Spring Home & GardenRelax leave the spring cleaning to Molly Maid! MASONRY & FIREPLACE DESIGN SPECIALISTSDreading the annual spring clean?From bathrooms to the kitchen and one house at a time. Count on MollyWhy not let the experts at Molly Maidevery space in between, theyll leave Maid to accommodate your needs,take care of your spring cleaning needsyour house sparkling clean.whether thats through a weekly, bi-this year? Allow yourself more time forMolly Maid has been helping busy weekly, monthly or occasional clean-the things you really enjoy doing.Canadian families like yours for over 30 ing. Count on the professionally trained,years. The teams take great pride in For more information, call (905)bonded and insured Molly Maid staff toearning a reputation for thorough, con-681-7484, visit www.mollymaid.ca orChimney Capsclean your home from top to bottom.sistent, reliable and affordable cleaning, email anderson@mollymaid.ca.Chimney RepointingMasonary Fireplace RepairA gardener's guide to beneficial insectsDesign & Installation(NC)Did you know that certain insectsother pesky garden insects, such as aphids, ing on nectar or pollen.can actually help your lawn and gardengrubs and mosquitoes. Examples of pred-? Soildwelling insects are vital forFireplace Refacingblossom into an oasis? Though many gar-atory insects include ladybugs, praying many aspects of a healthy soil.deners are used to seeking out troublemantises, lacewings, syrphid fly larvae, If you think you might have to use amaking insects, there are actually manydragonflies and ground beetles.pesticide to deal with an insect pest, checkinsects living in and around your lawn that Parasitic insects are usually tiny with your local authorities before you docan prove beneficial. So this spring andwasps or flies (such as the tachinid fly so. Though Health Canada has registeredsummer take care not to harm them.larvae) that live in or on pest insects.many pesticides for use in Canada, somewww.cobblestonembers.comBeneficial insects fall into one of four Pollinating insects (which include provinces and municipalities have placed 406 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE categories:bees, butterflies and moths) play an essen-additional restrictions on pesticide use onACROSS FROM RONA LANSING 905.337.2066? Predatory insects actually feed ontial role in plant reproduction while feed-public and private property. Thorough, consistent and reliable home cleaning 100% satisfaction guaranteed Regular and occasional service Spring Cleaning Gift Certifi catese-mail: anderson@mollymaid.caEnvision 2011 Colour Event June 14 7 - 9pmHosted by Paintscapes at The Ontario Raquet ClubCall Paintscapes for ticket information: 905-403-1109www.mollymaid.caIncIncContact us today for a free, no-obligation, in-home estimate:1764 Lakeshore Rd. W.511 Maple Grove Dr., Unit 28Clarkson Village, MississaugaMaple Grove Plaza, Oakville905-403-1109905-339-2002(905) 681-7484PAINT WALLCOVERINGS IN-HOME AND IN-STORE COLOUR CONSULTATIONS29 Friday, June 10, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com