Summer vacations and allergies(NC)The summer season is almostin a 135-mL format is an effective genic pillowcase. If you reserve yourhere, along with vacations. A in advance, do not hesitate to askOur Sersurvey conducted by the HotelMoreover, it is important for indi-the housekeeping team to take specialvices:?Association of Canada revealed that 83viduals suffering from seasonal allergies care while cleaning your room, because Active Release Therapy Orthotics/Custom Shoes and Bracesper cent of Canadians plan to take ato plan for the weather conditions they of your allergies. Acupuncture Osteopathyvacation in 2011, which represents anwill experience once they arrive at their Chiropody (Foot Care) Physiotherapyincrease of 5 per cent over last year. Fordestination. Keep in mind that the pol- Core Stability and Postural Exercises Prenatal Classthose suffering from seasonal allergies,len season varies according to geo- Family Chiropractic Registered Massage Therapy just one little trip can mean severalgraphic location. For example, in the Motor Vehicle Accidents and WSIB (Hot Stone, Therapeutic, Deep Tissue,unforeseen surprises, sometimes easyAtlantic provinces, it lasts from April to Naturopath Relaxation, Infant, Pre and Post Natal)to avoid, but nevertheless having theSeptember, whereas it is limited to the Nutritionist and Weight Loss Coaching Yogapotential to ruin a visit abroad.months of March to July in Saskatchewan Wellness care for the entire family!To avoid allergy problems, beforeand Alberta. A complete calendar of the Gift Certifi cates Availableleaving, bring enough antihistaminespollen season nationwide can be con-for the duration of your stay. sulted at Wyecroft Rd., Unit 15, Oakville, ON Antihistamines are most effective if Once you arrive at the hotel, even 905.844.WELL (9355)they are taken at least 20 minutesthough it is tempting to open the win- info@acornhealth.cabefore exposure to an allergen. It isdows of your room to air it out and therefore preferable to take them beforeenjoy the warm weather, it is neverthe-To advertise in anyleaving the house or the plane. Nasalless preferable to opt for air condition-Don't let allergies ruin your summer vacation.sprays also offer relief of nasal allergying to prevent pollen from getting Packing an antihistamine will help you avoidof the Oakville Beaver's special featuressymptoms. HydraSense Allergy, a 100%inside. For people who are allergic to any allergy symptoms while you enjoy yourcall 905-845-3824natural-source seawater spray, availabledust, remember to bring a hypoallertime away.-Rite Bite Denture & Implant ClinicOur Services: Precision Complete dentures Professional teeth whitening Immediate dentures Implant retained denture Mouth guard Anti-Snoring devices Reline, rebase and repair (same day service) Soft liner for sensitive gums Solutions for lower ill fi tting denturesYOU ALWAYS WANTEDGet The SmileR. Zaky DD (Denture Specialist)Call today at 905-338-2143 384 Kerr Street OakvilleFREE CONSULTATION - FREE PARKING - ALL INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED - WE DO HOUSE OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, July 14, 2011 28