Education is a sound investment in your futurene of the best investments intelligence and makes us betterbered the past and looked into thethose who are educated are moreyou can make is in an contributors to society.future.capable of taking care of them-DollarsOeducation. For our youth, In that regard, good studentsGraduates spoke of Sheridanselves education is their best asset.are like athletes. They have someas a solid foundation and startingThe more education you have,&Investing time, effort and natural abilities, but the best inpoint for their careers.the more skills you have.Sensemoney at the start of your career the world continue to train. AndEvery graduate then acknowl-That translates into highercan pay huge dividends in the they have a coach who offers theedged the mentoring, caringearning power and the ability toBy Peter Watsonform of challenging and lucrative best training so they can contin-guidance and support of Professorbe financially self-sufficient.opportunities.ue to excel. Dave Tinker who began teachingIf you want to build financialIts good for our youth and on That is what we all shouldat Sheridan in 1968 during thesecurity for yourself then a goodThey have close to 50,000 stu-a continuing education basis, its strive to do. Always try to betterschools second year of existence. idea is to constantly improve yourdents. One-third is full-time and good for everyone.our abilities with education asThe practical business educa-skills. two-thirds are part-time. The Plain and simple, the reason the key ingredient.tion delivered by all of the caringWill you be able to affordschool offers a long list of pro-humans are at the head of the It begins in our youth andprofessors had clearly left theirretirement? Maybe it is time tograms with hundreds of good and food chain is because we are hopefully continues with a com-mark on the graduates.invest in your occupational abili-very practical to lifelong learning.As for the future, Dr. Holmes isties.Along with the Oakville and We are not the strongest or Oakville is fortunate to havehoping to add degree programs inConsider Sheridan as aBrampton locations, Sheridan is fastest species on the planet but the Sheridan College Institute of business. resource that is available to helpin the process of expanding its we have the ability to think.Technology and AdvancedHe says there is a strongyou attain a better quality of training centres to a An education builds on our Learning.demand for business training andWhat skill should you upgrade?third location next to Square One many university programs requireVisit their website at www.sherid-in Mississauga.marks in the high 80s in order Regardless of your career, busi-be accepted.Maybe its time to diversifyness skills are valuable whether There are many students whoyour portfolio with an investmentDENTURESyou are an employee or business twill benefit from Sheridans addi-in yourself. Make time to upgrade aowner. It can also be very useful grtintaStional programs.your skills. for managing your family financ-Currently, there is a new Submitted by Peter Watson,es.$$Mississauga Sheridan businessMBA, CFP, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI. InThe Dean of Business hosted a campus under construction.1991, Peter founded Peter Watsondinner recently for those Sheridan 379579ea.Interest for enrolment in coursesInvestments in Oakville. Peterbusiness graduates who are mem-beginning this September seemscan be reached at 905-842-2100bers of the School of Business 905-815-8208very strong. or visit the website at www.peter-Hall of Fame. LIMITED TIME OFFERFrom a financial perspective, was an evening that remem-SATURDAY, THMAY 28$$Donate 1 and Canadian Tire makes it 3 1 in 3 Canadian families cant afford to enrol their kids in sport and recreationYou can help. Visit your local Canadian Tire store on Jumpstart Day and we will*donate $2 to Canadian Tire Jumpstart for every $1 donation you make using any acceptable form of payment. 100% of your donation stays in your community.Thanks to the generosity of this community, 210 kids were helped in 2010 and 743 kids have been helped since inception in 2005. For more information on the Jumpstart program, visit*$2 (up to a maximum of $2 million) will be donated on your behalf for every $1 donated at a Canadian Tire store. This donation is funded by Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, Canadian Tire Associate Dealers, and select Canadian Tire vendor partners. Trademark of Canadian Tire Corporation, OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, May 26, 2011 12