www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, December 5, 2013 | 14 O N T H E R U N new features! Flyers, coupons deals and money saving tips all in one place! The inaugural Jingle Bell Run/Walk fundraiser in support of the Arthritis Society of Halton-Peel Region was held at Sheridan College, on a soggy Sunday morning, Dec. 1. A few dozen runners took to a 2.5 or 5k course. After a warm-up with some Zumba, they were off. | photo by Graham Paine Oakville Beaver (Follow on Twitter @halton_photog) THE GRAYDON ADVANTAGE EXCELLENCE IN 21ST CENTURY LEARNING INTERNATIONAL, BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY IBT engages students in creative, collaborative and challenging learning environments and prepares them with the academic foundation and extra-curricular activities needed for the successful pursuit of post-secondary pathways. We provide leadership opportunities leading to careers in law, medicine, science, business, journalism, politics, art, engineering and more. GRAPHIC DESIGN MANAGEMENT GDM prepares students with the academic foundation to be successful in competitive post-secondary pathways. GDM leads to a rapidly growing high tech packaging and print production field. This high school program is the only one in Canada. We provide leadership opportunities leading to careers in management, engineering, design, communications, science, business and more. CONSIDER GORDON GRAYDON FOR YOUR HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE. View your favourite flyer items in detail, then add them to our new VKRSSLQJOLVWIHDWXUHand print! Find, browse, share and favourite WKHEHVWÁ\HUVZLWKRXUQHZÁ\HU YLHZLQJH[SHULHQFH New contests, money savings tips, top grocery deals and more in our QHZVDYLQJVFRPPXQLW Our students strive for excellence, which is evident in our provincial EQAO scores: 98% Literacy, 96% Numeracy. Grade 8 students from Peel and surrounding regions are eligible to apply. Visit gordongraydon.com for details. Application deadline: DECEMBER 8TH, 2013 facebook.com/savedotca @saveca GORDON GRAYDON MEMORIAL SECONDARY SCHOOL 1490 OGDEN AVENUE, MISSISSAUGA, ON 905-274-2391