Employment Halton to all Halton residents. Looking for work? Training? We can help... Drop by or call us Bronte Village Mall, 2441 Lakeshore Road West, Unit 16, Oakville or call us by dialing 311 or 905-825-6000 For more information call Employment Halton at: Halton Region Dial 311 or 905-825-6000 Toll free: 1-866-4HALTON TTY: 905-827-9833 Visit: www.halton.ca/employmenthalton or www.HaltonJobs.ca The Canadian Champion, a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., has an immediate opening for a: Part Time District Service Representative The qualified candidate will posses excellent written and verbal communication skills and will have working knowledge of Microsoft office. You will be customer focused in ensuring that our customers' distribution needs are met. In this role, you will work closely with the carri- er force by ensuring all newspapers and distri- bution products are delivered in a t imely manner which could include door to door deliv- ery. You will be organized and capable of working within a fast paced, team oriented en- vironment. A reliable vehicle and valid insu- rance coverage is required. If you are interested in working for a leader in the media industry this opportunity may be the right one for you. If interested please forward your resume, no later than September 30th, 2011 to; kmossman@metroland.com or fax: (905) 632-7768 We appreciate the interest of all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. Volvo of Oakville and Hamilton Volvo are expanding! Immediate starting positions available for: Parts Advisor Service Advisor Sales Consultant Please send you resume to: volvoofoakville@gmail.com volvohamilton@gmail.com MAINTENANCE POSITION Available at apt. complex in Burlington. Some work required in Toronto. Should be knowledgeable in painting, minor plumbing and miscellaneous maintenance and repairs. Must be fl uent in English. FAX resume to: 416-364-6087 www.Trimac.com www.nationaltankservices.com P t C hi ie er s orner, now r ng Mechanics Licensed Tractor/Trailer Heavy Duty Welding experience preferred. Please contact: Chad Boehmer, Phone: 866-487-4622 Fax: 905-315-1143 Email: canrecruiting@trimac.com Multi-branch electrical contractor seeking: Licensed Electricians & 4-5th Term Electrical Apprentices at their Oakville location. Electricians must hold 309A Electrical License. Must have CDN Industrial experience. Please contact: jobs@newelectric.ca Directional Drilling Operator FT, for a unionized company with experience. (A) License is req. Working in Peel & Halton Regions. E.C. Power & Lighting Ltd. PH 905-815-9464 Travel company needs an ADMINISTRATOR/PROCESSOR for our Burlington offi ce. We specialize in travel to London and the British Isles. Must have ex- cellent and speedy computer skills - word, ex- cel, internet - along with general offi ce skills. Travel industry training or experience useful but not essential - we can teach you. Perma- nent, part-time, approx. 24 hrs/wk. Could grow. Resumes please to dhtour@interlynx.net or DHTour, 2289 Fairview Street, Suite 313, Burlington, L7R 2E3. Fax 905-639-9120 REGISTERED ECES Come Play & Learn with Us! Childcare Centres in Milton & Burlington are seeking Registered ECEs. Advancement Opportunities, Paid Professional Development & Competitive Benefi ts Apply at: www.peekabookid.com or Fax: 905-814-0068 Busy law fi rm looking for an experienced Commercial Litigation Assistant with 2-5 years experience. Must have k n o w l e d g e o f t h e R u l e s o f C i v i l P r o c e d u r e ; p o s s e s s s t r o n g i n t e r - p e r s o n a l s k i l l s ; b e a t e a m p l a y e r ; attention to detail and be able to work in a fast paced environment. Position is for both our Burlington and Toronto Offi ces. To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to Susan Case at scase@cambridgellp.com or by fax to 289-293-0318. MAN WITH BOBCAT Digging patios, post holes, walkways, driveways, foundations, grading, concrete/dirt removal, gravel and delivery. Other Services Avail. 905-334-4028 Fall Clean-Ups Eavestrough Cleaning Tree Pruning and Removal More services at www.aaronsfi nest landscaping.com Call 905-320-8680 P3 Electrical Solutions Inc. Residential/ Commercial Service/ New Construction Free Estimates 905-971-6647 ECRA/ESA #7008557 GRANGE ROOFING Roof Tune-Up Repairs Reroofi ng Professional Installation 35 Years in the Business 416-936-0092 Mike's Drywall & Renovations Licensed & Insured Certifi ed Tradesman Complete Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation, Paint, Trim, Doors 30 Years Experience Free Estimate 905-515-5505 General Help Superintendent - Asst. Couple, Full-time, live-in for h igh - r ise in Bur l ington. Cleaning, minor mainte- nance, rental experience and good communication sk i l ls . Salary, benef i ts, apartment. Couples only n e e d a p p l y . F a x : 905-275-1841 General Help WORK OPPORTUNITIES Enjoy children? In Florida, N e w Yo r k , C a l i f o r n i a , Boston, All USA. Salary, airfare, medical provided, plus more. Available Spain, Holland. Summer Camps. Te a c h i n g i n K o r e a . Different benefits apply. Interviews in your area. Call: 1-902-422-1455 or Email: scotiap@ns.sympat ico.ca General Help Technical/Skilled Trades General Help Technical/Skilled Trades General Help Salon & Spa GEL NAIL Tec needed. We are look ing for exper i - enced, motivated aestheti- cians, ready to work in a fun new spa. 2460 Neya- gawa Blvd. Oakville. Please call Mary: 289-242-1488 Technical/Skilled Trades Technical/Skilled Trades AZ OWNER Operator- At- tention AZ Drivers DCT, a progressive flatbed carrier is now hiring a professional AZ owner operator to work out of a Milton location. Join our team today by c o n t a c t i n g K e v i n 519 -752 -7810 o r f a x : 519 752 0095 Kevin@DCTCorp.net MECHANICAL INSPECTOR- Seeking a detail oriented person capable of reading and understanding complex mechan ica l b luepr in ts . Experience in the use of precision measuring tools and well versed in tech- n iques used to inspect m a c h i n e p a r t s , b o t h visually and dimensionally. Emai l : br ian.shangrow@ cal-matrix.com P R O D U C T I O N P O S I - TIONS: Mancor is hiring: general labourers, machine operators, welders, QA in- spectors, industrial paint- ers, maintenance workers. Must be able to work all shifts - days, afternoons, midnights. Please fax r- mto: (905)844-9856 REACH TRUCK Operator- Part time Reach Truck Op- erator wanted for Oakville warehouse. Evening shifts (Mon-Fri) with possibility of weekends. Please send your resume to: dbuck@ac- curistix.com Office/ Administration ACCOUNTING TECHNI- CIANS with public account- i n g a n d p e r s o n a l t a x experience required for Burlington firm. Email re- sume to Eric@ericseidel.ca Teaching Opportunities Technical/Skilled Trades Office/ Administration ADMINISTRATIVE PART- TIME- We are a division of a Canadian Building Materi- als distributor, located in Oakville. We are looking for a detail-oriented, meticu- lous and energetic individu- a l to fu l f i l l the ro le o f administrative assistant . Please send Resume to: TISOakville@gmail.com CALL CENTRE Skip Tracers F/T, Perm. Must have good phone manner & investigative skills. QEW & Erin Mills hr@contact resource.com F:905-855-0603 Ref#107 PART-TIME MEDICAL Ad- ministrat ive posit ion on c o n t r a c t b a s i s , 1 - 3 months, in Burlington cardi- ologist's offi ce. Medical of- fice experience requested. Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day 9am to 1pm. Recep- tion, booking appointments and fi ling. Email resume to: drwsimmons@bellnet.ca P/T CSR requ i red fo r process ing orders and gen. office duties in Oak- ville offi ce, starting with 1-2 days/week. Send resume to: dh@tbsproducts.com Teaching Opportunities Sales Opportunities GET THE training you need to build a successful fi nan- cial planning practice with one o f Canada 's most respected firms. Investors Group Financial Services Inc. of fers compet i t i ve compensat ion, benef i ts a n d f u l l t r a i n i n g t o select candidates. Send r e s u m e b y e m a i l : erin.gullis@ investorsgroup.com Teaching Opportunities HELPING HANDS Chi ld Care Centre, seeking expe- rienced RECE for our Tod- d l e r r o o m . E x c e l l e n t environment, Competitive wage +benefi ts. Burlington email: Jamey@helpinghandsccc.com Domestic Help Available A PORTUGUESE Cleaning Lady looking for houses and apartments to clean. 12 y ea r s e xpe r i e nce , references available upon r e q u e s t . P l e a s e c a l l 416-318-3416. CJ 'S HOME & O f f i c e Cleaning. Experienced. De- pendable. Reasonable. Ref- erences. Free Estimate! 905-570-2008 CLEANING HOME or Of- fice. Oakville, Burlington, F lamborough, Re l iab le . 17yrs experience. Guaran- teed. Reasonable Rates. 905-690-7778 CRYSTAL CLEAN- Excel- lent cleaning lady, experi- enced, high quality service, reasonable rates. Maggie 289-981-8584 C&S KLEENING- Office cleaning with pride. Years of Experience, excellent rates, Burlington/ Oakville area. 416-873-9223 skelly40@hotmail.com EUROPEAN CLEANING lady available for houses and offices, experienced. References. Call Ursula, 905-510-9313. EUROPEAN PROFES - S IONAL c l ean i ng l ady available Monday - Friday. New vacuum. Reasonable rates. Call 905-601-5656. EXPERIENCED CLEAN- ING Lady. Organized, de- tail oriented. Good rates, references, free estimates. Call Sofia: 905-278-0915 or 416-857-8544. HOUSE CLEANING, 6 days per week, 10 yrs. ex- perience. More info call Joanna 647-899-0981 HOUSE/ OFFICE Clean- ing. Mention ad for 10% d i scoun t . Sen io rs d i s - c o u n t s . K a r e n 647-746-0213 M A I D B R I G A D E : Residential housecleaning, o n e - t i m e , b i - w e e k l y , weekly, or monthly service. Move-in/ Move-out/ Reno- vation cleans. Free phone estimate. $20. discount w i t h ad f o r f i r s t t ime customers. 905-335-1910 PEACHY CLEAN, custom home cleaning, call for free es t ima te , re l i ab l e , a f - fordable 289-635-3042 POLISH CLEANING Lady w i l l c l e an you r house or apartment. References a n d e x p e r i e n c e . C a l l 905-388-7140. SPOTLESS CLEANING. I don ' t cu t co rne rs , I clean them. Residential & Commercial. Call Karlene 289-828-3807 Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies DID YOU know applying lawn fertilizer correctly in the fall can help your lawn and our planet? Visit www.GreenerWorld.ca for some quick and easy tips. CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com Moving & Storage WHEN DECIDING on a moving company, you may decide to see if the compa- ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi- ness Bureau and/or the Ca- nad i an Assoc i a t i o n o f Movers may also provide more in format ion on a company. General Contracting, Excavating Landscaping, Lawn Care, Supplies Storage Space for Rent WACO MINI Storage. In- door self storage units available. Heritage Road, B u r l i n g t o n . C a l l 905-335-3355 Painting & Decorating AFFORDABLE PAINTING- Interior, exterior, guaran- teed workmanship, refer- ences, f ree est imates, seniors discounts. Call Don 647-855-4486. Domestic Help Wanted 10-25 HOURS per week. Housekeeping, laundry, meal prep, grocery shop- ping, own vehicle a must. Care for and drive children to school. Appleby/ Upper Middle. Suits mature, re- l i a b l e f e m a l e . 905-332-0893 Legal Services #1 IN pardons. Remove your criminal record! Get s ta r ted today fo r on ly $49.95/month. L imited time offer. Fastest, guaran- teed pardon in Canada. F r e e c o n s u l t a t i o n . 1-866-416- 6772 www.ExpressPardons.com C R I M I N A L R E C O R D ? Guaranteed record removal since 1989. Confidential, fast, affordable. Our A+ BBB rating assures employ- ment/travel freedom. Call for your free information booklet. 1-8-now-pardon. (1-866-972-7366) Remove YourRecord.com Electrical Handy Person HANDYMAN MATTERS Bonded Insured, Base - ments, Bathrooms, Reno- v a t i o n s , K i t c h e n , Carpentry, Remodels, Tile, Painting, all handyman work . 905 -332 -6446, 905-825-5110 Roofing Home Renovations PREMIUM CONSTRUC- TION- Home Improvements and Renovations. 25 years exper ience. Br ing your remode l i ng d reams to reality! 905-741-5102 SPECIALIZING IN drywall & t ap i ng . Ba t h rooms/ basement renovat ions , floor installation/ refinish- ing. Gary 416-566-0492 or 905-878-0410. Directory Weekly La wn Care Spring Cl ean up- Garden In ts al. M ia tn . I tn ler koc ing Pa tios D ir veways W, lka ways R te ia ning Wa lls 905-335-8409 haltonlandscaping.com p y& Pro ert Maintenance Phone Entertainment T R U E A D V I C E ! Tr u e c l a r i t y ! True Psych ics ! 1 -877 -478 -4410 (18+ ) 3.19/min 1-900-528-6256 truepsychics.ca Coming Events UNIVERSITY OF Toronto School of Continuing Stud- ies presents a 10-lecture series in Oakville. Leading experts address an eclec- t i c r a n g e o f t o p i c s . Wednesdays at noon, Sep- tember 28 to December 14 for $162. Registration: www.learn.utoronto.ca or by phone: 416-978-2400. Course code: 1665-035. yourclassifi eds.ca Get Results CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET! w w w .in si d eh al to n .c o m O A K V IL LE B EA V ER T hu rs da y Se pt em be r 22 , 2 01 1 30 OAKVIL LE Beav er