THREE CHEERS:Oakville YMCA swim instructor Michelle Ng (centre) celebrates the announce-ment of the Peter Gilgan Leadership Award with (left) Darryl McKenzie, president and CEO of the Oakville YMCA, and Peter Gilgan, founder and CEO of Mattamy Homes.Swim instructor inspired new YMCA awardemployees to assist them with their post-secondary educa-Inspired by a young swim instruc-tion costs. tor at the YMCA, Peter Gilgan, founder We are extremely grateful to Peter for creating this and CEO of Mattamy Homes, bursary program and providing an incredible opportunity for announced a new staff bursary pro-our young staff, said Darryl McKenzie, president and CEO of gram at the YMCAs recent staff and the YMCA of Oakville. His outstanding contributions as volunteer recognition event.volunteer, community leader and philanthropist have played As someone who believes in chal-an integral role in helping the YMCA of Oakville build strong lenging himself to explore new oppor-kids, strong families and strong communities. tunities, Gilgan came to the YMCA to Many young people find valuable volunteer experiences take swim lessons. It was there that he and their first employment at the YMCA. As an employer, the met 22-year-old Michelle Ng, his swim YMCA of Oakville is committed to training and developing instructor and a highly-dedicated young people to become the next generation of community community volunteer and student. leaders. I was so impressed with Michelles encouragement and passion for suc-Carpet Cleaning SpecialistsSince 1952cess that I wanted to honour that TK2941spirit and help support promising young leaders like her in our commu-nity, said Peter Gilgan. Spot! Funded through the Peter Gilgan Charitable Foundation, the award will RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL be presented to YMCA of Oakville WALL TO WALL FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERYyouth employees who have made notable contributions to the YMCA AREA RUGS PERSIAN & ORIENTALand the Oakville community. The Peter Gilgan Leadership Award con-Truck Mount In-Plant Servicesists of four awards of up to $2,500 Water Damage Restorationthat will be given annually to selected See the transformation of what HOST FAMILIES NEEDED!we can do in relation to others!YLTNEGRneeded!URed Leaf Student Program needs families in Oakville to host a Student from Spain or France in July and August. Students attend classes and activities Monday to Friday.Remuneration 00of $700/4 weeks paid to host families.25%Drop-offDiscount!FREE 250 mL SPOTTING 1446 WALLACE RD.QEWOAKVILLE, ONSpeersWallaceFor more information 905-825-4256call Veronica at 905-637-0879Bronte17 Friday, April 29, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER