Bigger and better Home ShowThe Oakville LifestyMore than 8,300 peopWalter Used To Eatle Homelots to offer.le Show is returning with what itThere will be the latest back-attended last year.calls its largest show in 22 years.yard landscaping and stonework"We are inviting everyone in Frozen Dinners AloneThe annual show will takeideas, as well as gardening displaysOakville to be Oakville Proud this place at the Glen Abbey Recreationthat took crew workers severalyear and come enjoy the three-day Centre this weekend (April 1-3),days to set up.event," said Jenkins. "This is a true spanning over two arena floorsReliance Home Comfort, a'community' home show where and the auditorium.major sponsor, will be showcasingyou can talk with local companies "Our surveys have shownand offering deals on new high-and save money on some excel-Oakville consumers enjoy shop-efficiency air conditioners and fur-lent one-time show specials."ping at the home show because itnaces.The three-day event will also is convenient, saves them time,The backyard oasis, by Cypressinclude various prizes and live saves them money and they canLandscaping, will provide Hours are: Friday 1 p.m. to deal with local businesses," saidPeople will be able to walk around9 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. show manager Dave Jenkins, of an exhibit that could be theirs.and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jenkins Show Productions, in aNew this year, will be a sale of Admission is $3 and children 12 press release. "We have over 132exotic area rugs from Rug Persia,and under get in free as do seniors excellent companies exhibiting atall one-of-a-kind and handwoven.on the Friday date. Discount the show this year - the most weCogeco will also have freeadmission coupons are available have ever had.draws for free high speed internetat The The show promises to havepackages.centre is at 1415 Third Line.Becky needs votes for Roadtrip with ReasonA 23-year-old Oakville womanwith Reason, whereby she willprofiles of such organizations needs votes so she can help not-travel to every province and terri-through weekly web-video fea-for-profit organizations acrosstory in Canada to volunteer withtures. The White Oaks High the country.non-profit organizations.School graduate has a degree in Now he enjoys a variedRebecca Conlon has enteredThe trip would start this sum-Fine Arts, Performance the Pepsi Refresh Project onlinemer.Production from Ryerson menu and great competition in the $5,000She hopes to help the organi-University.category. The top four ideaszations out, while at the sameVoting deadline is April 30. To ealtimewasmostlyachoreforreceive the grant.time learn about what they do,vote, visit www.refresheverything.MWalter.Living alone,he would simplyConlon envisions Roadtripwhy they do it and to raise theca/roadtripwithreason.choose what was easiest to prepare andRenovate Decorate Celebrateeat it in front ofthe TV.Nutrition wasrarely a consideration.At Chartwell,the chefchanges the menudaily,so Walter not only gets to choosefrom a variety ofbalanced meals,but heenjoys them with a side-dish oflaughterand conversation.5JQPC (KV\IGTCNFTime is Precious, Mistakes are Costly and Decorating is complicated.Inquire About Our 2 Months FREE IncentiveGift es atfic iertCInquire about your eAvailablTo fi nd out more call ChartwellPersonal Design ConsultationClassic Oakville at 905-257-0095At Fitz by Design we are committed to creating breathtaking, or visit www.chartwellreit.cafunctional spaces that are unique as the individuals living in them. ? ? ^ ? ? the retirement UJQPC"HKV\D[FGUKIP EC ^ YYY HKV\D[FGUKIP EC option of choice13 Friday, April 1, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER