If youd like to advertise your place of worship in this feature please call5-3824 ext. 299WorshipORYBAPTISTUNITEDANGLICANPRESBYTERIANHopedalePresbyterianSt. Pauls United156 Third Line, Oakville'905 -827-$3851 ) 5454 Rebecca St.beside YMCAchurchoffi ce@hopedalechurch.caThe Reverend Wan Tae Oh. Korean Ministry' $ ww w.hop edalec)hurch.ca 5905-845-34274 ,. English Minister:oReverend Sean J. Fosterffice@stpaulsoak4ville .com,. 5Youth Minister: Sunny ChoiSundays:Worship Service 10:00am1415 Trafalgar RoadWorshipEpiphany........8:30am & 10:30am (across from Sheridan College)Nursery & Church School905-827-2546141 Bronte RoadInviting All To Be Alive In Christat905.842.0938epiphanyoffi ce@cogeco.net Sunday, July 10th10:15 amIncarnation.........8:30am & 10am Community Service followed by 905-825-28511240 Old Abbey Lanea Pork & Chicken RoastAugust 15th-18th:visit our website at www.incarnationchurch.caAll are welcome!!Vacation Bible CampSermon:Great Question: If a manSt. Aidan...................8am & 10am3 # -&(31 # -&(1 Please Call to Registerdies will he live again?Taize Night prayer 7:30 third Friday of the MonthScripture:Job 14:143 #% 0,&/3 #% 0,&/905-845-6111 318Queen Mary DriveWith Sunday SchoolSpeaker:Pastor Harry Toewsor visit our website at Casuals & Nursery 52 0,! www.staidansoakville.orgWorship Time: 10:30 a.m. 52 0,! Up to date information atSt. Cuthbert.............8am & 10am www.faithbaptist-oakville.comSummer Goodnessgood www.stpaulsoakville.com905-844-6200Maple Grove & OakhillBIBLE CHAPEL + "$S und a ys a t 10a m*email us at stcuthbert@bellnet.ca orSandals to Church? Certainly + "$ *visit our website at www.stcuthbertoakville.caafter all, you wont be the first. WALTON TrafalgarWarmly welcoming you BIBLE CHAPELSt. Jude.................Sun. 8am & 10am to worship in the heart of PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHUNITEDWednesday midweek services at 10:30amOld Oakville. trafalgarchurch.ca 905.842.2800Our vision is to be a centre of biblical excellence in 2489 Lakeshorin the Church and 7:00 pm (beginning e Rd. W. 905-827-1643Summerone service at 9:30 a.m. 354 Upper Middle Road E.Oakville, teaching, guiding and supporting each other Corner of Bronte & Lakeshore Rd. W.July 6) in the Garden Chapelto be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ(access from Litchfi eld Road)www.waltonmemorial.com905-844-3972 160 William Street10:00 am: Coffee & Teaemail us at offi ce@stjudeschurch.net or10:30 am: Sunday Servicevisit our website at www.stjudeschurch.netWaCOMMUNITY lton Welcomes YouPraise and WorshipCommunion / MessageCHURCHLakeshore & Dunn 905.844.3472 St. Simon.............8:15am & 10amNursery, children's and youth programsSunday,July 10thKnoxOakville.com Wednesdays at 9:30 am2250 Eighth Line OakvilleALL ARE WELCOME 905 849-056710:00am Service905-845-8351 1450 Litchfi eld RoadwwwAsk about Sunday School programs .oakridgebiblechapel.orgSummer Gatheringvisit our website at www.stsimon.caoffice@oakridgebiblechapel.orgfor children & teens and NurserySt. Luke, Palermo .........10:30amUNITEDWednesdays at 9:30 amVacation Bible School905-825-3364 3114 Dundas St. WestEveryone is Welcomevisit our website at www.stlukepalermo.caMonday, July 18th to Friday, July 22ndGLEN ABBEY www.oakvilleanglicans.ca9:30am until 12 noonUNITEDSK to Grade Four1469 Nottinghill Gate 905-825-5292OAKVILLECall Office to Registerwww.glenabbeyunitedchurch.comPENTECOSTALMinister: Rev. Barry KingCHECK OUT: WWW.WALTONMEMORIAL.COMAPOSTOLICSunday Worship Service CENTER9:30 amSundayBible Teaching & Celebrate WorshipNursery & Sunday School availableService, 12:30-2:30pm(SOUTH RIDGE ROOM)the Miracle of Please join our friends atIROQUOIS RIDGE PALERMOCOMMUNITY CENTREUNITED CHURCHFaithGlenashton & Eighth Line2521 Dundas Street West 905-827-0530ThursdayBiblepalermounited.cachurch without wallsTeachingand visit one of7:00-8:00pmSunday Worship ServiceCall for location 416-892-8123 the these churches10:00 amforestview church.caFax: 1-866-281-5983Nursery & Sunday Schoolthis week.real people. living life. seeking truth.JESUS IS LORDwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, July 8, 2011 30