Have your say on Town budgetThe Town of Oakville will be holding fourAlternatively residents can email theirWalter Used To Eatopen houses to give residents the chance tocomments to budget2011@oakville.ca or faxweigh in on the 2011 budget process.905-815-2004.Town staff are currently recommending aBudget Committee meetings will be heldFrozen Dinners Alone7.6 per cent increase to the Towns basethroughout the month of February. budget, which would translate into a 3.32Staff will present detailed program-by-per cent property tax hike.program budgets to the committee onThe open houses will give residents theThursday, Feb. 3. opportunity to see where exactly the pro-Public delegations are now scheduled forposed 3.32 per cent increase will be spent,Feb. 15 and 16 and Budget Committee delib-how the increase impacts taxpayers, whaterations are scheduled for Feb. 24 and 28 (asprograms and services may be impacted byrequired). suggested reductions and how the townsCouncil will make final decisions regard-program-based budgeting works.ing the budget in March.The open houses will take place: The 2011 Budget Committee will consid- Wednesday, Jan. 26, from 7-8 p.m. ater all submissions, whether in person, writ-the Central Library Auditoriuming or email as part of their budget delibera- Tuesday, Feb. 8, from 7-8 p.m. at thetions. Woodside LibraryResidents who wish to appear before the Wednesday, Feb. 9, from 7-8 p.m. at theBudget Committee as a delegate should reg-Oakville Room in Town Hallister at townclerk@oakville.ca or call 905- Saturday, Feb. 12, from 2-3 p.m. at the815-6015. Glen Abbey LibraryAll Budget Committee meetings are heldResidents can also participate by complet-at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, and areing a confidential comment card, taking aopen to the public. short survey ranking spending priorities orVisit www.oakville.ca/2011budget.htmby chatting with staff and members of thefor upcoming meeting dates, to view theNow he enjoys a variedBudget Committee in attendance.budget documents or for additional budgetFor those unable to attend the publicinformation. menu and great company.open houses, written comments can be sentFor those who cannot attend the Budgetealtimewasmostlyachoreforto Town Clerk, Town of Oakville P.O. BoxCommittee meetings in person, they will beMWalter.Living alone,he would simply310, 1125 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON L6Jstreamed live over the Internet at5A6.TownTV.ca. choose what was easiest to prepare andeat it in front ofthe TV.Nutrition wasAdvertorialrarely a consideration.At Chartwell,the chefchanges the menuAt Chartwell Classic Oakville,daily,so Walter not only gets to choosefrom a variety ofbalanced meals,but hechoice is on the menu!enjoys them with a side-dish oflaughterand conversation.Residents at this luxury retirementlarge group of our residents are diabet-residence enjoy delicious and bal-ic, we always make sure to have greatanced meals against the elegant back-desserts that are low in sugar, saysdrop of the dining room. Chicken curry,Hunter. Whether its low-sugar, low-UPCOMING FREE EVENTfish and chips, beef wellington are justsodium or lactose-free, we cater tosome examples of the varied andmany different diets and food allergiestempting choices.and we always offer our residentsLunch offers residents a diverse buf-healthy options.OVARIANCANCERfet selection that includes a daily soup,Recognizing that meals are ansalad and dessert bar, and a hot entrmportant time for friends and family toINFORMATIONSESSIONthat changes daily.gather and spend time together, theyIt could be Eggs Benedict one day,are always happy to accommodate res-When: Thursday February 3rd, 2:00pmtuna casserole the next and a pestoidents dining guests whether for atomato quiche the following day, sayscasual meal, a special occasion dinnerWhere: Chartwell Classic Oakville, 180 Oak Park BlvdJaime Hunter, marketing manager foror a light snack in the on-site cafHotChartwell Classic Oakville. Were verymeals can also be sent out to prospec-fortunate to have a certified, Red Sealtive residents to give them an opportu-RSVP: to Jaime Hunter or Michelle Smith 905-257-0095chef who plans and prepares our nutri-nity to sample the food before theytious and delicious daily menus. move in.Chartwell Classic Oakvilles residentsMany seniors mistakenly assumeenjoy a table service-style dinner thatthe food served in retirement homes willTo find out more call Chartwellallows them to choose from four or fivenot suit their individual preferences, butdifferent, but all equally appetizing,the food at Chartwell Classic Oakville isClassic Oakville at 905-257-0095main entr such as steak, salmon,more like what youd find in a casualor visit www.chartwellreit.cashrimp, chicken as well as a beef ordining restaurant, says Hunter. pork dish, For more information about ChartwellFor the chef at Chartwell ClassicClassic Oakville and the tasty mealsOakville, diners health is top-of-mindthey serve, call 905-257-0095 or visitthe retirement when preparing meals: Because awww.chartwellreit.ca.option of choice7 Friday, January 21, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.oakvillebeaver.com