Take A Step in the Right Direction. Visit a Chiropodist FOOT CLINIC Hibbert & Associates NO REFERRALS NECESSARY SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE 331 Sheddon Ave., Oakville 905.815.0971 www.oakvilleclinic.ca amily Footcare and OrthoticsF metabolic care clinics nutrition s exercise s weight loss CALL NOW 905.825.3800 Located at 2501 Third Line (at Dundas) Oakville, ON www.metaboliccentres.com I lost 20% Body Fat and kept it off! Summer SPECIAL KIDS smart weight session* *Offer expires August 31, 2011 ? body composition test ? determine your fat & muscle weight ? receive FREE meal solutions ? $50.00 value - nutrition and exercise solutions for all ages - safe, simple and successful - meal plans are kid approved HEALTHY KIDS After Before 5 3 Th u rsd ay, Ju ly 28, 2011 O A K V ILLE B E A V E R w w w .in sid eH A LTO N .co m Health FROM OAKVILLE LEGION: The Oakville Royal Canadian Legion Branch 114 presented two cheques to the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) this month. The first was $7,500 for a cardiac physiological monitor for the intensive care unit (ICU) and the second was for $20,000 towards equipping a patient room in the new Oakville hospital. Here, from left, are Brian Ray, first vice president and Poppy chair; Irene Shields, past president of the Ladies Auxiliary; Nancy Merrill, patient care manager for ICU at OTMH; and, Legion Branch President Bill Shields. To OTMH ERIC RIEHL / OAKVILLE BEAVER On Aug. 10 the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides will celebrate the hard work and dedication of Dog Guides by hosting a Dog Guide Drop-In Day from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Oakville training school (152 Wilson Street). The event is in recognition of International Assistance Dog Week, which is taking place worldwide from Aug. 7-13. International Assistance Dog Week was created to recognize all the devoted, hardworking assistance dogs helping individuals with disabilities mitigate their daily hurdles. In addition to hon- ouring assistance dogs during this week, one of the goals is to raise awareness about service dogs and how they help thousands of Canadians daily. Dog Guides play an invaluable ser- vice to their handlers, one that makes the difference between being able to live independently and having to rely on those around them. We want to recog- nize the dedication of our Dog Guides and the unparalleled bond that they develop with those they assist, said Sandy Turney, the organization's execu- tive director. Dog Guide Drop-In Day serves to pro- vide members of the community a first hand look into how Dog Guides change the lives of Canadians with disabilities. Staff at the Oakville training centre will provide tours and demonstrations of the numerous and invaluable skills that Dog Guides perform daily. For more information about Dog Guides, visit www.dogguides.com and for information about International Assistance Dog Week, visit www.assis- tancedogweek.org. Drop-in Day at Dog Guides will celebrate service dogs