Following Locations Only: DESIGNER AREA RUGS Calvin Klein Wholesale/Retail of Persian Rugs SUPERSTORE 75 % DISCOUNTED AREA RUGS, CARPET, ROLL ENDS, LAMINATES & VINYL UP TO OFF THIS WEEKS SUPER DEAL! LUXURIOUS BERBERS 3 STYLES - 36 COLOURS MEMORY FOAM - NO CHARGE INSTALLATION - NO CHARGE ! W O W INCLUDES EXPERT INSTALLATION! $ 7 95 $ 2 79 SQ. FT. SQ. FT. HARDWOOD UP TO ...ALL IN-STOCK AREA RUGS 1/2PRICEOR LESS! Floorcovering/Carpet Rugs (Area-Persian Imported) OAKVILLE 905-849-4472 OAKVILLE 905-546-1921 125 Cross Ave. TRAFALGAR VILLAGE 228 KING ST. E. Advertorial AskeyAnimal Hospital 24 Hour Emergency Care 3525 Fairview Street, Burlington 905-634-9088 Orchard Animal Hospital 2020Appleby Line, Burlington 905-634-4526 Speers RoadAnimal Hospital 1026 Speers Road, Oakville 905-844-6786 myvet mypet Dr. Gesa Kohn-Gould Veterinarian & Owner Seeing is Believing Seeing is believing in your pets food.Yourveterinary team is a good source of pet health information, including nutrition. Nutrition is an important part of a veterinary practice as it impacts the health and well-being of your pets. Cats and dogs have different nutritional needs as they develop and age. Your kittens and puppies require special nutrition for growth, kittens and puppies transition to an adult food. At age seven, your pet becomes a senior, and again food requirements change. Dr. Gesa Kohn-Gould has been practicing in Burlington for almost 25 years and has seen wonderful progress within the pet food industry. An extensive number of diets are available quality and longevity of your pets life. Food suppliers have invested a great deal of time and effort to develop pet foods that address kidney disease, arthritis, weight management, and every day dental issues. These are only a few of the products available within the extensive line of foods dealing with your pets health. Understanding your pets food is a start to good nutrition. Talk to your vet today. me & my pet Join our Group and upload your pet photo today w w w .i n si d eH A LT O N .c o m O A K V IL LE B EA V ER Th ur sd ay , S ep te m be r 8, 2 01 1 1 0 investments in education and innovation. We will continue to build the knowledge economy that provides good jobs. We will implement North Americas first, full-day kindergarten program by 2014, followed by province-wide after- school programs for children six to 12. We will increase post-secondary attain- ment by adding 60,000 new spaces and providing a tuition grant of 30 per cent for middle class families. We will also lower the small business tax rate to four per cent. We will make life easier for families by doubling the Childrens Activity tax credit to $100. The Clean Energy Benefit is cutting electricity bills by 10 per cent. We will provide a seniors healthy home renovation tax credit to help seniors stay at home a move that experts believe will save us money. And we will work with municipalities to give seniors the option to defer property tax increases for as long as they choose to stay in their homes. Under the current government, taxes have risen and spending has been out of control. Interest payments alone on the pro- vincial debt are $11 billion/year equal to five new Oakville hospitals paid in full every year for the next 30+ years. Its time to bring some sanity to our finances, with a plan that is both realistic and compassionate. That plan is the PC's changebook ( Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak is a man of integrity. I believe in his leadership vision and would be honoured to work on his team on behalf of Oakville. A Tim Hudak PC government will set priorities that will have a positive impact; we will reduce waste and fraud; and we will earn your trust. Thats why Im running to be Oakvilles next MPP. Healthcare is about ending poverty and homelessness. When you cannot afford to buy nutritious food or put a roof over your head you are going to get sick. It costs far less than $1,200 per day to house a person and lift them out of pov- erty. Healthcare is about the frontline workers, RNs, RPNs, PSWs, RNPs, EMTs, doctors, technicians and support staff. More than 2,000 nursing jobs have been eliminated across the province in the past 12 months. What the LHINs have spent on high priced consultants, alone, could have saved a third of those vital jobs. Healthcare is really about our econo- my. The good jobs provided in the health- care system benefit us all and we need more of them, because when they do their jobs we can do our jobs, and that benefits us, our families and our com- munity. Kevin Flynn Larry Scott Lesley Sprague Continued from page 8 Continued from page 8 Continued from page 8 Speak up! You can comment on any story in today's Oakville Beaver at Tuesday, Sept. 13 The Oakville Chamber of Commerce is hosting a pair of pro- vincial all-candidates meetings on Tuesday, Sept. 13. The evening event will include both the Halton and the Oakville candidates. The Halton debate will run from 6 to 7:20 p.m. The Oakville meeting will run from 7:40 - 9 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14 The Halton Environmental Network along with BurlingtonGreen, Oakvillegreen and Miltongreen, are hosting a Halton all-candidates meeting at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre 1280 Dundas St. W. From 6:30-7:30 p.m., there will be an informal meet and greet where citizens can talk directly to the can- didates at their tables. At 7:30 p.m., a facilitated ques- tion and answer will begin. Written questions from the floor will be solicited with the facilitator asking the questions. Topics from the economy to health care to the environment are expected to be discussed. Tuesday, Sept. 20 The Oakville YMCA, 410 Rebecca St., in partnership with the Halton Poverty Round Table, is hosting an all-candidates meeting for the Oakville Riding. Meeting is 7:30-9:30 p.m. in Multi-purpose Room 5 (Kinesis Room).
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