OkillLiving LIVING EDITOR: ANGELA BLACKBURN Phone: 905-337-5560 Fax: 905-337-5571 e-mail: ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.comRelay for Life will not quit in search for a cureBy Angela Blackburnmunity and far beyond.OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFIt is not a race. It is a demonstrationthat cancer can be beaten.heres still time to participate in theThose participating collect pledges to10th annual Relay for Life event inassist with the provision of services toTOakville overnight tonight (Junelocal cancer patients and research into3-4).fighting cancer.The fundraiser that is not a race againstThe Canadian Cancer Society, Halton,anything but cancer, will, for the 10th yearwhich stages various relay events aroundrunning, take place at Appleby College.Halton, has nearly 100 teams registeredParticipating teams many of themfor the Oakville event.with theme names and costumes willThats fewer than last year so we'reliterally begin setting up camp late thisdoing a big push. People can still registerafternoon on the grounds of the Lakeshoreonline (www.canadiancancersociety.com )Road private schools campus.or they can call our office at 905-845-5231Theyll settle in and wont pack up untilto register, said Sandy McDonald, unittheir members have spent all night run-fundraising co-ordinator.ning or walking the track.Our target for this year is $450,000,A signature fundraiser for the localsaid McDonald, whose daughter Shayna ischapter of the Canadian Cancer Society,a survivor of childhoold cancer and athe event runs throughout the night.long-time Relay for Life participant.It kicks off shortly after dinner with theWhile it is in support of a very seriousrunning/walking of the Survivors Victorycause, the event itself aims to be fun forLap.those who make the effort to take part inThis is where cancer survivors tacklethe event that runs from 7 p.m. on Friday,the first lap of the event.June 3 to 7 a.m. on Saturday, June 4.The sight of the many people who haveThroughout the event, participantsbattled with cancer, and won, is one of theenjoy live musical entertainment, a per-most touching moments of Relay for Life.formance by the Superdogs, carnivalThe most visual event of the nightgames and activities like Bingo and musiccomes when darkness falls and luminariestrivia as well as the Canadian Cancerare lit encircling the track.Societys Fight Back Zone where partici-In honour of loved ones who havepants can learn about up-to-date informa-struggled with cancer, the luminaries glowtion on cancer prevention.throughout the night as walkers/runnersThe event will feature two entertain-OAKVILLE BEAVER FILE PHOTOtake turns rounding the track.ment stages.The rest of the event is a fun, commu-On the main stage, there will be ApplebyLIGHTING THE WAY:The 10th annual Relay for Life Oakville event will take place at Appleby nity effort against an insidious disease thatHour, a performance by the SuperdogsCollege overnight tonight. It will include the traditional luminary ceremony to be held at the school's affects just about every one in the com-John Bell Chapel.See Relay page 17High school relay:STUDENTS FIGHT BACK:Atleft, Stephanie McPherson, GeoffreyMayo and Alexandra Ginty, three cancersurvivors, lead the survivor lap aroundthe stadium during the Relay for Life atOakville Trafalgar High School Friday.At right, Tori Edgar, left, Anna Longriggand Emma Mezgec walk on track aroundathletic field during Holy Trinity's TitansBattle Cancer school version of Relay forLife. The annual relay event has becomea tradition at these two Oakville highschools.DANIEL HO / SPECIAL TO THE BEAVERMICHAEL IVANIN / OAKVILLE BEAVERwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, June 3, 2011 16