www.insideHALTON.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, November 4, 2011 · 28 With the Symphony Juno Beach Centre Remembrance Day Service & Parade Sunday, Nov. 6 th at Bronte Legion Branch #486 The T he B Bronte ronte L Legion egion i is sh hosting osting aR Remembrance emembrance D Day ay S Service ervice that b that begins egins a at t1 10:30am 0:30am at t at their heir B Bronte ronte B Branch ranch o on n 79 J 79 Jones ones S Street. treet. Vet teran ns wi ill leave from the Bront te Leg gion, Jones Street at 10:30 a.m. . and d ma arch along Lakeshore west to o the e Ceno otaph. At 11 a.m., a ceremony y wil ll be e held at the Cenotaph. Veterans s will march back to Jones Street t following the ceremony. For further information, call the Bronte Legio on at 905-8 827-4 4722 2. SUBMITTED PHOTO IN CONCERT: T Grade 11 T.A. Blakelock High School student Ji Soo Choi performed in a series of concerts the last week in October with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra at Roy Thomson Hall. The violinist got the opportunity after winning the orchestra's youth orchestra concerto competition, which is open to members of the Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra. The young musician has competed in the Canadian Music Competition over the past few years, and won an award for her age group. She began playing the violin at the age of three and currently takes lessons at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Better towards healthier Bett Be tter e fe er feet et t to towa war wa rds d a he heal alth al t ie th ier r foundation for your foun fo unda d tion n fo f r yo y ur body d dy 26 bones, bones, 33 33 joints, joints, 100 MUSCLES 100 MUSCLES and and A MILLION MILLION STORIES STORIES RESTYLE · REVAMP · RENEW Voted Best Orthotics by Oakville Beaver Readers High arches. Low arches. Flat. Wide. Narrow. w Toes that cross over. Toes that don't. Big feet. Small feet. Crooked feet. Feet that have walked thousands of miles. Feet that can bar barely take a ther step. For every foot, there's a solution. ano It's time to restyle your old fur coat Go ahead, make your night Say "goodnight" with a one-touch button to turn off 25 lights. 905-844-7600 85 Navy Street, Oakville Appointments recommended To view our fur restyling catalog visit our website at www.barr w ingtons.ca and click on "restyling" Call a today to arrange an appointment FINE OUTERWEAR SINCE 1815 F nd Fi d out more about your feet! Foot Fo o So ot Solut lu ions Oakville is offering ff a free foot and Gait Ga it ana an lysis unt ntil il De Decem cember ber 15, 5, 201 2011. 1. C l to boo Cal book k an app ppoin ointme tment nt tod today ay. y. F Solut Foot Solu ol tions on has ha help helped ed hund n re reds ds of cust custo omers achi ach c ev ve a desi esire red d leve el of o comf comfo ort. rt Let us s help elp you! (9 905 05) ) 33 39 9-Foo ot (3 366 6 8) www w ww ww w w.fo .foots foots fo o solu ot ollu uti tiio tio ons. ns.com ns.c ns co om m/oa /oakvi /o kviille lllle 2 3 La 21 ake esho hore re Ro oad d Ea East s D wn Do ntow wn Oa Oakv kviille e Op pe en n: Tu ues sda ay y-S Su und nday ay ay Clos Cl Clos ose osed ed d d: : Mo Mond nda day ay 209 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville, a Ontario www.canadiansound.com (905)845-2031 · 1-800-852-0134 www.barringtons.ca w Monday-Friday 9-6 · Saturday 9-5 · Sunday 12-5