w w w .in si d eH A LT O N .c o m O A K V IL LE B E A V E R T h u rs d ay , J u ly 2 8, 2 01 1 4 0 Thank You Thank you so much for your part in our success your patronage, your confi dence, and your referrals. Chartered Accountant 32-1200 Speers Rd Oakville, L6L2X4 Tel 905-845-1408 Fax 905-845-5931 Oakville Beaver Readers for your continuous support and con dence in nominating us again under the categories of Best Accountant, Best Accounting Firm and Best Tax Services Ricky Wong ricky@cmrwong.com www.RickyWong.ca Readers SelectionAWARDS Your favourite businesses, services, entertainers, people and more! Voted by you! VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITES NOW! online at www.oakvillereaderschoice.com 0HHWLQJV 7RXUQDPHQWV :HGGLQJV 72 -2,1 9,6,7 ::: .$1())*2/) &20 -RLQ RXU HPDLO FOXE WRGD\ IRU JROI 6SHFLDOV QRERG\ HOVH JHWV L LO O E W G I OI -RLQ RXU HPDLO O WRGD\ IRU JROI 6SHFLDOV G\ HOVH JHWV