Advertorial AskeyAnimal Hospital 24 Hour Emergency Care 3525 Fairview Street, Burlington 905-634-9088 Orchard Animal Hospital 2020Appleby Line, Burlington 905-634-4526 Speers RoadAnimal Hospital 1026 Speers Road, Oakville 905-844-6786 myvet mypet Dr. Gesa Kohn-Gould Veterinarian & Owner me & my pet Join our Group and upload your pet photo today Spay And Neuter Your Pets The most commonly recognized benefit tospaying and neutering your pet is in reducing the burden of unwanted dogs and cats that overwhelm the resources of animal shelters all over the world. Spaying is a surgical procedure that removes the female internal reproductive organs and their associated hormones. Neutering surgically removes male external reproductive organs and hormones as well. In addition to the obvious role in controlling the pet population, there are other medical benefits to having these procedures performed. Female dogs are particularly prone to developing infections of the uterus. Uterine infections are commonly named the ?silent killer? since the dog may suddenly become extremely ill with no warning symptoms. Mammary tumors are also commonly found in unspayed dogs. Female cats are susceptible to these same diseases. Male dogs that are not neutered are susceptible to disease of the prostate as well as tumors in the anal area in their senior years. Male cats that are not neutered are commonly seen in emergency visits after traumatic fight wounds. Spaying and neutering also controls behavioural aspects associated with mating. Many animals are harmed after escaping the safety of home in their attempts to roam and search for a mate. This unfortunately leads to many accidents and missing pets. Your Veterinarian would be happy to discuss all aspects of spaying and neutering and the benefits to both you and your pet. w w w .i n si d eH A LT O N .c o m O A K V IL LE B EA V ER Th ur sd ay , S ep te m be r 22 , 2 01 1 2 2 Now accepting registrations! 2489 Lakeshore RoadWest, Oakville Bronte Harbour Nursery School CALL OR EMAIL TODAY! Classes are filling quickly 905-465-3508 Toddlers: 18 months - 2 years Preschoolers: 2 - 5 years 2, 3 or 5 mornings per week Bronte Harbour Nursery Schoolwhere every single child is valued, supported, encouraged and treasured. Kids Stuff with Previous Experience THANK YOU OAKVILLE FOR CHOOSING US THE BEST CONSIGNMENT & NEW CHILDRENS FURNITURE STORE AS WELL AS ONE OF YOUR FAVOURITE CHILDRENS CLOTHING STORES GET READY FOR FALL & SAVE Name Brand Clothing, Toys & Equipment NEW ITEMS AVAILABLE Balance Day Lunch Kit And Accessories New Nursery Furniture CONVERTIBLE CRIB AND DRESSER PKGS. Starting at $549.99! PLUS FREE MATTRESS! KVILLE 2423 Trafalgar Road, South of Dundas in the Winners Plaza 905-257-5775 Bricks 4 Kidz After School Classes NOW available in October at Iroquois Ridge Community Centre, Oakville. Register Now at Contact Rona Amaral 416-473-2043 Connect the DOTS L E A R N F R E N C H