Decks & FencesDecks & FencesCareer Career Career Technical/SkilledOffice/DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentTradesAdministrationPART-TIME ACCOUN-ASL DISTRIBUTIONTANT required to work ap-garage salesprox. 2 days per week in Services Ltd. a the Mississauga/ Oakville Earn A Diplomaleading 3PLarea. CMA or CGA and is currently seeking Business Vision experience preferred. Please respond experiencedto PO Box #1234, 5040 candidates for theOAKVILLEOLDE OAKVILLEOAKVILLEOFFICE ADMIN.Mainway, Burlington, Onta-Includes: 36"door, 2 windows and fl ower boxes, following roles; !rio L7L 7G5fl oor, heavy duty hinges and latch,woGARAGE &Multi-FamilyN GARAGE/ lor10 year stain, 25 year shingles.n WarehouseEACCOUNTING / PAYROLLRECEPTIONIST/ ADMIN-Call Adam or Sai 1(800) 521-6132RENO SALE Manager; Garage Sale MOVING ISTRATIVE Assistant F/T. www.grandriversheds.comEst. 1982Duties: phones, fi ling, scan- Customer Sat. June 4Sat. June 4SALEMEDICAL/LEGALASSTning, arranging couriers, .Logistics mail, misc. projects, some General Contracting,Waste Removal7:30am-12pm8am-1pmSaturdayCoordinators; purchasing. Previous offi ce Excavatingexperience, Accpac and POLICE483 FOUNDATIONS Inventory372June 4 bilingual (French) are GENERAL CONTRACTING- THE JUNK Truck. Cleans Control Cycle beneficial. Resumes to: VanguardFences, decks, home reno-up your garage, basement, Gloucester8am - ?ControlChem Canada Ltd. Counter;vations. 905-844-6118, yard. Whatever you don't "Second Career" eligibleBurlington, ON. Email:Crescent Please send resume 905-510-4045.want anymore. Pricing in-Avenue1177 candre@controlchem.comcludes all labour and dispo-No Early Birds! with cover letter toChina, glasses, Success begins todayNo phone calls please.sal costs. Call Dave Furniture, Bedding,Agram christine.banfi eld@books, bric-a-brac, 905-537-0993.Landscaping, Lawn Curtains, Pictures,sympatico.cahousehold, jewellery, 460 Brant St.,Sales OpportunitiesCare, SuppliesDriveToys, Christmas l 905.637.3415 l www.hbicollege.comlinens, toys, exercise BurlingtonHome RenovationsDr & more!BEAUTIFUL GARDENS By machine.Milton AreaOAKVILLEHeart's Content. Beautiful INSIDE SALES & Custom-CareersGeneral HelpGeneral Helper Service Position is need-garden designs, planting, PAINTER & BOSSELLE CONTRACTOAKVILLE-Neighbourhooded for a manufacturing Co. treed privacy planting, OakvillePREP PERSONING. Commercial/ residen-natural stone. Lindsay: in Burlington, ON. The com-GIANT tial building, interior/ GARAGE pany is a leading manufac-416-258-6359,GARAGEINVESTMENT PROFES- Truck & Coachexterior carpentry & paint-turer of Strainer, Valves lindsayr@cogeco.caSIONAL (Experienced Garage Saleing, bathrooms, kitchens, SALEExperand Pipeline Accessories ienceBack-Of SALEfice person) re-basements, window/ door with customers and dis-quired to process mutual Excellent WagesSat June 4threplacement. All mainte-Sat June 4tributors worldwide. Please Sat. June 4thfund trades, open ac-& Benefi tsnance needed. Larry: send resume to: counts, set-up/ monitor The Burlington Post, a division of 7:30am-1:30pmLAWN AND Garden: 905-467-95109am-1pmCareers@8am-1pmPACs, SWPs, etc. Must Metroland Media Group Ltd., Call: 905-876-0669 Weekly grass cutting, weed 905-845-4343islipfl owcontrols.comhave strong computer 74 control, fertilizing, sod, has an immediate opening for a:117, 121, 126or Email:3082skills, be self motivated mulching. Affordable rates. SALES ASSOCIATE Westchester Rd BRICKLAYER~ STONES, and an independent think-tom@m-t-b.com905-399-3002.Ridge DriveZoey's Consignment on Shannon flagstones, interlock, er. Please e-mail resume PART TIME CIRCULATION Antiques, collectible organicare.caFairview (www.zoey' bricks, repairs, sub-con-to: jcossitt@wiseriddell.caAUTO MECHANIC, or Ex-toys brand new and 1166 a new store featuring Cres.SUPPORT PERSONtract etc... Free estimates. perienced Apprentice Emis-never open computer Pre-owned Fine Furnish-Matthew 905-315-8173, Hundreds of DVD's, The qualified candidate will posses excesliloenn Dtiagnostic Repair, PROJECT MANAGER- Home & GardenNewton Aveings & Accessories, re-games, furniture and 416-705-2989. We pay the Busy Auto Shop, Oakville. CD's and VHS, kids The Project Manager at written and verbal communication skills and will quires a reliable self-HST.much moreSean 905-844-4088, Biorem will be responsible toys and more!have working knowledge of Microsoft office. starter with passion for 416-473-1508for the overall project de-OAKVILLEHome Decor. Previous You will be customer focused in ensuring that sign, planning, implementa-sales experience not es-CAD DESIGNER required OAKVILLEour customers' distribution needs are met.tion and execution of OAKVILLEBIG STRT sential. Personality+ a with 5-10 years of design municipal & industrial pro-must! Being computer and drafting experience in STREET jects from project initiation In this role, you will work closely with the carri-SALE savvy an asset. Email: ESTATE the manufacture of industri-to final closure as as-er force by Decks Fencesing all newspapers and distri-al water and wastewater signed. Email: SALESALENE Oak bution products are delivered in a timely equipment and systems. or THE HOUSE and Garden-Must be competent in Auto-manner which could include door to door deliv-Health Care/Call: 519-767-9100Licensed & InsuredSat June 4Keeper! Do you like your Sat, Jun 4Sat June 4CAD and SolidWorks. Send Medicalery. You will be organized and capable of home looking beautiful References Availableresume to: employment@from the inside-out? If so, I 8am-Noonwork8am-12pming within a fast paced, team oriented en-Senior's DiscountSun June 5kontekecology.comDentalF/T PHARMACY Techni-am just the person you are vironment. Call Mike at cian position available in looking for. I am a well Roxborough Edgeware/ 9am-4pmFITTER WELDERS Install-Burlington and P/T leading groomed gardener, impec-905-616-5669If you are interested in working for a leadeersr sinho p & field. Perma-to F/T Pharmacy Techni-cable housekeeper. You'll DENTAL HYGIENISTDrive Den-www.timbersmith Fleetwood nent positions. Wages303 Allen St the media industry this opportunity may be the cian position available in love coming home. Call Jan tal Hygienist required for Abbey)based on capabilities bene- (L6H 3C5)Fine art, antiques, rStoney Creek. Nexxsys 289-337-8513.ight one for you.orthodontic practice in Bur-fit package. Apply in per-Kids stuff, home 15+ houses. computer system. Email tools, appliances,lington and Oakville. Ortho-son 940 Winston Churchill If interested please forward your resume,resumes to furnishingsdontic experience hiukk@hotmail.comfurniture, china,Blvd, Oakville Emailmedshoppe223@LEAKY Special Servicesnecessary. Fax resume to: and antiques no later than June 10th to; fax collectibles & more!! or fax resumes 905-632-9019 or email: 905-842-0011BASEMENT ?kmossman@metroland.comto At-OAKVILLEtention: Offi ce Managerfax: (905) 632-7768AROMATHERAPYBRONCO - ACU OAKVILLEOPPORTUNITY FOR a S/E OAKVILLEMulti-FamilyGreen Health. Covered by Class "A" Technician in an Domestic HelpWe appreciate the interest of all FOUNDATION SIDEWALK insurance. 774 Brant St., expanding,g upscale gar-GARAGEFAMILY FRIENDLY Dental AvailableSTREET applicants however only those selected Burlington. Call age. Must have excellent Office in the Burlington/ REPAIRS LTDSALE905-632-9233for an interview will be contacted. diagnostic skills. Good & MOVINGHamilton area is in need of 123 SHINE Cleaning Ser-ExterGARAGE ior Membraneswages for the right person. a full-time Administrator. No phone calls or agencies please.vices offering you weekly/ Sat. June 4Tile ReplacementCall 905-467-1263.SALECandidate must be team biweekly cleaning service. SALEDoors & WindowsFree written estimatefriendly with general dental HOME TYPISTS Needed!!! SEWER FLUSH Operators, We are here to serve you, 8am-2pmSat. June 4knowledge and strong or--Now Accepting- Start mak-General Labourers & CCTV reliable and dependable.Guarantee,Since 1987 Sat June 4Office/ganizational skills. Please ing money today by simply Inspection Truck Operators Your home is our concern. 45 Administration905-572-08438am - Noonemail resume to: entering data for our com-for Benko Sewer Service, Call 647-982-3215.MARKS GARAGE Doors, No Experience Need-in Stoney Creek. Operator & Openers - Bridgewater Sales, Instal-1154 Carey A/P CLERK in the wire-ed, training provided uponCarol experience an asset. Email A CLEAN Home! Reliable lations, Repairs! Free less industry- Duties in-Mike's Drywall Rd.registration. edtremblay@benkoser-and intuitive, experience estimates! 647-838-2490LEVEL IIRoad Dental Assistant clude A/P, bank or in-person at makes the difference. (off 6th Line)Level II Dental Assistant re-& Renovationsreconciliations. Strong Furniture, toys,Benko Sewer Service, 428 Call me 905-312-1411Somethingquired for orthodontic prac-analytical ability, proficient Licensed & InsuredEverything must go! Millen Rd, Unit 18, Stoney books, tools & Handy Persontice in Burlington and for everyone!in Business Visions, Micro-Certifi ed TradesmanCreek, ON L8E 3N9EUROPEAN LADY excel-+ original art work.Oakville. Orthodontic expe-household items!soft Excel, Outlook, team LANDSCAPE COMPANY lent quality cleaning service Complete Interiors, rience preferred. Fax re-oriented, problem solver, has opening for experi-available for apartments, sume to: 905-632-9019 or Frame, Board, Tape, Oakvilleexcellent organizationalHANDYMAN MATTERS enced Lawn Maintenance houses and offices. Good Retail Opportunitiesemail: info@hurdbrac-OakvilleBonded Insured, Base-BURLOAK & LAKE/communication skills, Person. Min. 3yrs experi-Plaster, Insulation, rates. Please call Maria Attention: Office ments, BathrGARAGEooms, Reno-ability to multi-task. Please ence. Full-time. Please Paint, Trim, Doors905-849-9549.ManagerGARAGEvations, Kitchen,Blow-Out submit resume:email resume: 30 Years Experience SALEFACTORY SHOE Outlet, byCarpentry, Remodels, or EUROPEAN CLEANING SALEBurlington, now hiring FullTile, Painting, all handyman Free EstimateSale!June 12, 2011.fax 905-257-3399.lady, experienced, hard-Sat June 4thGeneral Help& Part-Time Retail long-work. 905-332-6446, 905-515-5505working. Excellent Refer-Sat. June 4term Sales Help. Must be905-825-5110 Sat. June 4,ences available. Oakville 9am-1pmwilling to work Saturdays, CALL CENTREarea. 905-599-7437Sun. June 5MEADOWBROOK LAND-Sundays and Evenings. 9am-1pm, BUILDING MANAGER YOUR HANDYMAN 1097Debt CollectorsSCAPING is currently hir-Good working environment. Couple Required. Experi-HOUSE CLEANING,Carpentry, repairs, installa-7am - 2pm 6 ing full time staff for Drop off resume: 2394 F/T,Perm.No exp.ence in offi7-1464 ce and building Garage Lindsay Drdays per week, bondedtions, wall tile, expert landscaping, lawn mainte-Fairview Street, Burlington.maintenance a must. 2 Req.Must haveworkmanship, Reasonable3547 and insured, 10 yrs. experi-outdoor/indoor furni-nance and snow removal. bedroom apartment plus Cornwall RdRates. Free Estimates. good phone ence. References available. Must have own transporta-ture, kids toys, vari-salary negotiable. Fax your Stedford RdMorCall John anytime e info call Joanna RETAIL POSITIONSales for full tion and clean abstract. manner.BBQ Tools & Acc, resume to: 905-633-9876 ous electronics and 647-899-0981905-335-5341& part-time sales available Huge, family house-Call 905-627-8730; or email:QEW & Erin MillsOutdoor/Indoor more! Neighbours in high end boutique, Bur-905-335-1294hold goods, too slloyd@destaron.comCompetitive WagesHOUSE CLEANING Ser-lington. Computer skills Email: info@may joining sale! Fireplaces, & More,many items to list!hr@contactrevice available, fast, de-Masonry &onand experience are impera-meadowbrooklandscaping.capendable & experienced. EXPERIENCED CLEAN-tive. Fax resume to souConcreterce.comExcellent references. Call: ERS needed immediately 905-632-7027F:905-855-0603OAKVILLEOakvilleOAKVILLEJanina 905-756-4126for Burlington Mall. Must be BRICK, BLOCK & Natural Ref#104MECHANICALLY IN-Pagesbondable. Various shifts. Stonework Chimneys,Tuck GARAGE Garage SaleGARAGECLINED person to work Not suitable for students. Pointing, Brick, Concrete, Salon & Spafull time Mon. - Fri. in truck Call Laura 905-220-0016 WSALEindowsills and Much MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST/ Sat June 4th& MOVINGsalvage yard. Freelton between 8am-4pm.More! For Free Estimate. 38 & 39Assistant wanted Full-time area. 905-659-3323SaturdayCall Peter: 647-333-0384 SALON MANAGER & Sty-for Oakville Family Prac-POLISH CLEANING Ser-9am-12pmSALEwww.stardustconstruc-FARM LABOUR-tice. Experience a must. Mona-lists- Great Clips is opening vice. Cleaning ladies June 4tion.comghan Mushrooms (Milton) isEmail resume to:1166 a salon in Burlington with available for houses, apart-Sun. June 5seeking Harvesters, Pack-PRODUCTION immediate openings for a ments and offices. Excel-8am-1pm Potters agers, Forklift Drivers, La-Milton based manufacturing9am - 2pm Manager and Stylists. We lent rates. Satisfaction Waste Removalbourers, Equipment company requires Produc-offer Great Tips, Guaran-guarantee. Jola 262Wheel Cres1474 Derby Operators to join our team. tion Worker for day shift teed Base, Performance 647-887-2154.CLASSIFIEDE-MAILPart time, full time, various window assembly. A mini-Bonuses, Busy Salons- Sofa bed, TVOakwood , home classified@haltonsearch.comCounty Cres.shifts available. Transporta-mum of 3 years experience positive upbeat environ-SPOTLESS CLEANING. 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. decor, skates, cloth-tion to Hamilton/Cam-in a manufacturing environ-ment. Send resume: I don't cut corners, I Cheap. Fast Service. All WORKAll kinds of good junkCrescentINTERNET:bridge. Send resume to: ment is an asset. Email or clean them. Residential & loading/ cleanup. ing Spanish books & Kids stuff, small Variouswww.burlingtonpost.comlwalsh@monaghan-sume to: Katherine@eltonCall Michelle@ Commercial. Call Karlene Free Estimates. John, much morefurniture & more!household itemswww905.632.4440.oakvillebeaver.commushrooms.camanufacturing.com647-234-7595289-208-2251.905-310-5865 (local) OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, June 3, 2011 38