Articles for SaleKITCHEN CABINETS- 50% discount, designers showcase, custom woodworking, all fi nish-CareersCareersCareersCareersTechnical/Skilled Technical/SkilledTechnical/Skilled Domestic HelpFlooring & es, decorative wood TradesTradesTradesAvailableCarpetinghoods, islands, counters included. More savings, A PROFESSIONAL, Inde-HARDWOOD FLOOR In-granite, tiling, wall units, pendent, 20yrs experience, stallation, 20 years experi-bars, vanities. BECOME A LICENSED GAS FITTERCertifi edhardworking, reasonable ence, Satisfaction 905-930-9618.IN ONLY A FEW WEEKSrates, very honest house-Guaranteed. Call Stan Refrigerationcleaner available. Call Anna 416-823-6422.Limited Seating Remains In Our CoursesTechnician905-842-2698.Beginning Next Month.Handy Personfor locally based Learn to install/ service furnaces, fi replacesMATTRESSES 40% Off industrial serviceThe Mattress Discounter, and other natural gas and propane appliances.335 Plains Road East., Co. Maint, A PLUS Renos- Launch a new career with the help ofAldershot, Burlington. Affordable & available, spe-diagnosis ALINA'S CLEANING Niagara and Halton Skilled Trades Academies.Beside the old Chaps Rest. cializing in recs, decks, Services, who has time to & repair of Refrig. Open 11-6 Mon-Sat., Sun. wall units and all odd jobs. clean? Experienced, Euro-12-3. 1-877-685-9393systems. ValidCall 289-242-5719 or pean team will take care of 905-632-BEDS(2337), Locations in Oakville & St. Catharyour home & leave it spark-905-337-7857.inesdriver s license/themattressdiscounter.comling. Fully insured, trained www.aplusrenos.comclean abstract. ladies, all supplies. Halton. Alina 905-689-5696 lv msgHANDYMAN MATTERS $30-$40/hrFirewoodBonded Insured, Base- based on expments, Bathrooms, Reno-AVAILABLE EUROPEAN Reply: hr@vations, Kitchen, Cleaning Lady has many SPECIALS: HARDWOOD, airsolutionshamiltonCarpentry, Remodels, years experience. I guaran-5 cords, $340 delivered, Tile, Painting, all handyman .comtee a neat job everytime. 10c $620, 15c $850. work. 905-332-6446, Required ImmediatelyCall 905-847-0696 or Ben Marissink, Reliable 905-825-5110leave message.Supplier Since 1992, ELITE AUTOMATION, Bur-LICENSED FORD TECH519-425-1036.lington. Mechanical Design-YOUR HANDYMAN Trained and experienced iner. We have a job opening BEST IN Town Polish Carpentry, repairs, installa-with the following experi-Electrical Driveability and A/C.Cleaning Ladies that give tions, wall tile, expert Dogsence requirements: Mech your house an extra ordi-workmanship, Reasonable Please email resume to:Design, AutoCAD. Contact: nary cleaning service with Rates. Free Estimates. jtrebble@terracefordlincoln.comdrgowland@great detail and best rea-Call John anytime GERMAN SHEPHERD eliteautomation.comor call 905-632-5671sonable rates. Call Agata 905-335-5341Pups- Champion parents, 416-877-0048.excellent pets or show. Health guarantees.Office/Restaurants/ Waste RemovalLOCAL ELECTRICAL CLEANING LADY www.lynlanekennels.comAdministrationHospitalitycompany looking for a available for Burlington. 519-756-4259.Electrician with Masters Good references. 24 years BOOKKEEPER RE-DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE THE JUNK Truck. Cleans Licence. Please call experience. Call Paula QUIRED, permanent part-Eatery presently interview-up your garage, basement, Pets-Other905-299-0126General HelpGeneral Help905-634-8750. paulinein time for small Burlington ing Kitchen/ Serving/ Coun-yard. Whatever you don't ontario@hotmail.comlaw firm. Only applicants ter Staff. No evening or want anymore. Pricing in-Your JOB is out there.with experience in all as-Sunday shifts. Full and part cludes all labour and dispo-ADORABLE KITTENS & pects of bookkeeping in time positions available. EUROPEAN LADY excel-sal costs. Call Denise Cats For Adoption! Darling a law firm, and 905-845-2202 lent quality cleaning service 905-702-3795.Let us help you FIND itWAREHOUSE ASSOCIATE.Cats and Kittens available PCLaw will be considered. available for apartments, Forever Home Cat Rescue Prism Care Corporation requires F/T person for Must have transportation. Resumes can also be houses and offices. Good 289-837-0794 - see pic-Home Renovationspacking, shipping, receiving etc. at our Oakville YMCA EmploPlease email resume to: dropped off at Bite Me ymenrates. Please call Maria t Services can SELLtures online, 107 Dunn Street, man905-849-9549.ufacturing facility. Reach truck certifi cation help with your job search, career Oakville.289-837-0794a plus. Competitive salary, profi t sharing plan 905.632.4440EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN Sales Opportunitiesand benefi t package.assessments, job placement or THE JUDGE & Jury Pub Mike's Drywall house cleaner seeking CarsHiring: Dish/ kitchen help. Fax or email resume: 905-337-0328General Helpwork in Mississauga, & Renovationstraining options.Resume: see Kevin 1222 www.prismcare.caOakville, Milton. Organic Walkers Line.Licensed & Insuredproducts used. Maggie 1990 HONDA Civic SI SALESPERSONCertifi ed TradesmanCALL OR VISIT US TODAY!416-803-5807.Well maintained in great Teaching Complete Interiors, BURLINGTON YMCA AIRPORTcondition with 345,000 OpportunitiesFOR QUALITYFrame, Board, Tape, cleaning in km. Ideal for a student or FORD LINCOLN500 Drury Lane, Lower Level | 905.681.1140Oakville/ Burlington call Plaster, Insulation, commuter. White exterior, has an immediateJOB FAIRCHILDCARE CENTRE, 647-393-9133. 25 years Grey/ Black interior. WATERDOWN EMPLOYMENT SERVICESPaint, Trim, Doorsopening for an exp'd.Burlington, requires quali-experience. Excellent refer-Hatchback, automatic with 30 Years Experience35 Main St. N., Unit 31 | 905.690.9927fi ed R.E.C.E. 2:30-5:30 for ence OMVICsun/moon roof. mainte-preschool. Call Free Estimatenance record available, certifi ed a must.905-332-3971 sold as is by original owner HOUSE CLEANING ser-905-515-5505Please E-mail yourfax 905-332-9844$1600 O.B.O. vice available, fast de-resume to:905-467-1966pendable & experienced. We are holding a job fair for our NEW STORE HARDWOOD FLOORING OAKVILLE- ECE required. theo.manousos@Excellent references. Call Liquidators Ltd. Full-Time position. Pre-1992 HONDA Accord EX- in OakvilleJanina 905-756-4126.1-800-263-6363airportfordlincoln.caschool Room and school Career General HelpOnly 136,000km, excellent www.hfsdeals.comaged children. Unique, high condition, silver, no rust, DevelopmentrdSPOTLESS CLEANING. quality Reggio Environ-1 owner, $2200. Call Thursday, March 3KITCHEN, BATHROOM I don't cut corners, I ment. Fax resume to: 905-465-1975.HYPNOSIS TRAININGRenovations, Home EUROPEAN CLEANING clean them. Residential & 905-827-7845 or email: StarRepairs, tiling, finished t an exciting, lucra-lady is looking for Helper 9 a.m. to 6p.m.Commercial. Call Karlene 1995 Accord Se-carpentry. Experienced, tive & fulfi lling career as (prefer Female). Full/ Part-289-208-2251.dan. Well maintained/ re-a cerreferences. Tom tified clinical hyp-Time, no evenings and OAKVILLE- NURSERY liable in good condition notherapist. 9 day weekends. Must be ma-Holiday Inn & Suites647-225-4135School E.C.E. Assistant, with 210,000 km. V6, TWO EUROPEAN Ladies course runs 3 ture, hard working, honest, WORKpart-time (2:30 - 6pm) for Black exterior, Black interi-can clean your home or (Fri, Sat, Sun) through no English required. 2525 Wyercroft Road, Oakville Reggio based School or. A/C, sun/moon roof. offi ce. 905-633-8719.April & May. Small $11/hour to start. Weekly Health Care/Maintenance rstarting mid March. Tree/ Stumpecord classes. Gracehypnosiscash payment.(Bronte & QEW) MedicalSend resume to: available, sold as is $3300 ServiceTraining School, Oak-905-320-3582, O.B.O. 905-467-1966Drapes &ville. Details:905-637-8482.We have the following full and part-time opportunitiesCLINICAL RESEARCH Co-or fax: 905-827-7845UphAESTHETIC TREE Experts ordinator required Full-1999 CAMRY 4. cyl auto-Tree/ Shrub Pruning. 905-827-4973Time. Qualifications: Mini-matic, new windshield and Hazardous tree removal. HARP SECURITY~ Now DomestCUSTOM DRAPERIES, ic Help mum of 1 year CTC experi-brakes, 326,000km, deal- Beauty Experts Stump grinding. Friendly hiring FT and P/T posi-valance's, sheers, bed TRAIN FORAvailable a Career You'll ence in Phase 2-4 Clinical er maintained. $2,575. Call pricing. Free estimates. tions. Must be available and table coverings, Love Primary Care Para-Trials. Completion of a after 5pm for Gord 289-244-1617.Evenings and weekends. Cosmetic Merchandisers 19 years experience. medic Medical Office As-University Degree in Life EUROPEAN CLEANING 905-483-0026www.AestheticTreeExperts.comSecurity licence and valid Sherry 905-630-2267. sistant Accounting and Science or Health Care. Lady available, Oakville & drivers licence required smorganinteriorsPayroll Administration Busi- Grocery Clerks Post Office ClerksExceptional organizational, Burlington. 905-335-2338.Vehicles Wanted/Email to: @cogeco.caness Management Police communication, leadership Wreckingcaryl@harpsecurity.comFoundations What are you and customer service Cash Supervisors CashiersHealth Care/waiting for? skills. Please email: MGeneral Contracting,edical***ALWAYS CASH*** 1-855-240-2156. Trillium clinicaltrials@icls.caMONASTERY BAKERY Excavating$200. (Average) Paid College Merchandisers Receiversnow hiring for the following for usable and scrap ve-Full-time positions. Experi-hicles. Free pickup. GENERAL CONTRACTING- A busy Oral Surgery Office in Assistant Front Store Managersenced Bread Baker, Butch-Also Free dead batteryDental Fences, decks, home reno-Mississauga requires the following posi-er and general helper Fax pick-up. 905-320-3287vations. 905-844-6118, resume 905-847-1567 or pedder@ Overnight Merchandisers905-510-4045.tions to be filled:email to: rogers.blackberry.netAMAZING CAREER Junior Office Clerk:Flexible hours.16 tonyp@monasterybakery. Opportunity for experi-*CASH PAID-comAs a member of our team, you will enjoy... Moving & Storageto 32 hours per week.Must be computerenced Dental Receptionist $250.00++ for any staff discounts a variety of shifts in an established Halton literate.Suitable for a mature individualComplete vehicles driv-practice. If you are pas- competitive wages opportunities for growthen in/ $200++ for vehi-REPTILEPARTY.COM wishing to return to the work force.sionate about dentistry andWHEN DECIDING on a cles picked up. Good HIRING Presenters, Camp a great working environmentmoving company, you may have a positive attitude, Receptionist with dental experience:used cars & trucks Staff and Administrative decide to see if the compa-with excellent computer/ comprehensive benefits for full-time staffwanted $0-$20,000. Assistant. Please visit HARP certification required.No eveningsny is bonded, insured and communication skills, Oakville's Only Licensed certified. The Better Busi-please e-mail resume to: or weekends.This is a full-time tempo-Auto Recycler 702 for more info!ness Bureau and/or the Ca-1stdentalteam@gmail.comPlease bring a current resume including references. If youBronte Rd, Oakville (just rary position while the current receptionistnadian Association of South of QEW). MOT le-are unable to attend, please apply to:is away for maternity leave.Movers may also provide gal transfers.DENTAL ASSISTANT. SEAMSTRESS/ ALTERA-more information on a fsdm744@shoppersdrugmart.ca905-827-8015.Level II (preferred) required Registered or Newly Graduated Nurse:TION Specialist wanted Orthodontist in Burling-part time flexible hours, required full time, approximately 36 hours CASH PAID for Scrap ton. Fax: 905-632-5188, 6days/week dry cleaning Cars and Trucks. Same per week, for oral surgery offices in Mis-email: aliholca@yahoo.caplant in Oakville, experi-Painting & Day Pick Up. ence is a must. $13-15 sissauga, Oakville and Milton.Travel be-Decorating905-693-5355p/h. Email or call General Helptween offices after training in Mississauga905-330-0403RIVER OAKS Painting 30 office is mandatory.Position would in-!years experience of home detna wclude working in OR and Recovery Room.painting in Oakville. Great pleHOMEWORKERS SHIRT/ SILKS/ Dress/ Hrates. For references and a NEEDED!! Full & Part-time Pants pressers wanted for Training provided.Salary commensurate STo book your free estimate please call positions available- Will a dry cleaning plant in Oak-with qualifications.Mark Durie 905-257-3102.Train. Online Data Entry, ville. 5 positions. Experi-Help wanted!Typing Work, Email Read-ence is a must. $13-$25 Please fax resume to 905-828-2358 or career opportunity calling, Homemailers, Assem-p/h,immedeate stating po-Pbling Products. Hurry, email to neatdryclean-Spots Go Fast!!sition you are applying or call 905.632.4440www.TopOntarioJobs.com905-330-040345 Friday, February 25, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER