Oakville Beaver, 16 Feb 2011, p. 5

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Premier says Ontario's economic recovery plan workedContinued from page 1McGuinty said his government had plan to renew 80 per cent of the prov-and we eagerly embrace that oppor-spent $60 billion in six years.inces electricity system.tunity.Its been a dramatic renewal of This is a massive undertaking. McGuinty went on to say that toOntario infrastructure and it was Im sure you understand that. Some accomplish this goal the Province isdesperately needed, he said.others are going to say, We can do all making improvements in the areas of For Oakville, he said, this infra-this work and your electricity bills education, healthcare, infrastructure,structure spending included money wont go up by one penny, said electricity and taxes.being spent on the new Oakville hos-McGuinty.In discussing improvements topital, which should begin construc-Thats magic. Kevin (Flynn) and I education, McGuinty slammed thetion later this year.dont have magic. We just have reality Tories, stating there were 26 millionThe Province also paid to convert and a sense of responsibility. We have student-learning days lost to full-the grass at the Bronte Athletic Field got to ensure our homes have all the time teacher unrest between 1995to turf and paid for the construction electricity they need and we need to and 2003.MICHELLE SIU/ OAKVILLE BEAVER of 10 new Halton schools, which have make sure we have all the electricity If I were to put up a slide for myeither been completed or are under-we need to power our economy.MCGUINTY SPEAKS: Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty delivers his government that number would beway.On the area of taxes, particularly speech at the Oakville Chamber of Commerce luncheon Friday afternoon.zero, he said. Its just really hard toIn the area of electricity, McGuinty the HST, McGuinty was philosophi-teach the kids when theyre not instart in education they are more McGuinty said his plannedtalked about taking the fragile elec-cal.school so you do have to introducelikely to finish high school, theyre improvements for healthcare includetricity system he inherited and updat-Plato once said, A life without peace, stability and respect.more likely to go on to college, uni-the building of 18 new hospitals, theing it.criticism is not worth living, he To get the number of educatedversity or an apprenticeship, said hiring of 10,000 more nurses and theThe accomplishments he listed said. So Ive been living to the max, people Ontario needs to be competi-McGuinty.hiring of 2,900 more doctors.included the creation of 8,000 mega-I can tell you.tive on a global scale, McGuinty saidThey are more likely to get a The results of these reforms so far,watts of new generation, the upgrad-McGuinty said implementing the the number of post-secondary gradu-good job and enjoy a good standard of he said, citing the Ontario Medicaling of 5,000 km of transmission, the HST was a difficult step to take, but a ates in Ontario needs to rise from 63living and all of that starts at the Association, are that 1.2 million moreconstruction of 700 wind turbines necessary one.per cent of the population to 70 perbeginning. Thats why it is so impor-Ontarians now have a family doctor.and the initiation of thousands of He said it was adopted now cent.tant to be the first in North America Wait times, he said, have alsosolar projects.because Canada has a high dollar and This will be accomplished throughto offer full-day kindergarten to our gone down with cancer surgery waitAs a result Ontario now has a reli-is therefore less competitive, and programs like full-day Kindergarten.children. times cut by 24 days, wait times forable supply of electricity and cleaner because Ontarios largest trading Why is this so important? BecauseOn healthcare, McGuinty said that hip replacement surgery cut by 148air, he said.partner, the U.S., is struggling and studies have told us for a long timeunder previous government hospitals days and wait times for knee replace-Other energy goals include the because the European Union is no now that if you get the early yearswere closed and thousands of nursing ment surgery cut by 236 days.elimination of coal-fired power plants longer the driver of growth in the right, if you give your kids a strongjobs were lost.In the area of infrastructure,and the implementation of a 20-year Ontario economy that it once was.+HUHV ZKDW WKH\ KDYH EHHQ VD\LQJ , FDQW EHOLHYH ZKDW , KDYH EHHQ PLVVLQJ DQG , ZLVK , KDG GRQH LW VRRQHU 9LVLW 7KH 2DNYLOOH +HDULQJ &HQWUH IRU WKH YHU\ EHVW LQ KHDULQJ KHDOWKFDUH :H DUH SURXG WR RIIHU RQO\ WKH KLJKHVW TXDOLW\ SURGXFWV1,&2/( &/$5. % $ 0 &, 6F 5HJ &$6/32DQG VHUYLFHV WR RXU FOLHQWV $ SURYHQ SURIHVVLRQDO ZLWK WKH H[SHUWLVH WR KDQGOH \RXU KHDULQJ KHDOWKFDUH QHHGV %H VXUH WR HQWHU RXU )HEUXDU\ 3UL]H 'UDZ IRU \RXU FKDQFH WR ZLQ D )5(( SDLU RI SUHPLXP :LGH[ KHDULQJ DLGV 7UDIDOJDU 5RDG VDYH XS WR 6XLWH 2DNYLOOH7 ([FOXVLYH DQQLYHUVDU\ RIIHU RQ VHOHFW SDLUV RI KHDULQJ DLGV ZZZ RDNYLOOHKHDULQJ FRP9LVLW ZZZ RDNYLOOHKHDULQJ FRP VDYLQJV WR G RXW KRZ \RX FDQ VDYH HYHQ PRUH 7KH GUDZ ZLOO WDNH SODFH DW WKH HQG RI )HEUXDU\ 5HFHLYH XS WR LQ VDYLQJV LI D VLQJOH DLG LV SXUFKDVHG 2IIHU DSSOLHV RQ VHOHFW KHDULQJ DLGV 2IIHU H[SLUHV )HEUXDU\ 5 Wednesday, February 16, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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