-medal game,Walker and Darren Young coach theMcDougall, Luke Miscio, Michaelnament championships recently.while Ethan Stuart added a pair. PatrickHound Dogs.Napolitano, Connor OBrien, MichaelThe Hound Dogs won all five of theirStewart, Chris Dong, Ben Lyytikainen andThe Knights edged Niagara Falls 4-3 inPapadimitrios, Avery Robertson, Michaelgames to claim the championship at aDenver Winch also tallied, and Tommytheir final after beating the same NiagaraScott, Ryan Sheppard, Christopher Snook,tournament in Jordan. Meanwhile, theEmo earned MVP honours with fourFalls team earlier in the day, 5-3. Theand Sam Vousden.Knights were victorious in all four of theirassists. Aiden Oliver earned the shutout.Knights also won 4-1 against the hostThe team is coached by Brentgames over two days to claim the champi-Scott Armes, Trevor Sands, RileyNiagara-on-the-Lake and 8-2 over AncasterRobertson and Bill McDougall. Danonship at the Niagara-on-the-Lake NoviceCerovcec, Brett Walker, Keelan Wardrop,on the first day of the tournament.Papadimitrios is the trainer and JeanSelect Christmas Classic tournament.Jack Williams and Hunter Smith also con-Members of the Knights, sponsored byLeandres is the teams manager and tour-For the Hound Dogs, Iain Dell andtributed to the gold-medal win.Dodge Caravan Kids, are James Carroll,nament coordinator. 00 1REVOSBOJ!!!ELBALIAVA,WACKY WINGS YOU!IS LOOKING FOR EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY !NTO WORK IN A UFENVIRONMENT. LARTHE G E S T ! SPORTS BAR WESTOFTORONTOGRE A T F O O D ! WITH CAPACITYFOR OVER 500 GUESTS!!! WACKY WINGS NOW HIRING!!!Please see manager on site for the following positions:? .LWFKHQ ? %DUWHQGHUV? 6HUYHUV ZLWK VPDUW VHUYH 1248 DUNDAS ST. EAST, :HVW RI 'L[LH 5G MISSISSAUGAPlease Drop Off Resume or Email to:EBARNARD@STARBURSTCOIN.COM31 Friday, January 21, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER