Koetta Black wins Best of the West contest, selected by readersBest of the West battle of the bands champi-on.%The five-member band, including Rob Brown, Joe Strange Favalaro, Will Anderson 100 and Pat Guschewski, received 65 per cent of Post and Milton Canadian Champion com-the online votes in the final round of voting.munity newspapers. It encouraged bands inThe band went head to head with regional those communities to submit a one- to three-*finalists from Oakville and Flamborough to minute video, which they posted on YouINVISIBLEplay at Burlingtons Sound of Music Festival Tube.later this summer (June 16-19) the Best of Three Oakville bands registered to takethe Wests top prize.part in the sound off, including Stephen G,HEARING Koetta Black was followed in votes by Nitrik and regional finalist Bounty.Flamboroughs regional winner, City of Snow, The regional finalists in the three commu-which garnered 22 per cent of the vote and nities (no Milton bands entered the battle)AIDOakvilles Bounty with 13 per cent of the total competed for the Best of the West title.vote.Readers supported the contest by castingThe battle of the bands-style online vot-their vote for their favourite performer on theing competition was put on by The Oakville websites of each of the community newspa-Beaver, Flamborough Review, Burlington pers.Colborne rec centre looking for memoriesThe only 100% custom, invisible*,digital and fully programmable hearing aid:In celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Colborne20thAnniversary@oakville.ca.Sir John Colborne Recreation Centre for Deadline for submissions is March 31.Seniors, the Town of Oakville is asking resi-Since June 1991, when the centre opened, Featuring Voice iQ, Starkeysdents to share their personal stories, memo-it has provided a wide variety of affordable latest noise reduction and speechries and pictures from the centre for inclu-programs for Oakville seniors. It has grownsion in a commemorative book.from 500 members in 1991 to 1,650 today. preservation system designedResidents are asked to drop off submis-The centre is located at 1565 Old Lakeshoresions at the centre or to email Rd. to fi lter out background noise Deep canal aid with Comfort Fit Designed to be removed daily to promote better ear health Virtually no whistling or buzzing Custom designed for your ear Designed to work on the phoneBOOK AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!Pascale-Annie RoyAnnick MrdM.Sc.S., Reg CASLPOM.Sc.S., Au.D, Reg CASLPOAudiologistDoctor of AudiologyFreeParkingWheelchairAccessible289.837.1137 2387 Trafalgar Road, Oakville ON L6H 6K7www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 16, 2011 18