Oakville Beaver, 11 Aug 2011, p. 30

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w w w .o ak vi lle b ea ve r.c o m O A K V IL LE B E A V E R T h u rs d ay , A u g u st 1 1, 2 01 1 3 0 Employment Halton to all Halton residents. Looking for work? Training? We can help... Drop by or call us Bronte Village Mall, 2441 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 16, Oakville or call us by dialing 311 or 905-825-6000 For more information call Employment Halton at: Halton Region Dial 311 or 905-825-6000 Toll free: 1-866-4HALTON TTY: 905-827-9833 Visit: www.halton.ca/employmenthalton or www.HaltonJobs.ca ATTENTION STUDENTS! PART TIME HELP NEEDED 2 part time positions are available for rotating even ing sh i f t s a t t he Oakv i l l e Beave r Circulation Department. Some responsibilities include but are not limited to; - Assisting with phones, del ivery concerns and customer service - Tracking and stocking of papers - Product verifi cation. Rotating Hours include but are not limited to; Wednesdays 3:30-7pm, Thursdays 3:30-7 pm, Fr idays 3:30-7 pm. All interested applicants, please submit a r e s u m e t o S a r a h M c S w e e n e y a t : smcsweeney@oakvillebeaver.com. We thank all applicants for their interest, however, on ly those cons idered fo r an interview will be contacted. F/T AUTO DETAILER REQUIRED Apply at: Burlington Hyundai 2016 Plains Road East or email: aduch@burlingtonhyundai.ca GREAT JOBS In the Milton area Assembly - 12+/hr Forklift - $14+/hr Rotating Shifts HCR Fax 905-876-4090 Tel 905-876-4661 E-mail: emailmilton@ hcr.ca www.hcr.ca General Help Salon & Spa HAIRSTYLIST REQUIRED Excellent Opportunity! C a l l W i g s v i l l e f o r i n t e r v i e w 905-634-9022. Roof Pro+ Come Grow With Us!, 2 Exp. Shinglers & Labourers TOP PAY FOR TOP PEOPLE! Must have valid drivers' license and own transportation Salary negotiable upon exp. 1-888-677-7757 call and/or email resume to roofproplus@yahoo.ca General Help Technical/Skilled Trades General Help Technical/Skilled Trades Technical/Skilled Trades DENT REMOVAL Techs Wanted. Full-time posi- tions, great pay plan, vehicle provided, train- i n g p ro v i d e d , c a l l 877-510-DENT or info@frontlineauto services.com FULL-TIME WAREHOUSE Person required. Must have fork lift license. Minimum 2 yrs experience. Fast paced environment, physically de- manding. Email resume to don@ecscoffee.com General Help INDUSTRIAL ELECTRI- CIAN required for Automo- tive CNC machining facility in Ancaster. Need 442A, PLC and CNC experience. Wi l l ing to work rotat ing sh i f ts and over t ime as needed. Electrical and Me- chanical troubleshooting. Send resume to: jgr ibben@gates.com or Fax: 905-304-7159 P R O D U C T I O N A N D Shipping- Elton Manufactur- ing, a Milton based manu- f a c t u r i n g c o m p a n y i s looking to fill positions in shipping and production. Experience in a manufac- turing environment is an as- se t . Ema i l resume to : Katherine@eltonmanufac- turing.com SS/CS WELDER Fitter re- quired. Must have recent experience working in pres- sure vessel shop. Must have recent TSSA welding t ickets in MIG, TIG and S t i c k . F a x re s u m e t o 905-637-3031 Administration OFF ICE ASS ISTANT/ S H I P P E R - P o s i t i o n available for a small aes- thetic/medical device distri- b u t i o n c o m p a n y i n downtown Oakville. Min 2 yrs office experience and Microsoft Offi ce knowledge is an asset. 35-40 hrs/wk M-F. No calls please. Send resume to: scmproducts@cogeco.net General Help Office/ Administration B O O K K E E P E R / RECEPTIONIST- P/T/ F/T pos i t ion . 5 years p lus e x p e r i e n c e i n m a n u a l bookkeeping. Self-starter with organizational skills & ab i l i t y to mu l t i - t ask other duties. A pleasant personality essential for telephone contact with c l i e n t s . A p p l i c a n t t o p r o v i d e r e s u m e a t i n t e r v i e w . C a l l E r i c 905-639-7876. LANGFORD IDA Pharma- cy, 255 Dundas St. East, Waterdown, requires Offi ce Manager/ Bookkeeper. Ex- perience an asset. Fax re- sume to: V icki Rodgers 905-689-0378 or Email: langfordaccounting@ dt.pharmassist.ca TWO MEN & A TRUCK "Movers Who Care" FT Customer Service Representative Required for Burlington moving company. Mon to Fri, occasional Saturdays. Must have High School Diploma. Two years experience. Good communication & computer skills. Email: elaine.costello@twomen.ca or Fax 905-681-8306 Please include salary expectations with resume Office/ Administration LEGAL SECRETARY re- quired with at least three years experience in real es- tate law required for busy Burlington law offi ce. Must be profi cient with Teraview, Conveyancer and Microsoft Office applications. To ap- ply visit: http://sn.im/legalsec M A R K E T R E S E A R C H Associate- Organized and meticulous individual with excellent keyboard skills (min.50wpm) to categorize a n d e n t e r d a t a i n a customized database and proofread. 3-month training per iod. Monday - Fr iday 8:00am- 4:30pm. Small Oakville office beside GO. E - m a i l r e s u m e t o : esingh@markettrack.com epablo@markettrack.com Sales Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE RETA IL Parts Salesperson, must k n o w c a r p a r t s , 6 days/week, fast-paced en- vironment. Non-smoking pe rson p re fe r red . Fax 905-643-8256. FULL/ PART-TIME Sales Associates required. Fast paced environment. Coffee and tea expertise an asset. Retail experience essential. Please email resumes to: don@ecscoffee.com GET THE training you need to build a successful fi nan- cial planning practice with one o f Canada 's most respected firms. Investors Group Financial Services Inc. of fers compet i t i ve compensat ion, benef i ts a n d f u l l t r a i n i n g t o select candidates. Send r e s u m e b y e m a i l : erin.gullis@ investorsgroup.com Health Care/ Medical DOCTOR SECRETARY & Nurse for new Oakv i l le medica l centre, exper i - e n c e d , f a x r e s u m e : 416 -264 -3243 phone : 647-299-6650 OAKVILLE- PHYSICIAN'S multi-practice, requires ac- tive people person to es- co r t pa t i en ts to exam rooms. Responsible for pa- tient preparation, instru- ments etc . Thursdays/ Fridays. Flexible to cover job-share partner and fi ling dept. for vacat ion. Wi l l train. Fax cover letter/ re- sume: 905-845-8133 after 5:30pm. O P T O M E T RY C L I N I C (Abbey Eye Care-Oakville) Friendly progressive team looking for a quick thinking, enthusiastic, reliable per- son to join us part-time. Hours are Wednesdays 10-6, Thursdays 12-8 and Saturdays 9-4. Experience w i t h c o n t a c t l e n s e s an asset. $10.25-$14.00 depending on experience. info@abbeyeyecare.ca REGISTERED PHYSIO Therapist required part- time. Also Massage Thera- pist required. Busy physio therapist owned clinic in Burlington. Great location and patient load, flexible hours, mult i -d iscipl inary clinic with excellent work- ing environment. Excellent remuneration for motivated therap is t . Ca l l Rober t : 905-334-8040. Restaurants/ Hospitality TIN CUP Sports Grill now hir ing Experienced Line Cooks & Dishwashers for Oakvi l le locat ion. Apply within or email Chef Paola: paola@tincupsportsgrill.ca Swiss Chalet and Harveys are more than just another restaurant. Both are strong Canadian brands that have long and successful historys. We are looking for people who want to make a difference in an environment that provides growth and success and looking for more than just another job. If you enjoy working with people, love a fast pace environment, & having fun, you belong at Swiss Chalet/ Harveys. We are currently interviewing for: ALL POSITIONS FULL OR PART-TIME DAYS/EVENINGS Please come by and complete an application at the restaurant, 1950 Appleby Line, Burlington or email: swiss1963@cara.com located in Burlington, is searching for a: Staff Associate to lead Christian Education 28 hours per week. The objective of this position is to provide education and resource support for programming at the church. This staff member must have strong; collaborative, leadership and communication skil ls. Lay people are invited to apply. A job description is on our website at www.applebychurch.ca. Submit applications until Aug 22, 2011 to: offi ce@applebychurch.ca Office/ Administration DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE Eatery presently interview- ing Serving/ Counter Staff, Cooks/ Kitchen. No eve- ning or Sunday shifts. Full and par t t ime posit ions available. 905-845-2202 bitemetwice@mail.com Resumes can a l so be dropped of f at Bi te Me Twice, 107 Dunn Street, Oakville. HELP WANTED- Cook for Thai Cuisine. Minimum 2 years experience as a cook for Thai food. $15/hr. Fax resume to: 905-631-1916. JAKE'S GRILL & Oyster House. Join the crew! Full- time Cooks, full-time expe- rienced servers! Days & evenings. Competitive wag- es, gratuities, uniforms& +meals! Bring resume 950 Wa l k e r s L i n e , b e s i d e Q u a l i t y H o t e l . 905-639-4084 Teaching Opportunities MONTESSORI TEACHER. Casa Teacher wanted for wonderful Oakville Pre-school. centurion@cogeco.ca www.centurychildcare. com TUTORS NEEDED f o r busy tutoring company. Visit beyondtheclassroom.ca to apply. Available A METICULOUS Cleaning. A career (20+ years) of ex- perience with fastidious clientele. Custom service- weekly/ biweekly. Execu- tive references, reasonable r a t e s . L o u h a , 905-634-4871. ADDED TOUCH Domestic Services. Weekly, bi-weekly Oakville house cleaning. Ex- cellent references. Please call Angela 905-334-9866. MAN WITH BOBCAT & EXCAVATOR *Digging patios Walkways*Grading *Exposing foundations *Post holes *Concrete/dirt removal Other services available 905-334-4028 Domestic Help Available CLEANING HOME or Of- fice. Oakville, Burlington, F lamborough, Re l iab le . 17yrs experience. Guaran- teed. Reasonable Rates. 905-690-7778 HOUSE CLEANING, 6 days per week, bonded and insured, 10 yrs. experi- ence. References available. More i n f o ca l l Joanna 647-899-0981 Restaurants/ Hospitality Restaurants/ Hospitality Domestic Help Available SPOTLESS CLEANING. I don ' t cu t co rne rs , I clean them. Residential & Commercial. Call Karlene 289-828-3807 TRUSTWORTHY EURO- PEAN Lady wil l clean your house. First clean- i n g h a l f p r i c e ! 905-745-9478 General Contracting, Excavating GENERAL CONTRACTING- Fences, decks, home reno- vat ions. 905-844-6118, 905-510-4045. Teaching Opportunities General Contracting, Excavating Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies WANTED: LANDSCAP- ER, 5-6 hrs/wk for Burling- ton private home. Flexible hours. Suit Student. Call Ted 905-631-0748 Decks Fences Renovations Licensed & Insured References Available Senior's Discount Call Mike at 905-616-5669 www.timbersmith construction.com LEAKY BASEMENT ? BRONCO FOUNDATION REPAIRS LTD Exterior Membranes Tile Replacement Free written estimate Guarantee,Since 1987 905-572-0843 Mike's Drywall & Renovations Licensed & Insured Certifi ed Tradesman Complete Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation, Paint, Trim, Doors 30 Years Experience Free Estimate 905-515-5505 Moving & Storage WHEN DECIDING on a moving company, you may decide to see if the compa- ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi- ness Bureau and/or the Ca- nad i an Assoc i a t i o n o f Movers may also provide more in format ion on a company. Storage Space for Rent BURLINGTON GARAGE for rent, 8'x24', secure, 24 hour access, Brant Street N o r t h , $ 1 3 0 / m o . 905-336-7207 Domestic Help Wanted HOME HELPER- Oakville looking for an individual to come in to our home 4 days/ week (Monday to Thursday) to cook 'k id friendly/ healthy' dinners and assist with some basic housecleaning duties such as vacuuming, dust ing, cleaning bathrooms. Rate negotiable. 905-827-0611 Legal Services C R I M I N A L R E C O R D ? Guaranteed record removal since 1989. Confidential, fast, affordable. Our A+ BBB rating assures employ- ment/travel freedom. Call for your free information booklet. 1-8-now-pardon. (1-866-972-7366) Remove YourRecord.com Waste Removal 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. Cheap. Fast Service. All loading/ cleanup. Free Esti- m a t e s . J o h n , 905-310-5865 (local) Home Renovations SPECIALIZING IN drywall & t ap i ng . Ba t h rooms/ basement renovat ions , floor installation/ refinish- ing. Gary 416-566-0492 or 905-878-0410. Phone Entertainment T R U E A D V I C E ! Tr u e c l a r i t y ! True Psych ics ! 1 -877 -478 -4410 (18+ ) 3.19/min 1-900-528-6256 truepsychics.ca Customer Service/ Reception Int'l firm is looking for a person with excellent communi- cation skills. Must be computer literate and speak fluent English. Top pay, full benefits and excellent opportunity for Advancement. Fax resume (905)336-0272 CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com S a y Y o u S a w th e a d in th e O a k v il le B e a v e r . C la s s if ie d s G e t R e s u lt s !

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