Summer Sale Nursery Sale - All Nursery Stock 30 - 60% OFF! (905) 639-7740 2243 Fairview Street, Burlington (905) 628-8562 294 York Road, Dundas Selection may vary from store to store. All specials are while quantities last, unless otherwise stated. GARDEN GALLERY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. HOLLAND PARK Prices in effect from July 29 - August 11, 2011 SAVE THE DATE! August 20 & 21 for Holland Parks Garage Sale & Corn Roast Boxwood 1 gallon pot $799$30 eachfor 5 OR Tools, Stoneware, Irrigation, Arbours, Trellises, Pond Supplies, Wall Brackets, Silks and much more. 50%OFF regular prices All Patio Furniture & Outdoor Patio Accessories! (Includes Furniture, Umbrellas & Bases, Outdoor Lighting & Much More) On regular priced items only. 20 - 50% OFF Perennials, Butterfl y Bush, Vines, Hydrangea Standards and Japanese Maples 30% OFFour regular prices Barberry, Grasses, Hosta, Trees, and Endless Summer Hydrangea 40% OFFour regular prices Daylilies, Roses, Magnolias, Spreading and Upright Junipers 50% OFFour regular prices Spirea, Ontario Field Grown Cedars, Yews and Boxwood 60% OFFour regular prices All Outdoor Containers 40%OFF 30%OFF All Pond Plants Regular price Regular price 1 9 Frid ay, Ju ly 29, 2011 O A K V ILLE B E A V E R w w w .in sid eH A LTO N .co m What better way to welcome your new neighbours to the area than to mix and mingle with them at a street party? Liptay Avenue residents are invited to get together on Saturday, Aug. 13 for a box social. A portion of the Bronte Creek neighbourhood will be blocked off, and will feature an educa- tional seminar for the kids put on the Oakville Fire Department (OFD). A potluck dinner and a cake will be there for peoples enjoy- ment as a way to welcome them to the neighbourhood. Plans are to make this a yearly tradition with lots more activities planned once they have more volunteers. R.S.V.P. Angela by July 29 at 416-4563111. The location of the function will be at 3443 Liptay Ave, and will take place from 4-11 p.m. Rain date will be the follow- ing Saturday. The torch is being passed from one generation to the next with the Elder Technology Assistance Group (ETAG) in a free Life Long Learning Workshop. On Aug. 6th, ETAG is holding the interactive seminar at the Oakville Public Library (OPL) on the basics of modern technology. Participants will be guided through digital tech- nologies to improve their everyday life. The work- shops are designed for adults and seniors, and will focus on topics filtered with their needs and inter- ests. Discussions will include topics such as cloud computing, social networking and mobile technolo- gies. It will be accompanied by demonstrations on devices such as iPads, smart phones, eReaders, and Microsoft Kinect. Participants will have the opportunity to use the gadgets with the help of technology coaches. The workshop will also include a question and answer session, providing learners with the oppor- tunity to ask their personal technology-based ques- tions. Elder Technology Assistance Group (ETAG) is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating the digital divide between older adults and young, tech savvy generations. The workshop will take place from 1-4 p.m., and will happen at the central branch of the OPL, which is located at 120 Navy St. Liptay Ave. party Passing the torch to the next generation