Raising cystic fibrosis awarenessWITH MUSIC:A Cystic FibrosisPropertyGuys.com289-878-4400AwarenessConcert in honour of Emma Spectacular Views!SOLDIsherwood washeld at the end of May at the St.Andrew ParishCentre. Here, George Crotty SIGN # 262380SIGN # 262004plays the celloduring the con-$1,449,900COMMISSION SAVED*16 Trillium Terracecert.$29,500Halton Hills*Money that would have been paid to an agent if our519-853-4740Just move in and enjoy!JUST LISTEDGRAHAM PAINE / OAKVILLE BEAVERCeltic fiddlers at St. Cuthberts celebrationSIGN # 202114SIGN # 202128The Oakville Celtic Fiddle Clubduring its Irish-Celtic-Marine include a pirate-themed magic $550,000$664,900will present its music during athemed worship service, which will school with bouncy castles for chil-223 Rebecca St.,1304 Fieldcrest Lanespecial worship and communityalso mark the retirement of Maude dren on the front lawn and a barbe-OakvilleOakvillecelebration at St. CuthbertsShields as the parishs administra-cue lunch to kick off the beginning 905-849-7966905-825-1899Anglican Church.tor.of summer.The event takes place on Sunday,A native of Belfast, North All are welcome. The celebra-June 12. The Sunday is also knownIreland, Shields has been the tion of Holy Communion begins at as Pentecost.administrator for 10 years.10 a.m. The church is located at The club will visit the churchThe days celebration will also 1541 Oakhill Dr.41 Friday, June 10, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com