Connie Laurin-Bowie Some of the key strategies required toContinued from page 13 reduce poverty in the long run are invest- A Liberal government would work withments in post-secondary education, invest-TURN YOUR VISION the provinces and municipalities to create aments in early learning and investments innew affordable housing framework. Thissecure pensions to help seniors avoid fallingINTO REALITYwould include an investment of $550-mil-into poverty in their retirement. Each of lion over the next two years to create afford-these strategies are central to the Liberalable housing and address the issue of home-Party platform. I strongly believe that theCALL TODAYlessness. In addition, instead of spending $6federal government must play the strongestbillion on corporate tax cuts to the largest For Your FREErole in coordinating a strategy to combatcorporations in the country, a Liberal gov-poverty, a leadership role that the Conservative Design ernment would invest in health care, child-government has been lacking over the pastcare and job creation to enable Halton resi-LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR Consultationfive years. M Est. 1993 ember ofLandscape Ontariodents to make ends meet. Lisa Raitt31 DUNDAS ST. E. (HWY 5), WATERDOWN, ON L9H 7H8Continued from page 13over five years, to combat homelessness.Showroom905.689.1880before having to pay any federal income tax.And among best antidotes to poverty In Halton, we have also taken specificrobust education and training programs. Oursteps to help those with low incomes, invest-government has invested heavily in educa-ing more than $10 million to increase afford-tion and jobs training, including more thanable housing for seniors and families. In$31 million for Sheridan College and studentaddition, we have established the nationaljobs programs, and our platform includesHomeless Partnership Strategy to work withvital bridge financing to help new Canadianscities, regions and provinces, to implementpay for training, and gain recognition of for-community-based solutions. Through theeign professional credentials.HPS, Halton Region will receive $1.7 millionThe Milton FarmJudi RemigioContinued from page 13one to have access to food and shelter through theCRAFT SHOWCharter of Rights and Freedoms and the developmentAPRIL 30TH & MAY 1STand implementation of a National Affordable Housing+Over 120 juried crafts people inPlan. the Great Gambrel Barn, The The Green Party advocates for a made in CanadaAberfoyle Town Hall and Individualgreen economy that uses green technologies.Exhibitor TentsSaturday &Countries where Greens have served in government+Handmade QualitySundayare the countries creating new high-paying jobs while+Great Food9 a.m. - 4 p.m.simultaneously meeting targets to reduce greenhouse+Great Gift IdeasAdults $5.00gas emissions. They are also countries where the gapfor MomChildren Under 12 between the rich and poor is not wide.+ Live EntertainmentFREEParking FREEAT:Food drive on to May 1COUNTRY Fareshare food banks annual two-week Easter foodHERITAGE PARKdrive continues through Sunday, May 1.8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, ONDonations can be dropped off in Fareshare bins at allCall 1-888-307-3276LINEN WAREHOUSE SALE!905-878-8151local grocery stores, at all Oakville fire stations or from 1047). Take Hwy. 25 North to Milton & follow the signsa.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Saturday, at Fareshare at 1240tc $0/5 2APRIL SPEC$7dIALS!te5.c6 leely %!Sn4,34ts o e/.Speers Rd. Unit 6. 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