Eight advisory committees on the chopping blockContinued from page 1continuation of eight Town advisory commit-mittees, I dont support reducing all of the net the Town $70,000.Accordingtees to come up with $50,000 in savings.committees that are listed here, he said.Funding to Oakville Galleries for its second- to Adams, Weve gone throughan enormous process to get to where we are. ItThe committees, which would be discontin-I think this basically amounts to us reduc-ary and elementary school programs will beactually startedued as of March 31, include the Environmentaling the amount of public consultation and dis-cut for a savings of $14,100 and the last year. Weve come throughthe internal process and weve come throughStrategic Plan Committee, Oakville Harbourscussion we are having with the community. I Galleries education and public programs willthe public process and weve had more thanCommittee, Parks and Recreation Committee,think there are some committees here that also be restructured to achieve $50,000 in sav-400 people who either submittedTraffic Committee, Transit Committee, Seniorsfulfilled their purpose and can be eliminated, ings. comments,took part in our surveyCommittee, Oakville Youth Committee andbut Im concerned this is a thunderbust The budget committee also opted to elimi-, came to open houses,came as delegations before the committee.Cultural Committee (subject to reconstitutingapproach to dealing with advisory commit-nate the urban art public awareness programWeve hadthe former Museum Board to address granttees.in order to pick up another $7,000. an unprecedented amount of publicinput and thats been enormouslyrequirements).Oakville Mayor Rob Burton who sits on the Knoll also objected to an earlier finish to helpful insettingWard 5 Town and Regional Councillor Jeff Budget Committee said the committees listed Oakville Transit weekday service hours. the direction of the budget.Paring the budget hike from its originalKnoll disputed axing the committees duringfor discontinuation represent half, not all, of This $94,600 cut will see Oakville Transit 7.6,which was then refined to 7.1 per cent basethe budget deliberations.Oakvilles advisory committees.service end at 11:25 p.m. instead of 12:25 a.m.budget increase meant considerable cuts.Although I do support the notion that weHe also said that with the Internet and Knoll called changes to the transit serviceSome ofshould probably reduce the number of com-e-mail available there is little stopping residents premature, arguing not enough time has the bigger ones included the dis-from expressing their opinion to council on passed to effectively tell whether the eveningvarious issues.service is needed.No Need to Wait In the end Knolls request to preserve the Adams said a shuttle bus is in place duringcommittees was voted down.the evening hours so there would be no realFor a Tax Other budget reduction options passed by service reduction.the committee included terminating the con-Knoll disputed that saying the shuttle ser-Rebate!tract of the Towns Integrity Officer and imple-vice would not get people where they actuallyShop ReStore & Pay Less while helping a great cause!No HST at the menting a fee for the service as required needed to go with only GO Station drop off ($27,000 in savings).service provided.FurnitureAppliancesReStoreAdult ice rental rates will also be going up to See Transit page 5 Doors Windows Paint HeatingUpper Middle RoadLumberLightingPartial Delivery: KitchensBathroomCorporate DrSport Chek, Rona, JYSK, Rendez-Vouz De La Electrical PlumbingInsideMaShopping News, Staples Business,Home Depotinwayand more...Opinion............................................6QEWFor home delivery & customer service call (905) 845-9742Artscene.........................................15Mon., Tues. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed., Thu., and Fri. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. 1800 Appleby Line Unit 10/11 Burlington, ON L7L 6A1 905-637-4446 x229(open for calls only after 5 p.m.) Closed Sat. and Sun.Sports.............................................17NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS call (905) 845-9742 or subscribe online @ www.oakvillebeaver.comHours: Mon to Wed & Fri 9am-6pm Thur 9am-8pm Sat 9am-5pmClassified.......................................21MarchMADNESS7 DAYS March 3rd - 9th, 2011$100 OFFANY 3 FOR 1 PURCHASE1 Pair Just Wont DoGet 3 Pairs of Glasses!220 North Service Rd. West @ Dorval Oakville,905-849-1522www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 2, 2011 4Appleby Line