Update Phone: 905-337-5560 Fax: 905-337-5571 e-mail: ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.comForward announcements of come, 7 p.m., Oakville Town Hall, 1225327 Reynolds St., free parking. Reserveparticipating sites. are going to the Canadian Foundationnon-profit local events for Trafalgar Rd.at 905-878-2383, Ext. 4379 or health-Awareness and ActivismFighting Blindness (CDFB) . ContactCommunity Update to The Prostate Cancer Support Group, promotion@haltonhealthcare.on.ca.Association (AAA) of White Oaksbeckt@hdsb.ca for information orOakville Beaver, 467 Speers Canadian Cancer Society, 7 p.m., 760Public meetings to review Special hosts Dinner in the Dark, cateredticket inquiries. Tickets $15, WOSSRd., Oakville, ON L6K 3S4; Pacific Rd., Unit #7, (off Bronte Road,Education Plan, input welcome frommeal, live local musicians and dancersSouth Campus, School Administratione-mail ablackburn@oakville-south of the QEW). Patients, contactstudents, parents and communityall in complete darkness. The proceedsCentre, 1330 Montclair Dr.beaver.com or call 905-337-905-845-5231.members, Halton District School Board5560. Free.HDepend on the largestealth Benefits of a Nordic Pole Special Education Advisory Committeewww..comDealer in the Golden HorseshoeTHURSDAY MARCH 31Walking Program, free public educa-(SEAC), 7 p.m., Abbey Park HighJoshua Creek Residents tion seminar by Halton HealthcareSchool, 1455 Glen Abbey Gate, contactTO RECEIVE UP TO Association (JCRA) board meeting, Services, Klaus Schwanbeck, founderPam Cooley at 905-631-6120, ext 323. NOW OR NEVER $1690 IN GOVERN-MENT REBATE OFFER 7:30 p.m., open to all Joshua Creek and president of Nordixx Pole WalkingThe Elephant Roomto be simul-ENDS MARCH 31LAST CHANCEresidents, Macy's Diner, 2257 Royal Canada bestseller book author and for-cast for church leaders in Oakville,Windsor Dr.mer Olympic coach with the Germanevent will be broadcast live fromONLY$*ArtWorks Oakville annual general National Track & Field Team. DisplaysChicago, Harvest Bible Chapel, 1215Gas FurnaceLASTmeeting, speaker Janice Mason open at 6:30 p.m., seminar at 7 p.m.,Lakeshore Rd. W., 10 a.m.-5 p.m., inter-399096% EFF.DAY!Steeves, members and guests wel-Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital,active event with live, text Q&A from allINSTALLEDPACKAGE INCLUDES: 96% High Effi 10 Years Factory Warranty ciency Two Stage Variable Speed Gas Furnace*A fter Government, Aire One and Manufacturer 15.75 SEER High Effi ciency Rebates. Must have existing Furnace and A/CREEEarly Detection Saves Lives S5.7*C all now for details. Offer cannot be combined. OAC. 5 Central Air R410A Refrigerant1ReduceAccessories excluded. Call us to see if you qualify.A Picture Is Worth A Thousand WordsReuseAire One will Guarantee the Rebate FurnaceSTRecyclediagnostic service Until March 31, 2011BREAST THERMOGRAPHY CLINIC DAY Only$49thOVER 60,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERSWednesday, April 13, 2011 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.By appointment only.9 Locations To Serve You Better! 905.455.0488A+ RatingChiropractic W905-849-4998ellness Group - 80 Lakeshore Rd. W., OakvilleRestoring Inner Balance...For further information contact kelly@avitaintegrativehealth.cawww.aireone.com 1-888-827-2665*Call Dealer for DetailsClassic CarePharmacyFundraising EventSavour the fl avours at the winery and microbrewery stations provided by Angels Gate, Josephs Estate, Diamond Estates Wines, Kittling Ridge Estate, Coyotes Run,Puddicombe Estate, Wellington microbrewery, The Brick Brewing Co., and Nickel Brook Brewing Company. A tasting of gourmet international foods provided by Scarpaccio Ristorante.Live entertainment of Big Sweet Lou.Fabulous silent auction items include:Jewellery, trips, spa package, artwork, golf, raffl es and so much more!Saturday, April 9, 2011 7 p.m. - 11 p.m.atCountry Heritage Park, Gambrel Barn, Milton, 8560 Tremaine Rd.TO ORDER YOUR TICKETSper person$call 416-449-9651 ext. 111 limited tickets availableorEmail: SavourtheFlavour@bobrumball.org 85Proceeds will assist in the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van for the Disabled Deaf residents at the Bob Rumball Association for the Deaf.13 Thursday, March 31, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com