McGuinty at Chamber luncheon Feb. 11Lego Robotics team readiesWith a provincial electionwith more than 200 people on the horizon, Ontariobooked to attend so take on the world in St. LouisPremier Dalton McGuinty willThis leaves less than 200 The Oakville Lego robotics team, the finger pricking for glucose coming to Oakville, Friday,additional seats available.Sentinels will be representing Ontario at the The device is also equipped with an emer-Feb. 11, to speak at a lun-Seats cost $35 for Oakville FIRST Lego League World Festival, which will gency alarm system and a GPS locator.cheon hosted by the OakvilleChamber of Commerce mem-take place in St. Louis, Missouri from April For the robotics portion of the competition,Chamber of Commerce.bers and $45 for non-members 27-30.the Sentinels robot, ANA, had near perfectThe event will be held ator a table of eight can be The robotics team, which is part of the local runs, scoring 400 points in the first threethe Oakville Conferencereserved for $280 for members E-Bots Robotics program and is made up of qualifiers.Centre, located at 2521and $360 for non-members.students between the ages of nine and 14, With only eight teams remaining for theWyecroft Rd., and last fromPre-registration and pre-solidified their position as Ontarios represen-elimination rounds ANA again enjoyed two11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.payment is required. Online Premier Dalton McGuintytatives with a stellar performance during the near perfect runs, but suffered a malfunctionOakville Chamber of registration can be done at Ontario Provincial FIRST Lego League in the final, which resulted in the team beingCommerce President John Championship in Oshawa on Jan. 15.awarded second place for robot performance.Sawyer said he has already had an overwhelm-For additional information call Events ManagerBefore a crowded audience at the University Despite this setback they were awarded theing response to the premiers impending visitNesrene Salem at 905-845-6613 ext. 28.of Ontarios Institute of Technology the title of Tournament Champion First Place.Sentinels squared off against 49 other teams in The 2011 World Festival, which thea competition requiring each team to demon-Sentinels will be attending, is described as astrate their skills in problem solving, science, celebration of the FIRST Lego League seasontechnology, engineering and mathematics.and not a level of competition.This year the teams were challenged to The festival will host 85 teams from 35build an autonomous robot to carry out pre-countries and serve as an opportunity for cul-designed challenge missions in matches last-tures and skill sets to two minutes and 30 seconds.The E-Bots program had two other teamsThe competition also had a presentation competing at the provincial competition. Thecomponent in which each team was required Ferocious Femurs finishing second Grandto analyze, research and invent a solution to a Champions and the Shock Squad receivingreal world problem in the Biomedical or first place in Robot Mechanical Design.Biotechnology field.E-Bots Robotics is located at 220 WyecroftThe Sentinels idea involved a three part Rd. unit 101 in Oakville. They offer after-automated glucose monitoring system com-school, Saturday and summer camp Lego pro-prised of a bio-implant sensor, a watch and an grams for children seven to 7 to 14.insulin pump, which they say will eliminate For more information, YoudFeelOldLivingAnywhereElseEventhoughyou'reactive,winterisn'tyourbesttimeoftheyear.Thisyearyoucanactuallyenjoywinterbydoingmorethanjustputtingintime.TheDelmanorexperienceisaboutdailyactivities,plannedexcursionsandafocusonindividualempowermentallinacommunityofpeopletoobusytoactretired.AsamemberoftheTridelGroupOfCompanieswecomebythatattitudehonestly.Joinus.Callusordropby,stayforcoffeeandtea.Wellputspringinyourstep.Joinus...RSVP(905)469-3232toavoiddisappointment1459NottinghillGateTues.Feb.8-7:30p.m.(westofDorval,southofUpperMiddle)BenefitsofRedWine& OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, February 3, 2011 10